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 great voice lauren shame u r out



. "Great voice"? You liar! But thanks for your support x



 hey lauren! I wanted to askk you a question! What was your favourite moment in the house+who would you rather win; lukeA or Adam?



. That's a really good question... I think Luke A will get more out of being on the show, but Adam deserves the money


 Hey Lauren, 'm gutted you are out as I thought you were lovely and honest. What did you miss most while you were in the BB house?


 The constant supply of cigarettes and bacon... and me sister!


some of the questions not answered


 Are you going to watch every episode of this season of bb now that you're out?



 youre a bit full of yourself lauren but still likeable,maybe its cus all you did was whinge ,smoke and eat bacon you didnt integrate



 who did you like the least in the house?



 do you think you lead Adam on in the house? cos I think you 100% did.



 who did you find the most attractive in the house out of the males?



 lauren do you think becky is just really fat



 if you could be any animal, what would you be?! x



 weird how you're all of a sudden so 'hard' now you're out the house and didnt say it to their faces



 if you had a chance to go back in to the Big Brother House, would you? x



 who do you think is being fake in the house? X



 do you think Luke will start giving everyone a taste of their own medicine or continue to observe and keep it to himself? Xxx



  has a internet radio show will you go on it?



 who do u want evicted next?x






 do you fancy adam? :-)



 how did you find out about the show?



 Hi Lauren... if you could go back into the house and "grass up" one housemate about stuff you've learned since leaving which one?



 do you recommend other people to go on big Brother?



 have any of your opinions on the housemates changed since leaving the show have you seen them differently on tv?



 if you had to give Caroline, Conor and becky a task what would it be???



 scott,ashleigh and conor got official for warnings for their behaviour in house,but deana didnt for insulting conors accent why not



 i think the other house mates were jelous of you and thats why they kind of ganged up on you,do you agree?x




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