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oh dear

there are 2 rows going on

Ben in the middle of one after expressing his views on Hilter and the atrocities which he said only started mid way thru the second wolrd war.

[no mention of ghetto's and destroying of Jewish business pre war and beatings and and and. .  *zips lips* being half Polish, albeit Catholic, but knowing  what my father went thru with the Germans and the Russians  I am not going to LUT that convo anymore... I may say something I regret as far as Ben is concerned and his viewpoint on the subject. ]

the second row is Between Caoimhe and Dave

Caoimhe took exception to Dave saying Hitler was demonized. .

she went off on one at him using that word

Dave has explained he thinks man is inherently good but people like Hitler have demons that have invaded them

Caoimhe IMO was extremely rude and shouted at Dave

Dave followed her to the bedroom and tried to tell her that what she just did was another example of what they were talking about last night. .that she brings doom and gloom to a room

meanwhile Ben has upset  Steve with comments abotu wasted wars and wasted death of forces personnel.

back in the bedroom

Dave tells Caoimhe he would never shut her down as a person and who he intrinsically is.. he can't take God out of conversations because that is a part of who he is

Caoimhe wants him to keep religion out of any discussion..

he doesn't shut her down when she does her orgasmic sounds of  'oh yeah' that she does at night..

Caoimhe has left the room and Dave is trying to explain to Joise how both Shabs and Caoimhe brought the place down with their negativity and bringing the place down with one sentence and storming out leaving bewildered HM's and a silence where there was fun or conversation before.... she can't make he be something he isn't by taking religion otu of everyday discussion..

they agree she is an angry person

Dave says especially where religion is concerned

Josie says she finds it hard to be heard so maybe that is why she raises her voice

Josie hasn't seen the negativity side of Caoimhe..


Ben is annoyed that he is being portrayed  by Steve as if he is against the Armed Forces.. simply because of his views on Foreign policy and where the nation went wrong in the past and he will not be lectured by someone {Steve] who has never even read a book.. and how is it that  just because he served in the forces it makes him an expert on the subject and Foreign policies.. it doesn't he says

Caoimhe is going off abotu Dave and what he said to her..

to be fair Dave was right she shuts him down every time he uses a word that could be remotely construed as a 'religious' word..  he says why should I feel I have to watch myself in every conversation..

Ben is in the nest sounding off to Mario.. says ti is outrageous that he is making otu I don't care about the lives lost I was told I shouldn't have a point of view [ummmmmmmm he just said Steve has no right to his point of view]

anyway he wants an intelligent cvonvo but they end in chaos

Ben likes Steve he says and it's because of everything he has been thru [not cos of who he is then? ]

Mario tells Ben both made comments that were probably slightly taken wrong

Ben si not going to be lectured by anybody who is read up on a topic. .he's studied it all in depth ..

Jj tries to explain that altho the convo was about WWII and Ben pointed out Steve is a NI Army hero/veteran [for a well read person he is a tad thick there has to be a war first for someone to be a veteran of it]  he was in the forces and they all have a common ground as far as any conflicts

Ben says that si rubbish I know brigadiers and generals who debate historical events/wars etc..

Dave ahs joined them in the nest and tells Ben off yet again for interfering in the Caoimhe business as it has made it worse.

Ben is furious at Steve and said what he was basically saying is if foreign policies had been different in the 30's WWII may not have happened.. and Britain can no longer be policemen of the world

Dave says you said we shouldn't get involved if a dictator is trying to take over Europe

Ben says all I said was with the money we have we should be selective. .start with the Crown countries and..

think we have been here before

Jj said to Ben you are fast get the reputation for the biggest arguer in here now and are taking over my mantle..

Dave tells Ben basically what you were saying is sit back and not get involved in anything

in the Bathroom Nathan and Corin talk about how Caoimhe tried to shut Dave up when he talked abotu Demons and Hitler in the same breath

In the Nest Ben is back on his prioritising foreign affairs policy..

seems to be a  bit calmer now..  or the cameraman got bored and mvoed elsewhere

bluddy eck you have the worst dinner party guests in there

Politics and religion
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben and nathan arguing now, Nathan tells ben he is selfish, he wouldn't do anything for the group, Nathan leaves saying he can't talk to Ben at the moment
Ben says i've annoyed a war veteran, Mario replies it's not even luchtime yet, he suggests he goes and asks Nathan whats for lunch
Mario says we are 14 different people there is bound to be rows
Ben cares about his family and friends not people he has just met, he cares for mario cause he is his friend, Ben thinks that Steve is in the DR talking about him
Ben thinks that JJ has suddenly turned on him and his picking on him all the time
Ben asks Mario why he and JJ don't get on anymore
Ben can't understand why no-one stuck up for him in the row between him and Steve
Ben thinks that no-one in there apart from Mario understand foriegn polices etc
Mario tells been to lie down and be silent for 3 minutes and clear his mind, pretend your at home with the lamps on, music playing and a gin and tonic in your hand
Nathan is trying to explain to Ben how the whole house sees him based on his attitude and things he has said himself

he has portrayed himself as a take take take and not give person

He goes thru all the HM's and asks Ben what he has done for each one of them

Ben replies with mainly listened and talked to them or made them laugh

Nathan says I love you to bits but you are the most selfish person in here..

