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Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  What a bliddy night ! Storm Franklin was much worse than Eunice here ! And while it’s died down a bit it’s still very windy out,  even now ! Consequently I hardly got any sleep , so I’ve had a really lazy day ….well that’s my excuse , and I’m sticking to it .All I’ve done is change bed sheet , washed , fed the wildlife , and cleaned the kitchen .  I’ve got the bin ready to go out for collection , but I’m not putting it out until it calms down a bit !  

Anyway, Mollie , we’ve spoken today , but I just wanted to touch base , and let you know I’m thinking of you Hicky .


both x


hope the stormy weather has moved on for you by now. It is much calmer here now and even the rain stopped at last.

Yes it was a wild night last night weather wise, wind howling and so noisy, so hard to sleep.

A good idea to have a lazy day after such a noisy night , so I did too.

I did get a couple of washloads out on the line as they dried quite well in the wind. I now rarely use the tumble drier, with a new estimated utility bill of £200 month, I can't afford to add any more to it!

The leak in our ceiling is still not fixed, landlord told me the guy who fixes stuff has 3 other properties to see to first. So hope it doesn't rain, else it will be drip, drip through the kitchen ceiling again!

Watching Breaking Dad now, so funny.

Thinking of you today HIcky.


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

An update, On my own, just had a lamb leg steak with mash and some gravy, No. #5 son has gone back to Cornwall, No.#3 son has just dropped off a pack of Flank steak from Costco, it will make some nice curries, will dice pack and freeze tomorrow, seeing a nurse at the surgery tomorrow to see how the Eczema on the back of the calf's is doing, another son, No.#2 is coming to pick me up and take me in the Porsche, nice, then we are going for a meal somewhere.

Have sorted the death certificates etc and notified the gov website, son sorted all that, changed the BT tv account but ended up with the wrong package so got to sort that out again, was paying £143 a month?

All the Med-Equip gear has been collected, very strange with no Mrs H here, still stuff to sort out but food isnt a problem now as i can use up what i have, thanks for your Condolences, hard to believe i'm on my own, never known that really.

Hope you have kept well while i was busy, hoping to get more sleep now, it was stramge not having carers and nurses coming and going.

Take care, have asked the gardener to come to help sort the garden for the spring.

@Hicky posted:

Evening Mollie & BAZ.

An update, On my own, just had a lamb leg steak with mash and some gravy, No. #5 son has gone back to Cornwall, No.#3 son has just dropped off a pack of Flank steak from Costco, it will make some nice curries, will dice pack and freeze tomorrow, seeing a nurse at the surgery tomorrow to see how the Eczema on the back of the calf's is doing, another son, No.#2 is coming to pick me up and take me in the Porsche, nice, then we are going for a meal somewhere.

Have sorted the death certificates etc and notified the gov website, son sorted all that, changed the BT tv account but ended up with the wrong package so got to sort that out again, was paying £143 a month?

All the Med-Equip gear has been collected, very strange with no Mrs H here, still stuff to sort out but food isnt a problem now as i can use up what i have, thanks for your Condolences, hard to believe i'm on my own, never known that really.

Hope you have kept well while i was busy, hoping to get more sleep now, it was stramge not having carers and nurses coming and going.

Take care, have asked the gardener to come to help sort the garden for the spring.

Hi Hicky I really feel for you ….…I know how strange it feels.. ….but just take things one day at a time .Well done getting some of the bureaucracy sorted out though ….and I hope you got on ok at the surgery …and you are certainly travelling in style .


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Funny old day here weather wise ….mostly sunny , but we had some hail , and it’s quite breezy and chilly ! I slept through most of the night , but once again it was a sleep filled with strange dreams , so not very restful ! Consequently , I didn’t go for a walk today ….I couldn’t rake up the energy .Tomorrow is looking better weatherwise , so hopefully I will get a stroll in then ! So my day has been spent hoovering , cleaning and washing …oh joy.  I also put the prop back against the back gate because we have strong winds forecast again this evening and overnight !

