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Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Saint posted:

20 questions for numpties !!

Saint posted:

I got them all correct  


I'm sayin' nowt. 

 I see what you did there 


I got 18/20 which is amazing, considering the fact I am rubbish at anything related to Geography.

Baz posted:
Saint posted:


The only one to post a score

Now crack on you lot and get that quiz finished!!!!

Ok 15/20

An honestly refreshing score (gotta say something)


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:


  you erred?  At what pray tell

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Saint posted:

20 questions for numpties !!

Saint posted:

I got them all correct  


I'm sayin' nowt. 

Nor me because my score was really quite  

The ones I did get right was mostly guessed too  

Baz posted:
Saint posted:

Ok as only three people posted their results the "Quiz" thread comes to an end

Awww why 

Cos no one's really interested, and stuff's going on in the other quizzy threads


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