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glad you didn't have a bad night, pity the weather meant you missed your walk. It was drizzly all day here too, so I didn't go for a walk, I wrapped up some of the family gifts instead.

I have enjoyed our Seasonal Kirsty Craft shows. Don't think the gingerbread house was one of the best ones though.

Looking forward to the sewing and pottery shows. Its strange how all of our fave shows appear to have Christmas specials this year. Not complaining though.


I agree with Baz, those pods do sound complicated, but as long as you enjoy them, then I guess they are worth the effort.

Sounds like you are making good use of your air fryer, which is good. We use ours a lot each day.

We too find we have to melt our butter so its spreadable. I usually keep it in a bowl and put it in the microwave for a few seconds before using it for a sandwich.

Had a lovely brekkie with my friend and her grandson yesterday. He was a bit nervous of Father Christmas, but enjoyed it. They even gave the littlies a letter to put in their post box for the Elves, which he loved posting.

Going for breakfast again in the morning with my other friend, and MrM. Always a good start to the day to have brekkie cooked for you.

Had my food shopping delivered from Morrisons and Asda today.

We got one of these for our desert treat, you can eat both the bowl and the spoons.

Asda millionaire edible bowl

Its toffee flavoured moose, caramel sauce, Belgium choc ganache, spoons and bowl are chocolate.

Nearly tv sewing time for me.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad youu rnight wasnt too bad, i slept ok, had the dishwasher om, set the timer for 2am so it used off peak electric, not done anything today, apart from emptying and putting away the dishes.

A neighbour gave me some mince pies she had made, makes them every year, had a lot of rain lately, dont like rain.

Watching the darts but it stops till after Christmas from today, resumes 27th, still playing chess with my lad in Cornwall, it gives me something to do.

I got 9 hrs 40 mins sleep last night, happy with that, loving this Duvet, its only the spring/autumn 10.5 one but plenty warm enough for me, and its so light so doesnt press on me, its so good you dont want to get out of it.

Hope Mollie has had a good day, had a nice piece of smoked haddock for brekkie, i usually simmer in water but when i ooked on the web it seems you just need to fry it or put in foil in the oven etc.

@Hicky posted:

Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad youu rnight wasnt too bad, i slept ok, had the dishwasher om, set the timer for 2am so it used off peak electric, not done anything today, apart from emptying and putting away the dishes.

A neighbour gave me some mince pies she had made, makes them every year, had a lot of rain lately, dont like rain.

Watching the darts but it stops till after Christmas from today, resumes 27th, still playing chess with my lad in Cornwall, it gives me something to do.

I got 9 hrs 40 mins sleep last night, happy with that, loving this Duvet, its only the spring/autumn 10.5 one but plenty warm enough for me, and its so light so doesnt press on me, its so good you dont want to get out of it.

Hope Mollie has had a good day, had a nice piece of smoked haddock for brekkie, i usually simmer in water but when i ooked on the web it seems you just need to fry it or put in foil in the oven etc.


that is nice of your neighbour to drop off some home made mince pies. I bet you will enjoy those.

Shame your darts stops for awhile, but at least you can play chess with your son, despite all those miles between you. How clever is that?

Good job you are nice and cosy in bed during winter time. My bed is nice and cosy too, as I have a teddy quilt cover and its so soft and cuddly. If its really cold, I put my electric blanket on too, but only for a short time, else I end up getting too hot!

I think you said your son was coming to take you out for Christmas lunch tomorrow?

We are cooking the Christmas meal at home between us.  Son likes to make the Yorkshire puds and I make the roast potatoes. Cheating this year though with frozen Aunt Bessies honey glazed parsnips and Aunt Bessie stuffing balls. And for pudding we have the choc pudding I put the photo of in my last post. So shouldn't be too complicated in the kitchen for us.

Nice sunny day, so off for walk down seafront today if it doesn't cloud over.

Glad we had our food shopping delivered, as my friend said Asda in town was really busy yesterday.

Hope Baz is well and has a good day today. x

Have a good day Hicky. x


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

I had a good sleep, was up at 11am, made a bacon roll, am thawing some pork ribs for tea.

I polished the mince pies off last night, they were only the shallow ones so easy to eat.

Made a carafe of coffee, that will last a while, i have a small spoon of sugar, 3 heaped of coffee mate then add the coffee, that makes a nice cup of coffee.