Mollie , I hope you’re having a good day , and I’ll see you for FIAB and Apprentice tonight ….wonder what the numpties will get up to this week.


both xxx


it must be so quiet for you now all the carers gone, and when you son's have gone, but especially without MrsH.

Glad your son helped sort all the horrible admin stuff out.

Your BT does sound expensive, so hope they can sort a better deal out. Our internet was down for 10 hours recently, so I complained, and Sky gave me a £2.72 refund! I'll try not to spend it all at once.

Hope the nurse thinks the ezma is going ok on your leg. Glad your son could take you, hope you both had a nice meal out together. Where did you go and what did you have?

Its a nice thought that spring is on the way and the gardens are starting to wake up. So a good idea to book your gardener in before he gets booked out again.


We've had the same weather as you today, mostly sunny with a bit of hail/sleet thrown in.

Glad you slept ok but pity the dreaming meant the sleep was not as refreshing as it could have been. I have found I have to cut off eating anything at all and drinking no more than water at least 4 hours before I drop off to sleep,(so before 8pm) and my main meal at least 6 hours beforehand, (so 6pm latest), else I get annoying dreams too.

Don't blame you not bothering with your walk as it is very cold in the North wind today. I haven't been out either, other than quickly to put doggie out.

Looking forward to seeing your for 4 In A bed, and as you say, wonder what they have our fave enterprenuers getting up to tonight on Apprentice?

MrM went to Costco today, so he bought me back a jacket potato and cheese, Very nice, so that was tea sorted out for me.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰🥰🥰 Not a bad night for me , and the weather is quite good ,  so I went for a walk , and my Cyril is back in the garden .👏🏻👏🏻🤣 But on the minus side my M&S Ocado order got cancelled …some sort of glitch at Ocado !😡Luckily I’ve managed to move my Sainsbury order to tomorrow , so I won’t starve ! 🤣 Aside from that I’ve done some washing , hoovered , and even though it’s a bit chilly , I’ve done a bit of pruning in the back garden . It’s lovely to see all the bulbs coming up .

Mollie , I hope your laptop is behaving today . Sorry it interrupted your viewing last night , but hope you had fun anyway. That last bit of Gogglebox was a bit omg , eh .I hope you are having a good Saturday . Don’t forget it’s doi and pottery tomorrow . Hicky , how did the trip to the nurse go? I agree with Mollie , that does seem an awful lot for your BT ….what do you actually get for that ? I hope you and your son had a nice meal .

Some history and some nature for me tonight .I hope you both have a peaceful evening , and take care .


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  It’s overcast here , but no rain yet , although it’s forecast , so , as there is no wind this week , I have put my bins out earlier than normal . I didn’t sleep too badly last night , but it was wet when I woke up this morning,  so no walk. Instead I decided to change the bedding , and do the duvet shuffle after all . Aside from that , I’ve not done a lot , just wiped down the bathroom and fed the wildlife .

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but I’ll see you at 5 o’clock .Hicky , sending a big hug .


Evening Mollie & BAZ,

So quiet here these days, it's hard to believe i am on my own, i get 6 hours to sort my tea out, will be able to catch up on recordings thats for sure, got a new toaster as the other one needs an element replacing, so got a new one.

Ordered a wheelbarrow from B&Q as my old one was thrown out last summer, need one really, so handy, that comes tomorrow.

Now i have the 8 bags of farmyard manure and when i get the wheelbarrow i'll get the gardener back.

I am running down the food stocks to make room in the cupboards and freezers, will then restock.

I still cant believe she has gone, its like a bad dream, one day all is fine, the next day you get told she has terminal cancer, no idea how she kept a brave face after being told that.


Baz and Hicky x


gosh how annoying your order ocado got cancelled, but a good job you could adjust the Sainsburys one.

Glad to see Cyril is back again.

It is indeed lovely to see spring is on the way outdoors. All of the sheep have made an appearance in the lower fields again. Must have been bought down from the hills ready for lambing and the daffs are looking so beautiful and colourfull now they are out in flower.

My new lappy is great, thanks, but just takes a bit of getting used to. The on/off button is where the delete used to be on my old one, so I keep turning it off by accident.

