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And today it's 800 new cases in Scotland and 167 in Lanarkshire! :3rd highest

It’s bad in my region too EFFT So , like you , I will stay in the house and get my shopping etc delivered .....goodness knows what we would have done had this occurred before the Internet 


I'll follow every rule to stay safe - it's soul destroying to see people not even try.

So this morning our neighbour (80 yrs old) picked up her friend along the street to go shopping!!

On return the same lady approached our neighbour and asked "do you want a lift tomorrow?"


@Saint posted:

I'll follow every rule to stay safe - it's soul destroying to see people not even try.

So this morning our neighbour (80 yrs old) picked up her friend along the street to go shopping!!

On return the same lady approached our neighbour and asked "do you want a lift tomorrow?"


I don’t know what planet these people are on Renton....I truly don’t 

@Saint posted:

I'll follow every rule to stay safe - it's soul destroying to see people not even try.

So this morning our neighbour (80 yrs old) picked up her friend along the street to go shopping!!

On return the same lady approached our neighbour and asked "do you want a lift tomorrow?"


Maybe this attitude from an uncaring portion of society towards the 'older generation' of 'They'll be dead soon anyway' is begining to filter into said 'older generation' and some of them are now thinking 'We'll be dead soon anyway, so we might as well enjoy ourselves while we can!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Maybe this attitude from an uncaring portion of society towards the 'older generation' of 'They'll be dead soon anyway' is begining to filter into said 'older generation' and some of them are now thinking 'We'll be dead soon anyway, so we might as well enjoy ourselves while we can!

That would be hilarious

Bunch of senior citizens marching shuffling on Whitehall, throwing masks in the air, singing,

"Anarchy in the OAP" 

Last edited by Saint
@Saint posted:

That would be hilarious

Bunch of senior citizens marching shuffling on Whitehall, throwing masks in the air, singing,

"Anarchy in the OAP" 

Demanding everyone under 30 is locked down so the rest of us can go out and about😂


I have been data processed by humans or an algorithm?.......Apparently the council leader of Richmond Surrey, one of the wealthiest boroughs in the SE smelled a rat,when cases increased when local testing,admissions to hospitals etc hadn't changed much. He discovered that students who had gone to Uni elsewhere were putting their home addresses on the tracing paperwork...thus boosting positive tests in their home areas not their Uni areas,so greatly distorting the figures.....this must be happening all over the place flu, colds and other respiratory diseases are also corona it possible that some positives and purported spreaders are actually suffering from something else,but put down as Covid?

confused? bet!

@Kaytee posted:

I have been data processed by humans or an algorithm?.......Apparently the council leader of Richmond Surrey, one of the wealthiest boroughs in the SE smelled a rat,when cases increased when local testing,admissions to hospitals etc hadn't changed much. He discovered that students who had gone to Uni elsewhere were putting their home addresses on the tracing paperwork...thus boosting positive tests in their home areas not their Uni areas,so greatly distorting the figures.....this must be happening all over the place flu, colds and other respiratory diseases are also corona it possible that some positives and purported spreaders are actually suffering from something else,but put down as Covid?

confused? bet!

It does make you wonder KAytee


Virus rampaging through the population once more. I still maintain it is mainly because restrictions were relaxed too soon and too quickly, given that nothing about the virus has effectively changed!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

It's so obvious why the government is blaming the public, I worked this out three weeks ago. The pubs opened on July 4th with no significant rise in July and August and if there was it would have been manageable to contain....schools and uni's opened and surprise


@Baz posted:

I think it’s a combination Dame ......imo pubs and uni’s are the main drivers .....but whatever it is , on this occasion,  I support any moves to contain it .

The rise in pubs isn't that significant Baz, I can only speak for my own personal experience, most pubs have done everything possible in the workplace to make it safe for staff and clientele .....the mass throwing out at ten will probably cause a spike in hospitality because people are leaving city pubs en masse.

Schools and uni's were always going to send the R number sky-high, the government have not made it safe for schools and uni's to open safely. We have had 7 months to prepare, or prepare for lessons online...they have done nothing. We have ignored advice from countries that are doing really well, mainly Asian countries who are now as near as normal as they can possibly be. Why not go with the obvious and follow their lead....


The rise in pubs isn't that significant Baz, I can only speak for my own personal experience, most pubs have done everything possible in the workplace to make it safe for staff and clientele .....the mass throwing out at ten will probably cause a spike in hospitality because people are leaving city pubs en masse.