I have an electric throw which i could use as a blanket, i have it on my office chair, i can pjug in if needed, wont need it on the bed as the duvet is so warm.

Yes, going out for Christmas Lunch tomorrow with No.#3 son & GF.

That toffee flavoured moose, caramel sauce, Belgium choc ganache, spoons and bowl are chocolate picture looks fantastic,  never seen anything like that before, wow, that would take some eating.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Lovely sunny morning here ….a mediocre night for me  , but I did go for a walk first thing . Apart from that I’ve had my usual exciting day . Two loads of washing , fed the wildlife , hoovered , and anti bac’d the M&S delivery …..I know how to live, eh  .I hope everyone else’s Christmas Eve is more exciting than mine .

Mollie, that treat  looks very yummy…right up my street. Sounds like you’ve got Christmas dinner sorted.Don’t forget it’s Bake Off at 8.25 tonight .Hicky , glad you slept ok ….I’ve invested in one of those weighted blankets ….I quite like it ….it feels quite comforting . Glad you and your son are still playing chess …like you say , it fills a few hours , eh .

Well it’s Bake Off for me tonight , after that I’m not really sure , but I’m sure I’ll find something .I’ve saved the last Shetland series for binge watching tomorrow . Have a good evening both l


Happy Christmas afternoon Mollie and Hicky  πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°I hope everyone is having a nice day .I had a lovely FaceTime chat with my son and DIL first thing , got thoroughly spoilt by my friends , and now I’m munching crisps and drinking Prosecco , before having some lovely M&S poached salmon for lunch ….and binging on the last Shetland series … all in all I’m feeling very blessed .❀️❀️❀️❀️


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Happy Boxing day, not done much really, had saltfish and smoked bacon with a poached egg for late brekkie, just had a cheese & onion toastie.

That was nice having facetime with son & Dil, always good to chat to family.

One of my lads is bringing me a roast dinner that he is making, good job all my lads can cook, 2 are chefs, or used to be, they transform into other jobs.

The amount of adverts these days on tv, emails, social media, and they want to tell me they are making them relevant to me, no they arent, i never follow an advert from anyone, they are trying to remind me to buy something i dont need and dont want, dont they realise that if i want something i will search for it.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°Cold and wet here now , and I had a dreadful night , however ,  I did manage a short walk first thing . Today is the anniversary of one of the worst days in my life , so consequently , I’ve not really done a lot , but I did manage to change the bedding , washed and anti bac’d the Sainsbury delivery . I hope everyone else is having a better day than I am !

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but hope the battleships goes  well .Hicky , I totally agree about the adverts etc…like you say they are bliddy annoying …..if I want something I will look for it myself! How nice having your dinner brought to you though  β€¦and handy having chefs in the family .My son is actually a very good cook too …something he certainly didn’t get from me .

Anyway, I hope you both have a good evening , and take care of yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

The meal my lad brought was very nice, with a pudding as well, he also brought me some milk and eggs.

Sorry you had such a bad night, no way around that is there, i am trying to forget a lot of stuff, still cant believe what happened, but trying to forget it seems the only releaf i can get, i am looking into moving to my lad abroad if it is possible, it might be very difficult to do but there's no way i want to stay in this country any longer than i have to, but medication etc is a big problem unless i can find a way around it, my lad is also looking into the possibilities.




sorry to hear you such a bad night and today's date holds awful memories for you.  

I am glad you had a facetime chat with son and DIL and nice pressies friends had chosen for you on Christmas Day. Bet you enjoyed your M and S salmon, as I know you like salmon.

Battleships game went well thank you. At least it is easy to understand.

Enoyed tea time club again.


that is good your son who is a good cook bought a meal round for you.

Yes it must be so hard especially this time of year not to focus on what happened. I hope your plans to move abroad can be worked around.

It has rained on and off most of the day and is quite windy, so hope it improves. Both of my sons went a walk, as a bit of rain doesn't bother them, but I didn't fancy it in the drizzle. So just caught up on the washing and did a few jobs round the house and watched some old musicals on tv.

Daughter had bought us some Christmas crackers that were also a game of Battleships. It was very good considering it was just a game on some crackers. So we played that after tea. We bought some party food for tea, as a Christmas time treat, and there was such a selection in the supermarkets.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Didnt do anything today, spent an hour talking on the phone to UPS, they had sent me 2 invoices for a parcel they collected to go back to Ring, i had paid the driver when he came anyway, the Β£6.25 was probable for them collectiong the package.