Glad you didn't sleep too badly, hope you sleep ok as well tonight.


Yes it must be so hard for you living alone after all of those years together and it did seem to happen so quickly.

I'm so sorry it is such a long and quiet day for you now.

But you did so well making sure MrsH was able to stay at home.

With it being March tomorrow, that is a good idea for you to sort your wheelbarrow and gardener out.

Went out for brekkie with my friend and her little grandson,whose just had his 2nd birthday he is so funny, just trying to talk now.

Then in the afternoon, we went to the threatre, the one on the seafront. Weather was very good, so there were lots of families out enjoying their chips, icecreams and having a walk.

My knee is very sore today after doing all that, so didn't go out today, just rested it.

It was raining though, so didn't feel like going out amyway though.

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Rained most of the day here , so no walk today . But I did get a decent nights sleep , so that’s a plus .  Having said that I’ve not done much today , just a bit of dusting , some washing , and I’ve cleaned the kitchen . …so a very lazy day chez Baz .

Mollie , I’m sorry your knee is playing up ….but how lovely that you can see the lambs on the hills ….I’m green with envy .Glad the new lappy is working well , even if you keep pressing the wrong button . The Ocado thing was annoying , but they rearranged the delivery and gave me a nice money off voucher , so I’ll let them off. I’ll see you for FIAB and CDWM tonight .Hicky , I can understand only too well that it feels like a bad dream. Im afraid all you can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other , and try and fill the days up as best as you can  ….which I’m sure is what Mrs H would have wanted you to do . I hope your new wheelbarrow comes soon ….and once the weather improves you will be able to get out in your garden again .

Last edited by Baz

both xxx


glad you had a good nights sleep, hope you did last night too.

Good job Ocado gave you a money off voucher, I am sure you will manage to find something to spend it on.

I am pleased we now meet for 4 In a Bed and CDWM, as I usually watch them and its so nice to have your company now.


hope you have your wheelbarrow by now and lets' hope the weather improves soon so you can get in your garden again.

Did you watch the rest of CBB Oz? I really enjoyed it, so am so pleased you introduced me to it.

Drizzly today, so not going out, but I do need to rest my swollen knee, did too much on Sunday, so it made it worse, but its gradually improving if I dont overdo it. I will have to get down the walk in physio clinic again soon and see what they say about it.

Hard to find much on tv with all this football on.

But at least we have the Apprentice on tonight.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Not a bad night for me , and it’s finally stopped raining , so I went for a walk first thing . Loads of lying water though ….in fact at one stage I was actually ankle deep in it ….luckily I had my boots on . Aside from that , I fed the wildlife , cleaned kitchen , done a small load of washing , and had some nice poached salmon for lunch .I hope you are all having a relaxing Friday, whatever you are up to .



glad you had a not too bad night and hooray, it stopped raining here too today, so nice to see the sun. Hope it was good weather for Hicky too.

Gosh hope you took care with all that water around.

I sat in the garden today and did my sudoku puzzle and had a quick shop in Lidl, didn't stay long though as my knee still not right and bothers me if I walk too much.

A great night it was on the forum with all the tv tonight.

Doggie all settled and fast asleep for the night now.


sending you a big

thinking of you.

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I hope everyone is having a good day . I didn’t have a very good night , but I did manage to go for a walk this morning . Aside from that I’ve cleaned kitchen , washed, hoovered , fed wildlife , and got bin ready for collection tomorrow . By the way , my Cyril was back yesterday …they are sooooo cute .

Mollie , it was fun yesterday , but I’m going to miss Pottery …and I’m sad about who went in doi .I hope your day is going well , and I’ll see for FIAB at 5 .Hicky , I hope you are managing to get out in the garden, although if your weather is like mine , there is still a very chilly wind about.


oh dear, my yesterdays post isn't here, I must have turned my lappy off before I pressed "Post Reply".


hope you had a better night last night and have managed to get out for a walk. Its dry here today, so hope it is for you too. How nice Cyril made an appearance again.

I am enjoying our 4 in a Bed meetings (even though sometimes I am a bit late due to it being tea time), or my having to quickly find the charger as my lappy battery has run out.

