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If it comes down to it then I suppose we'll have to accept that maybe someone will have to mod otherwise we could lose the forum.


I don't know the long history of forum wars so I'm not sure who hates who/avoids who/slags others off in PMs etc but one person who has always seemed to be pretty handy at updating us on changes to the forum etc is El Loro and I think maybe he/she would be a good choice as I've never really seen him/her post during fights and/or never seen a rude post being posted from this FM either.


Just my 2 pennies worth

Originally Posted by Ells:

If it comes down to it then I suppose we'll have to accept that maybe someone will have to mod otherwise we could lose the forum.


I don't know the long history of forum wars so I'm not sure who hates who/avoids who/slags others off in PMs etc but one person who has always seemed to be pretty handy at updating us on changes to the forum etc is El Loro and I think maybe he/she would be a good choice as I've never really seen him/her post during fights and/or never seen a rude post being posted from this FM either.


Just my 2 pennies worth

Good point Ells

Originally Posted by nuts:

And then again, how many hours would it involve? Who would have the time to do it? also with the time difference 

I think the time difference is the main point of wanting a mod from here.


The major amount of activity on here is approximately 8am to 12 midnight GMT/BST that corresponds to midnight to 8 pm Seattle time, so to mod us in the morning Seattle has to have someone up overnight for them. Conversely if they have peeps modding between 8 pm and midnight their time, they are effectively sitting twiddling their thumbs while they are on 'GaGa-watch'.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by nuts:

I think on the whole Aims we do look after ourselves quite well but every now and again it goes haywire on here. Would it require someone to be 'on duty' every night though just in case....? I don't know 

I wouldn't think so, if a row starts Lori usually stops it the next day if it gets out of hand and it only usually gets to about 6 pages and its always the same things that get bought back up again

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Ells:

If it comes down to it then I suppose we'll have to accept that maybe someone will have to mod otherwise we could lose the forum.


I don't know the long history of forum wars so I'm not sure who hates who/avoids who/slags others off in PMs etc but one person who has always seemed to be pretty handy at updating us on changes to the forum etc is El Loro and I think maybe he/she would be a good choice as I've never really seen him/her post during fights and/or never seen a rude post being posted from this FM either.


Just my 2 pennies worth

Good point Ells

If we're really going down the road of having a FM as a Mod then I think he's a very good choice.


Poor s*d

Originally Posted by Ells:

If it comes down to it then I suppose we'll have to accept that maybe someone will have to mod otherwise we could lose the forum.


I don't know the long history of forum wars so I'm not sure who hates who/avoids who/slags others off in PMs etc but one person who has always seemed to be pretty handy at updating us on changes to the forum etc is El Loro and I think maybe he/she would be a good choice as I've never really seen him/her post during fights and/or never seen a rude post being posted from this FM either.


Just my 2 pennies worth

I've already indicated privately to Lori that I'm not able to be moderator for personal reasons.

El Loro

I have read all the thoughts again on this and the worry that potentially it may mean the forum closes but I still think when you have an established forum with all  the characters having known each other for years to 'promote' any of them is not a good idea.


It will breed whispers behind backs etc . . seems there already is a lot of PM'ing goes on here so I can imagine it would get even worse.. not that I ever get any juicy gossipy PM's ..


actually am glad I don't, I hate all secret stuff. .prefer things out in the open


Also as has been mentioned it is only occasionally now that a thread goes off a bit wonky and even then they never get as bad as they used to. .. kinda miss some of the really mental stuff .. was always a great read with a coffee of a morning


it would be nice if Ted came back and answered some of the worries people have about whether it may mean the forum closes  if there isn't any help offered.. 



Mount Olympus *Olly*

Hi everyone-


I am reading all of your posts here, but have not had time to respond yet.. and I want to let you all speak your mind a bit longer.


Please note that moderators will not have regular hours... we're just looking for people who want to help out to whatever degree they can manage. 


A brief history... As you all know, this site came about as a refuge when Channel4 closed their forums down completely.  We were the company they were using for their forums and we felt bad for all of you that were going to be without a home when they pulled the plug. That said, the site is comprised primarily of UK TV fans.. and our company is comprised of a bunch of Americans... so it makes a lot more sense for some community members to begin taking some responsibility for management of the site.  


We think we can open things up a bit more and get more people to participate in this site, but to do so we need help from some of you to help us keep things respectable.  We do understand that there is a lot of history between some of you and the level of trust could be higher amongst some members, but I truly believe we can all overcome those things and identify some moderators who can be respectful and simply help the community remain on a somewhat even keel.


We've had experience with hundreds of thousands of communities over the past 15 years and I can tell you with certainty that the very best ones build their moderators from within.  Let's at least give it a shot!  There will likely be some bumps in the road.. and maybe we'll need to try different people until we find the right ones.  That's alright though.


I'll post again in a few days, when hopefully we can start moving forward on things...

Ted O'Neill

A brief history... As you all know, this site came about as a refuge when Channel4 closed their forums down completely.  We were the company they were using for their forums and we felt bad for all of you that were going to be without a home when they pulled the plug. That said, the site is comprised primarily of UK TV fans.. and our company is comprised of a bunch of Americans... so it makes a lot more sense for some community members to begin taking some responsibility for management of the site.  

I take your point above Ted, and i for one very appreciative of this site, i am sure we can work things guys?? 
Personally i couldnt moderate, not that i wouldnt, just personal things just now, that i couldnt commit to the time. 
Hopefully we can sort something out, i am sure there are many on here willing and capable .... and be respected for doing so 


I think it's only fair we do know EFFT as, as someone pointed out earlier, it would be a nightmare with people pointing the finger saying 'oh you're the secret mod' etc.


Us not knowing who the mod is would make things worse IMO as people might not post if they 'think' X and Y are the knew mods coz of something they post and others might feel they can't post something (like trying to calm down an argument) for fear of being accused of being a mod.


I think it's also only fair that there be more than one new appointed mod (preferably 3) and NOTHING be done re bans, warnings etc unless all 3 agree. matter what happens and how it's worked out it's not going to please everyone and I think we'll lose a few members over this


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