Just had eggs on toast for brekkie, for tea fried some precooked sliced potatoes and had some smoked salmon with it and some mustard and dill sauce.

Have ordered another Smartwatch, the Samsung Galazy Watch5 Pro LTE so i dont need Bluetooth and it has a better battery and its rather super, it seems with bluetooth being liked to my mobile from the watch4 it interfears with me talking to the doorbell and whoever is at the door.

Just watching day 12 evening session, it's only on for 16 days but its good, on Sky 427.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I had a lovely time with my son yesterday , although his heart problems are worrying..he has a CT scan in a couple of weeks  . I slept ok , but its rained all day here , therefore no walk, so I’ve spent the day cleaning , changed bedding , two loads of washing , clearing away the Christmas cards and trying to find homes for my presents ….not that I’m complaining .I will take the tree down on new year day , then that will be Christmas over for another year . I hope everyone else is enjoying their Friday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I hope you’ve had a good couple of days …and that you enjoyed your battleships . I missed teatime club yesterday , but hope we can make it today .Hicky , I’ve got an Apple Watch , I love it .I hope your new one solves the problem with your doorbell .

Well I think tonight’s viewing will be Botched , Masterchef , and a nature programme about penguins …so quite a mixed bag .Have a good evening , whatever you are doing .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you enjoyed your time with your son, heart problems always a worry, mine has problems, a weak pump on one side or something, the meds are helping to strengthen the walls, if they work.

Glad you slept ok, it didnt rain here, got a christmas card but its not for me, they put the wrong address on it, its for the lady over the road, i couldnt read the name as it was too high and had printed over by the mail people, it was only when i read it that i saw the name of who it was too.

Not done much today, watched darts, more tonight, i was going to get an apple watch and mobile but i'll try this first.

Got a frozen meal in the oven, one from the Morrisons Daily and its ready, must fly.

@Hicky posted:

Evening Mollie & Baz.

Didnt do anything today, spent an hour talking on the phone to UPS, they had sent me 2 invoices for a parcel they collected to go back to Ring, i had paid the driver when he came anyway, the Β£6.25 was probable for them collectiong the package.

Just had eggs on toast for brekkie, for tea fried some precooked sliced potatoes and had some smoked salmon with it and some mustard and dill sauce.

Have ordered another Smartwatch, the Samsung Galazy Watch5 Pro LTE so i dont need Bluetooth and it has a better battery and its rather super, it seems with bluetooth being liked to my mobile from the watch4 it interfears with me talking to the doorbell and whoever is at the door.

Just watching day 12 evening session, it's only on for 16 days but its good, on Sky 427.


gosh an hour sorting your parcel out, so annoying when these things go wrong.

Your Smartwatch sounds very high tech, hope you are pleased with it when it comes.

Glad you found something good to watch on tv.

I have been catching up on recordings if its raining in the day, eg I watched the Christmas Mrs Brown's Boys today. I remember how Emptybox first introduced me to Mrs Brown's Boys years ago. After that, me and the family even went to see the show live in Cardiff a few times.



Glad to hear you had a lovely day with your son.

Did you make food for him, or did you go out?

Sorry to hear you have his heart problems on your mind but I hope the CT scan goes well for him.

Raining here too today but did manage a walk this afternoon with son, and I stopped and chatted to a neighbour and her black labrador.

I too take my Christmas tree and cards down on New Years day.

The lovely live Strauss gala on bbc on New Years day morning marks a nice start to the New Year morning for me each year. I used to watch it with my mum. Do you watch it? Its lovely, the hall in Vienna is full of beautfiul flowers, lovely music, dancing etc.

Sounds like you have a nice full night of tv planned today.

My family watch Worlds strongest Man and I like watching Susan Calman. She is cruising tonight. She is so funny, enjoys all she does and not afraid to laugh at herself if things go wrong.

Enoyed Battleships again, son beat me and MrM again.

I am so glad we have generally managed to keep our tea time club up this month. Wonder what we will be watching when the New Year normal tv schedule starts again?


its so interesting they can give meds to strengthen the heart wall.

That is good you at least have the darts to watch.

Did you enjoy your Morrisons microwave meal? Morrisons are delivering my shopping on Tuesday as I bought a 6 month delivery pass off them to save me going food shopping in winter.