I have always enjoyed 4 In a Bed, so its nice to have company.

I also enjoyed the Pottery show and think the right one won. In fact I preferred it to DOI. So will miss it, but hopefully either the sewing or baking shows will return soon.


hope you are pleased with your garden now you have caught up with the jobs.

MrM just gave our lawn the 1st cut of the year, as the grass was really long and it had been dry for a few days.

Went to choose some Mothers' day cards yesterday for my aunt as she doesn't have kiddies, so I always get her one. They do do them with Aunt printed on, so thats handy. The card shop is right next door to Gregs, so it would have been a shame not to pop in there for a nice hot cheese and onion pasty. Delicious.

MrM and son going to Costco now, so told them to get me a baked potato with cheese for lunch, as they are nice from there and not expensive.

Am watching Corrie, then part 3 of the thriller on itv which I am enjoying. One of the lead actors is from Line of Duty, which I also enjoyed (although I only saw 1 series of it).

Knee still improving gradually, but still some swelling. so didnt' go to Costco as I thought that would be too much for it. I am hoping it will carry on improving if I pace myself.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  How are you all today ? It’s a sunny day here …although still a chill wind . But I went for a walk cos I had to post a card …it was nice to get some fresh air and see that there was still a big wide world out there .Aside from that I’ve cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms, done a load of washing , and had some nice lamb chops for lunch .

Mollie , I’m glad your knee is settling down a bit .I will miss pottery too…but hopefully Sewing Bee will be back soon….or that woodwork programme .I’m enjoying sharing FIAB with you too ….although I may have got one of this weeks couples wrong Hicky , my gardener came yesterday and mowed the lawns for the first time this year  …so spring is coming .Plus he is going to fit a new back gate for me , cos the old one …which has been there since we moved in over 30 years ago … well and truly knackered now ! Anyway , I hope you are looking after yourself .

Well , it’s FIAB , Great British Menu, Apprentice and Sandi Toksvig for me tonight ….so a full nights viewing .I hope you both have a good evening .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Hope your knee is getting better Mollie, my No.#3 son took me to  a big garden centre, we had food then i picked 3 fruit trees to be delivered, today, a plum, pear and cherry in 12L tubs, he came today, we had brekkie then he filled in a form from a company and enclosed what they needed to transfer stuff to me, it seems never ending trying to get utility accounts etc into my name, the gardener distributed the 8 bags of manure to the beds and tubs ready for plants, might plant the trees myself unless i get help the weekend.

Had testing from F1 today, more tomorrow as well, the cars are new, a nightmare to get sorted for the race next weekend., won more chess against my lad, i'm 103 games won to his 76, he's not overjoyed.

It's so strange going from 12 visitors a day to either 1 or none, the cleaners come every couple of weeks, the window cleaners came today.

I keep in touch with my lads on WhatsApp every day, so that's a bonus, i've got to get used to having lots of time to think of what to eat next.

Stay safe, stay happy and keep smiling.

@Hicky posted:

Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Hope your knee is getting better Mollie, my No.#3 son took me to  a big garden centre, we had food then i picked 3 fruit trees to be delivered, today, a plum, pear and cherry in 12L tubs, he came today, we had brekkie then he filled in a form from a company and enclosed what they needed to transfer stuff to me, it seems never ending trying to get utility accounts etc into my name, the gardener distributed the 8 bags of manure to the beds and tubs ready for plants, might plant the trees myself unless i get help the weekend.

Had testing from F1 today, more tomorrow as well, the cars are new, a nightmare to get sorted for the race next weekend., won more chess against my lad, i'm 103 games won to his 76, he's not overjoyed.

It's so strange going from 12 visitors a day to either 1 or none, the cleaners come every couple of weeks, the window cleaners came today.

I keep in touch with my lads on WhatsApp every day, so that's a bonus, i've got to get used to having lots of time to think of what to eat next.

Stay safe, stay happy and keep smiling.

