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Nathan has been in DRoom.
Reassuring words from Mario to Ben.
(comment - I imagine the efforts of some people to persuade Mario to desert, or at least withdraw, from his friend Ben, will only have served to further unite him to Ben.)
Nice words from Mario to Ben when they settle down in bed. And a wink from Ben.
Shabby sits with her mucky feet on the dining table.
Shabby: "They are using JJ as a tool."   (comment - who is?)
Shabby thinks Mario is the only person in "that group" who has any genuine feelings.
Goven is in his element.
Shabby says (in an amazed voice)  "They want me out."
Shabby and Caoimhe continue to slate the enemy and reassure each other.  Actually not each other. It seems that they both accept Shabby may be a target - but not Caoimhe.
Caoimhe says there will be no more "touchy-feely" with Ben. "He is not coming near me."
The both agree that Steve knows "who is real".
Shabby is now picking at her toe-nails on the kitchen table.
Shabby says she is not going to ingratiate herself with JJ (as the other group are doing), she is going to have to trust JJ will make a good call on this.
Shabby is pleased that Ben does not now "have the upper hand."
Caoimhe and Shabby at smoking area.
Caoimhe recalling how she said to Ben "She's upset because you drove her to it Ben."
Then she added a couple more comments which she withdrew saying "no I didn't say that."
They are getting intoxicated on the idea of defeating the enemy.
JJ (on sofas) talking to Dave speaking of his dilemma - who does he trust? Goven or Ben?
"How do I know?"
Josie still lurking with a smile - and a yawn - on her face. Ife and Govan arrive.
JJ says he was talking about Ben and conversations they have had.
Goven asks - pointedly - "Did you argue?"
Govan further trying to influence JJ against Ben.
Josie says "Why are we even worried about him? F*** it".
She giggles  and is eating something
Shabby joins them and flops on the sofa.
Shabby asks for a fit girl (and pats her groin.)
Josie thinks her mates, who will be viewing, will be "well proud" of her.
She thinks she has grown up.

JJ tells Shabby and Josie  that he can be made so angry that he probably would be "ejected."
Caoimhe is also there - not clear when she arrived.
JJ asks Govan if he thinks after the series ends if everybody be friends again.
Govan thinks there may be even more conflict.

Sunshine has been noticeable by her absence tonight. As has Corin.

JJ is eating his mike.
Dave leaning towards JJ.
Dave gets up and says goodnight.
On Dave's exit Govan immediately whispers something to Josie. (I can't see JJ - maybe he left when they cut to the bedroom.)
Josie and Govan remain - thumb sucking and giggling and whispering.
Goven "He was out of order; he was out of order." (Who is "he"?)
Josie "I did quite fancy John before today".

This scene has "something of the night" about it.
Bedroom. Jj now in bed next to Mario. Thinking, blinking, eyes open.

Sofas. Govan and Josie both need a "s***" (bowel movement).
Goven belches. Josie says "Let's go to bed."

Shabby in the bath complete with hat.
Ife and Caoimhe lounging around.

Bedroom. Josie speaking (loudly) to JJ.
JJ says "If you do one more thing wrong...."
Talking  in the bedroom is loud - no attempt to consider the sleepers.
Oh dear - and now a re-run of the JJ/Josie incident from earlier in the day.
And the banter / flirting continues......
Govan interrupts with a few words of wisdom.
....and on.... and on between Josie and JJ.... (not softened to consider the sleepers but normal volume.)
JJ tells Josie she is hs mate and she has now had her last warning.
....and on and on..... the same ground being covered..... and on...."because you're my mate" repeats JJ ..... and on......
(Is this what flirting is like? I've forgotten.)
JJ is now out of bed.

Shabby. Bra pants bow tie and hat.!!!

Bedroom. Dave embraces Ben in a "goodnight".  (Did he wake him to do that?)
Now this is unusual---- Govan lays alongside Ben and whispers - in a gossipy fashion of course.

Watching Goven whispering to Ben in this fashion is cringe-worthy.
Why? and what is being said? It is too quiet to hear.
Oh dear, Ben is whispering to Goven. Sounds like he is trying to explain something.
(Now is that wise. What will Govan do with this information?)
Ben says he is sure to be up.
(But why would somebody who has showen anymosity towards Ben now be lying with him and whispering furtively?)

(I find this difficult to describe, because I want to smack somebody.)
Is Ben actually going to confide in Govan??
(comment - If he was awake I think Mario might be advising Ben to call a halt to this conversation)

The bathroom trio prepare to leave the bathroom.
Ben visits toilet and returns to bed.

