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Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Merry Christmas . I had a lot of lovely gifts and cards ….you know who you are   I’m slightly squiffy , after a small bottle of sparkling wine , and I’ve had three lamb chops , rather than my normal two ….now I’m binge watching Shetland …so all in all , not a bad day . I hope you are all having a nice day , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , we’ve spoken Hicky , I hope your day is going as well as can be expected


Baz and HIcky

Happy Christmas GIFs | Tenor

Hope you are having a good day


good for you having a nice bottle of wine (even if you are a bit squiffy). and having your 3 lamb chops instead of 2.

Enjoy your Shetland, what a good drama that is.

We've opened our pressies and dinner nearly ready. I just have veg, stuffing and son's Yorkshires, which is great for me, and the rest of the family have turkey, followed by choc log for family, and raspberry trifle for me.


hope your SIL delivered your nice meal and that you enjoyed it.

Time to help son and MrM serve dinner.

Have a good day both


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Had the Christmas dinner delivered last night, had it at 2:30, it was very nice, Mrs H had all she wanted, so did i.

Had no visitors today, not even a nurse or carer came, so it was a peaceful day really.

Hope your daughter's meds settle her down, so many side effects come with most meds, short term stroids are good as well.

No.#4 son is going to Nicaragua tomorrow, hired transport to the border then changes to another transport once across the border, its an experience most children never even have in their lifetime.

Heard nothing yet from the hospital about my scan, probably because they are all on holiday, the Urology consultant did say they would be in touch in the new year.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Very cold , wet and miserable here today …..a bit like my mood . I’ve never liked Boxing Day ….too much of an anti climax ! I have done some housework , washing , emptied bin , and fed Cyril . I had some more chops and chips for lunch , and now I am slobbed out on the sofa watching the last episode of Shetland .I hope everyone else is having a more exciting day than me.

Mollie , hope you’re having a *quieter* day today . I thoroughly enjoyed Bake Off last night …the thread was hilarious …and they were such a nice bunch of contestants . I hope you can join us for the next one , on New Years Day ….and don’t forget Pottery starts on January 2nd .Hicky , I’m glad you and Mrs H had a nice, peaceful Christmas Day …and a nice meal . I’m sure the hospital will be in touch with your results soon ….but imo no news is good news .

Well , not sure what I’m going to watch tonight ..,but I’m sure I’ll find something .Have a good evening both …and take care l


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Another quiet day, did a machine wash, then a tumble dry, all put away now.

Did a kipper fillet in the micro, then bacon, then 2 eggs in a greased ramekin, with a plate on top, broke the yokes as well, it all worked well, only did each at a time.

No.#4 son is now in Nicaragua, they got transport to drive them to the Costa Rica border, then another transport to their hotel in Granada.

Mrs H is eating a little, but the meds change the taste, which isn't good.

Hope Mollie and family are all ok.

I only went out to the wheelie bins, got well wrapped up min.

Have ordered another better tlking watch, with black fingers as its hard for me to see the light coloured ones, the sound packed up on the T&J one.

Have ordered honey porridge sachets, fancy that for brekkie.

The darts starts again tomorrow, thank heavens the tv is dire.

We had some pressies in bags delivered but with no labels so we don't know who they are from.

As you say, is no news good news, or just that they are all on holiday.


both xxx


sorrry you did not have a good day yesterday. HOpe today is better.

Yes I was glad to join the Bake Off forum, such fun. Glad to see we have another one and the pottery to look forward to.


glad you enjoyed your Christmas dinner and I guess it was a change not having to worry about getting up early to let nurses in whilst they had a day off.

Wonder whether your son and wife will prefer Nicaragua or Costa Rica?

Hope MrsH managed to eat ok today. What a nuisance the meds change her taste.

Those honey porridge sachets are very handy, I like them too. I also had some fruit ones and they are nice too.

That is awkward if you don't know who the pressies are off because you don't know who to thank. How were they delivered?

Hope your urology results are ok when they come in, but at least you seem a lot better in that you have your appetite back again.

Glad to see you have your darts to watch.

I have been watching the old musicals, some of which son has acted in. This afternoon it is West Side Story, a great film, and one my son's drama group put on.