Schools and uni's were always going to send the R number sky-high, the government have not made it safe for schools and uni's to open safely. We have had 7 months to prepare, or prepare for lessons online...they have done nothing. We have ignored advice from countries that are doing really well, mainly Asian countries who are now as near as normal as they can possibly be. Why not go with the obvious and follow their lead....

I am sure that some pubs have done as you say , but you only have to look at how some people behave when the are drinking I truly can’t understand why pubs were opened so soon.....alcohol  is not a necessity ....and if it is there are other ways of getting it . But I agree that unis in particular were not prepared . Let’s face it , it’s a mess ....but I can’t see that less controls is the way to goAs for Asian countries , firstly, I can’t help but think the figures are a lot higher than recorded , and secondly , they....the populace .... are far better at obeying their governments than we are


A school in Boston has closed as there were 5 covid cases,  my granddaughters school introduced mask wearing in the playground when picking children up (but waited 4weeks before implementation!) as parents were “gathering “ in groups


Well, Liverpool pubs set too close except Wetherspoons.

Little bit of Cronyism going on eh 'food-based pubs' such as Wetherspoons will be allowed to stay open in Merseyside while pubs and bars that don't "substantially" serve food will have to close later this week.



@machel posted:

A school in Boston has closed as there were 5 covid cases,  my granddaughters school introduced mask wearing in the playground when picking children up (but waited 4weeks before implementation!) as parents were “gathering “ in groups

My grandchildren schools still don't have to wear masks. my eldest grandson was back at school two weeks when he had to isolate for two weeks when one of his year was tested positive. His year were not allowed back to school, although the girl who tested positive's sister was allowed back in another year...madness Machel.

@Baz posted:

I think this should be above politics Dame

Baz, it's all about politics.... sadly, about money, about privatising the NHS. I am not politicising it, Starmer is useless and pushed for pubs, schools and work places opening...we have an inept government happily throwing billions to mates and using a pandemic as an excuse!


I wonder why politics governs a 'medical' emergency?

I've often wondered why politicians think they can run a country - perhaps they shouldn't. Seems to be their party, their politics and their image that comes first


My grandchildren schools still don't have to wear masks. my eldest grandson was back at school two weeks when he had to isolate for two weeks when one of his year was tested positive. His year were not allowed back to school, although the girl who tested positive's sister was allowed back in another year...madness Machel.

Total madness Dame, they are making it up as they go along.

Their school is very small, 40+ pupils over 3 classes each class in its own bubble but with many brother/sisters the bubbles don’t work too well,


Baz, it's all about politics.... sadly, about money, about privatising the NHS. I am not politicising it, Starmer is useless and pushed for pubs, schools and work places opening...we have an inept government happily throwing billions to mates and using a pandemic as an excuse!

@Baz posted:

I know we shouldn’t panic , but I think we all are starting to now.   And I can’t help wondering how Roxan is doing over there

I think it is because we are more aware this time, I am worried about another lockdown, the pressures on my daughters, I don’t think I can cope

@Baz posted:

I know we shouldn’t panic , but I think we all are starting to now.   And I can’t help wondering how Roxan is doing over there

Hope she's in hiding - Trump's visiting Florida!

Am I really laughing though? It's all getting scarier by the day - here and there!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Interview with Newcastle student on local news - she's admitted her hall of residence is partying every night and she wants to leave cos she doesn't feel safe. She said they were not taking the advice seriously.

Brilliant - thank you so much


Nothing is taken seriously. It needs heavily enforced and with higher - £1000 say - first time penalties for non mask wearing. Partying and everything else should be hit hard. The Govt. are not even serious. Too little, too late, as per March.

Can't pay we'll take it away. That's a temp job for a ballerina.

Last edited by velvet donkey

There is no answer though. Not now, not here. The big rush for the economy baby - that paid dividends. And don't espouse the common sense of the British people in Parliament - they have none. Like you lot.

Last edited by velvet donkey

And still they sail in at airports untested. It's Looney Tunes PG.

Self-quarantine is another running joke. The Govt. should be offering anonymous bounties on them. First come first served.

Last edited by velvet donkey

There is no answer though. Not now, not here. The big rush for the economy baby - that paid dividends. And don't espouse the common sense of the British people in Parliament - they have none. Like you lot.

