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Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


Still here, haven't gone missing.....yet
I decided to take the power cable out of the superhub and put it back in to force a restart yesterday evening, Did a speed test and instead of 2 mb/s it was back to 100+ mb/s and this morning it's at the correct speed. Whether that's just a coincidence with the engineer clocking off for the night or if my restart sorted it out remains to be seen. Officially there's still problems locally.


Very cloudy here. Although no rain forecast I could get some drizzle.


I hope everyone has a good day

Phew! That’s good 

*stands down search party* 


I was told by someone to unplug the the Superhub too when my broadband speed went very slow too. Leave it unplugged for 15 minutes then plug it back in and let it reboot. It worked for me too 

Good morning, Moonie 

A good morning to you too Yogi 

~Sweet Summer Holidays~ posted:

Good morning  

oh Squiggle I feel like I’m time travelling, I tell you! Has someone hit the FF button on my life?!  

next week should be much calmer, and my mum is going to stay with friends for the week too. Hopefully i’ll get some downtime  


El, how spooky of you posting that UN symbol as the announcement of Kofi’s passing came out 🙏🏻 


Yogi i hope you feel better I’m glad it was a short thing. 


I’m heading out walking, have a lovely day everyone  

I hope you enjoy your walk Sweet  


Good morning Buddies  

Cool and overcast here but dry, for now 

I hope your weather is a little more sunnier than mine is 

I have a football day planned, watching, I might add not participating 


Have a great day everyone  

Last edited by Moonie
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, drizzly here with a strong breeze.  I've got the wee boy to myself today as his Daddy has to work.


Enjoy your day everyone

Hi squiggle 

I hope you and the little one have a great day together 


Thanks Moonie and Yogi
I only waiting 2 or 3 minutes before putting the power cable back in the superhub rather than 15. Don't know if just using a wired connection rather than wireless makes a difference  to the time required though.


Moonie, I had a suspicion you weren't going to be playing football


Summer, it was rather sad timing on my part. I hope you have a good walk


Squiigle, I hope you have a lovely time with the little one

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
El Loro posted:

Thanks Moonie and Yogi
I only waiting 2 or 3 minutes before putting the power cable back in the superhub rather than 15. Don't know if just using a wired connection rather than wireless makes a difference  to the time required though.


Moonie, I had a suspicion you weren't going to be playing football


Summer, it was rather sad timing on my part. I hope you have a good walk


Squiigle, I hope you have a lovely time with the little one

Hi El 

I thought a wired connection was supposed to be faster than a wireless connection. I could be wrong though 


You know me well El 😉

Cricket was my game when I was at school. Never played when I grew up though 


Hi Moonie

Yes, a wired connection is likely to be faster than a wireless one I was referring to the power to the superhub (or any router). As mine is wired to the computer, the only thing affecting the router is electicity in to the router and used to pass signals along a wire to and from the computer. On the other hand, if it's a wireless connection, there's the wi-fi connection as well which isn't required for wired. The disruption of the wi-fi conenction could be having to allow a longer time for power to be off.


Although cricket is my preferred sport, I was hopeless at actually playing it at school. I was no Teddy Lester

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
El Loro posted:

Hi Moonie

Yes, a wired connection is likely to be faster than a wireless one I was referring to the power to the superhub (or any router). As mine is wired to the computer, the only thing affecting the router is electicity in to the router and used to pass signals along a wire to and from the computer. On the other hand, if it's a wireless connection, there's the wi-fi connection as well which isn't required for wired. The disruption of the wi-fi conenction could be having to allow a longer time for power to be off.


Although cricket is my preferred sport, I was hopeless at actually playing it at school. I was no Teddy Lester


El Loro posted:

Moonie, hopefully you knew who I meant by Teddy Lester


A relationship chart:
So although not shown, the baby would be your great grandniece or great grandnephew. You would be their great granduncle.
I think

I have to admit I didn’t until I googled 


😮 I’m glad you told me that El, I think 

I was being called a great great uncle 😮


I don’t know which makes me sound older 


I that case he is my great grand nephew  


And if that baby had a son in due course, then that sone would be your great great grand nephew. That's where the greats start being repeated.


So Abraham was the great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather of Joseph who married Mary, mother of Jesus if one looks at Matthew chapter 1.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

And if that baby had a son in due course, then that sone would be your great great grand nephew. That's where the greats start being repeated.


So Abraham was the great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather of Joseph who married Mary, mother of Jesus if one looks at Matthew chapter 1.

That’s a lot of ‘greats’  El 

Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

And if that baby had a son in due course, then that sone would be your great great grand nephew. That's where the greats start being repeated.


So Abraham was the great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather of Joseph who married Mary, mother of Jesus if one looks at Matthew chapter 1.

That’s a lot of ‘greats’  El 

38 of them.

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all 

Moonie, I hope you enjoyed the footie. 

Squiggle, I hope you had a fab day with the little one 

El, that’s a lot of greats

I did fankoo 

Nite nite, sleep well, sweet dreams Buddies  


Good morning a cool, damp start here but now coming through sunny. How typical now that I’ve put my towels in the tumble dryer lol 

Squiggle, how is the little one? 


I think “uncle Moonie” sounds just lovely  




~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, it's very overcast here and the humidity is at 100% again but no rain at present.


We had a lovely day just the 2 of us but he was still pleased to see his Daddy when he got home.


Enjoy your day everyone


Summer, though if you hadn't put the towels in the tumble dryer it would have remained damp outside


Yogi, I hope your visit goes well and that the weather permits you to cut the grass


Squiggle, I'm glad you had a lovely time with the wee one


I'm hoping to make a start on the really huge client job during this week. So I'm in the process of finishing off the smaller clients work I have in. Posting off some acounts and returning papers to one client in a while. Then going to see a client late afternoon with their accounts and tax return.


Assuming I start this week on the huge job, it's starting about 3 weeks earlier than last year and 6 weeks earlier than the year before that.

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.

Light cloud and light winds forecast.

I’m hoping to get the lawns cut and then visit my parents.

Glad you enjoyed the footie, Moonie.

Have a good day, all


~Sweet Summer Holidays~ posted:

Good morning a cool, damp start here but now coming through sunny. How typical now that I’ve put my towels in the tumble dryer lol 

Squiggle, how is the little one? 


I think “uncle Moonie” sounds just lovely  






I'm back from the meeting which went smoothly with no problems


Well done Yogi


Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

I am just going out to my client and may be some time.

That rings a bell 

Good job it isn’t snowing and blowing a gale 

The film Scott of the Antarctic was on BBC2 last Friday which is what prompted me. Obviously a very serious film with a very strong cast. The music for the film was composed by Ralph Vaughan Williams who then used that music as the basis for his seventh symphony. 

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

Got the lawns cut and did paperwork for my parents

 @ the exploding iPads 

Hope the client meting goes well, El

You’ll be a brilliant great grand uncle Moonie 





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