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Originally posted by slimfern:
Originally posted by Rexi:
Thanks fern

Tomorrow she needs to be
better, coz she's got a GCSE

My daughter has started her exams too
A stressful time for them it is true
But I tell her "one can only do one's best"
when sitting such an important test
I don't envy her one bit mind
I'd rather stick pins in me behind... Big Grin

This one's got some modules
for a few GCSEs
The middle one has A2s
Six exams if you please
The eldest is first year uni
His exams start tomorrow
I'm confident they've all revised well
and results won't bring any sorrow

*fingers crossed*
Originally posted by Rexi:

Hi suze - glad you're happy
and the day's been kind to you
I'm looking forward to this evening
The Apprentice Whooooooo Thumbs Up

I see another apprentice fan Big Grin
In this house it is on a ban Eeker
Will have to wait and buy the DVD
And wait to watch when it's only me Laugh
I hope your day has been good too
It's really nice seeing you Hug
Originally posted by G_C:
Yay is having a good week so far
and on friday I will be somewhere
propping up a Bar
But only soft drinks for Me
As following Doc's order's I shall be
I am a tad pissed off tho
As next week off to Ireland My brother does go
Aer Lingus he will fly
To go an drink Co Mayo Dry

Hi there GC, that's a lot of Guinness
he'll have to drink
To dry out Co Mayo
Dontcha think?
Originally posted by Rexi:
Originally posted by G_C:
Yay is having a good week so far
and on friday I will be somewhere
propping up a Bar
But only soft drinks for Me
As following Doc's order's I shall be
I am a tad pissed off tho
As next week off to Ireland My brother does go
Aer Lingus he will fly
To go an drink Co Mayo Dry

Hi there GC, that's a lot of Guinness
he'll have to drink
To dry out Co Mayo
Dontcha think?

He is hooked on the stuff
I personally think it's dead rough
I hardly watch the box these days
I tend to be busy in other ways
NO! not what you're thinking
You mucky lot
Go shower yourselfs
before the forum gets hot...

Apprentice,Britains Talent
and any other type show
dont grab me I'm afraid
So about them..I don't know...

I like a sitcom,
or a murder mystery
and the occasional film too
but you can bet it's a repeat
of new features there are few...

That leaves me with time
to come on here and play
so not watching the box
is not a bad thing I'd say... Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Rexi:
I think I saw an old friend tonight
I looked at a poster and thought ahhhh right

i've just popped in to say good night
And you made me go oooooooooooh who might
that be ?
Surely on here we have an amnesty?
I'm finging it a bit confusing
As other names FM's are using
I changed mine as I was forced to change
I was Easy Rider before the rearrange
And a while before that..... as most folks know
The thing is now our previous ID's we can show.
Night night peeps I'm sitting here yawning
If I have time I'll pop in in the morning.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
Is this it? Is this how its gonna stay?
very depressing and sad is all I can say Disappointed

Do you mean the weather staying like this?
It had better not, I want sunny bliss
I'm off to a wedding in a week or two
I've bought a thin summer outfit, and it won't do
If it's cold or rainy or boring and grey
I'm praying for warmth and sunshine that day Cool
Originally posted by Rexi:
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
Is this it? Is this how its gonna stay?
very depressing and sad is all I can say Disappointed

Do you mean the weather staying like this?
It had better not, I want sunny bliss
I'm off to a wedding in a week or two
I've bought a thin summer outfit, and it won't do
If it's cold or rainy or boring and grey
I'm praying for warmth and sunshine that day Cool

no I was on about something else rexi
I do not feel at all great or sexy
my hormones are all over the place
and my head is right out of space Hug
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
Originally posted by Rexi:
Originally posted by Bagel Queen:
Is this it? Is this how its gonna stay?
very depressing and sad is all I can say Disappointed

Do you mean the weather staying like this?
It had better not, I want sunny bliss
I'm off to a wedding in a week or two
I've bought a thin summer outfit, and it won't do
If it's cold or rainy or boring and grey
I'm praying for warmth and sunshine that day Cool

no I was on about something else rexi
I do not feel at all great or sexy
my hormones are all over the place
and my head is right out of space Hug

Throws Bagel a lifebelt
to bring her back down to earth.. Big Grin
where you are right now
was destined right from birth
It's Mother natures way
of giving woman a rest
coz after this bit is finished
You'll feel so full of zest
to grab life by the short and curlies
and live life to it's very best.. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Rexi:
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
What's the date for the wedding do
I hope you wont be turning blue
And in what town will it be held?
With a bit of luck, there it'll be mild. Smiler

Henley - down on the Thames
Ohhhh, Fluff have you heard
What the weather's gonna be
On May 23rd?
On the 23rd, I do not know
My forecaster thing, that far doesn't go
By Tuesday though, it may just tell
Whether it'll be good, or whether it'll be hell. Eeker Big Grin
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
On the 23rd, I do not know
My forecaster thing, that far doesn't go
By Tuesday though, it may just tell
Whether it'll be good, or whether it'll be hell. Eeker Big Grin

If it's not warm I need to rethink
Just what I'm going to wear
The wind will whistle up the Thames
with no sun, it won't be warm there
Hello to all you lovely rhymers
Whether new or old timers
Hope you're ready for the weekend
With plenty of drinks for you to blend

Work has been very busy
People getting in a tizzy
But it all worked out in the end
All the orders we did send

Now at home with the lappy on
Another week already gone
Feet up and ready to have fun
I think my rhyming is now done Big Grin

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