Hi Hicky Your trees sound lovely ….and well done on the chess wins .I remember how exhausting it was sorting out all the bureaucratic stuff ….it seemed never ending , even though we had moved everything into joint names before my husband died . I’m glad your sons are What’s Apping you every day . Is the one that is in South America back home now? Take care and look after yourself .

Last edited by Baz

Good Afternoon, Mollie & BAZ.

My lad from Oz is un Nicaragua, hoping to have a holiday this summer with him, probably in Portugal, all being well.

Just planted the Pear tree, its a Conference, called a Giant, it was in a 12L pot so can be planted any time of the year, got 2 more yet, for another day, i bought a Victoria Plum and a Stella Cherry also in 12L pots.

Made a nice bacon and black pud toasted roll for brekkie, for tea going to make a beef Rendang curry with rice.

Glad i can watch the F1 testing, its been on for a few days, so that has been very handy.

Have a good weekend, it will soon be Spring


both xxx


Yes we had a good week watching our "4 In a Bed", I do like that show.

Hope you managed to get a walk in today.

I tried to sit outside a couple of times but each time I got settled, the showers arrived, so I had to come in again.


that's good you managed to get out in the garden and plant the tree. Wonder how long it wil be before you get fruit off them?

Hope the forecast is right and we at last have some sunshine coming up.

Aaaww it must be so quiet for you now around the house, and horrible with all the formal stuff to sort out, but I am glad your sons are whatsapping you daily.

I see your son has moved on again, I remember you said they were having a problem with the internet where they were before. Does he like Nicaragua?

That would be nice for you to take a holiday with them, a little sunshine break will do you good.

Glad you found F1 to watch. Have you finished OzBB yet?

I really enjoyed it.

Didn't go out today, as it was a bit showery.

Had carrots, mash, Gregs vegan sausage roll for tea.

Nearly time to watch DOI now. Let's hope accident prone lad doesnt get hurt again, he has had more than his share of mishaps.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Beautiful sunny day here today . I feel very “weary”, but I did manage to go for a walk this morning . Aside from that I’ve cleaned kitchen , hoovered , put bins out for collection, and fed the wildlife ….so not a totally wasted day .I hope everyone else’s Monday is going well .

Mollie , hope your BP has gone down after DOI I’ve got everything crossed that the gbp will make sure she doesn’t win !I hope you’re having a good day , and see you at either 5, or 6 o’clock for FIAB .Hicky , well done planting the tree….and how lovely that you are going to go on holiday with your son ….my husband and I used to love Portugal .

Well have a good evening both …and take care .




glad you got the sunshine, we did yestrerday, not so much today, but got a bit and at least it was dry, so can't complain.

I see you still did a lot despite being "weary"!

Thanks for switching to 6pm for 4 In a Bed, that does suit me better, especially now it is getting lighter.

How nice you and your OH used to like to go to Portugal. Did you use hotels or self catering?


hope you are getting nice weather so you can get in your garden.

And I wonder whats your fave on the menu lately?

Me, son, MrM and my friend went out for tea tonight at our fave pub and I had veggie cottage pie, sweet potato chips, peas, side salad. Very nice and I had son's mango chutney with it, as he had a curry and didn't want his chutney.

Going to watch Dogs behaving Badly. Graham is so good at training them (but its always their owners that need the training).

Good night both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Happy St. Patrick’s Day . it’s been a lovely sunny day here today …although it’s still chilly out of the sun . But I went for a nice walk first thing , although it was still wet under feet in places . Aside from that I fed the wildlife , hoovered , dusted and washed . I had some nice pork steak for lunch , and I’ve just emptied the bin, so that’s me done for the day .

Mollie , we used to go to hotels in Portugal …we gave up self catering once the kids were grown up . But being a Yorkshireman Mr B used to insist on a bargain .Honestly , it’s no problem switching to 6 o’clock ….I’m just very nice to have your company .And don’t forget it’s Apprentice tonight at 9 .Hicky , I hope you are managing to get out in the garden more now the weather is improving . It looks like it going to be lovely in our area for the next few days . I’ve got daffodils , hyacinths , crocuses , and even some miniature tulips in flower at the moment .

Anyway, I hope you both have a good evening …it’s GBM , Apprentice and Joanna Lumley for my viewing tonight .


