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Evening Mollie & Baz.

5c here today, dry though, got another small delivery from Iceland, just some veg etc that i didnt get the other day, i didnt know they even sold the stuff i bought, havent really done anything, apart from i moved the camera from the loung to the front room and set it up looking into the garden.

Been watching the indoo bowls, i enjoy that, so clever.

My Meds came today, great when it gets delivered, gardener should come tomorrow, it sure needs him.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny day here …but still chilly . I didn’t have a bad night, so I went for a walk first thing . There were still a few icy/snowy patches about , so I had to detour a couple of times , but I got back in one piece .I also went to the local shop, changed bed sheet , washed , and dusted . I had lamb chops for lunch , and that’s me done for the day . I hope everyone else’s Friday is going well .

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but thank you once again for the lovely surprise . I’ll see you for Junior Bake off , it’s pastry today …so hopefully a bit less messy .Hicky , I have my meds delivered as well ….have done for a few years now , it was invaluable when I had my broken ankle .We used to go Iceland quite a bit , but not been there for ages .I hope your gardener came ok .

Its Dinner Date , Monkey Life , and Botched for me tonight .Have a good evening , and look after yourselves .




that's good you didn't have a bad night and you managed to get your walk in, and visit to the shop, despite the cool weather.

looking forward to pastry day, in theory it SHOULD be less messy, but I expect Issy will still manage to leave a big mess somewhere along the line.


that is handy you get your meds delivered now and have found out how good the Iceland orders are.

Hope you are happy with the work your gardener does today.

Son had to go see foot person at hospital today. Got some new inserts for shoes, as he has had feet problems since he got his leg broken at school years ago.

We went out for lunch after with friend after to this old fashioned hotel (we are talking 70's decor here)  but they serve good hot food and its clean, even though old fashioned. I had canneloni, boiled potates, carrots, peas, followed by apple pie and custard. Very nice.

Just seen the forecast says we are due minus 5 tonight but nice and dry tomorrow after fog clears. Hope so, much prefer this cold dry weather to wet and mild.

Have a good day both xxx

@*mollie* posted:

both x


pphheeww, glad to hear you did get home in one piece despite the cold icy weather.  Take care the next few days as they reckon the cold weather will be around for awhile.

Well I am enjoying Jnr Bake Off, those kiddies are just so cute and the mess they make is so funny.

I had got bored with the traditional Bake Off, but find this one much more amusing and cuter of course.

Only a flurry of snow yesterday here, and a bit icy this morning, but nothing much. I sat out in the garden as the sun is quite warm, so yes, hooray spring won't be long coming now. My washing also dried nicely on the line too.


that is nice you at least got a little walk round your garden, lucky you managed to get to book in the gardener for Friday as I expect he will be getting busy soon as people think about the arrival of spring.

Luckily my lappy did get fixed. MrM bought me a new adaptor that was supposed to fit any type of lappy (14 different types) but it didn't fit mine!! So we returned it to Amazon and got a full refund. MrM said he would have a go at soldering the wire bit, then using this plastic stuff that he melts to fix it back together and it worked! So far, so good, back in perfect working order.

We too like Iceland and yes they do sell everything you need and I find they have a great selection of not only their own stuff, but well known brands too. We especially enjoy their Cathedral City frozen food, and Gregs frozen food too. And I find these Heinz beanz filled Hash Browns yummy...

Heinz Beanz Filled Hash Browns 600g

The Cathedral City frozen stuff is 3 for £10, I like these...

I bought the Cathedral City bubble and squaek to try this week.

I get bread/milk from there too and I find their fruit/veg good too. Their pink lady applies are son's favourite.

That is good you found the indoor bowls to watch.

Can you put the link on for your air fryer, becasue we bought ours a long time ago when they were just being introducted, so it is a bit small for us, so I want to get a double basket one. We use ours all the time, as you say , you can cook anything with them and I can't get over how much quicker than a traditional oven they are. Even frozen pasties come out well.

