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@Baz posted:

It’s all so bliddy arbitrary ….I know people who have had 6/7 days but are still testing positive ,so letting folks go back after 5 days is asking for trouble imo .

I think they have to have two positive test results within 12 0r 24 hours of each other AS WELL as the 5 days (minimum) isolation.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I think they have to have two positive test results within 12 0r 24 hours of each other AS WELL as the 5 days (minimum) isolation.

I know EFFT , but I bet loads of people just ignore that directive and think “well it’s over 5 days so I’m ok “


Why is it that news programmes will interview literally any pub/cafe owner who wants to moan about their profit margins but never interviews nurses who treat the patients suffering with this terrible virus.

It's almost unheard of but should be first every night at 6pm so we know from the 'front line' what's really going on.

If there's a conspiracy it seems to be one of deflecting us from the whole truth for fear we panic/know too much

@Saint posted:

Why is it that news programmes will interview literally any pub/cafe owner who wants to moan about their profit margins but never interviews nurses who treat the patients suffering with this terrible virus.

It's almost unheard of but should be first every night at 6pm so we know from the 'front line' what's really going on.

If there's a conspiracy it seems to be one of deflecting us from the whole truth for fear we panic/know too much

@Baz posted:

It’s all so bliddy arbitrary ….I know people who have had 6/7 days but are still testing positive ,so letting folks go back after 5 days is asking for trouble imo .

Maybe….or maybe not…nobody really knows yet


It's the turn of the tattoo artists now!

Apparently the EU are now going to ban certain chemicals used in (mostly) coloured inks, so now the European tattooists are all going to go out of business!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

It's the turn of the tattoo artists now!

Apparently the EU are now going to ban certain chemicals used in (mostly) coloured inks, so now the European tattooists are all going to go out of business!

@Baz posted:

Now someone in the West Country has apparently tested positive for Bird flu ….…. ….is there no end to all this .

I shouldn't worry too much Baz....Bird flu in humans is very rare, and human to human transfer is even rarer

@Baz posted:

None of them do Velvet ….let’s face it we’ve gone to hell in a hand basket !

Correct Baz. Listen to any phone in from a nurse.

One was in tears. Is that correct for a job? I don't think so         

Last edited by velvet donkey
@slimfern posted:

Scientists from Kyoto University have developed a face mask made with ostrich antibodies that glows under ultraviolet light when coronavirus is present.

That would be good …if true .🤣🤣


I remember all those who thought this wasn't happening and it was a flu. It was a laugh. Maguire and Pierce on the Sky paper review. Darren Adam. Matt Stadlen. Lot's of others.

No comment.

I'll admit to thinking it wouldn't turn into anything near what it has done Velvet.

@Former Member posted:

Loads here still insist it’s just the sniffles, thanks to a certain orange wannabe dictator,,,

...And I see that despite all that time he spent downplaying the virus, Trump is now berating Republican politicians who won't admit they've had the vaccine - most notably potential rival presidential candidate, DeSantis...

Trump calls politicians who refuse to say they received Covid boosters 'gutless' (

I'm calling it now: "cognitive determinism" is going to be my personal "Overused Phrase of the Year" for the 6th year in a row...

Eugene's Lair

Eugene wafts into here like a voice of reason     

He's a good guy. Probably a Scot. Does that mean anything - No. Cold Sweats covered Inverness  I liked that.

Between the Lines was pioneering telly.Stay safe Eugene     

Last edited by velvet donkey
@Former Member posted:

I saw that article @Eugene's Lair. Couldn’t believe it!Well I could, nothing he does or says can be a surprise now! How low can he go?

Let’s hope we never find out Roxan….appalling man !


