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you may find Aimee in amongst your dust. .she went off to sort hers ages ago..

Jj just said he wasn't going to   put Ben up..

Said Caoimhe wouldn't have stood a chance against the only person he felt he could put up

Dave asked if he meant Corin

No but as Steve is sitting there he doesn't say who but I think he meant him..

I may be wrong but so far have been right with Caoimhe's swap person

he's telling the lads he wanted Caoimhe to stay to get the full experience now that Shabby has gone and she is mixing more..

{is pig sick at this just as it was getting amusing with the lads all together having a giggle and two get up the same week ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*

you may find Aimee in amongst your dust. .she went off to sort hers ages ago..

Jj just said he wasn't going to   put Ben up..

Said Caoimhe wouldn't have stood a chance against the only person he felt he could put up

Dave asked if he meant Corin

No but as Steve is sitting there he doesn't say who but I think he meant him..

I may be wrong but so far have been right with Caoimhe's swap person

he's telling the lads he wanted Caoimhe to stay to get the full experience now that Shabby has gone and she is mixing more..

{is pig sick at this just as it was getting amusing with the lads all together having a giggle and two get up the same week ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
*comes in with feather dust*

Ify and keever are shouting at each other in the garden, Keever saying if you've got something to say, say it to me not go in the DR
Ify GOING ON AND ON, they are talking so fast i can't catch it all, keever keeps trying to leave but Ify still wants to talk about the rage she felt when they said she was cringey
Keever tell JJ she is so made with Ify, Ify told her she had been in the DR and said she felt sorry for Shabby as Keever was leading her on, havving her cake and eat it

Josie tells keever she has had an accident in her pants, she tells nathan she is mortified, she did a wet fart and she's had to throw her knickers away  she says fancy pooing yourself on BB, she calls herself Josie shitty pants

Ify says thank you to Josie for tidying the bathroom, Josie is going to do the BR now
keever on the sofas with ben telling him what Ify just told her she'd said, Ben says why is she telling you this now, Ben starts talking about his own problems with Shabby

Keever is waiting to go into the DR

Mario wants to know if his goodies will be taken at the end of the week when BB takes their remaining shopping away, Dave suggest they have some ice cream

Josie telling keever she can't believe she's just shit herself

Ify holding court in the garden with Nathan and Corin, telling them what she has just said to Keever, see is loving this
Keever says she can't stay now after what Ify has said in the Dr

Hi Skylark

Keever is worried that she has come across as a user and a bitch, Josie tells her not to worry you were just good friends, keever admits she did touch Shabbys boob, she wonders if she's been dumped

Ify feels like a new woman since she has started being honest and telling people what she thinks, Nathan tells her she's got balls now
She wanted to tell Keever what she has said about her so they can moves on, she thinks Keever is letting it sink in
Ify starts crying now as she is a new woman and can't believe she's being so honest with people now
JJ shouts that the robot has just done a little jig
Josie telling Keever not to worry what other people thing, her and Shabby were just good friends, Keever says she's so embarrassed, she thanks Josie for calming her down but she still wants to go in the DR

Everyones shoes have gone missing (think it's Josie thas has hid them) Keevers blame JJ for it
JJ is talking to Ife about last year's BB.......something about Kris and Dogface. Bet BB is going to tell them off for this convo.

Caoimhe is in the smoking area with her new BFF, Josie. They're talking about Corin, Caoimhe says she gets on her nerves when Corin sings 'the battery song'?? She must sing when she collects batteries I guess.

Josie tries to be diplomatic and says 'you're not gonna get on with everyone all the time'

Ife comes out looking for her baccy, she's lost some.

JJ comes out to sit with them, Caoimhe catches him looking at himself in the mirror and says to him: 'you're gorgeous'

I can't keep up, too tired. Gotta go to my bed!
thanks Aimee and Katerina

Depressing night last night..

Caoimhe carrying on where Shabby left off. .

full on bitchfest in the bathroom with her Josie and JJ. .

it went on and on and on and on and on and on ........

I switched off. .twas depressing as eck..  bring back the laughter..

The HM's are locked in the bedroom atm. .

think BB is still setting up the task for today
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Dave, Nathan, John adn Ben all got woken up by their beds tipping up

there are robots everywhere..

huge ones...

Titan the robot is talking to them

says they have just landed on this planet but there seems to be no sign of intelligence

Titan the Robot is moving around the house..

he is massive..

Corin screamed when he moved...

the sound is dipped so I can't hear what he is saying but he is talking to them..  no hang in he's singing..

Corin is dancing with him
Mount Olympus *Olly*
the Robot's are in charge of the house and sound remarkedly like Marcus Bently

they are Big Bro Bot

the HM's are to try to take control of the house back form the Robots..

the HM's will face head to head task and if they fail they will become assimilated and be robots themselves..

Josie doens't understand it all

MArio explains the robots are like the Borg.. they will be assimilated into the colelctective..

the robot is going on a loop saying Daaaaaaaaaaaaay 4 .. .Daaaaaaaaay 6. .Daaaaaaaaaaay 69... Daaaaaaaaaay 1010. . 10101010101. .

I think it's broked..

Now it's signing..

Corin looks worried. .but says it is amazing..  wonders how much it will cost. .says it looks like there is a real human inside of it

[well derrrrrrrrr  !!!!