Controvertial and uncalled for Velvet

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

I saw that EC morons No wonder we are in a mess’s not all down to the government ......although they leave a lot to be desired ....but no one can legislate for the selfishness and stupidity of people like that ....which is why I still say they should shut all the pubs !

@Baz posted:

I saw that EC morons No wonder we are in a mess’s not all down to the government ......although they leave a lot to be desired ....but no one can legislate for the selfishness and stupidity of people like that ....which is why I still say they should shut all the pubs !

Yes, agree, it's clear from months of news items, there are far too many people who are not going to stick by the rules, take precautions and help overcome C-19.

It's OK pub spokespeople saying C-19 does not observe a 10pm curfew, but I now think most of that is "I actually want to stay open regardless of how my punters behave but I will make a soundbite that sounds like I support measures to a degree without being truely honest".

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Yes, agree, it's clear from months of news items, there are far too many people who are not going to stick by the rules, take precautions and help overcome C-19.

It's OK pub spokespeople saying C-19 does not observe a 10pm curfew, but I now think most of that is "I actually want to stay open regardless of how my punters behave but I will make a soundbite that sounds like I support measures to a degree without being truely honest".

I totally agree EC And let’s face it , booze does lower your inhibitions , which in this situation is the last thing we need! It’s hard enough obeying all the rules and regulations when you are stone cold sober ....especially after all this time .....but if you are drunk , or even tiddly, it’s even harder .....hence scenes like those in liverpool !


Looks like Wales has closed its borders to people from high risk areas in the rest of the British Isles  , and I can’t say I blame them ! We should have instituted a travel ban between certain areas in England I’m in an area that borders liverpool and Manchester !

Last edited by Baz

After it has been revealed that a lot of infection has been brought into Scotland from Blackpool (idiotic day trippers!) I can see cross border closure/banning happening here too. I mean, we're not even supposed to go from area to area within Scotland!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

After it has been revealed that a lot of infection has been brought into Scotland from Blackpool (idiotic day trippers!) I can see cross border closure/banning happening here too. I mean, we're not even supposed to go from area to area within Scotland!!!

I saw that EFFT ....and once again I can’t say that I would blame your government


Sturgeon is political. Why was there a SNP Party Political Broadcast after last nights news at six?


I would vote as far away from England politically right now. It's sunk. Dunno if I could take years of Noddy rule though.

And I Iove England. And Wales and N. Ire. It's fecked and it hasn't even started.

Last edited by velvet donkey

Expect a sudden increase of infections amongst birdwatchers!

Have you seen the pictures of them crowded round the marshes where that rare bird was seen?

Is it really worth risking your life (and the lives of others) just to see a bird - no matter HOW rare it is!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I'm really sick and tired of all the assumptions people are making about this virus.

All right, it is A coronavirus and all the coronaviruses we have encountered so far have behaved in a closely similar way. It is widely acknowledged that this is a new/novel strain that we don't really know about, but from day one it was ASSUMED that it would behave closely similar to other coronaviruses and then great shock was displayed when it DIDN'T behave in accordance with the assumed expectations.

Did we learn anything from this?

No, it was 'Oh well, let's carry on with the assumptions.'

Just because certain things have (or haven't) happened to certain groups, once again the assumption is made that that is how the virus behaves and will always behave that way. And once again we are seeing shock that it's NOT always behaving that way.

Why are we making (and continuing to make) all these assumptions? We pretty well have a good idea of how existing viruses work because they have been around for several years and so longer term effects can be seen and mitigations made. This virus is only a matter of months old, thus how stable or unstable it is, how it might mutate, how it's effects might change from group to group...... and importantly, what it's long term effects might be (good, bad or indifferent) can, at best, only be guessed at.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Expect a sudden increase of infections amongst birdwatchers!

Have you seen the pictures of them crowded round the marshes where that rare bird was seen?

Is it really worth risking your life (and the lives of others) just to see a bird - no matter HOW rare it is!

Like you, I was reading yesterday's reports of this in utter disbelief, EFFT...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
@Baz posted:

You’re lucky KAytee’s pretty dire around where I am

The rates have been pretty stable since the first lockdown, even with the students coming back, although the Uni isn't campus based which helps. Not many pubs either, only 3 in town and the drinks are very expensive so less young people bother..


Not long to go then...