Went for brekkie with MrM and my friend today. Our usual cafe was closed so we went to the roadside cafe. Very enjoyable and lots of people there.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

It was handy having the darets to watch, it stops tonight and resumes Sunday for 2 days.

I get the new watch tomorrow, not sure how to set it up yet, might have to do something with the one i have as my mobile / app will see both watches, not sure if that wound matter yet or not.

The frozen meal suggested the oven was the best method to heat the meal so i followed the instructions, it was very nice, made a lovely change.

Got a piece of smoked haddock for brekkie, probably do some smoked bacon and an egg with it, for brekkie i had some fried sliced cooled salad spuds and 2 sausages i did in the air fryer and a fried egg, it was nice.

Oh, forgot to post last night.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  .I hope everyone is having a nice New Year’s Day . It rained all morning here , so no walk today . Instead I spent the morning taking down the Christmas tree and decorations ….then doing the hoovering and dusting which that engenders .Aside from that I’ve done a load of washing , had some Prosecco and salmon for lunch , and that’s me done for the day .

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but hope you enjoyed the concert today ….and hope you can make it later .Hicky , I hope your watch arrived ok , and that you managed to set it up ok. Sorry your son has heart problems too ….

Well it’s Bake Off for me tonight ….have a good evening both , and take care .


both x

Happy New Year 2023 Images, Photos, Gifs, Vectors, Wallpaper


Shame the rain stopped your walk, but I see you still kept yourself busy.

Prosecco and salmon, what a nice treat for you.

I too had a glass of bubbly today to welcome the New Year.

I enjoyed our interesting tea time club today. and yes I did enjoy the concert from Vienna today thanks.


Hope your watch arrived today and you are pleased with it.

Some of these frozen meals are very nice and handy for people who are cooking for one person. I often use them for son if he working late on set and we have already had a family meal some hours before.

Hope you are enjoying your darts.

The Masked Singer is back tonight, which is good.

We had a nice dry day today until about 4pm when it started to drizzle, so I managed to go for a walk  with son. My knee was really sore today though, so I was very tired when I got home.

Managed to get my bedding nearly dry outside today, so its just on my airer finishing off in the house now.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Not done much today, put the washing machine and dryer on during the early hours, set my alarm to wake me, will put dishwasher on tonight, at least that has a rimer i can set.

Baz, not my son that has heart problem, it's me, been watching Aussie Gold Hunters all day, it's been on Quest, handy as darts starts at 7:30pm

My Lad in the Philippines has got a full time live in Nanny now for the children, with them not going to school they are very demanding so its hard to get anything done or go out for supplies.

I enjoyed the masked singer, i recorded it of course, very good.

Dont overdoo walking if you are going to suffer with your knee.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Rained all day here , but I did manage to have a short walk to the post box this morning . Aside from that a so so night , I’ve changed the bedding , washed , hoovered , and rescued the recycle bin , lamb chops for lunch , so not a totally wasted Tuesday .

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but I hope your knee is a bit better today , and I’ll see you for teatime club at 6 today .Hicky , has your watch arrived yet ? If so, are you pleased with it ? I’ve got addicted to those Customs programmes ….do you watch them ?

Well , I’m not sure what I’m going to watch tonight , but I am sure I’ll find something .Have a good evening both , and take care of yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Not done much today, my lad brought me that chicken curry and rice meal they had made, i enjoyed it, my 500g of spice rub arrived, via Amazon, that will come in handy.

My watch is working ok direct on the internet, need to do more tests but there are so many setting on the mobile watch app and on the watch settings itself that it will take a while to get them all set right.

The watch uses the same mobile number as the mobile of course but has the connection via onenumber which is Β£7 a month, it chares all the text, call charges etc with the mobile contract, a bit confusing, we did a test while my lad was here but at the time i had to turn off my mobile in order to get the watch to ring when he rang me, so i looked on the web and found info that told me to change the notification settings on the watch, so think it should be ok now, the setting i changed says, answer the call on the watch when the mobile is not in use or id locked.

The wheelie went out today, they have been on strike for weeks, it's the rubbish bin this week again, it has been emptied a few times, the recycle not at all, they came round last Thursday for them but i found out too late to put it out, it's full as well, but not a problem.