Chirstmas this year not been so good for me.  Daughter feeling unwell as she has just started treatment. Then MrM became unwell and we were afraid daughter would catch something off him. He had to go to hospital out of hours GP yesterday because he was so wheezy. Doc said longer term covid effects may have caused it. So him and daughter are both on steroids now. MrM said as soon as he took the 1st one, it did improve the wheeze though.

Just had toastie with stuffing, cheese and cranberry for tea.

Not sure what to watch on tv tonight.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Son in Nicaragua at a butterfly farm with the family today, food seems ok, the area is nice and clean, he is in a town so doubt if he will be staying there long, too early to say where he prefers, think he will try more countries first.

Had nurses today, 1 in the morning and one midday, Mrs H didn't need any help though, i did her tomato soup with a petite pain cob, then later she wanted some cherry toms and a packet of McCoys salt n vinegar crisps.

I did scrambled eggs in the micro for brekkie, for tea had king prawn curry with egg fried rice, midday had a cup of soup.

Hope your dughter and hubby are a bit better having the steroids, they sure help the breathing.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  It’s cold and very wet here today! I had an indifferent night , but what’s new .I’ve not done a lot today , but I did manage the duvet shuffle , fed Cyril , and put the bin out ready for collection tomorrow …so not a totally wasted day .I hope you are all having a good day .

Mollie , I am really sorry to hear about your daughter and husband ….….I hope they are both a bit better now.My son and family are waiting for pcr results because my grandsons girlfriend has tested positive for covid.Hicky, glad Mrs H is managing to eat a little bit better ….I used to like king prawn curry …sadly , I can no longer eat spicy food .

It’s Posh Hotels tonight …and I think we are watching the Sandy Toksvig travel programme at 8 .Have a good evening both ..and please take care .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Weather been light rain, mod breeze, and 9c so not so cold, from tomorrow to Saturday it shows between 13 and 15c.

Pretty quiet today, had a nurse here at 09.10 and at 1.30, Mrs H had soup and a petite pain's baked roll, tonight had 2 chops from rack of lamb with some mash and gravy, i had the same, very nice, brought some salmon in from the outside freezer for tomorrow.

Just watching the darts, another had to drop out as he has had to isolate after a covid test.

SIL is back in hospital as her leg was infected, she has a massive wound of course, which has to close from the inside as it's so deep, she is going to need extensive skin graft etc i think, also might need radiotherapy as well.

Did a washing load for Mrs H, and got it dried ok, she sorted and i put it in the draws.

My new talking watch is better with it having black fingers, i can see it a lot easier.

I'm doing well in the chess against my lad, i've won 81 games to his 60, don't think he's too pleased.

I hope Mollie's hubby and daughter are ok now.


both xxx


hope you slept ok last night.  My insomnia too is getting worse, so I just read twitter on my phone when I wake, until my eyes are too sore to read any more. .. and I have my radio on all night.

How great was that travel show last night? I'd love to do the wolf or whale ones. (not so much the active one though).

See you later to choose our posh house.


glad to hear MrsH managed to eat the food you offerred her today.

But her poor SIL. Sorry to hear how poorly she is.

How handy for you to have a talking watch, saves you struggling to see the time.

You are certainly an old hand at those chess games with your son.

MrM feeling a lot better, but its not gone completely, so he wll ring doc tomorrow to see if they will give some antibiotics. (don't think they keep you on steroids too long unless they have to). Daughter gradually decreasing her dose, but she had to have them longer term. She had blood test yesterday and is due her 2nd lot of hospital treatment tomorrow.

Both sons caught MrM's cold but are improved today. I am dosing up on VitD and C in the hope I can avoid these germs.

Neighbour asked me to look after her dog this afternoon, which was nice, he is an old dog, like ours, so I don't have to do a lot. just keep him company.

We had the mild weather here today, wet all morning, but dried up in the afternoon.

Going to watch Posh Houses with Baz and some others on the Big Brother forum tonight. Watching Paul Ogrady with the dogs now.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Pretty warm here today, some rain and wind, not too bad though.

Mrs H's brother, one of them and his Mrs got the shopping in for use, so very handy, then just pay her online via the bank.

This new talking watch has black fingers, i can see it a lot better than the last one, the sound went on it so i had to get a different make in order to get the dial a wanted.