I'm a bit confused about NHS medical staff preferring to leave the profession rather than have the COVID jab when i read that having HEP B is mandatory

Staff Screening and Immunisation Policy Policy: HR17

All staff 5 who carry out duties involving direct care with people who use the service or who have contact with blood or body fluids must be vaccinated against Hepatitis B

Last edited by Saint
@Saint posted:

I'm a bit confused about NHS medical staff preferring to leave the profession rather than have the COVID jab when i read that having HEP B is mandatory

Staff Screening and Immunisation Policy Policy: HR17

All staff 5 who carry out duties involving direct care with people who use the service or who have contact with blood or body fluids must be vaccinated against Hepatitis B

Exactly Renton….bliddy selfish and irresponsible ….imo they don’t deserve to be in a so called caring profession !

@Saint posted:

I'm a bit confused about NHS medical staff preferring to leave the profession rather than have the COVID jab when i read that having HEP B is mandatory

Staff Screening and Immunisation Policy Policy: HR17

All staff 5 who carry out duties involving direct care with people who use the service or who have contact with blood or body fluids must be vaccinated against Hepatitis B

If a vaccine mandate is already in a job description then a candidate would have no choice, whereas in this case it is being forced upon them post engagement of employment.

Personally I think it is selfish of anyone in a close personal caring sector to refuse it.
I know it can still be caught even when fully vaccinated, but the illness is minimal.

@slimfern posted:

If a vaccine mandate is already in a job description then a candidate would have no choice, whereas in this case it is being forced upon them post engagement of employment.

Personally I think it is selfish of anyone in a close personal caring sector to refuse it.
I know it can still be caught even when fully vaccinated, but the illness is minimal.

Isn't the principle the same though - it's medically necessary - he understood that for HEP B

@Saint posted:

I'm a bit confused about NHS medical staff preferring to leave the profession rather than have the COVID jab when i read that having HEP B is mandatory

Staff Screening and Immunisation Policy Policy: HR17

All staff 5 who carry out duties involving direct care with people who use the service or who have contact with blood or body fluids must be vaccinated against Hepatitis B


Hepatitis B immunisation
30. It is recommended that all healthcare workers, including students who have direct contact with blood, blood-stained body fluids or patients’ tissues, are offered immunisation against hepatitis B and tests to check their response to immunisation, including investigation of non-response. Guidance on immunisation against hepatitis B, which includes information about dosage/protocols and supplies, is contained in chapter 18 of the UK Health Departments’ publication, Immunisation against infectious disease.

@slimfern posted:

If a vaccine mandate is already in a job description then a candidate would have no choice, whereas in this case it is being forced upon them post engagement of employment.

Personally I think it is selfish of anyone in a close personal caring sector to refuse it.
I know it can still be caught even when fully vaccinated, but the illness is minimal.

That's a fallacy my dear lady. It can be terminal. There are many cases         

@Saint posted:

I'm a bit confused about NHS medical staff preferring to leave the profession rather than have the COVID jab when i read that having HEP B is mandatory

Staff Screening and Immunisation Policy Policy: HR17

All staff 5 who carry out duties involving direct care with people who use the service or who have contact with blood or body fluids must be vaccinated against Hepatitis B

From what I understood they were not leaving the profession, but being to other jobs away from frontline jobs and direct patient contact. That could be rather tricky though!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Well that Gray report says it all , eh ….and is it a coincidence that they have chosen today to hint that they are not going to insist on vaccines for nhs staff .

Last edited by Baz

Cressida has it under control Baz     

So had Sir Walter Scott:  "Oh what a tangled web we weave/when first we practice to deceive"

That alone was worthy of a monument on Princes Street.

We’re going to hell in a handcart, eh Velvet .


It has taken nearly two years but my daughter has covid ( and my granddaughter), she has taken all the precautions ( and worked throughout)  however it seems that covid is “rampant” at school 😱😢

@machel posted:

It has taken nearly two years but my daughter has covid ( and my granddaughter), she has taken all the precautions ( and worked throughout)  however it seems that covid is “rampant” at school 😱😢

Awww sorry to hear that Machel

@machel posted:

It has taken nearly two years but my daughter has covid ( and my granddaughter), she has taken all the precautions ( and worked throughout)  however it seems that covid is “rampant” at school 😱😢

Awwww Machel I hope they only have a mild dose

@Former Member posted:

Saw they are planning to scrap isolation requirements if you test positive. What a total bunch of morons. Just asking for another mutation.

