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@Saint posted:

COUNCIL TAX - £2,172   

Mine has just gone up by a fiver a month ….but my water rates have just gone down by about the same amount , so I’ve broke even .

Last edited by Baz

When You Tube suddenly changes their layout ...instead of a slightly more than discreet suggestion list down the right hand side of the screen, they're now twice the size and in full view beneath the video being's very distracting & annoying!
Plus, they've added extra adverts!!

@slimfern posted:

Ignorant dog owners who allow their animals to mess in communal spaces and fail to clean up after them

I agree about that Slim…..I’ve noticed several * packages* on the pavement around here recently .😡

@slimfern posted:

When You Tube suddenly changes their layout ...instead of a slightly more than discreet suggestion list down the right hand side of the screen, they're now twice the size and in full view beneath the video being's very distracting & annoying!
Plus, they've added extra adverts!!

The annoying adverts are still there, but happy to see the format has been restored to how it was...I musn't have been the only one having a moan


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