The honey porridge oats came today after i changed the delivery on the Royal Mail website using the tracking number, tried a packet at lunchtime, simple and rather nice, made it with milk in the micro, i bought the box of 50 packets, so it should last the winter, maybe.

I think you need help to sleep, reading in bed isnt doing your eyes any good at all, glad hubby feels a little better, as you say, steroids are usually short term, they will only give him antibiotics if he has an infection, but you need tests to find out which one you need.

Hope BAZ slept ok last night, it's 13c here again tomorrow, and then 14c for 2 days.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky I hope everyone is having a good Thursday. It’s wet , but very mild here today . I had an indifferent night , but have been reasonably productive this morning . I cancelled the gas engineer because the heating has been ok since I rang them on Boxing Day ….Murphy’s law it will break down again now .But apart from not wanting to take up an appointment unnecessarily , I also , with omicron rampant , Ican’t see the point of having anyone in the house if I don’t need too .

Mollie , I hope you slept better last night , and that Mr  M is a bit better now ….but I hope you don’t catch it .Posh houses-was good last night , even though we didn’t like any of them .Don’t forget it’s Sewing at 9 tonight .Hicky , glad the talking watch is making life easier . I have porridge every morning ….I like the sweet cinnamon one .

Well it’s Sewing Bee for me tonight , and not sure what else .Have a good evening both ….and stay safe .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Warm and wet so didn't get to the garage, need to bring a frozen curry into the kitchen, it can wait as i have some meals in the house freezer.

Got a letter today dated the 22nd saying i was getting the assistance money and should get the 1st months by the 31st, let them know if i don't get it, well i haven't had any yet, it took 8 days to get the letter.

Still no word about the scan i had on the 17th, maybe in the new year.

We had the honey oats again this morning, i rather like it, had 3 fried eggs for lunch then one pack of the Camembert cheese baked with tortilla chips to scoop up, nice really.

Mrs H has eaten a little today and just had a horlicks, have ordered more packs of McCoys crinkle cut cheese and onion and salt n vinegar crisps, so good.

It's frustrating when i can't get in the garden to do some jobs, but it's just wet or windy and i should leave the vines till Feb, might need a bit of pruning on the apple trees and the fig trees, i was so bad last year that i really missed most of the growing season either in hospital or in bed at home, so annoying.

It's great getting pictures and video's off some of my lads, loads from Nicaragua and from St Ives, Cornwall.

Think SIL is being allowed home again today after having the wound dressed etc. think they are going to go to her house and change the dressing.

Hope Mollie, hubby and younsters are ok and getting better.


both x


yes not worth having the engineer out if it is ok again, let's hope it does stay in good working order now.

I agree Posh HOuses was fun last nigth, MrM was surprised he remembered staying at that house from when he was at school.

Hope you sleep ok tonight, I was a bit better last night.


thats good SIL is coming home, but with nursing support.

Glad MrsH ate a little, I think Horlicks has added vitamins, so that will do her good if she can drink that. I always give my skinny son Ovaltine as he doesn't eat enough for someone so tall.

Yes such a shame the horrible weather is preventing you getting in the garden now you are well enough. Usually at this time of year we go a walk down the seafront and see all the kiddies with their new Christmas bikes/scooters, but it has rained too much this year to do this so far.

Good news your assistance payment is on the way, hopefully it will be back dated for awhile too. It will be so handy to help you get help for things you can't do.

Dark, dull and drizzly again today, so didnt go out.Thankfully the family's colds have improved. The steroids really helped MrM. Daughter had her treatment in hospital, so will rest all day tomorrow, it takes it out of her.

As son is feeling better today, he made some of our party food for tea.

Looking forward to watching Sewing Bee with Baz and the rest of the gang.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

The Attendance Allowance arrived today, very pleased, it's not backdated, only to 1st December because you are on a 6 month trial or something, it ran out then, so i got a months' money on the top rate, very handy as well.

Had a couple of visitors from Suffolk, the hubby of one of Mrs H's sister who died and his daughter, he is the one we stayed with when we went for a week a few years ago.