Over here, apparently, two thirds of service workers (retail, restaurants etc) say they have been forced to work with covid. Told to wear a mask and don’t tell anyone.

Are you any closer to coming home Roxan...the sooner the better

@Former Member posted:

Saw they are planning to scrap isolation requirements if you test positive. What a total bunch of morons. Just asking for another mutation.

Over here, apparently, two thirds of service workers (retail, restaurants etc) say they have been forced to work with covid. Told to wear a mask and don’t tell anyone.

Crazy imo…but then most of what they do seems crazy these days !Hows the move going Roxan ?

@Former Member posted:

Hello @Baz @slimfern @velvet donkey

Just trying to get my husbands meds sorted first. It was so hard getting him diagnosed don’t want to change doctors until he is leveled out, and it has been tricky so far. Trying to be patient and enjoy the last few weeks here! I really just want to be on a plane and home! X

Awwww I hope you can get it all sorted out soon Roxan


Learning to live with it is one thing, but only once we are ready and fully equiped to do so.

Basically saying 'It's been 2 1/2 years now, so let's just pull the plug.........regardless' is NOT a good strategy, for anyone!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@slimfern posted:

The most vulnerable are due to get another dose of vaccine starting April I think.

Starting today so they have said on the news...

With the virus mutating constantly ...would we ever be fully equipped Fluffy.
Over 60% of the population have been triple jabbed and over 90% have at least one vaccine in them.
And seeing the number of people out and about without masks I am assuming that they are ready to risk it.
For those of us that aren't ..we will just have to be extra careful


Learning to live with it is one thing, but only once we are ready and fully equiped to do so.

Basically saying 'It's been 2 1/2 years now, so let's just pull the plug.........regardless' is NOT a good strategy, for anyone!

I really don't think Politicians should be making the rules - it's a medical emergency - this 'grin and bear it' scenario is just not good enough.

I know exactly what they're thinking - protect the vulnerable, play on people's desire to 'get back to normal' and treat it like another type of 'flu thing' that we've all learned to live with in the past - job done. They really just wan the economy back on it's feet and the work force are collateral damage.

@Former Member posted:

And a vaccine that is not effective against BA2. Brilliant. Boris get bored? Makes the sacrifices of the last two years seem pointless if they just give up now.

I agree Roxan


Learning to live with it is one thing, but only once we are ready and fully equiped to do so.

Basically saying 'It's been 2 1/2 years now, so let's just pull the plug.........regardless' is NOT a good strategy, for anyone!

Exactly EFFT

@Saint posted:

I really don't think Politicians should be making the rules - it's a medical emergency - this 'grin and bear it' scenario is just not good enough.

I know exactly what they're thinking - protect the vulnerable, play on people's desire to 'get back to normal' and treat it like another type of 'flu thing' that we've all learned to live with in the past - job done. They really just wan the economy back on it's feet and the work force are collateral damage.

I tend to agree with you Renton ….sadly the figures seem to be indicating that the elderly and vulnerable are already starting to pay the price again.

@slimfern posted:

With the virus mutating constantly ...would we ever be fully equipped Fluffy.

Well' part of being 'fully equipped' would mean being in a position where we are NOT lurching from pillar to post. Knee-jerk reactions do not really help..

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

According to the ONS , covid  infections have risen by a million over the last week….with over 4 million people having the virus .  Hospitalisations are also rising . Relaxing restrictions is really working , eh !

Last edited by Baz
@Baz posted:

What 2nd boosters Kaytee?