Yesterday I met my friend and her grandson for lunch, but when we finished, her car (electric, less than a year old) wouldn't start! So we  ended up waiting in car park for 3 hours!  Luckily the toddler loves puddles and counting cars in the car park, so he had fun!  RAC came but he couldn't fix it. So we waited then ages for the garage to sort out a lorry to take it away. The resteraunt were wonderful , bringing us out free coffees/squash. In the end we got cold, so went back into resteraunt and they gave us free food! And the waitress bought the little one a toy from their toy machine. Eventually his dad collected him, as we had been there 6 hours by then. And my friend stayed behind to wait. They gave her a free meal and the waitress bought her a sherry. So kind. Another 3 hours later, garage collected the car key and said they would bring the truck to collect it the next day. Which they did today. Gosh it has really put me off an electric car. It appears they have problems in cold weather, and you are stuck,  as RAC can't fix it. So I have been shattered today, as I had to enterain the little one whilst she was messing with car. My knee was real bad and I had an awful headache today, so just stayed home and mainly rested. Only did the washing today.

Enjoyed a little sit in the sunshine in the garden though, as I can feel the sun is starting to warm up now.

Going to record The Apprentice as I am an episode behind.

Goodnight both xxx

Sorry , I missed this Mollie ….wow , what a nightmare .😱😱😱I’m not surprised you were shattered .Very nice of the restaurant though ….there are some nice people about, aren’t there.Ooooo those cheesy bites look yummy .Anyway, hope the hospital visit went ok today . If you catch up with Apprentice please come and join us in the thread ….we have a giggle .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you contacted me Mollie about your post which got left on the earlier page, it's always a problem on all forums as far as i know, so annoying.

The gardener was 5 hours so you can see how much work needed doing, the outside vine had grown so much that it took 2 of us over half an hour to prune it, never seen anything like it, dozens of side grown of 2 metre or more, but each leg throws out anchors that lock around anything it touches and set like steel wires so you cant just pull a cut cane out.

He managed to put down feed for the trees etc so all being well i could get some nice fruit next year

Just thought of a job we didnt do, the Kiwi vine has wrapped around one of the overhead support cords and needs un-wrapping as you shouldnt need them wound round, not sure why but its like a coil spring a metre long, in 2 places, i'll go out on a nice day, need to do it before spring.

Your sons leg must have changed position slightly after he broke his leg years ago, it probably changed the weight disribution somehow so maybe his foot doesnt sit the way it should, special insoles should change the position of the foot as he walks, hope it helps him anyway.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a bad night for me ….and it wasn’t quite as icy today , so I went for a 3k walk first thing , and popped into the local shop . It was nice to get some fresh air , even though it was still very cold ….and there were some frozen patches ! Aside from that , I’ve done a load of washing , dusted , had some M&S poached salmon for lunch , and that’s me done for the day . I hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday .

Mollie , I hope your weekend is going ok ….hope the insoles help your son. In my case I definitely favour the other leg these days . …. don’t forget it is DOI and Pottery tonight .Hicky , wow , your gardener was there a long time . Having said that I need to get some weeding done soon . My gardener will start coming again next month .

Well my evenings viewing is sorted ….so have a good evening both .


both x


hope you slept ok last night and managed to get your walk in today.

It seems milder here today, so not much of a frost.

It has been a really good week on Jnr Bake Off, kiddies are so funny and sweet. As you say, next weeks bunch look older, so might not be quite so amusing. But it is a good show and I like Harry as the presenter.


Gosh your gardener did do a lot of work for you, but after you have done the kiwi, it sounds like you are ready for spring.

Hope the weather is ok for you to get in your garden again soon.

That makes sense what you say about son's broken leg causing problems with his foot years later. Let' s hope the insoles hope him.

Lovely sunny day yesterday, so we went walk down seafront, it was very busy with families and doggies all enjoying the weekend sun. We had chips, which we always enjoy down the seafront.

My washing had dried nicely on the line too when I get home.

Bit cloudier today, so just going a walk round the Designer Outlet. Don't need anything, but its nice there to walk round.

Enjoyed Masked Singer last night, those costumes are just brilliant.

Have a good day both xxx


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

4c here today so am staying in, i have loads of food etc, so can spend time seeing what to have next, got such a good selection of drinks as well.

Having one of these for tea today: Iceland Luxury Steak and Chiani Casserols with Cheddar Mash

Will have to get up in the night to put the washing machine on, only got 1 load to do, but will have to put it in the dryer as well after an hour.

I'm making out my next order for Iceland, dont need meals, so hard not to include them but i have so many still of course.

I dont know what veg if any to grow next year, veg needs someone with good eyes to look after it, i should really just grow fruit, but only certain stuff is successful as most fruit trees would need repotting ever 3 years really, purely because they will get rootbound which spoils the fruit and stops growth, and repotting with root trimming and new compost is a big job, we did it a couple of times, a massive job as the pots we use are not ideal to do this, you really need wide shallow pots which makes it easy to remove the tree.