For tea i had a part portion of doner meat in curry with fried rice and chutney and pickle, tasty, Mrs H had a tin of Heinz mushroom soup with added chopped mushies and a baked petit pains roll, she had a bowl of honey porridge which she rather enjoys.

Been watching Quest all day as it was showing Aussi gold hunters all day, the darts if off today, restarts tomorrow.

Just had a Horlicks with half milk & water, so nice.

13c today was ok to walk the garden, but cant stay outside in case someone comes to the door.


both x


hope you slept ok.

Wonder what you are watching tonight?  Son likes watching Worlds Strongest Man, so we will enjoy watching the final of that.

Then think I might watch Corrie and Britains Favourite Party Songs. Not much of interest on really.


hope you managed to get MrsH to eat something today and you also enjoyed your food.

Me and MrM went to a little cafe on seafront with my friend for a nice cooked brekkie. I had veg sausage (delicous), halloumi, tomatoes, mushrooms, hash browns, baked beans, toast, and 2 lattes. Very enjoyable. The cafe was quiet when we arrived, as we got there early, but got busy by the time we left, so thats good, as small businesses have been suffering so much with covid shutdowns.

It actually stopped raining, so there were quite a few walking down seafront.

Unlike England, Wales New Years Eve will be dull this year, nightclubs forced to close, and in pubs, no more than 6 people can sit together, no music. Lots will go over the border to England, or party in their homes, as this is hard on young people for the 2nd year on the trot, so I don't think it will achieve much.

Have a good New Years evening both.

I am looking forward to watching the annual New Years Day Strauss Gala from Vienna at 10.15am on BBC2 in the morning.

Goodnight both xxx


Happy New Year Mollie and Hicky ….let’s hope 2022 is a better year .Mollie , we’ve spoken ….but see you for Pottery tomorrow .Hicky , glad you got your Attendance Allowance sorted…and that you had some visitors  It’s been sunny here today …and quite warm for the time of year ….I’ve got loads of bulbs poking through already , I just hope the frosts that were are bound to get eventually  doesn’t kill them off . Anyway , it’s Bake Off for me tonight ….but have a good evening both .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Happy New Year to you both, Warm here today and no wind, which was nice.

Mrs H had tea & porridge, later had a Lamb chop from a rack of lamb with mash and gravy with mint sauce, it is so tasty over the potato as well as the lamb, also nice in the gravy, i had 2 small wild duck breasts instead of the lamb.

I had a kipper fillet with an egg, all done in the micro, so quick to do.

She stopped some visitors coming (a brother and wife) but another couple came (another brother and wife) But it tires her out, but she never tells them to go, but she runs out of breath so easy now.

I look in the room, but if she doesn't move or talk etc i cant see if she is awake or not, my eyes aren't that good at that distance.

Have got such a selection of food available but try to vary it day to day so i don't get bored.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Been a busy day chez Baz Taken down the Xmas tree and decorations , dusted , washed , anti bac’d the M&S delivery , crammed as much as I could into the recycle bin (which thankfully gets emptied on Tuesday ), fed the birds , and the Cyril (s) . I had a nice piece of poached salmon for lunch , and that’s me done for the day.I hope you are all having a nice Sunday, whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I hope you had a good NY day ….and enjoyed your programmes . I also hope the family are over their colds etc. Hicky, I’m sorry that Mrs H is struggling .But I’m glad she enjoyed the lamb chop ….lamb is my favourite meat .I used to love mint sauce , but sadly I can’t have vinegar any more .

Well it’s Pottery Throwdown for me tonight ….I love that programme . I hope you both have a good evening . Take care .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Very quiet here today, had a nurse twice, i cooked some sausages for brekkie, Mrs tried one but didn't like it, so did her another chop for tea with mash and gravy again, she had the porridge for brekkie, i had the sausages and tinned toms with a round of toast.

I've put the dishwasher on as we are using quite a few dishes, cups and cutlery, i only use it if i am running out of clean stuff for the next day,

Been watching recordings as the tv is awful, got plenty though, got darts again tonight which is good.

Hope You & Mollie has had a good day, the hols are over tomorrow, back to almost normal working i suppose.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny , but very cold here today. I didn’t have a bad night ….at least for half of it . I’ve been quite busy today ….I’ve done the duvet shuffle , second load of washing in now , hoovered upstairs and down , squirrel food arrived so Cyril is one happy *bunny*  ,…I fed the birds , and rescued the bins …..although the garden one didn’t arrive . So, once the second  wash is finished that’s me done for the day.