Nathan advises if  just twice a week with no asking from others you take it upon yourself to wander off and spend 30 mins out of your whole  time in the house to just go and wash up now and then cos the Baron ends up doing most of it.. that's all we ask

He apologises for bringing up the washing argument from this morning but says it was a prime example..

Ben explains that this morning he had a small bowl of cereal and then went to sit in the sun that had just come out in the garden and was pounded on for not washing up..

Bens excuse for not doing it last night was that he was helping Caoimhe and Dave [that worked well ] even tho he kept saying he would be there in 5 mins

Nathan says I know it looks like we are attacking you, we aren't, we are trying to point out why people get so annoyed with you sometimes

Ben says why then with Shabby and Caoimhe who did nothing did you not..... .

Cam goes to task room and Ife getting into a robot costume..

back again to the nest

and Ben says he believes people should do the jobs they are best at..

Dave an Nathan says he doesn't contribute hardly anything to the running of the house..

Ben says I wash up at lunchtime [he always goes off to the loo and comes back when most of it is done ]

Nathan says the little bits you do do, you do with one hand in your pocket and in a very lacklustre way

Ben asks Dave why HE is having a go at him too

Dave says cos I can and we are mates

Ben says something about JJ being an angry man and always looking to attack Ben..  and Ben does put effort in. . he put loads of effort in  when he had to write the stand up thing..  he enjoyed that immensely..  and it's something he is good at..

The guys continue to try and make Ben see how selfish he is/can be by throwing examples at him.. it is quite funny really. .

Nathan asks Ben if he had a task to repay Nathan for his work in the kitchen and had to choose to give Nathan a Mars Bar or a bowl of water which would he do

Ben says I'd give you the water

Nathan why?

Ben cos I prefer Mars Bars

Nathan  tries to change the example a bit and says if you were asked to do 10 star jumps and 10 sit ups so I could get a treat for my kitchen work would you do it. .Ben said no why should I..

this is not a shouting discussion there are a few giggles as well..

Mario says right lay off  Ben now

Nathan is leaving the nest for a bit. .he loves Ben but can;t talk to him right now

Ben and Mario are left

Ben says it is unfair the way they are portraying me as somebody who doesn't care abotu people. .I DO care he says I care abotu some  individuals...

Ben is worried Steve is in the Dr painting him as some anti forces person ..and it hurt him and he is amazed nobody stood up for him ..

and now we are onto what is JJ's problem with Ben and why does he pick on him and why did they get on before and not now..

Ben says non of these people understand anything abotu international politics and international affairs..  apparently his opinion is not valid even tho he studied it for years and they know nothing. .apart form Mario

Ben can;t cope with constantly being the villain.. what can he do

Mario tells him they are not trying to change your character just asking you to be a bit more thoughtful to others..

and now Ben moans/grumble/bitches whatever you wanna call it.. about  Dave being  cross with him because he tried to sort his and Caoimhe's problem out

Mario says some Foreign Diplomat you'd be

Ben says he'd make a good diplomat..

Mario is now giving Ben a relaxation talk..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben thanks Mario for being his friend
Nathan is a robot as well now
Ben is hurt by the other HMS calling him selfish
Mario finds it funny that Ben was at boarding school but can't cope in here, Ben says he didn't do anything there he didn't like, Mario says you do the same here
Mario says he will have a talk with nathan later, he thinks theres alot of arguments around today, he thinks it could be the emotion of the eviction tomorrow
Ben says JJ just keeps going for him, Mario says you always take the bait
Ben talks of Nathan doing all the cooking, he is thankful but he hasn't told him to do it, mario tells him to shhh it makes him look spoilt
Mario says you are spoilt on the outside, Ben says no
Bens starts to go on about Nathan again

Mario tells him to not say that. .he knows what he means but it makes Ben  come across as spoilt and selfish

[i missed exactly what Ben was said as was editing my typo's out of my last post edit Aimee got it tho ]

Ben says I am not spoilt on the outside  but I am selfish..

they had also talked about how the house was a tad argumentative this morning with lots of tension around not just with Ben and the others

Mario said it may be because of the upcoming Eviction ..