Both xxx


Happy St Patricks day to you too.

We have good memories of living near Dublin for a year and loved it. The kiddies went to a little Irish school of less than 100 kids.

That's nice you went for your walk, be careful if it is wet underfoot, we don't want any more falls from you please!

I bet you enjoyed your Portugal hols in hotels. I too am not so keen on self catering, I hate having to wash up and tidy up if on holiday!

Thanks for the reminder about The Apprentice, I nearly forgot again.

Yes it is lovely to see all the spring flowers emerging, and son had sight of the 1st lambs yesterday. Wont be long until the fields are full of them, so cute.

I tried to sit in the garden today but the wind was too cold and the sun kept disapearing behind clouds, but hope it does warm up soon the forecast says it will.


hope you are getting in your garden. How is the cooking going?

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Sunny , but a chilly wind here today . I went for a walk first thing , and it was quite cold in the shade . Aside from that I’ve not done a lot ….just some washing, cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom . I had some nice poached salmon for lunch , and now I’m trawling the tv trying to find something to watch . I hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday , whatever you are up to.

Mollie , see you at 8 tonight I hope .Hicky, I hope you are managing to get out in the garden  a bit more .


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I slept ok until about 5 o’clock , but then woke up with a bliddy panic attack ! It’s a lovely sunny day today , but I didn’t go for a walk cos I wanted to change the duvet , and do a bit in the garden . Plus my shopping order was due mid morning , so…… I hope everyone else is having a nice day , whatever you are up to.

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but I’ll see you for FIAB at 6Hicky , I hope you are looking after yourself


both  x


aaaww dear you poor thing waking with a panic attack. Do you think a bad dream bought it on?

Yes very warm here in my back garden today, so the sundress came out. and I sat and did some sudoku.

I can see you didn't need to go for a walk if you were busy in the garden.

I am loving watching 4 in a Bed with you.

Hope it has been nice enough for Hicky to get in his garden.

I went to physio today. He spent over hour and half with me, checking what had gone wrong and how I walk etc. He has put me on a 6 week group programme re exercsie and nutrition for osteoarthritis. I am nervous about this as I am not good in groups of strangers. But I do really want to improve my walking again.

Yesterday we went down seafront and last time we went I could walk a long way, but this time I could hardly walk at all without having to rest. Physio thinks I may have overdone it and triggered a bad attack but he said the pain does go up and down with my condition but he said the leg muscles were strong, so is hopefull the mobility will come back and pain reduce with time and exercise.

How is the cooking going Hicky? And how is the garden coming on now. Hope your new trees are doing well.

Well its tv time for me now.

Have a good evening.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Gorgeous sunny day , real blossom weather , as one of the old guys I see on my walk told me this morning . Aside from the walk I’ve done a load of washing , washed down the patio, and fed the birds . I also saw a Cyril on my walk , which made my day . Sod’s law that I missed my medications delivery though !Hopefully they are going to redeliver it this afternoon !

Mollie , I get panic attacks every now and then for no particular reason . I am on anxiety meds , which normally keep it under control, but every now and then they break through . Awwww I totally understand you being a bit nervous with strangers .But if it helps the osteoarthritis, and therefore your mobility , it will be worth it . I love watching FIAB …and other things, with you too.Hicky , how are things going ? I bet you’re loving this weather , but make the most of it cos according to the forecast winter is back next week .

Well it’s GBM , and the Apprentice final tonight ….cue raised bp .


both x


thank you for the lovely birthday greetings.

Glad to see you are getting out and about for a walk and even spotted Cyril, what a sweet saying from the elderly man you see. He is right, it is lovely blossom weather now.

Did they redeliver your meds ok in the afternoon?

Hope you were panic attack free last night.


hope you managed to get in your garden and you too had the good weather.

What was on your  menu today?

We went to a cafe near the seafront for brekkie today then a little walk on the seafront and my fave lime green stripy ice cream. Very nice it was too, lots of people around in the good weather.