I've been watching the gold miners and the bargain loving brits, yukon gold, nurses on the ward, outback opal hunters, i have them all recorded but look whats on tv at the time so i can decide.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Still not a great day , but once again I dragged myself out for a walk first thing . It’s very overcast and damp here today ….but at least some of the flooding /very deep puddles that blocked my walking route have started to dry up . Aside from that I’ve not done an awful lot , just some washing , and general tidying up . I hope everyone else is having a good Tuesday .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well . Looks like we will have to put up with that bossy woman a bit longer ! Hicky , my watch simply mirrors my phone , so it was quite easy to set up .Will you be watching Dancing on Ice this year ?

Well it’s Dragons Den and the Apprentice for me tonight .Have a good evening both .


both x


you are doing well keeping up your walks despite the grotty January weather.

Yes looks like we haven't got rid of bossy boots on our tv show yet.


That's nice your son had bought you some curry and rice they made.

Hope your watch is all sorted now, think one of those would be too complicated for me.

MrM watches the opal hunters and says its very interesting.

I too enjoyed the return of the Masked Singer.

Not a bad day at all today. Dry all day anyway, so managed a little walk down the road.

Knee and achy feet too bothersome to go with MrM to Costco today though, but they bought me a jacket potato back.

Went for lunch with a friend and her little grandson yesterday. Very nice, especially as we got 50% off the bill with the Harvester ap.

They have a free help yourself salad cart which is very nice, and I had a lovely brie/tomato pie with sweet potato chips and coleslaw.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Heavy rain overnight , and first thing ….but it cleared up a the un came out mid morning , so I went for a walk . I couldn’t walk part of my usual route cos there were huge puddles /flooding ….but I still managed a couple of k , and got some fresh air .Apart from that I have done some washing , cleaned up , fed the wildlife ,  and antibacd the M&S delivery . I had lamb chops for lunch , and now I’m slobbing out on the sofa watching Strike I hope everyone else is having a nice Saturday .

Mollie , I hope you had a nice time at the panto yesterday . Don’t forget Pottery starts tomorrow at 7.45.Hicky , I hope you are ok , and that your watch is working well.

I am watching the Hampton Court programme tonight , after that I’m not sure what , but have a good evening whatever you are up to , and look after yourselves .


both x


that is lucky the sun came out, so you managed to decent walk. We weren't so lucky today in that we didn't get far  before the rain came, so had to come home from our walk. Didn't mind really though, as I am feeling very tired today.

I watched and enjoyed Strike, I think I saw it before Christmas when I saw it. Hope you enjoyed it too.

I am watching Masked Singer tonight, really enjoy that show.

Yes thank you, I really enjoyed the panto, it was very funny. But I was so exhausted and achy last night that I was in bed by 9pm and still feel very tired today. My friends grandchildren loved it and were shouting and singing along. I ate too much choccy though and then had chippy after. Glad I managed to make it back for the last half of tea time club though.


hope you are ok.

Have you managed to get out at all, or had the weather been too bad?

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunshine and showers here today ….but I did manage a short walk , and a trip to the local shop ….so at least I got some fresh air , and some steps in , cos tomorrow is looking horrendous weather wise . Aside from that I’ve dusted , put the bin out ready for collection tomorrow , and done some washing ….so not a totally wasted day . I hope your Monday is going well , whatever you are up to.

Mollie , I hope you , and doggie feel better today . But glad you , and the kids , enjoyed the panto . Hicky , I hope you are ok ….you’ve not been around for a few days .

Well it’s a sparse viewing night tonight , but I’m sure I’ll find something .Have a good evening both , and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you managed to get your Lappy back on line Mollie, nothing worse, but if you have to get it delicered it could take a day or 2.

Had the cleaners here today, i havent been out, wasnt sure if my lad was coming to take me to the shops so i waited in, nothing i need urgent, got loads of food in anyway.

Glad you managed to get some walks in, i havent been for one lately, must take a trip when its a nice day.

Enjoying the toasty maker, its rather yummy, only been making cheese ones, oh, i made a sausages one using a cooked sausage sliced up.

I was watching recordings of Nurses on the ward this afternoon, that and 24 hrs in A&E are so food, and storage hunter, also gold hunters and Jade or Opal hunters etc. as long as they are real of Docu's i love them.

Yes, love DOI, dont want to miss that.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunshine and showers here today , but I did manage a short walk first thing . My son was having his scan this morning , I’m just hoping it goes ok .Consequently , my mind is all over the place today , so I’ve not done a lot …just some washing , and hoovering ….and that’s the level of my exertion today .I hope everyone is having a good Wednesday .