Mollie , I hope you and the family are ok .Hicky , I’m glad you’ve had some peace and quiet .


both xxx


thanks for reminding me I hadn't posted here for awhile, my lappy has been paying up, so haven't been on it too much in case it goes completely before my new one arrives. But son managed to find me a bargain, so a new one has been ordered now.

Glad you didn't have a bad night, I see you have been your usual busy self round the home. Cyril still being spoillt then.

That's a shame you have to avoid vinegar. Does it irritate your IBS if you have something with vinagar in it?


Sorry to hear MrsH gets out of breathe so easily now.

But you are doing well trying different menus out until you find something MrsH likes to eat. Good job you got all that porridge, you both seem to be liking that, and she does seem to be able to manage her chops.

Yes tv not been so good lately, hopefully it will improve with some new series now the Christmas tv time is over.

Colder here today, but thankfully that meant we got some sun at last.

Went a walk down the lane past the farm. The horses were in the stable eating their hay today. 8 of the ducks walked close by us quacking away.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

All ok here for now, Mrs H fancied a soup from the Chinese with pineapple fritters and a steak pie so i ordered some food as well, so nice, i get enough for a few days as i can freeze a lot of it.

She really enjoys the honey porridge in the morning, i was feeling in a low cupboard and found an unopened box of 10 packets of honey porridge oars, wow, No.#4 son must have got them in for the children when he was here.

Rang the hospital eye clinic as i realised the appointment was too early and didn't give me time to sort things out and get brekkie for Mrs H so got it moved from 09:40 to 11:20 on Friday.

Gardener came yesterday and de-weeded the drive, think the middle section of the drive used to be loose stone between 2 concrete paths but someone changed it and put concrete in the middle, but the joints allow weeds to grow, and we can't control them.

Just watching Yukon gold.

Got a card though the door with my name on it, hand-delivered by a neighbour who lost her husband last year, it said With Deepest Sympathy, thinking of you at this very sad time, didn't show Mrs H, does that mean she thinks Mrs H has died, i'm not up in these things? we do have ambulances outside now and again, but they are for a neighbour, maybe she thinks she has been taken away.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Bliddy heating has started playing up again this morning I’ve got it working again … it’s quite simple ….but it’s a pain ! Aside from that I slept quite well last night . I have cleaned kitchen , bathroom, done some washing , and dashed out between the showers and restocked the wildlife .I hope everyone else is having a good day , whatever you are up to.

Mollie ….when are we moving into that boat .I hope your new lappy has arrived …..and don’t forget it’s Apprentice tonight .Yes, I have to avoid anything with vinegar , onions , or citrus in it ….and it’s amazing how many things have those ingredients in it ….mostly stuff I used to love . Hicky , have you had a word with your neighbour ….an honest mistake I guess , but it must have been so upsetting for you getting that card .Glad your gardener came and did the weeding though ….mine did a load of tidying up before Christmas …I don’t think he will be back now before the Spring .

Well , it’s Dragons Den and Apprentice for me tonight .Have a good evening both ….and take care .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Found out about the strange sympathy card, the one who died lived next door, she was in hospital, she was 89, lovely lady, been ill for a while.

Had a call from the hospital, need another procedure, this time they want to use a camera, not sure why but the CT scan mustn't have shown them what they wanted so i need a covid test and another 3 day low thingy diet ready for the 17th.

Mrs H is eating ok, so am i, she should have started on steroids, but the pharmacy doesn't have a driver available, one is off sick, and the other is isolating, they will sort it tomorrow.

I am at the eye clinic tomorrow in the hospital, will have to get a taxi, will order in the morning.

Hope your heating keeps working BAZ, you sure require it this weather, glad you slept ok last night.

Hope Mollie and family are ok and getting better from their ailments.

Meant to say, just watching the final of the joinery program, a good series, watched the set after it was over.

Last edited by Hicky

both x


Yes I can imagine it will be hard avoiding those types of foods as they are widely added to a lot of things.

What a nuisacne your heating is playing up again. You certainly need it working this time of year.