Kitchen. Govan and Ife chat but are interrupted.
Ife says she is "so in love with Govan he is such a lovely guy. I want to be his big sister.".
Govan takes a mop and bleach to somewhere.
He returns to Ben's bed to whisper.
In his brief chat to Ife was he having doubts?  He seemed to be trying to suggest to Ife (who would be the most approachable of the bathroom trio) that maybe the anti-Ben argument should be reconsidered, or at least tempered.
Does Govan wear a mike? His whispering is inaudible.
I heard Govan say "Josie"
Then they mention sunshine.
Oh dear Oh dear. How to report this fairly.....
Govan whispers with Ben and now he chats with Shabby.
Goven seems keen to minimise the damage, but Shabby is totally entrenched and will not budge in her view of Ben.
It appears that Govan is trying to slightly shift his own position to save his own neck.
He tells Shabby that "Never once has he come to me and slagged you off".
I suspect (opinion) damage limitation on Govan's part  - to save himself.
Goven tells Shabby he thinks there are people who are more unpleasant than Ben.
She doesn't agree.
But one result of that conversation has (already) been that Shabby has doubts over Govan's loyalty to her gang, evidenced by Shabby whispering to one of them.
(I think Shabby will now have doubt about Govan. - opinion)
Morning all and great work Emlplula and Brisket and Xochi and everyone who contributed that I may have missed


Cracking row it was last night. .I bluddy loved it..   articulate speakers are great for rows you can understand what they are on about. . has flashback to Charley rants.. 

Filling in bits and bobs now from ym own observations..  cos was too engrossed to open puter and type as it happened

I can confirm that when Govan first ran off out of the bathroom the producers left his mic on and I was wearing headphones [picks up more quieter stuff ]  and could hear him saying in the garden .. 'Where's Shabby.. quick Where's Shabby'.. 

She had been in the shack..  but not for long once Govan found her

As far as impartiality on the rows from those of us that record it I'll throw my bit into the ix as well..  there were a few things leading up to this thru the day and no side is blameless at all and all behaved badly..  IMO

The earleir Josie and JJ row was the catalyst for the later Ben and Shabby row..  as it was paranoia about people talking about them two that set off the later row starting with JJ then drawing Ben in, as JJ explained that they were talking about Shabby not Josie and Govan as they had thought..

 Ben had been  telling JJ all day about Govan and his duplicitous [not realising  he was being exactly the same himself as he too runs off to tell people stuff  ]  nature.. Ben and JJ also had a tiff just before this   about Ben's greediness and general selfishness in the house.

Shabby crew were still mainly dealing with the fallout from the Shabby Caoimhe reveal and generally just being the usual bathroom crew.. but did get involved with the JJ and  Josie row..

JJ said in the bathroom, when Ben  had actually shouted at him rather nastily for being an idiot, that what Ben had been telling him all day  was no different to what Govan had been telling him just the individuals concerned on both sides were different..

JJ said as he has only known all of them for 2 weeks how on earth was he supposed to know  if Ben was right and Govan was wrong hence him trying to figure it out for himself.. [this is what upsets Ben]

Mario interjected with use your gut.. [ Mario can see no wrong in anything Ben does unfortunately. .a posh voice does not make you right and that goes for all of them.. ]

Anyway Bens anger sprang from the fact that John refused to side with him and betrayed him plus they'd had the earlier tiff too.

so on the one hand you have an overly Dramatic Ben who just doesn't chill and wants everybody to love him and not nominate him while turning or trying to turn others against those he disapproves of

and on the  other hand you have a overly Dramatic Shabby who just wants airtime and everything her way or the highway

Throw into the mix a little mouse scampering from camp to camp feeding the main protagonists with titbits. .   ie Govan

and the supposedly non confrontational person Josie  sticking her oar in and 'innocently'  making things worse..

add a few minor role players throwing fuel in when the fires look like they are dying and  Voila!!! you have a cracking row !!!  D

One thing I did hear and wonder if BB will do something about this. . or not..   was when the main row finished and the various camps went to their corners Caoimhe went up to Ben as she walked out and said in a nasty voice. .Ben from now on be very careful what you say 

the girls joked about this is in the garden saying Caoimhe would send 'people?; after Ben..

bad form that was. .  she'd already stuck her oar in in the row as well. .not a nice side of that 'lady' 

meanwhile Corin and Sunshine had decided they were having an early night and slept thru most of it all..


This morning Ben affirms that Govan went to his bed to apologise last night as he tells Mario in the bathroom

Mario looks worried and says you didn't tell him anything did you. .

Ben says no I just told him where I was coming from in all this..