I might just try more Raspberry canes, they are cheap to buy and you get such great fruit from the type of "Joan J" i wouldnt bother with other types as they are the best.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening Mollie & Baz.

Baz, can you find out what was wrong with the electric car, was something effected by the cold, it wouldnt be the batteries even though they dont likw cold weather but they wouldt stop it driving, it must have been a loose connection or a part failed, i am interested on whjat cause the problwm.

I have ordered 20 bare root Raspberry canes and 2 of each fruit trees, plum and cherry, bare root.

Was watching indppr bowls, wow, so good.



That's nice you have ordered some fruit trees and raspberry canes. as I know you usually have a lot of sucess with your fruit growing.

Did you enjoy the Steak Casserole from Iceland? I see they are in the 3 for £10 offer. So much to choose from with that £10  offer. Our freezers are overflowing since we started shopping at Iceland and got the air fryer.

Well my friend's hubby went to collect their electric car from the garage today, supposedly fixed, but when he started it, the yellow warning light  about the electric power came on, so he had to go back into the service dept and tell them, and take away their courtesy car again, whilst they try to find and fix the problem again.  My friend and her hubby are not impressed with their new electric car! Aparently it is something to do with the management system, and its usually a box that needs replacing. But obviously all is still not right with it.

Lovely day here today after the early mist lifted, so when we came home from Costco, I sat in the garden for awhile. These crisp sunny winter days are so nice, even if they are cold. Much prefer them to the mild wet days.

I had a jacket potato with beans and cheese for lunch from Costco. Not bad for £2.49.

Hope Baz had a good day. Am going to watch DIY George with her soon.

That is good you have indoor bowls to watch Hicky.

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I had a decent night , but it’s a grey day here ….matched by my mood ….so no walk , and a very lazy day chez Baz ! Bin men haven’t been yet , so just a load of washing , bathroom cleaning , and some dusting to fill the time up! I hope everyone else is having a better day than I am.

Mollie , I enjoyed sitting on George’s knee last night …he said I kept him nice and warm and cosy .This weeks junior Bake off kids seem a nice bunch don’t they . I hope you are having a good day , and aren’t stuffing your face with the Lindor stuff ! Hicky , it was Mollie who had an electric car problems .My son used to have one though , and as far as I know never had any problems . He used to charge it mostly from home . He only changed it when he went *upmarket* a year ago .I’ve been looking through the seed catalogues too , trying to decide on some flowering shrubs .

Well, I think it’s JBO, DD and GD for my viewing tonight .Look after yourselves , and have a good evening


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Oh dear, silly me mixing you up who went in the electric car and had problems, the management box will be a computer that takes in all the signaks from the controls and decides what the drive moter does, i imagine there was something it didnt like so wouldnt let the motor run.

The gardener was here at 10am so he has been busy weeding tubs, moving some into the greenhouse, it now has 6 tubs, he then put manure in all 11 tubs, 10 of which will have 2 Raspberry plants in.

Iceland will deliver my stuff tomorrow, my plants have been dispatched, the gardener goes on a cruise for 2 weeks Thursday so not sure whether to plant all the plants when they come or keep them moist and dormant for 2 weeks, will see how the weather is.

Yes, Mollie, i enjoyed the steak casserole, it was lovely mash and such a nice gravy and meat, have 2 more as well as they were on the 3 for £10 list.




hope you got out for a walk today and the weather (and your mood) was not so grey today.

You certainly waste no time as far as George is concerned.

Yes the Jnr Bakers are lovely again this week. I got bored with adult Bake Off, but not this one, it appeals to me much more, and Harry as well as some of the kiddies is so funny.


hope you are pleased with your Iceland delivery. Glad you enjoyed the meal in the 3 for £10 deal. We have always been pleased with those too.

Did you notice Iceland do all these retro type ice creams that you can't buy anywhere else? We made good use of these last summer.


Angel Delight

Angel Delight Soft Serve Ice Cream Strawberry Flavour 800ml

Mr Kipling

Mr Kipling Ice Cream Classics French Fancy 475ml

The Retro ice lollies are 2 packs for £

These are based on Foam banana sweets

Barratt® Foam Bananas Ice Lollies 4 x 160g 

Remember Black Jack sweets?

