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Roger the Alien posted:

Has anyone seen Better Call Saul? Is it any good? I'm mulling over starting into it or not.

How were you thinking of watching it, Roger - box set/on demand?

I had hoped that Spike (or possibly the parent channel C5) would start showing it after they went through the whole of "Breaking Bad", but so far nothing...

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Has anyone seen Better Call Saul? Is it any good? I'm mulling over starting into it or not.

How were you thinking of watching it, Roger - box set/on demand?

I had hoped that Spike (or possibly the parent channel C5) would start showing it after they went through the whole of "Breaking Bad", but so far nothing...

The internet pixies Eugene...     but I'll pay for Netflix for the second season. 

I just watched the first episode... slow first 30 mins but then it kicked in.  

Last edited by Former Member
Roger the Alien posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Has anyone seen Better Call Saul? Is it any good? I'm mulling over starting into it or not.

How were you thinking of watching it, Roger - box set/on demand?

I had hoped that Spike (or possibly the parent channel C5) would start showing it after they went through the whole of "Breaking Bad", but so far nothing...

The internet pixies Eugene...     but I'll pay for Netflix for the second season. 

I just watched the first episode... slow first 30 mins but then it kicked in.  

I've heard good things about it, but TBH I've got enough problems trying to keep up with my "current" shows without starting something new as well. 

Having said that: apparently there aren't actually that many episodes, so you never know...

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:
Roger the Alien posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Has anyone seen Better Call Saul? Is it any good? I'm mulling over starting into it or not.

How were you thinking of watching it, Roger - box set/on demand?

I had hoped that Spike (or possibly the parent channel C5) would start showing it after they went through the whole of "Breaking Bad", but so far nothing...

The internet pixies Eugene...     but I'll pay for Netflix for the second season. 

I just watched the first episode... slow first 30 mins but then it kicked in.  

I've heard good things about it, but TBH I've got enough problems trying to keep up with my "current" shows without starting something new as well. 

Having said that: apparently there aren't actually that many episodes, so you never know...

 Yes same here Eugene. I have Amazon Prime + there's so many shows! I enjoyed the start of Deadwood and know its supposed to be brilliant but still haven't got on with it. They've also just released Mr. Robot which got rave reviews as well.

Having said that... 2 eps into Better Call Saul and I'd put it on a par with Breaking Bad  Similar feel... the characters and situations sort of wrap themselves round your mind and BAM you're hooked. Saul / Jimmy definitely deserved his own series. This could be like Cheers and Frazier...



Heads-up for those still following "Deutschland 83":

The series ends tonight on C4 at 9pm with a double-episode. (The Radio Times describes it as a "feature-length episode", but it wasn't originally intended as such: what they're showing is the final 2 episodes of what was an 8-part series strung together).

As an aside: apparently "Deutschland 83" broke "The Returned"'s record as the most watched foreign-language series in the UK!

Eugene's Lair

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