Ben then frets for the zillionth time about the noms today. . petulantly bangs on to firstly Mario and sunshine then later JJ in an emotional blackmail type of way that he always stands up for his friends but they don't stand up for him and blah blah [sorry but am going off him as well as the rest.. apart form Corin]

Ben has an ability to see flaws in others but not the same flaws in himself. .and sometimes see things in himself that aren't there.. 

He even starts on sunshine for her ritalin  incident too..

Mario [who last night started to remind me of Craig with Anfonee] refuses  to see that both side were at fault. .his Benny can do no wrong

Mario tells Steve that is the first time he's seen him put himself together

Steve says what you mean the legs.  and laughs

I predict a day full of angst and continuous 'but it was for your own good and cos we are friends and they'll nom me now and and and .. '

So far Ben is still fretting about noms and Shabby is just chatting normal every day chat..


For now tis fairly quiet

Phew goes to get coffee {_}> 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
BB announces Noms in 15 mins


Ben who had been in the DR is out now..  and joins  Dave,  JJ and Mario in the garden

JJ tells Mario he hopes he wasn't upset about last night about  him talking to Govan cos he  wasn't being malicious to Mario [Mario has taken a HUGE dislike of Govan and warned JJ against him earlier in the day. .as it turns out rightly so but JJ wasn't to know that]

Ben says petulantly, I am upset cos only Mario stood up for me last night and I would have stood up for any of you lot if you had been in the same situation..

Mario I thought we weren't going to discuss this anymore

Ben yes right right you're right

then proceeds to carry on rehashing it over and over..  tells them all he loves them and what a great friend he is to all of them but...

[preNoms don't vote for me is starting.. ]

Ben explains that he lies for his friends out in the Real World, that's how good a friend he is..

Dave says there is nothing that could be defended last night really. .Ben said what he said.. he got caught is all..

Ben sulks that JJ didn't use the passion he has shown in other situations to stand up for Ben

Ben admits to having done wrong but the problem he has is being seen to be a snake by others.. . .ie being found out

for a group that are not going to talk about it anymore they are going in circles and Ben is guilt tripping them constantly . .interrupting them every time they have a point to put across and telling them they are not getting what he is saying

well as he has been saying it for days upon days in various forms if they haven't got it now they are not going to get it

Ben called to the DR for noms [edit no it wasn't they will begin in 5 mins]

Dave says he can see where Ben came from.. .JJ says so can he. .Dave says yeah but what could they have done. .they couldn't stick up for the situation it was what it was and Ben agrees he had made a mistake and had no excuse for what he did and Dave says how can you do something when he has already admits he did wrong

Mario tries to tell him how it is in a biblical sense to see if Dave can udnerstand what ben is meaning..   Peter denying Jesus or summat 

this is incredibly ridiculous and Mario is being a tad blinkered cos even the love of his life admitted he'd done wrong..

SD. .yay!!

Ben is back and carries on guilt tripping them for not standing by him when he was being lynched last night. .apart form Mario who was super-glued to him the whole time..

Dave tells him  there are ways to deal with that

Ben says but why not defend me publicly

Dave says he was defending him in groups etc but couldn't deny what was said was said as it had been admitted as being said

Ben says he doesn't think he did anything that bad he just got caught out

The boys agree do I the both sides are as bad as each other.. and the main protagonists are as dramatic as each other .. 

JJ says maybe it would ahve helped if Ben had been talking a bit quieter so Josie and Govan woudln't have heard them as they passed by and JJ also says if I had thought quickly on my feet and made something up when we were int he bathroom it wouldn't have got so bad so he apologises to Ben for that.. .bena ccepts and also takes on board the bit about not talking so loudly in future..

Ben's guilt tripping is working

{wonders if he truly accepts he is responsible for his own actions. .he admits to very little in all of this.. it's everybody else who is at fault]

and on and on they go

John has gone away and Ben bitches to Dave and asks can he see how disappointed Ben is with John.. his not standing up for him last night and he was in the best position to do so  and blah blah blah..

Dave has tried to offer some suggestions for putting it all to bed and moving on but Ben  is not having any of it he just rattles around drumming in his own thought process, worrying about being nomm'd  and not listening to anybody else's POV..

[exactly what he accused sunshine fo doing ]

Noms staring..

Bathroom wash day is happening.. and surprisingly there are other HM's  in the house not only Ben and his Mottley crew..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Noms have started

this week there is no gnashing of teeth and' oh I don't know what to do' from the HM's

think they all know who they are voting for.

In the bedroom Jj is chatting to Josie and Govan saying he can't win as whoever he speaks to the other lot will think he is bitching or betraying them or summat.

they talk about the being boo;d on the way out thing

Jj says well there is a positive way to look at it . .if you are being bood by loads of people it means loads have voted for you so that means more money for charity

Josie says yeah I never thought of it like that..