Barratt Black Jack Ice Lollies 4 x 260g

These are only 50p for 4, they are lemony and refreshing in summer and the lolly stick is a liqourice stick!

Barratt 4 Sherbet Fountain Lollies 300g

That's good you got the gardener to do some jobs as he is away again on a holiday. He does seem to like his cruises. He must be making good money from his gardening job as those cruises are not cheap!

I saw my friend again today for brekkie and her electric car one whole week later, is still in the garage being fixed! Luckily she had a courtesy car, but as it is the same model, she was nervous incase that one played up. But luckily it was ok today.

A dull and misty day today, but forecast says sun tomorrow, so hope they are right.

Met another friend at the do nut shop at lunch time. I had a cherry cheesecake one, they are delicous.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I had a dreadful night ….worst one in ages…if I got 2 hours sleep I was lucky! Mr B would have been 80 tomorrow .But I did manage to go for a walk , and popped into the local shop ….at least that blew away a few cobwebs! Aside from that , I’ve done some washing , cleaned the bathroom and kitchen , and had some nice lamb chops for lunch .I hope everyone else is had a better night than I did .

Mollie , I used to love sherbet fountains and black jacks .Sounds like you’ve been having a busy social life .Yes, I’m enjoying JB too .Hicky, your gardener has certainly been busy …sounds like he’s earned his cruise .I thought of getting a greenhouse once , but never got round to it .

Well it’s Dragons Den and Apprentice got me tonight .Have a good evening , and take care of yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Been to the surgery to get bloods taken to check kidneys, had a haircut and got beard on neck trimmed.

Gardener must have another income as he has a few cruises a year, i planted the 2 plum trees, going to try and plant the 2 cherry trees tomorrow, which leaves the 20 raspberry canes, going to plant them in 2's in the tubs.

Had a nice King Prawn Alfredo for tea, so tasty, then a few puddings.

Will have to remember about those summer stuff from Iceland, still got some choc icecream thingies on sticks, so love those.

Had an appointment from the hospital for my Kidney stone zapping, waired so long, not sure how many times i will have to go, i suppose it depends how things go, they use the ultrasound method to try and splinter the stones up, should be fun.

That car is a bit worrying Molly, wonder what on earth is the problem, imagine having that problem when you were in another country, i would get rid of the car as soon as possible, you would never sleep worrying when its going to fail again, hope they tell har what the problem was exactly so she can make a decision based on the findings, its probably too late to ask for her money back.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Just watching the darts masters on ITV4, its on tonight and somemorrow & sunday afternoon and evening so i'm made up, the same every week as well.

Planted the 2 cherry trees, got loads of raspberry canes to plant now, that will depend on the weather, have got 12 to plant in the greenhouse so the weather wont be effecting me in there.

Did my brekkie in the air fryer, they certainly cook food well, it will take a bit to get used to, i did sausages, streaky bacon, hash browns and eggs in Silicone muffin cases, forgot to do my mushrooms.




Hope your pals on the forums and nice memories have helped you through this reflective day for you.

How lovely has the 2 weeks of Juniour Bake Off been so far?  I have really enjoyed Harry Hill's humour and the lovely kiddies on this show.


hope your blood and kidney test turns out ok for you and the zapping procedure rectifies your problem.

Is it done as just a day patient?

Glad you got in your garden to plant the cherry trees. Hope the weather holds up for you to do the rest you want to do.

Yes it does take a little time to get used to the air fryer, but what a marvellous piece of equipment they are.

Unfortunately my friend can't get rid of that damn car as she has it under a 3 year lease thingie. So let's hope they fix it properly this time.

So glad the darts are on tv to keep you occupied as the nights are long this time of year if there is not much to watch.

Went out for brekkie with my friend, son and MrM today, in the little local cafe.

A nice dry day so had a little walk too and my washing dried quite well.

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky   Happy Saturday . Not a bad night for me …but I didn’t feel up to a walk , so I’ve spent the morning doing nothing much. But my M&S delivery came so I had some nice poached salmon for lunch , so not a totally wasted day l I hope everyone else is having a good day .

Mollie , glad you had a nice brekkie with you family and friend . I’ve enjoyed JBO too ….I am looking forward to the mess Immy makes next week.Don’t forget it’s DOI and Pottery tomorrow .Hicky , I hope the zapping goes ok ….and that you don’t have to go too many times .I hope you are enjoying the darts . What are your thoughts on this years Dancing on Ice ?

