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Ok, so why are so many Labour voters wanting to vote for an incompetent and rather thick Tory leader?  

This week I listened to a staunch Labour voter saying she was going to vote Tory to get behind Theresa May against the EU and that Corbyn was a silly old idiot.

The EU negotiators couldn't care less how large the UK Tory majority is!  Why should they?  They're not in thrall of May, Murdoch or any other right wing media baron.

So, WTF, why have so many normally sensible voters decided to vote Tory after the Tories have hacked into benefits and thrown millions of families and their children into poverty?

Are UK voters inherently thick?

Additionally, Tory economic economic record is utterly shit.  Our economy is no more productive than in 2007, yet house prices have shot up.  A whole generation is being screwed over and will not have the funds to enter into the Tory dream 'home owning democracy' not only that, their pensions are worth the square root of sod all.  Do parents HATE their children and wish upon them to be bled dry?  Looks like it!


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Yogi19 posted:

IMO, insulting the electorate and calling them thick, is highly unlikely to be a vote winner.

If you really want people to vote Labour, you might consider changing tactics.


 Very true .....and I'd go even further and say that it is those sort of sentiments  that are actually driving people into the Tories arms . Moreover,  it is possible to put forward a succinct political viewpoint without all the mudslinging and name calling. 

Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:

IMO, insulting the electorate and calling them thick, is highly unlikely to be a vote winner.

If you really want people to vote Labour, you might consider changing tactics.


 Very true .....and I'd go even further and say that it is those sort of sentiments  that are actually driving people into the Tories arms . Moreover,  it is possible to put forward a succinct political viewpoint without all the mudslinging and name calling. 

I'm all for people being passionate about politics and have no problem with anyone supporting a particular political party but, when passion becomes rudeness and/or aggression, then it nullifies any point they are trying to make, IMO.

Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:

IMO, insulting the electorate and calling them thick, is highly unlikely to be a vote winner.

If you really want people to vote Labour, you might consider changing tactics.


 Very true .....and I'd go even further and say that it is those sort of sentiments  that are actually driving people into the Tories arms . Moreover,  it is possible to put forward a succinct political viewpoint without all the mudslinging and name calling. 

I'm all for people being passionate about politics and have no problem with anyone supporting a particular political party but, when passion becomes rudeness and/or aggression, then it nullifies any point they are trying to make, IMO.

I totally agree Yogi 

Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:

IMO, insulting the electorate and calling them thick, is highly unlikely to be a vote winner.

If you really want people to vote Labour, you might consider changing tactics.


 Very true .....and I'd go even further and say that it is those sort of sentiments  that are actually driving people into the Tories arms . Moreover,  it is possible to put forward a succinct political viewpoint without all the mudslinging and name calling. 

I'm all for people being passionate about politics and have no problem with anyone supporting a particular political party but, when passion becomes rudeness and/or aggression, then it nullifies any point they are trying to make, IMO.

I totally agree Yogi 

Yogi19 posted:
Saint posted:

Ok you two calm down


It's not long that you've had the vote so steady on 

 Guess who is reading a book by Emmeline Pankhurst ATM?

Don't let that terrorist give you ideas - should have been left chained to the railings, lol

Imagine when she needed the toilet 

"Err - sorry Ms Pankie - we can't find the key"

Saint posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Saint posted:

Ok you two calm down


It's not long that you've had the vote so steady on 

 Guess who is reading a book by Emmeline Pankhurst ATM?

Don't let that terrorist give you ideas - should have been left chained to the railings, lol

Imagine when she needed the toilet 

"Err - sorry Ms Pankie - we can't find the key"

Rofl  Your mind moves in weird and wonderful ways Renton 

Saint posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Saint posted:

Ok you two calm down


It's not long that you've had the vote so steady on 

 Guess who is reading a book by Emmeline Pankhurst ATM?

Don't let that terrorist give you ideas - should have been left chained to the railings, lol

Imagine when she needed the toilet 

"Err - sorry Ms Pankie - we can't find the key"

 You are bonkers but I lubs ya.

Last edited by Yogi19

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