[do they still give some of the phone money to charity?]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben has done his votes

he thanks Dave for standing up for him...

Dave says no problem mate I know you are a good bloke with a kind heart


oh gawd Joh is starting at Govan now and the voices are being raised..

Govan tells Jj he won't let anybody speak

Josie says they just want it to stop and all the chatting and not letting it rest is putting them off

[they intially pressed the button on this roller-coaster and have sat back and watched it all unfurl as if it was nowt to do with them]

John tells em they could come out the talking would stop

and on and on and on..

inthe Closet area
 Ben tells his lapdog he feels a lot better now (after nominating?) and can do whatever he wants for the next few days now. .

dunno why

oh and now Ben si talkign to Jopsie about it..

Josie tries to talk and Govan interrupts and Josie tells him off for it

Jsoie finalyl says to Ben you just have to try build bridges now and pull yourself up  and try and enjoy yourself..

right I need to do my online shop. .will report back if anything of consequence happens. .have a headache from Ben's incessant twittering
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben tries to tell Joise that he did something to help a friend and with all good intentions and now he is the bad boy

Josie isn't really interested in listening to Ben twitter on so the covno is cut short as Josie gets out of the bed they were chatting in and goes to play

shame the others can't cut him short so quickly.

Sahbby and Caoimhe are in bed and Shabby says I dont; want to make it awkward for him and it can't be nice to have someone stand in your face and shout I don't like you {in case the camera's missed it last night]

Caoimhe laughs at Shabby telling Ben she didn't like it..   Shabby says that was a bit mean tho..

and I'm off..  

(wonders if anybody is reading.. feels empty in here   )
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

JJ explains to Joise why he is the way he is with woman

stems from when as a kid he was shorter than the rest of his group and didn't spurt til later

as a shorty he lacked confidence and self esteem. .and when he finally got taller and the girls started to show interest where there wasn't any before he got mad that a spurt in height could make so much difference. .all this added to his low self esteem and his choice to distance himself form people

Josies says oh I didn't realsie that was the case.. I just thought you were and angry little  man. . then catches herself and says, well not literally little
Mount Olympus *Olly*
With JJ now in the room interrupting Bens bitch session with Mario about him Ben is now focusing his bitching against Josie now

He feels she is judging him without knowing the facts and reasoning behind what he did

JJ asks if Ben ahs actually told Josie the facts

ben said no but but. .[ohg fgs ]

So now we have him moaning that Sunshine hasn't stood up for him either..

Jj tells him Sunshine is only interested with Sunshine so don't worry about that

Both JJ and Ben don't understand the mob mentality and haven't lived with this amount of people before so find the duynamics hard

Ben saus Ife and Caoimhe are off with him and he can understand why

Jj says wh?

ben because they see me being horrid to their friend so of course they will side with her..

JJ tries to tell Ben that everybody is probably thinking and talking about things the same way, as they are all individuals..   and who's to say who is right or wrong

and we go back to the Ben standing by what he said about shabby thing last night and guilt tripping JJ yet again

Ben uses a lot of I's and me's and my's when he's talking and interrupts all the time yet tells everybody else off for interrupting..

I am dizzy with all these circles..

oh nooooooooooooo we are back to falafel and humous Gate and Sunshine having a paddy about it.. and everybody rallying around  her yet Ben gets all upset and NOBODY rallies around him  and boohoo 

Craig Mario strokes him a  lot tho

(now I was off to do my shopping wasn't I?  )
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Dave walk out to the garden and sighs heavily saying in the bedroom they are going over the same old stuff and he's finding it tiresome

He chats to Sunshine and explains that Ben is still banging on about how badly he's been represented and treated by his friends..

and Dave continues to talk about it too..

Sunshine advises Dave to do what she did when Ben was bad mouthign toehrs she removed herself

Dave finds it hard to do that. ..   he does feel upset that Ben is upset because he wanted them to stand beside him last night.. but he couldn't defend the indefensible. . so what could he do..

Dave now tries to fill sunshine in with what happened last night. . but he says it iall n a few words  (Yay!) saying he just wants to chill yet them lot are rehashing it over and over in there..