Well it’s Royal Palaces for me tonight .Have a nice weekend both , and take care of yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Baz, so hard for you on certain occasions, i try to stay strong or it would do me harm overthinking things.

They are trying the non invasive procedure first, called Shockwave Lithotripsy, if that fails they go to plan B, thats more introsive of course, working from the inside i assume, but had lots of that in my life.

Didnt go in the garden to plant stuff as weather was dull cold and miserable, always another day.

I love dancing on ice, they are all so good, love the masked singer as well.

Am making xhips tonight in the air fryer, chipped the spuds, soaked them in wqater then dried and coated with olive oil, garlic powder, sea salt, paprika then layer into the air fryer basket.

I need to change the dies on the chipper though, to fries from thick chips so they cook quicker, next time, just going to dip the chips in my dip selection box, yummy.

Have a great weekend.




glad you didn't have a bad night, shame you didn't feel up to your usual walk though. Hope you did today.

Enjoyed DOI and pottery today and I too am looking forward to seeing Izzy back on Bake Off next week.


Fingers crossed the non invasive plan B goes well so you can get it out of the way. Bet you will just be glad to get rid of these damn stones in the end though.

Hopefully we get some decent weather for you to get in your garden this coming week.

How did your chips turn out in the air fryer?  I haven't tried them from scratch yet, only done frozen ones.

Didn't go out today but went for walk down sea front yesterday and ate our chips in the car, as it was a nice day but the wind was chilly. Nice to sit and eat lunch whilst watching people and lots of doggies walking past.

Am watching "22 Kids and Counting" , a really nice family but imagine having 22 kids!

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz

The non evasive procedure is plan 'A' Mollie, plan 'B' is if 'A' fails, hoping it doesnt.

I have chenged the dies on the chipper to the french frys 6mm size as they cook a lot faster, did some of those tonight, i chip them, soak in water 10 minutes, dry then coat in olive oit and season with salt and pepper before putting in the air fryer, mine has an auto preheat and then it says put the food in, which then starts the cooking time, i thought they were fine, cooked anyway, if you want them crispy you would need to cook for longer or on a higher temp, i'll have to experiment.

I imagine its a lot cheaper to buy potatoes and make your own, easy for me with the chipper as it only takes 1 minute.

I cant imagine having 22 kids, that farm program where they had 9 children, but they have split now, so the programs have changed, farther gone filming with sun, and wife off doing her own thing.

Eating chips down the seafront is lovely, the amount of times i have done that, mind you i usually have a fish as well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a bad night for me , snd the weather wasn’t too bad , so I went for a 3k walk first thing . Apart from that I’ve put bin out ready for collection tomorrow , done a load of washing , and cleaned the bathroom . I had some lamb chops for lunch , and , once the drying has finished,  that is me done for the day .I hope everyone else is having a nice Monday .

Mollie , yes, DOI and Pottery were fun yesterday .Having 22 kids is my worst nightmare ….I have enough problems with just two !Im looking forward to the jbo finals this week , although I think the two older kids will take some beating ! Don’t forget it George at 8 tonight as well .Hicky , hopefully the non invasive treatment will work , and you won’t need to move to plan B . Did you enjoy your darts this weekend ? I noticed that a lot of my spring bulbs are now poking through so the better weather is definitely on its way .

Well its JBO and George for me tonight …after that I’m not sure what I will be watching ….but I’m sure I’ll find something .Have a good evening both . Take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Had the Podietrist here today so didnt bother planting any canes, should be able to have a go tomorrow, had a bacon roll for brekkie, the streaky comes out fab from the air fryer, for tea had a king prawn Massala, did the rest of my home made fries to have with it.

Brought a few more meals in from my garage freezer, going to try and have 1 of each, i am ticking them off on the printed sheet as i have them, i should like them all there are 13 types i think, but i put a tick against those i would reorder.

Yes, hoping the shockwave treatment is effectice, that will save a lot of problems, if it works on the right side they will probably try the left, i dont know yet whether 1 session can do all the stones, i dont know how many there are at the mo anyway.

Just watching the recording of masked singer.