Ben was lassÃĐ faire in his attitude to being up he says..  I'd just go with, I stay if the public want me to or go if that is what they want..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben thinks that Nathan won't cook lunch for him today, Mario thinks nathan isn't like that
JJ arrives in the nest and asks why they have the door shut

Mario tthinks he is losing the ability to be funny any more, he calls ben a sponge, he's taken all the fun out of Mario, Ben thinks Mario say's some horrible things
Mario tells JJ to ask Nathan what is for dinner, JJ shouts it out to Nathan, Nathan shouts you what are you serious
Steve says he keeps seeing his daughters face in the mirror, he was worried something might be wrong at home but BB are in contact with them and they would know
Ify, Dave and Nathan in the pool
Mario goes outside to Dave Nathan and Ife in the pool and asks them to lay off Ben for a bit now as he is feeling a bit stressed and hurt from it all..

They agree to leave him alone now..

was a bit full on in places. .tho Ben says that he likes debates but as all of the HM's disagreed with his viewpoint and voiced their opinions back at him it was very lop sided and then  got personal too ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Aimee
Afternoon Olly, didn't see you there do you want me to stop?
good heavens no not at all ..  when tis hectic, like it was, the more the merrier helping out is great cos we have more chance of getting it all down that way. .

plus I need some food now that I've just seen the time.. wondered why my belly was rumbling.. .

I am kinda around if it gets hectic  but have a few odds and sods to sort out.  I have my earpiece in so will hear if it goes mad in there again 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
HMS are called to the sofas
Keever looks like she is wearing a sheep  (big white fluffy jumper) is it not warm in London, they all wear hoodies and jumpers
Ify is a robot as well now
Next task is a speed one, JJ wants to do it others are telling Steve to do it, think the task is whisking eggs, they tell him he has big arms he should do (think Mario wanted to do it)
Steve stands up, he's doing the task, instructions are in the hatch
Keever asks him to make her a meringue
Steve has got to whishk egg whites, steve will have a normal whisk the robot will have a delux one
Nathan telling Steve how to whisk eggs
The robot is talking to Steve in the task room (its marcus bentleys voice) steve calls the robot a big baby
Steve is whisking very fast the robot is laughing, the robot says the HMS are pathetic they can't win
Steve is shouting read it and weep baby
The robot hasw a pinny on, Steve shouts whose the dad, the robot laughs
HMS are watching it on the plasma, robot is playing snippets of Steve talking
Robot has knocked his bowl over spilling the egg whites, task is over, the robot tells Steve he is good, you've got a talent god bless you
Steve wins the man is better than robot task, Steve keeps shouting big daddy
Steve is back from the task room and everyone claps
Ben is chatting to Caoimhe in the bedroom

They discuss JJ first and he tells her all the things she likes him for, and he did in the beginning, are the things that are making him not like him now..

he also complains that non of them got the points he was trying to make about War and the forces etc.. adn he ahd been looking forward to having a good historical debate since he got in the house but it all went pear shaped..

[maybe he didn't explain himself very well at the time.. What I heard then and how he is explaining it now are totally different... he may have thought they were the same but he worded it very badly before.. ]

He then tells her about Nathan making an analogy using a Mars Bar and a pail of water

Ben is incensed that Nathan was incensed that Ben wouldn't do star jumps in order to give him a Mars bar  

{Nathan was making an analogy and maybe he should have changed the Mars bar for life saving equipment cos Ben doesn't seem to have gotten the analogy as he is taking the Mars bar as being literal]

bit of JJ bashing included in this moanfest

Caoimhe moans on about Dave and his religious views..

Caoimhe says we'll or I'll be up next week..

Dave them comes in and he tells him  you got to understand I got a good reception last week with the stand up but I don't want to go out to baying crowds because I am not considered a team player or against the forces etc..

Bens says, ok maybe in here I have been a bit stupid in admitting my feelings about Teams etc.. but.. missed a bit sorry

anyway round and round we go in circles as Dave once again tries to explain the concept of group living to Ben and how the others cannot comprehend his point of view when he's happy to take from  others  but only give when he can be bothered   to make an effort.. .. Ben points out others  that don't contribute and don't get picked on and Dave points out the reason is that they  all have to muck in and Ben has actually stated he isn't a Team player so of course he is going to be singled out because of that comment.. and round and round we go.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Jj is ragging on at Ben now for the push up and sit up thing..

Ben asks him to leave him alone

Jj says can you just answer the question.. why wouldn't you do the 10 push ups and sits ups

Ben say please Johnny leave me alone..

