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Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley has been criticised by fans after a number of supporters were charged for their next season ticket, despite the ongoing suspension to the Premier League.



Ashley really has no morale compass and yet again putting profit before people. How many of those people are out of work now? Self isolating with no income? Families living on savings?







Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Roxan posted:

Bloody hell fantastic quote! Nothing changes indeed. Hope you and the family are doing ok @Dame_Ann_Average 

Hi Roxan, I'm ok thanks, still no symptoms and youngest daughter has recovered from whatever it testing so we're not sure is she's had it or another bug.I have another 5 days to go before I'm safe to go out, not that I'll be going out much ...


Your sister's partner is an idiot, take care Roxan 


Why does our government lie continuously, I have never none politicians to just stand there and tell bare faced lies, maybe because the right wing press will not bring it to the public attention how corrupt they are. 


The EU confirmed the other day the UK refused the offer of masks, equipment and ventilators...why ffs why  Preston must know this because most twitter users did days ago. 


Rather amazingly, we are not in EU ventilator scheme because government didn’t get or didn’t see relevant emails.

Saint posted:

So did you all observe the 8pm round of applause for our amazing NHS staff?

Yes but to be fair. I wasn't just clapping for the NHS. I was clapping for all the supposed 'low skilled workers' that are keeping the country going right now as well 

Eugene's Lair posted:

For all our problems in the UK, I'm really concerned about what's happening in the US. The WHO are warning that the States is likely to soon become the centre of the epidemic. 


I've been following the infection numbers in the US, and - even allowing for the controversies surrounding access to testing - they're doubling every 2-3 days. If that continues unchecked, the States will overtake both Italy and China by the weekend. The simple mathematics of exponential growth means that - in theory - it could be in the millions by the end of next week! 


Trump has no interest in, or understanding of, science at the best of times, and tends to be downright hostile when it appears to be against his own interests. It's therefore little wonder that those who really do understand the situation like Dr Fauci are being side-lined. 

Oh dear: it turns out I actually underestimated how long it would take the US to overtake Italy and China by several days...


I really, really hope something changes over there very quickly before my second prediction comes true too... 

Eugene's Lair
Saint posted:

So did you all observe the 8pm round of applause for our amazing NHS staff?

Well no, but that was because I didn't know about it until after it was all over.


How did I miss hearing about it in advance????

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Although I HAVE heard a few references to 'RULES' most of what I read is still couched in terms of GUIDANCE and ADVICE, which overall gives a relaxed and optional feel to things instead of emphasing that theses are COMPULSARY instructions that MUST be adhered to.


Also the language used when Talking about the risk people face suggests it is the risk of CATCHING the virus that varies in these various population groups. whereas the risk of catching it is the same for everyone and it is the risk of severity of its EFFECT that varies!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:
Saint posted:

So did you all observe the 8pm round of applause for our amazing NHS staff?

Well no, but that was because I didn't know about it until after it was all over.


How did I miss hearing about it in advance????

Are you keeping an eye on "terrestrial" news, EFFT?


Both the BBC and C4 news foreshadowed and covered it yesterday: as with the PM's previous "broadcast to the nation", C4 extended their regular news programme to include it, and BBC1 ran a special broadcast.

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:

*Breaking News*

Just saw it on the BBC, but Boris Johnson has just tweeted that he's tested positive for coronavirus.

Be interesting to see if they tell us how his girlfriend tested. Any multiple others, cabinet down    


Charles positive and Camilla negative. Makes you wonder.

velvet donkey posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:

*Breaking News*

Just saw it on the BBC, but Boris Johnson has just tweeted that he's tested positive for coronavirus.

Be interesting to see if they tell us how his girlfriend tested. Any multiple others, cabinet down    


Charles positive and Camilla negative. Makes you wonder.

I immediately wondered about his fiancée Carrie too, given that she's pregnant.

At the moment it doesn't seem to be clear if she's still at No, 10.


As for the Cabinet, I'm sure there will be a flurry of testing and self-isolation, but it would probably just be a continuation of recent concerns anyway, given that there have already been a few infected MPs.