Glad you got a walk in Baz, i have only done 1074 steps, most of that in the house.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Sunny , but blowing  a gale here at the moment . I had to wait in for a parcel …which has only just come ….so no walk for me today . I’ve spent the morning doing housework …oh joy….hoovering , washing , dusting , etc ….I know how to live it up , eh. But on the plus side , the window cleaner has been , I’ve ordered two new cushions for the sofa , and had some nice lamb chops for lunch , so not a totally wasted day . I hope everyone else is having a good Wednesday .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well . I have a bad feeling about Immy today ….I don’t think she’s going to make it to the final ….which would be a shame , cos tbh she is the nicest of the bunch .Hicky , I’ll keep everything crossed that zapping works .I hope you managed to get out in the garden today . I try to get at least 4000- 5000 steps in a day ….even if it means walking up and down in the house , or garden .

Well it’s GBM and Grand Designs for me tonight .I hope you both have a good evening .




shame you didn't manage your walk today.

Bet your sofa will look all posh when your new cushions come. Did you get them from Dunelm?

Your bad feeling about young Immy getting the boot was right, but she proved to be a right little trooper and did so well for such a young age, and at least we got to see what a lovely ameniable child she was.


that is good the podiatrist comes to your home, so you don't have to worry about getting taxis anywhere.

We bought the 2 basket air fryer, as the single one is not big enough for us. So I will have to try the fries like you are making. And that is good bacon came out well too. Do you use a paper liner or foil, or just wash the air fryer basket after use?

Yes fingers crossed the shock wave method works on getting rid of those stones. Hope you get a date and more info soon.

Did you manage to get in the garden to do your canes today?

Weather was good today, not very warm, but dry and bright most of the day.

Went for brekkie with friend and her grandson, which is very nice. He doesn't talk much yet, but keeeps asking "what's that?" and loves counting cars.

She still doesn't have her electric car back. The garage said the battery has gone completely and if they can't refurb it, it will need a whole new battery. She says she won't use the motorway with an electric car now as is too worried about their reliability now she knows what a big problem they give when they go wrong, and even the RAC can't come and fix them for you.

I managed to get out for a walk today down the lane. The foals have grown a lot now, but still stay close to their mothers.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Never got in the garden Baz, the forecast seems fine until the day then it isnt so nice, we have rain on the windows for 2 days and the wind was strong today and i cant work out in that, i will see day by day.

That is an awful lot of steps, i usually manage about 1 or 2k depending on what i am doing.

I have used the McCains frozen Crinkle cut chips for 2 days, i tend to give them an hour to defrost first, then set the fryer to max which is 205c and set cook to 16mins, the air fryer does a pre-heat then i put the chips in to cook, you should shuffle the chips at half way through cooking.

I put a paper liner under the loos base plate, if any oils etc drop through then i throw it away next time, it there is any liquid in the fryer pan i pour that into the waste bin.

The fryer pan is easy to clean with water and a little fairy liquid.

The 1st Shockwave procedure is this Friday, not sure if they just zap 1 stone or more.

I dont Understand about your friends car, the batteries supply about 600 vold dc which is converted to ac for the motor, i cant see what could happen to the batteries and they cost about £6,000 dont they, what a disaster.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Had an electrician here today moving the switch from outside the bathroom behind the sliding door to a pullswitch inside.

Didnt get in the garden anyway, but wind was too much anyway, and am at the hospital tomorrow for the Shockwave treatment

Had a cottage pie for tea, i make extra gravy as i love loads of that.

Have ordered a taxi, my lad was going to take me but the time is too tight for when he starts work.

I've put the heating back on Auto as i got fed up walking around in a big padded jacket, the building keeps most of its heat anyway.

Am watching the darts, Premier League, on TV channel 427 every Thursday night for 17 weeks, 4 months, takes me to the summer.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Guess who managed to trip down the last bliddy stair again ….same darn ankle ! It’s very painful , but I’m managing to hobble about ….and the foot is a normal colour and warm , so I don’t think I’ve broken anything ….or moved the previous plate /pin/wires …..I’m hoping it’s a sprain , so I’m icing it …and moving about a little bit. If anything is broken it will just be one of the small bones in the top of the foot ….and I dont think they do anything for those anyway…..but there defo won’t be any walks for a few days , that’s for sure !I hope everyone else is having a better day than me .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well. I think we can guess who will win JBO today ….which sort of spoils it eh ! But at least we’ve got CDWM and FIAB to look forward to next week , eh .Hicky , I hope things have gone well at the hospital today …I’ve got everything crossed that it works .

Well I’m not sure what I will be watching tonight , but I’m sure I’ll find something .Have a good evening both .