Not changed much since March, people seem to be behaving.......moreover there's more posh people in the borough living in their mansions who dont fraternise with us peasants


So Wales is shutting down for 2 weeks .....when the heck is Boris going to realise that we need to do the same His policy of negotiating with the regions isn’t working ....and never will when the likes of Andy Burnham would rather score political points ....and play up the north/south divide ...moron


Like it or not, Boris needs to realize that the state he's got the country in is mayhem. We really need to go back to full lockdown and start again, otherwise it's just lurching from one unruly crisis to another!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@Moonie posted:

It’s a disgrace. They should impose the lockdown now 🤬

I totally agree Moonie dare Andy Burnham play politics with people’s lives .....and that’s exactly what he’s doing ! If Liverpool and Lancashire can get by on a lot less than he was offered.......


I have got to admit I agree in part with Andy Burnham and I never thought I would hear myself saying that...I don't think for one minute he's playing politics, he's trying to ensure that those on the lowest wages can survive the winter months not going to work...the 22 million they have now offered is 3 million less than Jennick got for his constituency claiming the 25 million grant for the 101 poorest towns...Jenicks is 272 on the list

If they can pay consultants 7 grand a day for a track and trace system that still isn't working properly they should be able to feed those on minimum wage that will have to take drastic wage cuts... IMO


Hi Dameee

According to news reports Burnham was offered 60 million. He said he would come down from 75 million to 65 million. Now they are only going to get 22 million.

I guess if what I said is wrong someone will put me right

@Moonie posted:

Hi Dameee

According to news reports Burnham was offered 60 million. He said he would come down from 75 million to 65 million. Now they are only going to get 22 million.

I guess if what I said is wrong someone will put me right

That’s what I heard too Moonie , fact I am pretty sure he said it himself in the interview he did .....which I watched live ....which is why I stick by my assertion that he’s playing politics and only has himself to blame’s the people of Manchester I feel sorry for !

Last edited by Baz

You're absolutley spot on Moonie, but it's not enough . They offered Lancaster 40 million and told them to take it or get nothing. Cities need enough to make sure families have food and heating through winter...even a lot of Tories are disgusted. It's no way to govern, that isn't governing it's a Cummings dictatorship.

So now they are happy to take the offer back and have 22 million which won't even touch the sides of this lockdown, you have to remember Manchester have had 11 of tier two with hardly any help.

I think you’ll find it was Lancashire that got the 44 million Dame ...not just Lancaster ....which must have as many people as Manchester .. I don’t think Boris has handled the pandemic well at all , but I still say Burnham was simply playing politics ....and may have an eye on the Labour leadership some time in the future ,... cos if he was so concerned about the people of Manchester he would have taken the 60 million ....which is much more than either Lancashire or Liverpool got ! And if I was him I’d be kicking myself right now , cos he really overplayed his hand .....but I guess all’s fair in love, war and politics .

@Baz posted:

I think you’ll find it was Lancashire that got the 44 million Dame ...not just Lancaster ....which must have as many people as Manchester .. I don’t think Boris has handled the pandemic well at all , but I still say Burnham was simply playing politics ....and may have an eye on the Labour leadership some time in the future ,... cos if he was so concerned about the people of Manchester he would have taken the 60 million ....which is much more than either Lancashire or Liverpool got ! And if I was him I’d be kicking myself right now , cos he really overplayed his hand .....but I guess all’s fair in love, war and politics .

I'ts 1 million less people Baz and very different from inner cities. I have never liked Andy Burnham, we will have to agree to disagree about it being political or not. Andy Burnham isn't even an MP, so I doubt very much he'll be LOTO in the near future.

I think this lady summed it up in one tweet...

Aunty Malorie Blackman
Where this pandemic is concerned, we're all in the same storm but we are not all in the same boat. Some are in huge yachts and can hardly feel a ripple, some are in smaller boats which are listing slightly to port, some are rowing, exhausted and some are in the water, drowning.
Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average

I actually made a mistake, Lancashire has nearly 1 and a half million less than Manchester, so if that was the reckoning, Manchester should have received 88, Burnham asked for 65 for the bare minimum.

Lancashire population in 2020  1,498,300

The latest available data, for 2019, shows it was 2,835,686. Manchester

@Moonie posted:

Hi Dameee

According to news reports Burnham was offered 60 million. He said he would come down from 75 million to 65 million. Now they are only going to get 22 million.