As a general point, the news said as an aside that Westminster - that's the whole borough, not just the "Palace" - is a bit of a virus hotspot at the moment, even within the context of London, so it's perhaps unsurprising that quite a few MPs are becoming infected.


BTW: Johnson is still in charge (AFAIK) and working from home (and in his case, "home" just happens to be the centre of government anyway!  ), however if at some point he can't, it was announced earlier in the week that Dominic Raab will step in. Just let that sink in for a moment... 

Eugene's Lair

On Monday the press and Scottish Govt. were all going on about townies hitting the Highlands, camper vans etc. last weekend. That went down well with the Glencoe locals for one.  Don't do it was the official line before lockdown.


Charles tests positive and hits Balmoral with his entourage. Reconcile that.

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


you know when the advice measures we're given brings down the Prime minister, the health secretary and chief medical advisor's sh*t advice. just saying 

...Or maybe it's just a case of not practising what you preach... 

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

...Or maybe it's just a case of not practising what you preach... 

True Eugene  I've just seen a clip of Matt Hancock handing a cup to his aide and then wiping his nose on his hand...apart from being dangerous, it's disgusting 


BLOODY PEOPLE !!! Ignoring social distancing


In the garden - minding me beeswax and what would you know?

Old fella waltzes straight past with his dog ... within touching distance.

As if he couldn't cross the road!!!


And another ... young kid crosses the road towards me!!!


Not happy  

Saint posted:

BLOODY PEOPLE !!! Ignoring social distancing


In the garden - minding me beeswax and what would you know?

Old fella waltzes straight past with his dog ... within touching distance.

As if he couldn't cross the road!!!


And another ... young kid crosses the road towards me!!!


Not happy  

I wouldn’t be either Sainty 

velvet donkey posted:

What happens if your washing machine, oven or, heaven forbid, your internet goes down?


Is access allowed?  Is anyone available?

Household appliances are considered 'Essentials' so you can still get them sorted. As the emphasis was on home working and online shopping I should think you can get that sorted too!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:
velvet donkey posted:

What happens if your washing machine, oven or, heaven forbid, your internet goes down?


Is access allowed?  Is anyone available?

Household appliances are considered 'Essentials' so you can still get them sorted. As the emphasis was on home working and online shopping I should think you can get that sorted too!

I believe I have heard they will only bring large items such as washers/fridges to the door 🙂

Moonie posted:
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:
velvet donkey posted:

What happens if your washing machine, oven or, heaven forbid, your internet goes down?


Is access allowed?  Is anyone available?

Household appliances are considered 'Essentials' so you can still get them sorted. As the emphasis was on home working and online shopping I should think you can get that sorted too!

I believe I have heard they will only bring large items such as washers/fridges to the door 🙂

I know, we've just had a fridge/freezer delivered on Wednesday. However, as we were getting it to go into the garage, they did agree to put it there - though we did have to unpack it ourselves and level it and connect it.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

People wonder why there is so much anger, the refusal to accept the EU offer for equipment and ventilators and this on top of that thhe contract given to a Tory donor that's never made ventilators before..the time he makes them and tests them, thousands are going to lose their lives 


Direct Access, a company based in Nantwich, and supplier to the NHS, contacted the health department early last week after acquiring an initial 5,000 ventilators. It followed up two days later with an additional offer of 50 million coronavirus testing kits, email went unanswered.



Dame_Ann_Average posted:

People wonder why there is so much anger, the refusal to accept the EU offer for equipment and ventilators and this on top of that thhe contract given to a Tory donor that's never made ventilators before..the time he makes them and tests them, thousands are going to lose their lives 


Direct Access, a company based in Nantwich, and supplier to the NHS, contacted the health department early last week after acquiring an initial 5,000 ventilators. It followed up two days later with an additional offer of 50 million coronavirus testing kits, email went unanswered.



  It absolutely makes me sick! 

