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I'm back from church. It was a Mothering Sunday service and was less formal than a typical service. The highlight was what took place instead of a conventional sermon/address.


The vicar asked a number of youngsters to join her to help her what she was going to do.

With their help she prepared some cake mixture. She used the various ingredients to illustrate various aspects of maternal care and love.

At the end of the service she brought a cake to the back of the church for people to have some. I assume that this was one which she had baked earlier though it looked as if it was the one which had been prepared. It's possible she had brought a microwave oven to the church vestry and it was baked in that as the cake was yellow in appearance rather than the brown I would expect if it had been cooked in a conventional oven.

El Loro

good afternoon and happy mother's day to you all


I would not have got the harold/1066 connection either so well done yogi


I've successfully completed a 20.62 mile walk- my personal best! and Bramble has a new personal best too, which is 17.5 miles it took me 7 1/2 hours, which i think isn't too bad at all, I'm proud of that.

the weather was in our favour, in the sense that it was dry and cool, but it was really foggy and didn't clear all day so we didn't get any good views.


just off to have a long hot soak in my best bath salts, see you in a bit x

~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, well done That must be much the same length of walk that I did many years ago in the Chepstow/Tintern area. I was with a friend who walked faster than I was used to. On the way back I was suffering from the worst cramp I have ever had so the last few miles were rather unpleasant. Your avearge speed works out at 2.75 mph which very good for such a long walk. I reckon the first half of our walk was something like 4.5 mph but the last part was a crawl.

My typical walking speed is about 3.5 mph  on shortish walks but that's on pavements rather than in the countryside.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
It's tough going when your companion walks faster isn't it! Mr summer is faster than me, but he's a good pace setter and has got my fitness levels up much higher than they were 6 years ago.
Give me a minute and I'll get more info on the walk...

 I know what you mean. Hubby is a lot taller than me and has a much bigger stride, so I'm always asking him to slow down.


Good morning, everyone. Weather is dry with low cloud. I am hoping it stays dry and I can get some weeding done in the borders in the front garden. 

I had a good sleep last night - nearly nine hours! 

Summer, I hope your muscles aren't aching today, after yesterday's long walk.

Have a good day, everyone.


Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here, forecast is dry this morning and turning wet for the rest of the day. Quite mild.


I forgot to mention that at the church service yesterday little bunches of flowers were distributed to everyone who wanted to give some to their mother. Ros, I know the Mothering Sunday cards you mean as some years they have been distributed in place of the cards in my church.


Summer, I hope you had a refreshing night's sleep after yesterday's walk - only 6 miles short of a marathon.


Yogi, I hope it stays dry for you to do the gardening you want to do.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, nice and mild here even though it's a bit grey, I don't mind because I know Spring is on it's way.


That was a good pace that you achieved on your walk Summer, well done.  Do you think you might enter one of the Fun Runs or Half Marathons local to you?  Your fitness level must be enviable to only have that slight tightness behind the knee.


I hope your day goes well everyone and that the weather brightens up wherever it's gloomy.

Thank you very much

I doubt it squiggle, most organised events like that are on Saturdays while I'm at work. I wouldn't rule it out if an interesting challenge came up and I could get cover at work.
We did the Durham Dales Challenge once, I did the 16m but I know they do a 30m one at the same time. Maybe one day..!

Moonie, a few years ago I would have refused to walk to the local shop 1/4m a way lol

I hope you both have good weather today, any laundry out today moonie?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Thank you very much

I doubt it squiggle, most organised events like that are on Saturdays while I'm at work. I wouldn't rule it out if an interesting challenge came up and I could get cover at work.
We did the Durham Dales Challenge once, I did the 16m but I know they do a 30m one at the same time. Maybe one day..!

Moonie, a few years ago I would have refused to walk to the local shop 1/4m a way lol

I hope you both have good weather today, any laundry out today moonie?

Sweet, I just about manage to walk to me local shops. About 15 minutes round trip

No washing today. I am all washed out

Hope you are not aching after your exertions

<-- for you


Moonie, I had one of my credit card bills today. That was a lot more than 7p because it includes the cost of the dental work I had. The bill for the other credit card I have will arrive in about a week. That will be big as that will include not only the cost of my new computer but also the annual cost of the accounting/tax software that I use for my client work.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Lol good stuff moonie that's the kind of bill I would like!
Glad all your washing is done, that's one less to tackle this week.
What are your plans today?

Squiggle, how's your grandsons?

I have no plans now the shopping is done and the rent is paid. No doubt I will  find something to occupy me though

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, I had one of my credit card bills today. That was a lot more than 7p because it includes the cost of the dental work I had. The bill for the other credit card I have will arrive in about a week. That will be big as that will include not only the cost of my new computer but also the annual cost of the accounting/tax software that I use for my client work.

*is glad I haven't got Els' credit card bills*



I sometimes look at the OFCOM bulletin they release about television programmes where people have made complaints. At the end of the bulletin they list programs where a complaint or complaints have been received but OFCOM decide not to take any action. In the latest bulletin I see that someone made a complaint about the scheduling of an episode of Sooty Not surprisingly, OFCOM rejected the complaint.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Lol really?! What's wrong with sooty's schedule?

Normally with OFCOM a complaint about scheduling would be where someone thinks that a programme has been shown at an inappropriate time of day such as showing a 18 certificate film at 4 in the afternoon on CITV. That's obviously not the case with the Sooty complainant. We'll never know why the complaint was made.


El Loro

I am just trying to think what could be wrong with the Sooty show being at the wrong time.


My grandsons are fine thanks Summer, well apart from the eldest one who has the terrible cough that loads of people around here have had and which seems to linger for ever.  His smoking doesn't help, I have bought him one of those e-cigarettes in the hope that he can cut down using that.  I am not sure of their long-term use but if it can help him to break the habit that would be good.  They wouldn't proceed with his operation because of the cough and it is now re-scheduled for May.


Squiggle, I looked in the Radio Times and Sooty is shown on CITV at 7 in the morning. Lots of childrens programs are shown at that time so the only thing I can think of is that the parents didn't like being woken up that time of the morning to turn on the television


I hope your son does break his smoking habit. If the cough persists and he doesn't stop smoking, I would not blame the surgeons if they postponed the operation again. I doubt if they would want to risk the prospect of him coughing during the operation making things far more dangerous for him than what is a painful condition at present but not life-threatening.


El Loro
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