I got some nice pressies, a nice Sudoku book with a marker and attached pencil rubber off MrM (I love these puzzles), a plant off my Indian neigbhour (she said it reminded her of her childhood in India) and a notebook and pen, Winnie the Pooh make up mirror and brush off daughter (I like Winnie the Pooh).

And I had this beautiful real flower Birthday card, I have never seen one of those before. Thank you so much Baz, it really is gorgeous. I sent Hicky a photo of it.

Have a good evening both, its Gogglebox for me tonight and Corrie.


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mollie, hope you had a great day.

Hope you are keeping well, BAZ.

A beautiful day here today 17c & Sunny, SIL brought my shopping, so lovely, she helped fill in more forms and post them, i walked to the post box to post one i filled in yesterday, probably about 300 m away, not far really, but a long way to me, it wasnt a problem.

Was going to have Cod for tea but when all the food came i changed my menu, she brought Chinese Ribs and Spicy chicken wings, 2 packs of Sushi. a big cream cake.

I made some Flapjacks yesterday because my lad down south had made some, SIL loved them and had 3, i made half the recipe which made 16 small Flapjacks, so nice.

Some end plugs i wanted xame today, they are to plug the ends of the soaker hose when i cut the loops to make it easier to remove it all in the autumn.

How is your daughter now, Mollie? Has she had all the treatments she needs?

I received paperwork to fill in from a company death in service insurance scheme, filled it in and sent it off, wow, if/when i get it i will be in a pretty stable position financially, it's something i didn't realize i would get, i might even get something from a company pension, no idea if i will.

SIL was here for about 2 hours or more sorting through mail to see what needs filling in, i had a stack, and she's only been away 2 weeks, i gave some left over unopened packs of pads to a district nurse who used to come to see Mrs H and goes next door to see someone, she couldn't take them all but said she would call in when next in the area.

The cleaners came the other day, 6 girls, i gave them loads of stuff that i dont want, this happens every 2 weeks when they come, but it's no good to me, think SIL is going to sort out the wardrobes, dozens and dozens of dress's, probably loads unused.

Still playing chess with my lad i am 109 wins he is 76, oh dear, he's been playing all his life, i started playing in 1946 when my young clever cousin taught me.


Afternoon Meanies I hope everyone is having a good Saturday . I didn’t sleep very well last night , so I haven’t done much today ….in fact I actually nodded off on the sofa for an hour after my lunch .Apart from that , I’ve done some washing , dusted , anti bac’d the M&S delivery , and fed the birds .

Mollie , glad you had a nice birthday ….and you are very welcome .Mind you , I’m still waiting for my green stripey ice cream!The chemist did redeliver my meds that afternoon .I don’t think I’ll be watching that Gogglebox/Netflix programme any time soon . Hicky , glad you are gradually getting all the bureaucracy etc sorted out …I know it takes a while …and can be very wearing .Well done with the walk ….that’s about as far as I could walk immediately after my ankle accident ….but I can manage 3-4 kms now easily .Cream cake …yummy .

Well, apart from Dinner Date , it’s a sparse viewing night tonight !But have a good evening both , and take care .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

A rather nice day here, filled in another form and took it to the post box again, walked all the way there and back, didnt even have a rest, so very happy with that.

Fitted all the stop ends in the garden auto watering system, fitted the control timer computer back to the rear outside tap, set it up and did a test, all seems fine so very happy, have set it for 15 minutes a morning for now.

Had a bacon and tomato toasted bread sandwich for brekkie a couple of mini open party pies while in the Man Cave having coffee, and had 2 packs of Fish Sushi for tea with the other half of a big strawberry cream cake.

Had F1 on as well today, practice 3 & qualifying, the race is tomorrow.

The clocks go forward tonight as well, have got a few clocks to change, wish they would stop this crazy idea, it was done for the farmers want it.

Not sure what to watch tonight, will check every hour or go to my recordings, always have loads of them.

Have got my Salt Fish soaking for the morning, have a kipper fillet ready to that, will thaw bacon in the morning as i have loads, and i'll do 2 poached eggs.