The big ones are doing all boosters and those who haven’t vaccinated at all yet……but they are also doing second boosters because they have good car parking……however small ones like pharmacies have to be booked when people are contacted for eligibility…..think second boosters still have to be called but booking not needed


@Kaytee posted:

The big ones are doing all boosters and those who haven’t vaccinated at all yet……but they are also doing second boosters because they have good car parking……however small ones like pharmacies have to be booked when people are contacted for eligibility…..think second boosters still have to be called but booking not needed


We have to wait to be called for all our jabs ….I think they’ve just started contacting the over 75s for their second boosters …but don’t think I’ll be called for mine until the autumn .🥰🥰

@Baz posted:

We have to wait to be called for all our jabs ….I think they’ve just started contacting the over 75s for their second boosters …but don’t think I’ll be called for mine until the autumn .🥰🥰

Mr KT had his today, but he’s underlying conditions…..gawd knows where I feature because I have been brought forward after my latest brush with a chest infection🥰🥰

@Kaytee posted:

Mr KT had his today, but he’s underlying conditions…..gawd knows where I feature because I have been brought forward after my latest brush with a chest infection🥰🥰


@Baz posted:

*Record 4.9 million people have covid ….the highest number since April 2020 … much for the pandemic waning !

The word I noticed in the notice was ‘estimated’……you can’t get a real total because people test three or 4 times or in my daughters case seven…….waiting for the first test to turn negative … that would go down as 7 positive tests……you can also test positive with a cold(my doctor)…..not saying a lot of people haven’t got it…..but beware ……these things aren’t gospel…..project fear is alive and well

@Kaytee posted:

The word I noticed in the notice was ‘estimated’……you can’t get a real total because people test three or 4 times or in my daughters case seven…….waiting for the first test to turn negative … that would go down as 7 positive tests……you can also test positive with a cold(my doctor)…..not saying a lot of people haven’t got it…..but beware ……these things aren’t gospel…..project fear is alive and well

I’d rather be fearful , and alive

@Baz posted:

I’d rather be fearful , and alive

Sensible is better than being fearful now… just can’t live your life in fear, you’ll drive yourself mad…..🥰🥰🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣

@Kaytee posted:

Sensible is better than being fearful now… just can’t live your life in fear, you’ll drive yourself mad…..🥰🥰🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣

Couldn't agree more Kaytee

BIL has just gotten over having the virus, he's in his late 60's and fully stabbed ...he said the isolation was worse than the illness itself.

Last edited by slimfern

I’d agree with both of you if my husband was still alive , or if I had family close by …. as it is I’m totally alone …which makes *being brave* very , very hard . Plus at my age , if I did end up in hospital , I’d be classed as vulnerable , and given the current care shortages I’d probably end up stuck there for ages ….it took me long enough to *break out* last time !


I’m always going to wear a mask in shops and the like. It’s way to soon to pretend it s gone away or doesn’t matter.Apparently you can quadruple the numbers of infected people to get closer to the real figure….so I’m pretty cautious right now as it’s exploding everywhere and I dont mind not going out out .

@Amythist posted:

I’m always going to wear a mask in shops and the like. It’s way to soon to pretend it s gone away or doesn’t matter.Apparently you can quadruple the numbers of infected people to get closer to the real figure….so I’m pretty cautious right now as it’s exploding everywhere and I dont mind not going out out .

That’s how I feel too Amythist

@Amythist posted:

I’m always going to wear a mask in shops and the like. It’s way to soon to pretend it s gone away or doesn’t matter.Apparently you can quadruple the numbers of infected people to get closer to the real figure….so I’m pretty cautious right now as it’s exploding everywhere and I dont mind not going out out .

Very sensible too

@Former Member posted:

Both of us here are high risk, my husband particularly. We aren’t taking any chances.  Masks for the foreseeable future. Not only is there the physical risk but a hospital stay here is exorbitant. We feel that the high risk have been left to swing in the wind. Fl governor recently dismissed mask wearing as theatrics. They may be reporting few cases here at the moment but evidence suggests otherwise.

A lot of push back here to mask wearing, but I don’t care if people think I am being over cautious or even panicky, I have the right to make decisions based on my own circumstances. Nearly a third of my husbands endocrinologist’s patients have died of covid complications.

I don’t blame you Roxan ….apparently the figures for the over 55s are rising exponentially over here .


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