Last edited by Sprout
Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

People wonder why there is so much anger, the refusal to accept the EU offer for equipment and ventilators and this on top of that thhe contract given to a Tory donor that's never made ventilators before..the time he makes them and tests them, thousands are going to lose their lives 


Direct Access, a company based in Nantwich, and supplier to the NHS, contacted the health department early last week after acquiring an initial 5,000 ventilators. It followed up two days later with an additional offer of 50 million coronavirus testing kits, email went unanswered.



  It absolutely makes me sick! 

I'm lying on my bed literally shaking my head. Do that quite a lot these days.


There's not an expletive laden sentence that would cover it. Feck. That'll do.

velvet donkey posted:
Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

People wonder why there is so much anger, the refusal to accept the EU offer for equipment and ventilators and this on top of that thhe contract given to a Tory donor that's never made ventilators before..the time he makes them and tests them, thousands are going to lose their lives 


Direct Access, a company based in Nantwich, and supplier to the NHS, contacted the health department early last week after acquiring an initial 5,000 ventilators. It followed up two days later with an additional offer of 50 million coronavirus testing kits, email went unanswered.



  It absolutely makes me sick! 

I'm lying on my bed literally shaking my head. Do that quite a lot these days.


There's not an expletive laden sentence that would cover it. Feck. That'll do.

Oh, I could go stronger but it'll prolly get me banned!

velvet donkey posted:

  It absolutely makes me sick! 

I'm lying on my bed literally shaking my head. Do that quite a lot these days.


There's not an expletive laden sentence that would cover it. Feck. That'll do.

that's how I feel Velvet, I know errors are going to be made whoever was dealing with it...but this is unbelievable, many people are going to die because of these after the other  Johnson and Cummings, not fit for purpose and certainly not fit to run the country when many, many thousands of lives hang in the balance 


Absolutely appalling, several firms offered ventilators, yet the government went with Dyson that has to make one from scratch and go through testing before it's approved...and the Tories said Corbyn was a danger to the UK. Boris & Co are literally letting people die ..I am consumed with anger at the strategy or incompetence, call it what you will I call it 'herd immunity' 


U.K. Gov bluff called “we would now have supplied up to 15,000 ventilators with a further delivery of 10,000 within the next two weeks,” said Andy Faulkner, owner of Topland The EU says the U.K. was present at meetings when procurements discussed


I never thought I'd be wishing well Prince Charles and especially Boris Johnson,  but with this pandemic no one is safe. The government's blasé attitude of no action till action becomes an irresistible imperative has come home to roost for Boris.


I'm self-isolating and have COPD.  I've been notified by the NHS as highly at risk.  Tried to order groceries online, but ALL slots (home delivery and click and collect) are taken.  I've got lots of frozen stuff but virtually no fresh fruit and veg.


Even though I meet the NHS criteria I'm at the "less risk" end of the "high risk".  There's people far, far worse off than me. 

Last edited by Carnelian

I'm too upset to comment on the disgrace that is our govt. 

Carnelian.....I hope you manage to get some fresh produce 

I tried for many hours over many days to get an online delivery but couldn't...however Tesco managed to charge me for a delivery saver plan for which I have zero chance of ever getting...


Carnelian, they say frozen fruit and veg are still high in vitamins so, if you have room in your freezer and can get an online order from Iceland (they were saving their delivery slots for vulnerable people) that might be the way to go. 


Why are we ignoring The World Health Organisation ? They have the world top scientists and doctors advising them we have idiots! I know why, I wish other people could see the reasoning behind it 



Surely all his cabinet should be isolating if had it.....hmmm


Bombshell from that lied about 'not getting the email' re ventilators, plus a leaked email saying they didnt order PPE as it was too expensive.... they've gone into hiding. Don't believe for a minute they are really ill.

Last edited by Sprout
Sprout posted:
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

That's disgusting. I hope the doctors don't comply!

Some are saying it is, some are saying it isn't. Who to believe? Hmmm *strokes chin*

Is this a rumour from Twitter? If it is, it may be best not to repeat it unless there is an official source.