To make it wasier to split the frozen bacon, i now put 2 rashers between 2 pieces of baking paper and put a piece of kitchen towel between each set of covered rashers so each pair can't stick to another pair, so easy and effective.




hope you slept a bit better last night, so it probably did you good to have a quick nap on the sofa.

My flower card is still looking lovely today, so I am carrying on getting enjoyment from it.

I am sure you would enjoy the lime stripy ice cream too, this type of ice cream in so classy, (and a big portion), so suits us well.

yes that Netflix show on Gogglebox look awful! One for us to avoid.


you did well managing that walk there and back without stopping. A walk is so much nicer when the weather is good and the blossoms are out.

Glad the weather meant you could get out in the garden and sort your water system out. It would be nice if you need to use it a lot this year because that would mean we get dry weather. Well we do start summer time today, so here's hoping.  I agree and wish they would stop this nonsense of changing clocks, it is no good for any of us having to readjust the body clock.

It is good to read you have your appetite back again and even had a snack in your man shed.

Hope you enjoy your special fish/bacon brekkie today. I never even thought about freezing bacon, I see you have managed to sort a good method out for that.

I watched Ant and Dec last night, then the singing show.

I am looking forward to a lazy day out in the sun just sitting in the garden with my legs up, to rest my bad knee. Damn thing makes it awkward for me to sleep as I can only sleep on my back, it is painfull sleeping on either side. Let's hope my 6 weeks physio course helps it.

Then tonight it is the final of Dancing on Ice, followed by the Ipress Files, a drama I am enjoying.

Hope you both have a good day. xxx


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Hope you slept ok last night BAZ, i got up twice i think, which isnt too bad, i just overheat.

Hope your knee isn't giving you too much pain Mollie, physio helps but i suppose you take some painkillers, not that they do a lot.

Had a good day, warm outside and sunny with no wind, checked how the first morning of auto watering had gone, was confused when i saw water in some slate on the floor, did a few more small jobs while i was thinking how i had water when it hasn't rained for days and the only water was my system, anyway, had a coffee and had brekkie etc, and another coffee, decided to check the timer setting on the watering controller, oh dear, somehow i had set the time period to 2hr 15 minutes instead of 0.15mins, so it watered for 135 minutes, which used 756 Litres of water, which watered at over 16 Litres per meter for the 45 Metres of soaker hose over the 135 minutes, the system waters at 5.6L a minute, it should only have used 84 Litres, but it's hard for me to see the display outside, and even worse with the sun out.

Not much i can do in the garden now until i get some plants, got the Podiatrist here in the morning at 09.30

I am recording DOI Final for later in the week. this new variant is another problem we could do without.



Glad to hear you too got a nice sunny day.

Oh dear what a shame you over watered, and if you are on a meter, it is so expensive. So difficult for you though with your eyesight problems and on a bright day, everything outside is hard for anyone to read stuff. I can't see my phone outdoors, so don't know who it is if anyone rings. (not that anyone rings very often though).

Hope the podiatrist goes ok tomorrow. Are you getting a taxi?

The DOI final was good, but I won't of course give away the winner as you haven't seen it happen.

Sat in gardent today and enjoyed the sun, Got plenty of washing dried in the sun too.

MrM had to chop down 2 Christmas trees as we hand't realised  they were infested with little black insects and was attracting lots of wasps. ..flies and fleas too. Yuck..

Did a bit of food shopping in Sainsburys. Bought me and MrM a toffe/butterscotch eclair each. Delcious.

Time to watch Ipcriss Files, am enjoying it, but find it hard to understand at times, if I am feeling tired.


hope you sleep ok tonight. And see you tomorrow in time for 4 In A bed.

Goodnight both xxx


Good Afternoon, Mollie & Baz.

Only 13c today, had some sun but mainly cloud.

Podiatrist came at 9:30 she comes to the house, its a relative of the next door neighbour, comes every 8 weeks.

Had bacon and beans on toast for brekkie, have got a cheese Chorizo bake for tea.

Going in the garden in a mo, might be able to find a job to do, can have a coffee and biscuit in the Man Cave as well.

Hope you all slept ok, stay safe and have a good day, weather cooling this week, blame the Jet Stream, it's moved.


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