I am so sorry you have injured your ankle again. I hope it calms down with a good rest and is just a sprain. Yes best to give the walks time off for awhile until you know it is completely healed again.

Yes it was no surprise who won Jnr Bake Off, but at least it was the 1 of the 2 we preferred. Looking forward to next weeks schedule now.

Hope you don't get too bored this weekend, maybe catch up on some recordings? As it is so important to rest that ankle. Have you been recording the new series of Vera? I have, but haven't watched one of them yet, so hope they are not repeats!


hope all went well at hospital today. Shame your son couldn't take you, so hope you got on ok with the taxi.

Yes you need to be warm when indoors, so don't blame you putting the heating on auto. I leave mine on all the time, but not on a high temperature and I turn the temperature down if the sun comes out and the lounge warms up. Not long left of winter now though, thank goodness.

That's good the darts viewing will take you up to summer time.

Wonder when the new Big Brother starts? If its this summer, you will be able to move onto BB after darts finish.

Not a bad day today,no sun, but at least it was dry.

Went for brekkie with my friend in her little local cafe today.

Then went to the designer outlet for a little walk. Bought some mishapes from the cadbury shop. They are milk tray chocs that have gone wrong shape wise, so are sold cheaper.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Oh dear thats dreadful, and the same ankle, hope nothing is broken.

The hospital visit went ok, quite an experience, not sure how he got on with the stones, they dont tell you much, will have to go back in 2 weeks, the hospital paid the taxi home which was nice.

Just chipped some spuds to make fries to go with my chicken curry, curry done in micro, chips in air fryer.

Have a good weekend, well, not so easy for you Baz, better keep your weight off the ankle, have you got a crutch, i imagine you still have.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Forgot to post the last post so am out of step with Mollies.

I've just been comparing the costs of having different temperatures in the bungalow, it just takes the same amount of power to keep the place at any one temperature, mind you it is 11c outside today, but once the temperature is reached the rooms dont take a lot of heat to maintain that temperature.

we have spoken Mollie so wont go over that again,

I am thinning my kitchen gadgets, getting rid of the coffee drip filter machine, spud peeler, slow cooker deep fat fryer, the 1st air fryer.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky   Sunny , but chilly here today . My foot is still painful, but I think the swelling is going down a bit , and I can hobble a bit faster today ….so fingers crossed . 🤞🏻🤞🏻I managed to wash my hair this morning , have done a load of washing , and I also managed to run the hoover over downstairs …of a fashion .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but once again thank you for the company yesterday afternoon .I’m looking forward to the new FIAB and CDWM this week .Hicky , I’m glad everything went ok at the hospital , I hope you don’t have to wait too long for the result .I’ve got several kitchen gadgets that I want rid of , but I have no way of getting them out of the house .

Well it’s a very full evenings viewing for me tonight , DOI , Pottery , and then I think there is a Restoration man on …so maybe some George action .Have a good evening both . Take care both .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you have a small improvement in you ankle, anything is better than nothing, i sprained my ankle at work many years ago, think it was in a car factory, i was working on a car transfer cross conveyor, i stepped over one of the chains, they are about 60cm high, but i landed on a drink can that had been left on the floor and it tipped and so did my ankle, i was hobbling around for days, if not more, its just so easy to do.

I was at a carvery today with No. #3 son & GF, very nice, his electric car is really super, its all run by computers, it doesnt wven have any buttons at all.

He has taken all my items i have for sale, 8 in all, be lovely if they can sell them of course.

I have given him 4 ready meals, i have eaten 1 of each to see if i enjoyed them, i had bought them as £10 for 3 so i had 2 of one and 2 of another, a couple of the meals had too much chicken in them, not too keen on chicken, it bores me so i have ordered more meals with king prawns instead.

Hope Mollie is having a good Sunday, i have recorded DOI.

I'm just expecting another appointment, they never mentioned telling me where they are up to or what still has to be done, each time i ask i dont get any answers really, so will find out more next time, they told ne i would be back in 2 weeks before they even started the procedure.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny , but very chilly here today . My foot is still very painful , but I did manage to hobble to the bottom of the drive to put the bin out this morning . Aside from that I’ve sorted my Sainsbury delivery ….very slowly ….done  some washing , and dusted ….all equally slowly .I hope everyone else is having a good Monday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but I’ll see you for FIAB and CDWM at 5 Hicky , yes, I’m sure it will take a while to settle , so I’m trying very hard not to get too impatient .Glad you had a nice meal at the carvery . Did you enjoy doi ? I was really happy with the result last night.