Widely reported in the press yesterday that a study by MIT - no amateurs - revealed that the two metre social distancing guidelines were at least four times too short. They claim the droplets can travel up to 26 feet!


Can't do links but MIT produced some good card counters at Blackjack.

velvet donkey posted:

Widely reported in the press yesterday that a study by MIT - no amateurs - revealed that the two metre social distancing guidelines were at least four times too short. They claim the droplets can travel up to 26 feet!


Can't do links but MIT produced some good card counters at Blackjack.

not surprised thing I am concerned about is know how far that smell something way before you see it and its just come out of someones lungs

Sprout posted:

Surely all his cabinet should be isolating if had it.....hmmm


Bombshell from that lied about 'not getting the email' re ventilators, plus a leaked email saying they didnt order PPE as it was too expensive.... they've gone into hiding. Don't believe for a minute they are really ill.

Johnson lying....true to form. Brussels have given evidence that it wasn't an admin error. He might just do a Cameron and run off. 

Doctors and nurses are getting ill at an alarming rate because they don't have adequate safety clothing...its an absolute disgrace. No PM has let their people down so badly .Here in Wales they were going to start testing on a large scale as this is THE KEY to controlling the virus successfully...and the firm that won the tender for it has just admitted that they can't deliver as they don't have the know how . so back to nothing again. Meanwhile the NHS workers are suffering and people are dying  ...and a doctor has just died..... no words



Like Amy, I have no words, or none I could put on an open forum 


Boris Johnson was briefed about Coronavirus in December 2019. His first Cobra meeting was on 2nd March 2020. No actions were taken for 3 months. They had the 2016 report that warned the NHS could not cope in an emergency like this, had they acted we could have been well prepared. How many lives would have been saved? Instead they buried the report and continued to cut the NHS....there is a special place in hell for some MP's. 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


Like Amy, I have no words, or none I could put on an open forum 


Boris Johnson was briefed about Coronavirus in December 2019. His first Cobra meeting was on 2nd March 2020. No actions were taken for 3 months. They had the 2016 report that warned the NHS could not cope in an emergency like this, had they acted we could have been well prepared. How many lives would have been saved? Instead they buried the report and continued to cut the NHS....there is a special place in hell for some MP's. 

Let's hope they social distance on entry    

machel posted:

They thought they would not be affected, just culling a few vulnerable / unwanted 

Yep. They'll get the celebrity version though - only lasts a week and then they're okay.


So they think    


Hope you've managed on the food.


I'll add this.


Any fecker who has done a cost benefit ratio on this needs shot with a sawn off. Preferably Purdey for the irony.


 The eldery got us where we are and they count far more than career opportunists. Far feckin more.

Last edited by velvet donkey
velvet donkey posted:
machel posted:

They thought they would not be affected, just culling a few vulnerable / unwanted 

Yep. They'll get the celebrity version though - only lasts a week and then they're okay.


So they think    


Hope you've managed on the food.

We didn’t panic buy so it is a bit difficult,  daughter dropping supplies off tomorrow, she has been in lockdown for over a fortnight so she should be ok 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Driver stopped on M6 lockdown trip with wife in boot



The Police are too vocal. Feck its being going on for years. Get back in your cage.


Take care if you're not working from home. Still take care    


And the way they are still talking is still giving the impression that once restrictions are lifted/relaxed it will mean that the danger will be over - it isn't, the virus is still there. The only way it will be 'over' is if everyone is vaccinated or develops strong antibodies. Both things aren't happening/available at the moment.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Feck China.


Unfortunately a lot of the worlds trade revolves round it.


How can you eat a cat or deep fry a live dog?  Will always beat me.


They've got a decent face - ask London or Edinburgh - but there are a lot of buts.


They've been eating bats for years. I don't buy it.