My brain hurts
Mount Olympus *Olly*
thanks Hoochie and thanks from the others too I'm sure

JJ has been called to the DR and cue Ben  carrying on bitching about him  who always talks over him [pots and kettles ]

Ben is so upset about JJ as he puts Ben in the came category as he puts Govan  as in not knowing who to believe. .yet Jj says he was friends with Govan form early on just as he was friends with Ben

Ben sees this as a betrayal.. but wouldn't say that to JJ cos he'd blow. .(he has said it tho)

and Ben feels all alone cos JJ left him alone in the garden  to go chat to others.. he shoudl rally round his friends not go away.. [and have a bit of fun with Sunshine and shurrup about it all for a bit.. ] Ben came inside cos it was upsetting him that people weren't hung on his coat tails

Ben wonders how Shabby can have so many followers. .and thinks maybe he shoudl go around burping and farting

Mario says it seems like she may have followers but it is never as it seems and a lot of  the 'followers'    are smokers and maybe nothing else

Now we are onto the fact it all blew up yesterday because John is vain and Narcissistic and blew when he was told he had crabby eyes ..

tho he admits they are probably all vain as they wouldn't be in there

Ben like John but he can't trust him over these things any more..

Josie comes in and Mario asks her if she has a problem with Ben

Josie - no Ben is my friend but I do think that was out of order as it looks like you were trying to turn John against Shabby

Nathan shouts out you just need to get over it.. 

Mario gets her to confirm that she doesn't hate Ben cos Ben thinks they all do..

Ben says I just don't want you to judge me when you have only heard one side..

Josie says look don't worry I think you are funny

Ben says well so was Hitler..  or w

they both laugh then off we go in circles again.. the instructions are if Ben gets upset again people must rally around him next time not turn against himalk away..

Josie says what you have to understand Ben is that what John did was say things to my face and what you did was totally different

Ben has no answer to this and understands Josie's point..

Now Ben is upset I think cos JJ and Josie had a fight yet are talking today as if tis all ok with them

Ben is a grudge holder by the sounds of it. .

(now shopping time it has to be )
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
grabs Sossy's coat tails and hauls her back again ..I need to do me shopping.. get your ass in here woman

Heya Brisket. .

my brain is fried with all this so forgive me for not getting your post. ..  hopes am not being biased... am trying hard and if I put an opinion in tis only the feelings I have at the time as the events unfurl  .

quote: Brisket

I hope not. doesn't take a genius to detect.....
Ah well.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Thanks Zaphod - other forumers who have posted appreciation here today.
It is certainly difficult not to show bias or personal opinion. Perhaps especially when events are moving fairly quickly or if it is an argument or ongoing clash of personalities, because as well as "straight reporting"  one is also a BB fan and viewer.
I try to use the word "opinion" when I can, but it doesn't always work out that way.
Alternatively I may use italic font if it is opinion or descriptive.
I think we all strive to differentiate opinion from fact, and bear  in mind that people will be referring to this thread for direct reporting of events.
Listen to me - harping on as if I'm some sort of pundit. Ignore me!
brisket   & hahaha at the shopping

(am off now honestly )

I don't think it hurts to be pulled back if we are swaying a tad too much.. and to ask for opinions of others if we feel we are swaying  a bit. . I too shove my opinion of the moment in a LUT as well .tis hard not to and breaks the monotonous emotionless reporting that a live  feed  ticker gives 

  luckily I am not an avid supporter of any of them so am not emotionally invested ..I like the people watching of BB more than the people

Noms over .. BB thanks them..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Great LUTing everyone..very much appreciated!

I`ll add something I saw this morning...

JJ and Mario having a conversation on the sofas about what happened last night. No-one else there. Enter Govan who planks himself right beside JJ, rule book in hand. He proceeds to "read" it..flicking through the pages quickly. Eyes darting from the page to the convo. (ears flapping -opinion)
Last edited by Scotty
Corin has joined the 2 in the bathroom - putting her make up on

Mario chooses lotus cobra - Sunshine points out snakes are dangerous

Ben talking about people feeling betrayed by Mario as mole.  Sunshine says she didn't.
Mario asks who was betrayed - Ben says viewrs probably
Dave says he felt betrayed because he went out on a limb for him
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Reference: Scotty
Great LUTing everyone..very much appreciated!
I`ll add something I saw this morning...
Thanks Scotty

I think it is great that people can do what you have just done - pop in here and add a little something where you felt there was a gap.
In the name of accuracy I hope others feel able to do that. It can only add to the full picture. So thanks Scotty
Ben sharing a bed with Shabby

Sharing why he is feeling so frustrated and feeling bad

Shabby says they rub each other the wrong way - doesn't want to make him feel bad

Ben says he understands that

He is the quirky one amongst his friends --- he automatically assumed they would hit it off.  He shouldn't have automatically assumed.  She is very charismatic - but her relationship with the girls has ghettoised themselves.  He feels awkward going to bathroom because they are such a unit.  knocked him off his perch a little
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
He's been doing game playing and stuff that isn't really him

Shabby says that this game is designed to bring that out in people - she has fallen into the trap as well

Ben says she has nothing to apologise to him

Ben has his own demons, pretends not to be competitive - he probably is.