Well I’m looking forward to teatime club, and George at 8 , after that I’m not sure .But have a good evening both and take care of yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

If you foot / ankle is still painful after  about 5 days you probably should go to A&E as you may need an xray, maybe it should be in a caste, hard to say.

I had the window cleaners, then Iceland delivery, then the cleaners came so been a busy day

I havent watched the DOI yet, watched the Masked Singer, so good.

Freezers are full again, but with meals i love, had a Lamb Moussaka for tea, wow so tasty, have another 5 of them and 5 prawn tikka masala, might as well get what i like, when its 3 for £10 no point in buying 1 or 2 is there? what i cant get from Iceland i can get from Amazon.

Hope you and Mollie have a good week.


both x


sorry your foot is still painfull. Hope it eases soon, so you can get out for your walk again. But as its panfull, its telling you to carry on taking it easy for now. As Hicky says, maybe you will need an xray if the pain doesn't go soon though. Not sure if you can there, but here you can get an appointment booked for a day time x ray via a GP, rather than sit for ages in A and E.

Its so nice to have 4 In a Bed and Come Dine with Me back again.

I didn't have a carvary meal, but I did go to cafe for brekkie on Friday and did have chips and mayo sitting on the seafront yesterday. Chips always taste nicest to me whilst eating them outdoors on seafront.


Window cleaners, cleaner and Iceland, you have been busy. Did you get any treats from Iceland?

I am going there tomorrow. We too like to take advantag of the 3 for £10 offer there. MrM likes the prawn ones.

I enjoyed the Masked Singer more than DOI this week. Those costumes are just brilliant.

I especially enjoy the pottery show after DOI though.

Lovely day yesterday, it was very busy down the seafront, all the cafes busy and lots of people walking.

Today was lovely too, so sat in the garden, and got lots of washloads dry.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Had a quiet day really, well an old work mate rang me so we nattered for over half an hour which was good, love my new toastie loaf so had a bacon butty, the smoked streaky bacon is just so lovely, made on at 9pm last night as i just fancied one then.

Had a pack of the PUKKA sreak and onion pies for tea with some extra gravy over them.

On my last Iceland order i got some 2L bottles of lemonade and Fanta, wow, do i ;ove those, i have so many drink options now.

Hope Baz's foot/ankle isnt as painful today, nothing worse when you cant get around.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Another sunny , but chilly day here again . I didn’t have too bad a night , so I emptied both of the bins , changed bedsheet , washed and cleaned kitchen . My painful hobbling has turned into more of a  limp now , so I think I’m getting there slowly . I tried my walking boot on this morning , and it wasn’t too bad , so I reckon that I’ll be able to go for a short walk by the weekend …..fingers crossed . I hope everyone else is having a good Wednesday .

Mollie , CDWM is shaping up nicely .I agree that chips always taste nicer at the seaside .I hope you managed to get some sleep last night …and I apologise again for my mix up .Hicky , I don’t think anything is broken ,it’s  just a very bad bruising and sprain, which can take weeks rather than days to subside… and tbh no way am I going anywhere near a hospital and risk getting , unless I’m dying anyway .

Well it’s teatime club , GBM  and Grand Designs for me tonight .Have a good evening both .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you feel your ankle is improving, that is good news, dont think you should be doing so much housework, it needs resting during the day so it can recover.

I got another appointment for my next kidney stone session, Fri 17th, they said 2 weeks so happy about that, maybe i can find out what the position is with the stones.

Only went to the garage to get a meal, i fancied a King Prawn Tikka Masala so made a few chips so i could pour the curry over them, yummy.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I hope everyone is having a nice  Friday . Not a great night for me  , so I’ve not done much today . ….just one load of washing , and some dusting ….so a very lazy day chez Baz . I’m hoping to take a very short walk tomorrow ….only as far as the shop at the top of my road ….so only about 300/400 meters .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well. I’m looking forward to payments day ….and the horrible woman’s meal…I hope she comes last  .Hicky , I have to move about a bit cos otherwise my ankle stiffens up ….but don’t worry , I’m not doing too much .I’m glad you haven’t had to wait too long for your second *blasting*.

Lousy nights tv tonight , but I’m sure I’ll find something .Have a good evening both, and take care .


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