Last edited by velvet donkey

Any pandemic that can be accurately traced back to a particular place/activity should give every reason to demand that place changes it's practices (if it can)


Any country, any activity - no excuses or it will happen again


now immigrants are good enough...this Country should be thoroughly ashamed of itself 


The Home Office says NHS doctors, nurses and paramedics with UK work visas due to expire before 1 October will have them automatically extended for a year so they can "focus on fighting coronavirus"

Dame_Ann_Average posted:

now immigrants are good enough...this Country should be thoroughly ashamed of itself 


The Home Office says NHS doctors, nurses and paramedics with UK work visas due to expire before 1 October will have them automatically extended for a year so they can "focus on fighting coronavirus"

You couldn't make it up


When Redcar Steel Works closed the local Tory MP said,

"These people are better 'set to work' on new projects" - or words to that effect.


He definitely used the phrase "set to work"


As if we are work horses and nothing more


Blaming Chinese meat markets is not the answer to preventing further virus pandemics. Climate change has meant that globally vast areas of farmland have been damaged by drought and floods beyond repair, So wilderness/forests are being torn down or burnt to make more farmland which makes the barrier between humans and wild animals  almost invisible. Their habitat is disappearing which makes them much more available .Poverty and global warming are by products of the current system .If we are to survive and feed ourselves safely we need to change the system.

Roxan posted:

Over here there are still a lot of people who still think this is fake news thanks to you know who.

After reading some more of his nonsense today I really think that the biggest threat to the American people, currently, is him!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

One big (well co-ordinated) global hoax, eh? And elaborate, Building hospitals, staging unattended funerals, clearing streets of vehicles and people, setting up ward full of people on ventilators etc. 

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Roxan posted:

Over here there are still a lot of people who still think this is fake news thanks to you know who.

I'm concerned for all our FMs, of course, but I do worry about you and all our other American friends. Apparently gun shops are now considered "essential businesses" over there...

Eugene's Lair
Roxan posted:

Over here there are still a lot of people who still think this is fake news thanks to you know who.

The thing is that because Trump's more fanatical supporters can't/won't acknowledge his inconsistencies, they can find themselves surprisingly out of step with him, and that's what's happening here. Trump now genuinely appears to be taking the epidemic seriously. I haven't been able to confirm it, but I heard a story that one of his friends who's younger and fitter than him caught coronavirus and is now in a coma, and that rather changed his perspective on things...


That said, he still can't resist playing games: he's now talking about saving a "million" Americans from the disease - a figure five times that of the worst-case scenario described by Dr Fauci. Critics are suggesting he's touting this figure so that when the final total of deaths is lower, he can claim the credit for keeping it down... 

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Amythist posted:

Blaming Chinese meat markets is not the answer to preventing further virus pandemics. Climate change has meant that globally vast areas of farmland have been damaged by drought and floods beyond repair, So wilderness/forests are being torn down or burnt to make more farmland which makes the barrier between humans and wild animals  almost invisible. Their habitat is disappearing which makes them much more available .Poverty and global warming are by products of the current system .If we are to survive and feed ourselves safely we need to change the system.

I agree with you wholeheartedly - the health of the planet needs our long term care.

But if simple practices can be proven as toxic .... they have to stop


Saint posted:
Amythist posted:

Blaming Chinese meat markets is not the answer to preventing further virus pandemics. Climate change has meant that globally vast areas of farmland have been damaged by drought and floods beyond repair, So wilderness/forests are being torn down or burnt to make more farmland which makes the barrier between humans and wild animals  almost invisible. Their habitat is disappearing which makes them much more available .Poverty and global warming are by products of the current system .If we are to survive and feed ourselves safely we need to change the system.

I agree with you wholeheartedly - the health of the planet needs our long term care.

But if simple practices can be proven as toxic .... they have to stop


Horrible practices aren't they..and yes it would be good to stop them....and I would love to stop people chucking their pets out on the street because they think they will get CV from. them



I think the 'saving millions' is to do with the apparent modelling that said that if the US did nothing then over a million would die. So now that he's ordered mitigation strategies the modelling says 100,000 to 200.000 he's patting himself on the back for 'saving' all those people, He forgets, or conveniently ignores, the fact that if people don't comply with said mitigation strategies then the 'modelling' figures will/could be hopelessly inaccurate.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:
Saint posted:

So did you all observe the 8pm round of applause for our amazing NHS staff?