Sunshine can push his buttons - he has a sharp tongue - he doesn't like what he did with her
Starfleet Admiral hoochie

Shopping done finally. .needs amending before delivery tho...  went a bit OTT

anyway cheers for the update Hoochie & Scotty  and I agree with brisket the more input the more accuracy  we can achieve

I am shattered now but

Ben and Shabby are 'making up'

gotta go folks am thinking tomorrow will be another busy day..

Hope the overnighters have an easy one tonight

tho a good old BB ruck is fun to watch
Mount Olympus *Olly*
all is not what it seems in this 'Friendly' chat.. ..   tho it may actually achieve something anyway..

Well the Ben monologue..  sorry, but it is true.. his voice dominates this chat..  all about him

From the C4 Website

At 15:38 this afternoon, The Tree of Temptation asked Shabby to have a close encounter with Ben.
The cheeky Tree grabbed a few moments with Shabby, or as he calls her 'Scabby, whilst she was bathing her feet in the Bathroom.

The mission?
Shabby has to stay within arms length of Ben until 5pm today. If Ben moves rooms, Shabby has one minute to catch up with him and be back within arm's length. She also has to pay him 20 compliments.

If she completes her mission, she will win a very special treat for herself and a friend. However, if she fails, she will face the wrath of the Tree...!

Before she was allowed to impart on her mission, the tree had one more piece of advice - 'Stop saying heinous!'

Check back later to see how Scabby, sorry, Shabby, got on.

Mount Olympus *Olly*
The task is over

Shabby wanders off to the smoking area with Caoimhe and makes a vomit noise as she walks away . .hmmmmm actress that she is..

kinda feel sorry for Ben being duped but gawd the lad does dig himself some holes..

Now shabby talks to the  TOT. .  as she walks in the bathroom it sings

Scabby and Ben sitting in a tree. .K I S S I N Geeeeeee

Tells her he is surprised she was able to get a word in edgeways..  

but as Ben never stopped talking the TOT has given her an extra half hour to get the 20 compliments in

BUT she also has to hug him in a full bear hug for a minute

Shabby goes intot he ktichen and grabs Ben for a one minute hug and showers com0plments on him until he starts his monologue again

the minute is over and Shabby runs off  [this must be awful for her cos she refused to share a bed with a man when they were working out sleeping arrangements. .it had to be alone or with a girl ]  so hugging one especially one she hates must be torture

as they separate Mario or Jonh asks her if she is a hugger normally. .methinks they are suspicious but anyway they agree it has been put to rest and harmony reigns again ..little do they know

Outside in the smoking area Shabby has to 'lie' to her friends and tells them she hates  making somebody feel bad. .(TOT tasks mustn't be divulged.. ) hence the Ben chat and hugs..

gawd I feel sorry for the evening shift having to LUT shabby and her one guest  having their treat..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
after a ciggie Shabby returns tot he ktichen to paly the suck the jelly thru your teeth game with Bena dn throw in a few more compliments

She says well Ben with the fabby hair...    and reminds him he promised to show her how to do hers like that as well  ROFL

Ben can't remember that. .probably cos he never said it..

Dave and Ben do the sucking Jelly bit now..

Ben wins and Shabby tells him he is a legend.. . and he sucks the most. .which is a back handed non compliment, compliment in a Jelly sucking contest ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Next complement is that Ben could be a very good actor

Ben says well maybe if I did a Hugh Grant and just played myself but never Shakespeare etc..

Ben asks if she ever does childrens programmes..  Shabby says no then remembers she did them as a kid

they now give themselves roles in the Famous 5

Shabby is George and Ben is Justin 

Ben is told he is very well read tho Shabby is not sure where that complement came form considering they were discussing Enid Blyton

Ben says well I am not really I just have likes and get a bit OCD about reading certain authors and all their books

Jilly Cooper is one of his favourite Authors

Ben is a perfectionist in  a good way.. says Shabby

dunno how many compliments she has to go.. time is running out. .tick tock tick tock...

Cam cuts away and so do I . .again
Mount Olympus *Olly*
all Shabby's complements are feeding Ben's ego and instead of accepting each one with a  gracious thank you, they  set him off on an I, I, I,  monologues..

I kinda feel uncomfortable watching this now, Ben is totally taken in by it all

Shabby has gone off to the Bathroom I think now  to talk to the TOT

Ben chats to Caoimhe   about all that has just gone on. .