Mollie , we’ve spoken ….I’ll see you at 5 o’clock. Hicky, I like 24 hours in a&e too . I’m looking forward to DOI as well …..and I’m enjoying the Apprentice and the Pottery programme . Your toasties sound yummy .

I think it’s Dinner Date and Botched for me tonight .Have a good evening , and take care both .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you Sons scan went ok Baz.

Done nothing today, apart from making meals, coffee and playing chess online and watching vids from my lad in the Philippines.

Cooked 2 thick pork sausages in the air fryer for brekkie, fried some king prawns i marinated for tea.

Been watching Salvage Hunters, gold miners, lovr watching Catchphrase as well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  It was showery this morning , but I went for a short walk cos I needed to go toy postbox .Aside from that I’ve anti bac’d the M&S delivery , dusted , washed , popped up the local shop for som batteries . I had some nice M&S poached salmon for lunch, and that’s me done for the day . I hope everyone else is having a good Saturday , whatever you are up to.

Mollie, I hope you managed to get some sleep last night ..and that you are having a better day .Hicky , scan went ok , but don’t know the results yet .I’m looking forward to DOI tomorrow .

Going to watch Royal Palaces tonight , after that I’m not sure what , but will find something .Have a good evening both.


both xxx


glad you managed a short walk despite the January weather.

Did you get any nice treats on your M and S shopping? We went to M and S today, and got a few treats. We had some mini apple pies with cinnamon sugar, that I put in air fryer. Very nice they were.

Hope they don't leave your son waiting too long for his scan results.

I am watching Masked Singer tonight.


Its good you can play chess with one son and the other one sends you plenty of videos. Hope you can manage to make arrangements to see them again soon.

MrM watches Salvage Hunters and Gold Miners too, when he gets chance.

Fed up today, so we just went to a few shops to get out of the house. Went to pet shop and got bunny some treats, The Range and got a couple of sticker pages for friend's 2 year old grandson. Then went to M and S foodhall. It poured with rain overnight, but was dry today, even got a bit of sun.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I'm watching 24 hrs in A&E, darts is on every week from Thursday for a day or 2 for the next few months.

I've ordered a dual basket air fryer, am throwing my deep fat fryer out as i wont be needing it any more, also the oil container doesnt come out so its not ewsy to clean.

Roasted some sliced salad potato's in the air fryer, i had brushed with olive oil and pepper and salt, they came out perfect in about 15 minutes.

I take it Mollie that you hot your lappy going again, was it the charger that was the problem?

Hope they tell you the scan results soon Baz.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Bad night for me, but I feel better emotionally today , so I kicked myself in the rear and went for a three and a half k walk first thing …so go me .I also popped into the local shop, done a load of washing and hoovered upstairs and down ….so a much better day than yesterday . I hope everyone else is having a decent Monday as well .

Mollie , I hope your day is going well . I got some nice  poached salmon with my M&S delivery …and some yummy creamed toffees . I enjoyed DOI and Pottery last night , and I am looking forward to Junior Bake Off tonight .Hicky , I watch 24 hours in a&e too …and I’ve become addicted to programmes like Border Control USA /New Zealand /Australia .I hope you are enjoying the darts .

Well it’s JB , George , and 999 for me tonight .Have a good evening both , and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry you had a bad night, i got 9 hes 55 mins sleep last night, pleased with that, my new air fryer came, also the rather big Iceland delivery, think i messed up really, got 31 ready meals, ham, roast spuds, mash, oranges, milk eggs, didnt realise they sold loads of stuff i didnt order, will get some next week, like onions, bread, cheese, had no idea they sold all that.

trying the new air fryer out tonight with a Beef & Panchetta Al Forno Lasagne for tea so just heating that up now, so easy to operate the touch screen to tell it what you want to do.

Its been pretty cold today, 3c today, it warms up again Saturday.

I watched my recording of the masked singer, so good that show, not sure what to watch tonight yet, just watching Alaska Homestead Rescue.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a bad nightfor me , but it snowed here overnight , so no walk this morning cos it was too icy . That means I’ve spent the morning going  housework /washing etc ….although I did go out to feed the wildlife , and tidied up a couple of garden pots . I also noticed that some of the spring bulbs are coming up , so despite the snow Spring is around the corner .I hope everyone else is having a good Wednesday , and staying warm .