Well no, but that was because I didn't know about it until after it was all over.


How did I miss hearing about it in advance????

As a heads-up-up for anyone who didn't already know:


Another one is planned for tonight at 8pm.

It appears to be intended as a weekly thing,

Eugene's Lair

Just heard on the news that Eddie Large has died from coronavirus at the age 78. I knew he had a heart transplant some years back, and that appears to have been a contributing factor.


Funnily enough, I was thinking about him recently. I heard some years back that he and Syd Little had had a falling-out, however I saw them together on a C5 show a week or so ago. it sounds like they were still friends at the end...

Eugene's Lair
Yogi19 posted:

My Council has stopped all recycling collections for the foreseeable.
Everything has to go in the general waste bin and it will be collected weekly, instead of three weekly.

So far we are getting waste and recycling collected but I guess it’s just a matter of time before they do the same here too Yogi.

Roxan posted:

Dr Anthony Fauci, top expert in infectious diseases and the face of the response to the Coronavirus over here, has been receiving a significant number of death threats. No words. 

Just been reading about that. 


Apparently it's the QAnon mob, who think Fauci is spreading "fear porn" and is a "Deep State plant". 

Their main "evidence" is that he once wrote an email supporting Hillary Clinton. 


The problem is that - as I've said before - they and other Trump-supporting science-deniers haven't grasped that Trump's just performed a massive U-turn (or "reverse ferret", as Fleet Street puts it), and they're now totally out-of-step with the guy they supposedly support...

Eugene's Lair


Social Distancing.


I'm very good at it, making myself keep the appropriate distance between other shoppers in the supermarket. BUT. I can't legislated for someone walking round the next isle, their face firmly in their mobile, not looking where they are going. Man! did I want to grab that mobile device and turn it into 10's of thousands of spare parts!!! 


Also, the very sensible Chinese girl who decided to drop her basket at the junction of two isles, in the middle of a 2m marked out box, again with her face stuck in her phone, blocking the way for two others. Grrrrrrrr. PEOPLE !!!!


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

ASDA are not letting customers update their basket


I made a preliminary order of 10 items at midnight just to get my slot with a view to making my full order today

And now it looks like i'm going to get a delivery of ten items and nothing more

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Social Distancing.


I'm very good at it, making myself keep the appropriate distance between other shoppers in the supermarket. BUT. I can't legislated for someone walking round the next isle, their face firmly in their mobile, not looking where they are going. Man! did I want to grab that mobile device and turn it into 10's of thousands of spare parts!!! 


Also, the very sensible Chinese girl who decided to drop her basket at the junction of two isles, in the middle of a 2m marked out box, again with her face stuck in her phone, blocking the way for two others. Grrrrrrrr. PEOPLE !!!!


Think of it like this EC, that is two people, how many more are 'towing the line' that never caught your attention?.... never forget to send them a friendly smile across the aisles...….xxx

Saint posted:

ASDA are not letting customers update their basket


I made a preliminary order of 10 items at midnight just to get my slot with a view to making my full order today

And now it looks like i'm going to get a delivery of ten items and nothing more

You can only update in the 2 days before delivery and the cut off is 10pm the day before. And they only want you to update it once as far as I can see.


Go into help and have a good look at everything.

Last edited by velvet donkey
velvet donkey posted:
Saint posted:

ASDA are not letting customers update their basket


I made a preliminary order of 10 items at midnight just to get my slot with a view to making my full order today

And now it looks like i'm going to get a delivery of ten items and nothing more

You can only update in the 2 days before delivery and the cut off is 10pm the day before. And they only want you to update it once as far as I can see.

Go into help and have a good look at everything.

Yes i can see that now!!

Thank you so much Velvet - you've ended days of worry until it would have dawned on my idiot mind.


Cheers brother    

Last edited by Saint

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