I guess if what I said is wrong someone will put me right

so sorry Moonie, I replied to Baz instead of you

You're absolutley spot on Moonie, but it's not enough . They offered Lancaster 40 million and told them to take it or get nothing. Cities need enough to make sure families have food and heating through winter...even a lot of Tories are disgusted. It's no way to govern, that isn't governing it's a Cummings dictatorship.

So now they are happy to take the offer back and have 22 million which won't even touch the sides of this lockdown, you have to remember Manchester have had 11 weeks of tier two with hardly any help.


so sorry Moonie, I replied to Baz instead of you

You're absolutley spot on Moonie, but it's not enough . They offered Lancaster 40 million and told them to take it or get nothing. Cities need enough to make sure families have food and heating through winter...even a lot of Tories are disgusted. It's no way to govern, that isn't governing it's a Cummings dictatorship.

So now they are happy to take the offer back and have 22 million which won't even touch the sides of this lockdown, you have to remember Manchester have had 11 weeks of tier two with hardly any help.



How should it be worked out, though?

Purely on head count of population, or maybe on number of businesses and their costs, or...........?????

Cannot be just head count,  type of business? Child tax credits? Pupils on school meals ( or anything that highlights low wage earners)


Sunak has just said instead of workers having to work one third of their hours they'll only have to work one day a week. Reported  information said one fifth of their hours. One day a week and one fifth of their hours IS NOT the same thing for all workers.

So, is it any wonder that people/businesses/work places are constantly clamouring for clarity?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I’m listening to the briefing at the moment EFFT ....and while I quite like least he doesn’t waffle ...........but like you im having trouble understanding the various packages


It's all very well talking about measures to get the virus BACK under control. But we had it pretty much under control, so why was it allowed to get out of control again, even if it's not as badly out of control as it was initially?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

RUGBY: 12 players, yes 12, out of a squad of 23 (just over half the squad) have been chucked out of the squad because they breached Covid rules. Potentially endangering the whole squad, their hotel, their opponents and everyone else in the hotel just because they fancied a 'London Restaurant' meal. !!!!!!

What is wrong with these people? And Boris bangs on about relying on people's common sense. What common sense?

They could also have just destroyed their own careers.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

We (Here in South Yorkshire) are in Tier 3, that would Tier 2.6 in Scotland and Tier 1.8 in Wales and somewhere between Tier 1.1 and 1.7 in Ireland. Yes, I'm taking the p1ss out of the 2-Tier system.

Tonight I have had a walk round town at 7-7:30. To observe the people. By a large margin, the youngsters, who clearly came out early  have no inhibition when it comes to C-19 rules., They are in large groups, they don't observe distancing rules when you pass by them on paths, they may be three abreast, but don't make space.

If this was extrapolated across the UK, it would seem to me the youngsters are one of the big problems, and they need to get with the programme pretty damn quick or pubs will be shut for a long time to come.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

We (Here in South Yorkshire) are in Tier 3, that would Tier 2.6 in Scotland and Tier 1.8 in Wales and somewhere between Tier 1.1 and 1.7 in Ireland. Yes, I'm taking the p1ss out of the 2-Tier system.

Tonight I have had a walk round town at 7-7:30. To observe the people. By a large margin, the youngsters, who clearly came out early  have no inhibition when it comes to C-19 rules., They are in large groups, they don't observe distancing rules when you pass by them on paths, they may be three abreast, but don't make space.

If this was extrapolated across the UK, it would seem to me the youngsters are one of the big problems, and they need to get with the programme pretty damn quick or pubs will be shut for a long time to come.

Exactly EC


I see that that rugby match has been called off/postpone because of those idiots, who confess to be truely sorry.

If there is a need to be 'truely sorry for something you have done, then that means that (in most cases) you are fully aware that you shouldn't be doing it WHILST you ARE doing it!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Rescue/funding packages. Under current financial rules if England gets 'X' to spend then Scotland and the other devolved administrations get a percentage of 'X'. So earlier this week Sunak announces the latest financial package and sure enough Scotland gets the associated percentage. Now Sunak has revised the package to X+, but from what I've heard, Scotland (I don't know about the others) has been told that it's not getting any more than the original percentage of X not X+. So how can the leader of the Tories in Scotland stand there and say that Scotland 'is getting it's fair share'?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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