Caoimhe just does the hmm hmm hmm sound  and nodding of head that you do when you aren't really listening to the person

Ben says John thinks he and Shabby are acting this. .[ Jj picks up on all the stuff that sin;t as it seems.. he guessed the task twist last week.. ]

Ben says I think it's great that if I go on Friday I will have made a friend that I quite like and admire..

Caoimhe is so glad the two have sorted it out..

oh dear..

Shabby is back and says I need a ciggie but I think we should carry this on . .more from the TOT?

they agree to meet in the garden to catch the sun going down..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
:54 Ben doesn't think what Big Brother is doing is cheeky. John James and Dave say Caoimhe's boyfriend will definitely be jealous, as they would be. Ben disagrees.
22:53 Caoimhe is back in the house, talking to Mario. Shabby is talking to Josie and Corin at her bed. She says she wants to have a proper conversation with Caoimhe without cameras around. She says she's felt like this about girls before, but "always got the the girls I fancied before". Josie says "I never get the bloke I fancy".
22:47 Ben is trying to reassure Dave that he won't be up for nomination this week. Shabby is under her covers in bed.
22:46 Shabby has gone to her bed. Caoimhe is outside on her own, smoking.
22:44 Shabby says "this is very complicated for me, I thought it would get easier since I told you but it hasn't". Caoimhe says "do you want me to back off? You're my friend I don't want to". Shabby says "I know I'm you're friend" before walking back to the house. Caoimhe, on her own at the smoking area, says "oh God, for f****s sake".
22:40 Shabby asks Caoimhe if she's worried her boyfriend will be pissed off. She says "no I know he won't be pissed off, he'll be laughing".
22:37 Everyone is at the sofas but Shabby and Caoimhe go out to the smoking area on their own. Nathan thinks something is going on between them.
22:36 Josie jokingly dares Caoimhe and Shabby to kiss. Caoimhe says "it was a bit weird at the start". Josie says "at least its not awkward". Caoimhe asks if Govan knows what happened the other night, Govan asks "did you kiss??". Shabby comes back in the bathroom and Caoimhe says "I hope you don't think I was ungrateful".
22:31 Ben says its his dream to be a chat show host one day.
22:31 Dave is debating why Shabby and Caoimhe had a meal from Big Brother, saying they are doing on purpose to get something started between them.
22:29 Corin tells Mario he might have a romantic meal with Ben. Mario says he wants one with a guy from the outside.
22:25 Shabby says she's suspicious of Big Brother's motives following from Corin's nice day and Shabby and Caoimhe's meal, despite knowing it was due to her TOT task.
22:22 Ife and Dave say they miss their respective other halves. Ben says guyliner really suits Nathan.
22:19 Shabby says Big Brother is clearly trying to be Cupid to her and Caoimhe. Steve agrees while talking to Josie.
22:17 John James is surprised they haven't revealed the nominations yet. Shabby and Caoimhe return from the Diary Room, and reveal to everyone where they've been, bringing back some food. Shabby says: "they're trying to set us up".
22:13 Big Brother tells Caoimhe and Shabby to return to the Diary Room.
22:12 Shabby and Caoimhe are still enjoying their date. Shabby says: "lets do some more analysing". Caoimhe suggests: "lets do more of vegan face".
22:10 Mario/Marco says "its over bitch!" to Ife/Tasha. Tasha rips Marco's wig off as Govan the security guard takes her away. Ben/Jerry ends the show by saying "the moral of todays story is if you go out with a man that plays bridge, he's probably sleeping with a pre-op transsexual." The group bow as the rest cheer and Corin says "that's brilliant. Ben suggests another game with different people involved.
Joni M is offline  Reply With Quote
copied from dig spy
Bathroom. JJ., Josie smiling and chatting pleasantly. Nathan cleaning his teeth.
They are talking about Australia. Ife applies cream. Nathan's voice can be heard.
Kitchen. Nathan, Dave and Caoimhe, who is sitting on the table.
Bathroom. Josie broddles her ears with cotton buds. Nathan speaks with many F words.
Now Govan pokes his ears with cotton buds.
Kitchen. Coimhe alone now.
Shabby leaves DRoom and goes to smoking area. Sits for a few seconds looking at the ground, then suddenly gets up and joins Caoimhe in kitchen.
Shabby seems grumpy. They agree they are not trying to make life difficult for each other.
Ask each other what BB said in DRoom.