Mollie , I hope you are having a good day and you’re not snowed in down there .I’ll see you for Junior Bake Off ….I’m enjoying it .Hicky , can you cook ready meals in the air fryer then ? I didn’t know that , I thought it was just for frying stuff .Did you enjoy DOI ? I thought a couple of them were quite promising .

Well it’s what I call a *trashy* tv night for me today …so Dinner Date and Botched .Have a good evening , and look after yourselves .


I’ve just been for a short walk around the block ….I was getting stir crazy ! 🫣🫣🫣It was a bit hairy in a couple of places😱😱 , but mostly the snow has melted , so ….anyway , I got home in one piece .🀣🀣🀣🀣❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I had a wander around the garden, gardener was next door, the couple have both died so its getting ready to be sold, he ran out of time to come to me, he said Friday now.

Have ordered a few more bits from Iceland, only a few bits i didnt realise they even sold, like bread, onions, toms, mushroom etc, its coming tomorrow.

Been watching the indoor bowls on BBC2, i enjoy that.

The air fryer has setting so you can tell it what you want to do, air fry, roast, bake, grill, dehydrate or reheat, you can bake bread, cakes, pastries etc, it sets preset temperatures and times but you can change to whatever you want, and you can set basket 1 and 2 with different setting or the same, magic stuff.

I had eggs on toast for brekkie and Lamb Moussaka for tea, slept 9 hr 34 min last night, happy with that.

Last edited by Hicky

both x


pphheeww, glad to hear you did get home in one piece despite the cold icy weather.  Take care the next few days as they reckon the cold weather will be around for awhile.

Well I am enjoying Jnr Bake Off, those kiddies are just so cute and the mess they make is so funny.

I had got bored with the traditional Bake Off, but find this one much more amusing and cuter of course.

Only a flurry of snow yesterday here, and a bit icy this morning, but nothing much. I sat out in the garden as the sun is quite warm, so yes, hooray spring won't be long coming now. My washing also dried nicely on the line too.


that is nice you at least got a little walk round your garden, lucky you managed to get to book in the gardener for Friday as I expect he will be getting busy soon as people think about the arrival of spring.

Luckily my lappy did get fixed. MrM bought me a new adaptor that was supposed to fit any type of lappy (14 different types) but it didn't fit mine!! So we returned it to Amazon and got a full refund. MrM said he would have a go at soldering the wire bit, then using this plastic stuff that he melts to fix it back together and it worked! So far, so good, back in perfect working order.

We too like Iceland and yes they do sell everything you need and I find they have a great selection of not only their own stuff, but well known brands too. We especially enjoy their Cathedral City frozen food, and Gregs frozen food too. And I find these Heinz beanz filled Hash Browns yummy...

Heinz Beanz Filled Hash Browns 600g

The Cathedral City frozen stuff is 3 for Β£10, I like these...

I bought the Cathedral City bubble and squaek to try this week.

I get bread/milk from there too and I find their fruit/veg good too. Their pink lady applies are son's favourite.

That is good you found the indoor bowls to watch.

Can you put the link on for your air fryer, becasue we bought ours a long time ago when they were just being introducted, so it is a bit small for us, so I want to get a double basket one. We use ours all the time, as you say , you can cook anything with them and I can't get over how much quicker than a traditional oven they are. Even frozen pasties come out well.

Yesterday I met my friend and her grandson for lunch, but when we finished, her car (electric, less than a year old) wouldn't start! So we  ended up waiting in car park for 3 hours!  Luckily the toddler loves puddles and counting cars in the car park, so he had fun!  RAC came but he couldn't fix it. So we waited then ages for the garage to sort out a lorry to take it away. The resteraunt were wonderful , bringing us out free coffees/squash. In the end we got cold, so went back into resteraunt and they gave us free food! And the waitress bought the little one a toy from their toy machine. Eventually his dad collected him, as we had been there 6 hours by then. And my friend stayed behind to wait. They gave her a free meal and the waitress bought her a sherry. So kind. Another 3 hours later, garage collected the car key and said they would bring the truck to collect it the next day. Which they did today. Gosh it has really put me off an electric car. It appears they have problems in cold weather, and you are stuck,  as RAC can't fix it. So I have been shattered today, as I had to enterain the little one whilst she was messing with car. My knee was real bad and I had an awful headache today, so just stayed home and mainly rested. Only did the washing today.

Enjoyed a little sit in the sunshine in the garden though, as I can feel the sun is starting to warm up now.

Going to record The Apprentice as I am an episode behind.

Goodnight both xxx


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