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No street wisdom at all. He's also a liar re Diane Abbott. That elephant that will come back to haunt him.

Charlie Chaplin made a film about dictators - how apt it is now. Watching the shadow cabinet dance around it is amateur hour.

In the name of balance Sunak's campaign is worse than ad-hoc amateur. Forget the National Service platitude - he thinks he can buy off pensioners for ÂĢ2 a week. Patronizing idiot - clear as day. Thinks we're daft. What 20 year old spad came up with this "plan" moniker?

There is nothing to be optimistic about. Nada.

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I hate Kier Starmer with an absolute passion.  He's everything a Labour leader shouldn't be.  Right-wing , dictatorial, hypocritical and morally bankrupt

but... I hate the Tories, always have... and always will, their aims for society are totally incompatible with my own hopes.

I weakly hope Labour win the election but I won't be voting for them and half-hope Starmer will be humiliated at the ballot box and finally bury for good the post-Thatcherite consensus in Labour.  Corbyn should have ousted Starmer, Reeves, Streeting and many others from the Labour Party when he had the chance.

Last edited by Carnelian

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