Now Shabby reveals that she had to do a TOT task today. "I'll face your wrath" she pronounces.
She tells Caoimhe what the task was. Caoimhe laughs.
Shabby says she looks forward to the wrath of the tree.
Shabby now repeats some of the compliments she gave to Ben earlier.
Caoimhe's laughter is now fading and looking a tad forced.
Shabby concludes that Ben is boring.
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Bathroom. Shabby still relating her TOT task to Caoimhe.
Caoimhe's laughter noticeably insincere (opinion)
Shabby asks for Caoimhe to keep this secret.
So Shabby has been unable to retain the secret. And she has told the one person the TOT specified must not be told.
They want to spend time in the bathroom but there are "loads of people" in there.

Bathroom. Ife. Nathan sat with Govan saying F**** a lot. JJ, Josie.

They disperse leaving Shabby and Ife who asks Shabby if she is speaking to Caoimhe yet.

Shabby asked BB if she and Caoimhe could have 5 minutes with their microphones and cameras.

Unsurprisingly BB said "No".

Smoking area. Shabby arrives with a drink. Nathan is there and Govan. And now Caoimhe.

Bedroom. Lights out.  JJ rises from his bed and joins Josie after saying "I don't want to leave [yet] or [you]." (I'm not sure which.)

Smoking area. Shabby and Caoimhe. (whose conversation tonight includes a great many "like"s.
Shabby:"It's not being around you that's the issue. It's not being able to say what I want to say."
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Bedroom. Lights out.
Govan and Josie in bed, with JJ perched on her right.
Whispering. Snoring from elsewhere.
JJ says "The camera doesn't lie."  Govan's voice dips into 'special secret' mode.

Back to Shabby & Caoimhe.
Shabby says she is not even going to bring it up again.  Caoimhe yawns.
Apparently the disappointing response causes Shabby to leave.
Caoimhe goes into the house. Her shoes make a clattering noise.

Bedroom. Goven doing ultra low whispering. Josie says "We'll see anyway."

Bathroom. Caoimhe speaks at the same time as cleaning her teeth. Shabby listens while Caoimhe says "like".
Shabby finds "this entire thing a lot more difficult than expect." "So am I" says Caoimhe.
They agree that they can't discuss "it" openly because of the environment and restrictions imposed by BB.
Caoimhe has had "such fun" and "it" has not changed anything. But for Shabby it remains a drama of inner turmoil.

Bedroom. Govan, Josie and JJ still whispering and giggling. They seem wider awake now.

Shabby and Coimhe both lolling on surfaces. Not speaking. Caoimhe seems tired.
Shabby has gone to be (minus hat).
Now she gets up. Meets Caoimhe near DRoom door and hugs.
The return to bedroom and get into bed. Shabby wears dangling braces.

Govan, Josie and JJ still in giggly mood.
The volume is raised and they speak across the bedroom.
Shabby says she has made a fool of herself on television. Reassurance from Caoimhe is in vain.
Govan Josie and JJ get louder. Nathan leaves the bedroom.

Smoking area. Nathan and Dave.
Dave comments that there are people in the bedroom who cannot sleep because of the noise.

Dave and Nathan return to bedroom.
Govan, Josie and JJ continue to chat and giggle.
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Nathan announces he is fed up with the "f***** talking."
JJ has left the Govan/Josie bed.
Ife has left the DRoom.
(opinion - how does BB feel when Ife has had a session?)

Ife makes a warm drink in the kitchen.Somebody (?) tells them Ife is in the kitchen.

Caoimhe says (very loudly) "Keep it down yea? I've had enough of your talking."

Shabby says her nipple is hanging out.
Nathan says (as Shabby & Caoimhe leave the bedorom) "Are you off as well?"
Shabby responds "There's not much point trying to sleep is there?"  This, following a rather deliberately loud little episode from Sh. & Ca.

The bedroom noise and disturbance has resulted in mass migration to the kitchen.
So in the kitchen we now have JJ, Josie, Govan, Ife, Caoimhe, Shabby.
Ife asks who wants beans on toast?

(I was looking forward to an early night - but these housemates seem wide awake. Will Govan feel tired tomorrow?)
Nathan and Dave in bedroom saying people have been unable to sleep because of noise and disturbance from other housemates.

Eating in kitchen. (I assume JJ returned to the bedroom.)
(I have no idea if this food is freely available to any housemate, or if they are doing a 'naughty' thing.)

Govan says he doesn't appreciate the mornings. (Which is surprising because he stays up to see the dawn.)
Shabby has come out of the DRoom.
Now Caoimhe comes out of the DRoom. 

They speak about snoring. But they don't think anybody will ever challenge Steve.
They  ignore the fact that their volume and disturbance in the bedroom tonight was even louder.

The discuss nominations. Shabby guesses 2 or 4 people.
Govan is still eating but the others have finished. He says he is a slow eater.
(Perhaps it more that he talks more than eats. - opinion)
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