Jj pushes it

Ben sees Ife goes past and says I am sorry. .I know you disagree with me but I hope you don't hate me

can;t hear Ife's reply

Jj keep on about the sit ups

Dave says he said he may for his friends on the outside.

jj but not for anybody in here?

Ben well. .I'll get back to you on that..

Ben asks JJ to stop banging on at him about the same things and pushing fro a fight all the time.

Jj says he's not looking for a fight 

Ben says but you are so aggressive about things..

JJ says do I look like I am pushing for a fight. .I am falling asleep here

[he does sound like he's pushing fro a fight ]

Ben doesn't want to argue with JJ in what may be his alst couple of days

anyway he leaves the bedroom and I think it quietens down again..

for now..

Ben and Caoimhe now  in the garden   and HM's are called to the Sofa's

Ben says he can't wait for next weeks noms to come around quickly enough ..

Caoihme says we'll both be up. .me for my negativity. .and you for. .Ben me too for negativity apparently..

Sound dips..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
The main task is being announced

Sounds like a Robot wars type thing

the Human housemates have to defeat the  Bigger BroBot machine

they will get their mobile machines soon so they can customize them..

they have 3 mins to defeat or stand up to and survive Bigger BroBot. .if they defeeat it or any human are still standing at the end of the task they win the Luxury budget

They decide strategy . .ie keep away form the Bigger Brobot in the arena  or try to knock it out..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ tell ben he needs to watch what he says, Ben wants to be honest
JJ says Dave is Bens friend but he agrees with JJ
JJ and Dave going on to ben about being a team player, Ben thinks BB put him in the house because of the way he is
Dave says surely in the real world you would help your friends out
Ben does alot for his friends, he has only known these people for a few weeks
JJ says all you have to do is some press ups, Ben says he see's where he is coming from
Ben doesn't like that they call him a selfish person, JJ says he never said that
Dave says you signed to come on here to be part of a team, Ben disagrees
JJ brings it round to food, saying they have to do the tasks or eat bird food
JJ and Ben having a quiet chat

Jj says to Ben you just have to be careful what you say sometimes about certain things in this environment and how it can be construed

Ben says well yes maybe... but that means being dishonest about things...

Jj says well not necessarily that but maybe not say anything..

Ben talking about being friends with Dave altho they differ on something..

Jj says we signed for these things when we came in here tho..

Ben says I understand where you are coming from but it is difficult to change overnight..  he talks abotu what he woudl do for his outside friends to the point it could endanger his own reputation...

they explain it is not abotu that but the things you are being asked to do in ehre are the same as everybody else is asked to do in here..

Ben understands where they are coming form but is hurt he is accused of being selfish when he may be in there a bit but isn't on the outside

[errrrrrrm he said only an hour ago he IS selfish on the outside. . but he isn't spoilt..  that is from the horses mouth ]

surprisingly JJ Ben and Dave are talking quietly about this

Ben is talking about being judged

Jj says everything is judged beit in here on the outside world..

Ben says he gets what he is saying and agrees with some not all,  but he has his reason for his actions and they are not always for bad reasons..

think we are going around in circles again. .

am shattered with it all ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ telling ben that all his comments, motives will be judged
JJ says they have to becoma a team when they have tasks, Ben asks him to let him have his beliefs
JJ bringing back the Dave task, he says Ben doesn't mind losing tasks as he don't mind the rice, but what about making his friend eat it
Ben asking to  be respected for his views, JJ can't respect it
JJ says Ben will find it hard in the house with his views
JJ tells Ben as long as he is prepared for the comments he makes about things then thats ok
Ben say's he is who he is, JJ buts in and says you said nominate me, Ben says JJ is putting words into his mouth
Ben says everyone is difficult to live with apart from Steve
Steve thinks there will be 2 new housemates soon and the 2 more later
JJ wants to know who still has jelly babies left, he thinks it's Ben, Ben said he had 2 but gave them to Corin, Mario says it's him that has then, he asks if JJ wants some, Mario hands them round to everyone

Corin is going to rip her false nails off, sometimes she loves them other times they get in the way

Keever tells Corin and Ify that she wrote a message for Shabby and put it in her suitcase
Mario trying to wind JJ up saying he's got a secret, he's asking for a kiss from whoever is evicted
Hms are waiting for their final task
Hms are starting their final task the robot is in the garden
The robot is dancing
it's shooting water at them SD so i don't know what it's saying
The robot tells the HMs are in charge, it starts talking in JJ and Josie's voices
it's now talking in Ifys voice
mario asks the robot to say something in his voice
Daves asks the robot if he is looking forward to their curry
the battle of the robot and HMs robots begin, the robot looks to be winning
The robot is crushing the HMS robots

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