Big Brobot wants the HM's to go to  the Bedroom immediately..

the Robot is now doing mimicry of voices.. says in an American accent 'what the hell
are you staring at'

Mario asks Titan if he is single

[any port in a storm eh? ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
The robot leaves through an alcove in the BR, Josie and JJ climb in the Alcove, the BB robot tells them to go back
Ify says her and mario are the most excited about this task
mario says to Ben not to be funny but i don't want to be on your team, i actually really want to win this, Ben then asks him why he would say that, Ben says i've got know interested in robots, mario says thats my point
Ify, josie, keever and corin trying to work out what their task could be, Josie thinks it could be robot wars
Other HMS are ribbing Ben for trying to take JJ's hot water, they say he would take anything thats not nailed down, Ben says of course i would
josie says she had to neck a can of lager in the DR last night, she says if she had completed her task of nicking the shoes they all would have had booze
Steve says the robot is brilliant, dave talks about when he saw it before, it's singing the same songs, his kids loved it
Mario asking keever if she was scared of the robot, she says yes cause she knew it was looking at her, mario says he and Corin legged it when it started to move
Mario thinks it would be funny if BB anounces that the robot is now an official HM
The robot sand i'm too sexy for my hate to JJ, more talk of what the robot said
Mario thinks it would be funny if Shabby was controlling the robot
Mario saying he is going to try his hardest with this task, he is going to be so angry if he fails, he wants to take on the robot
Mario telling Keever how he thinks he wants abducted by aliens when he was younger
BB robot tells them to change their batteries
The HMS have found mops and buckets in the store room that wasn't there before
nathan taking food out of the store room (looks like he's cooking again tonight)
Dave jokes that he thinks he is one of the hunky trio now he's lost some weight
the robot tells HMS to gather on the sofas, Ben says the voice is going to drive him nuts
Mario says they will have to wait cause he's shaving
Mario explaining to ben why he was getting angry with him
Steve keeps shouting to Ben and Mario to hurry up shaving and get to the sofas, Ben says for gods sake
The hatch is open for instructions, mario reads it out in robot voice
The robot has took over the house, the HMS have got to take on the robots in seperate tasks
If the HMS defeat the robot they will win a luxury budget
When the alarm sounds a robot will come in the garden and chase them, if they touch them they will become robots, the doors to the house will lock so they can't can't get in
From DS:BB:


Big Brother orders the housemates to gather on the sofa for today's task
Mario confesses that he has been angry for no reason in the past few days, and apologies to Ben and Corin for his behaviour. He adds that he was frustrated with himself, rather than the other housemates.
Corin and Ife are in the kitchen washing up and performing other household tasks.
Dave and Mario laud their bodies while showering. Ben, who is also present, privately cringes.
Nathan is scouring the fridge for more breakfast, then starts singing and dancing in a flamboyant manner.
Mario tells Caoimhe that he will be "so angry" if he doesn't complete the 'robot' task.
Steve sprays himself all over with deodorant.
John James, Nathan jestfully berate Ben's "pail of water" rant.
Josie, Corin and Caiomhe are smoking in the garden discussing Robot Wars.
John James, David and Ife are in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
Nathan and Ife have awoken and wander around the bedroom.
All of the housemates remain soundly asleep.
There is brief movement in the bedroom but all the housemates remain asleep.
None of the housemates are awake yet.
Only Steve's light snoring can be heard in the bedroom.
All of the housemates are sleeping once more.
Nathan seems to be awake but is still lying in bed.
Steve's snoring has turned into heavy breathing.
All the housemates are still in bed. They are expected to wake in the next couple of hours.
Corin is sleeping with her hands behind her head.
All the housemates are asleep with Steve's snoring providing the acoustics to the bedroom.
Steve's snoring is getting progressively louder.
Steve has started to snore again in the bedroom. It sounds like one of the housemates is tossing and turning in bed.
All of the housemates are asleep in the bedroom.
The bedroom remains silent with Steve's snoring non-existent.

LUT Today, 11:09: Mario & Ben go back to the bathroom & Ben says he will be annoyed if someone has nicked his special pin that he uses to dig out ingrown hairs (but drama-crisis over as he finds his special pin)

Ben has returned to BR to continue shaving - how long does it take him to shave FGS?

Mario can't find his special pin - he uses it to dislodge ingrowing hairs on his face
11:10: Corin laughs at the possibility of being chased by a robot in the garden, although Ben disagrees

11:09:Mario laments the fact that he is unable to find his pin for his ingrown facial hair. With Ben bemused, Mario accuses one of the other housemates of taking it. However, he soon finds it.

11:08:Big Brother announces to the housemates today's task. Big Brobot along with his sidekick Titan will take on the housemates in a 'Man v Monster' challenge. Their challenge is to win back the house. Each time a housemate fails, they will be turned into a robot and serve Big Brobot If human housemates Bigger Brother in tomorrow's final showdown, they will receive a premium shopping budget.

11:03: Big Brother orders the housemates to gather on the sofa for today's task.
11:20: Josie wants an hour with her electric toothbrush - she would lurve it she says
11:20: Cheeky Chappie just screamed "WOW - Corin"

Nearly as funny as Funtime Charlie

11:20: Nathan just screamed "Wow Corin!" and shocked Keeva (and me).

Keeva shakes her head and tuts

11:19: JJ joins the geek clan by making a mention to Gigantor

11:23: Corin is in the very echo-y bathroom

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