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I got 5/7 - a couple of guesses in there. The last question had me as I am **** at maths.


Ironically, I nailed the Binary question as I recently had exams which featured binary in the course.


I can't speak a word of French merde! But I managed to work out what was being said some how! Got the question right.


Far from pulling a rabbit out of the hat, I could not see the hat or rabbit.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

The binary question was the easiest question of the seven and I solved it in my head without using any calculator within one second of looking at it without spending any time in trying to work the answer out. Just think logically. If you think about it and spot something you will see why it's so easy.
State the denary representation of the binary number 10111010

The numbers given to choose from were:

El Loro
El Loro posted:

The binary question was the easiest question of the seven and I solved it in my head without using any calculator within one second of looking at it without spending any time in trying to work the answer out. Just think logically. If you think about it and spot something you will see why it's so easy.
State the denary representation of the binary number 10111010

The numbers given to choose from were:

I still don't get it El  


Some vet gadjie was asking Kemp and Cotton the same questions on their R2 prog. I answered them all. As El Loro said the binary one was fairly obvious. 

I also believe that you pick up more info as you become older. Having said that I can remember 10 'O' levels as being a huge deal without even bothering about grades 1-9! It is tempting to think that they may be easier now!

In my day you required 5 including English and Maths. I've you passed a couple of A levels then that was a huge bonus!

Garage Joe
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

In binary if the rightmost  digit is a '1' then the denary equivalent is odd, if the rightmost digit is a '0' then the denary equivalent will be even, no matter what the other digits are. There was only one even choice given, so that had to be the answer as the rightmost digit in the binary sequence given was a zero.


El Loro

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