That is good you slept ok last night, long may it continue.


What a nuisance you have to have more tests, along with that special diet again but at least they are checking you out well.

Hope the eye hospital visit goes ok tomorrow.

Glad MrsH is eating quite well. Hope the steroids arrive ok and they help MrsH's breathing.

Good job you found the answer to the sympathy card.

Wet most of the day today, so stayed in.

MrM and son went to Costco, and bought me back a jacket potato with cheese which I enjoyed with salad, especially as it meant I didn't have to cook it.

Off to watch Apprentice now.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Eye clinic visit went ok, just the normal chart reading letter check, then eye drops and pictures, then home, Mrs H got some of her meds, some were delivered but a nurse/carer went at 5pm to pick more up that had come into the pharmacy.

She has been eating ok today, i sent a picture of the shopping list to a relative who will do the shopping tomorrow, and go to a bakery for the mini open party meat pies, they are fantastic.

I enjoyed the Joinery program, pity they cram about 9 hours filming into an hour's show, not good really.

Don't blame you getting food from Costco, as you say, saves cooking some, glad hubby and son are ok now and can get out ok.

Going to order some fish from the usual fish place that delivers and cuts it up into portions and vacuum packs it, so handy like that.

Hope BAZ slept ok and had a good day, had some hailstone and a little sleet, but the rest was just light rain on and off.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky I hope everyone is having a good Saturday . I had a better nights sleep , not that I’ve done much today .But I did anti bac’d my M&S delivery , fed Cyril and the birds , and emptied the bins . I had a nice piece of poached salmon for lunch , and now I’m slobbing out in the cuddle chair watching TV .

Mollie , I hope your having a good day . Great fun in the threads last night, eh Don’t forget it’s Pottery tomorrow .I hope everyone has recovered from their colds now .Hicky , I’m glad they managed to sort out Mrs H meds ….and that  the card mystery was solved . We had rain, hailstones and some sleet yesterday too.

Not sure what I am going to watch tonight , but I’m sure I’ll find something . Have a good evening both …and take care of yourselves .




glad you slept ok last night, long may it continue. I too get insomonia and get too tired to concentrate on reading a book, so it was a special surprise I had in the post today.   I got a Woman Own mag through the post, couldn't work out why at 1st. MrM hadn't sent for it, so thought daughter may have. Then when I saw son, he said he  had bought me a subscription for my fave magazine as a Christmas pressie, but it took a couple of weeks to start. I didn't even realise he had noticed this one was my fave magazine. I like the clothes in it and the puzzles especially.

Did you get any special food treat from M and S? I didn't get my food delivered this week, as I have a freezer full from Christmas and MrM went to Costco, so he got bread/milk from there. (and fruit scones).

Is Cyril still coming each day to collect his food? Wonder if he is hiding some of it?

Yes we had a in the thread last night. Couldn't believe what a smoothy that NY estate agent was.  Even too slick to be fancied by us.

Look forward to Pottery tomorrow.

Yes thanks, they are just about over their colds now. Son has resumed his job hunting with an interview with the Careers Office yesterday. Let's hopehe can get something soon.

I am watching the Masked Singer, love it, so hard to guess who it is and the costumes are so clever.


Glad all went ok at the eye clinic and they have managed to get MrsH's medications to her.

Its good to hear MrsH ate well too, handy you have a relative to sort the shopping out for you, especially as MrsH does seem to eat the pies ok.

I too really enjoy the joinery show, they are so talented the people on there.

It was pouring and pouring 1st thing this morning, but dried up late morning, which was lucky as my frend came to collect me to go to Toby Carvary for lunch. We took her little grandson (he is 2 next month), the food was lovely, but we were exhausted after watching out for him and trying to occupy him.  He is so funny though, he was bored in the resteraunt, but soon got all excited as soon as she got back to the car and let him sit in the driving seat. He took some pursuading to take his hands off the steering wheel.   At Toby, I go for veg only,  as they have so much choice. Had a massive yorkshire pudding, stuffing, purple cabbage, carrots, peas, mash, roast potatoes, coly cheese, and a creamy potato/carrot bake. Also helped myself to veggie gravy, parsley sauce, cranberry sauce and mint sauce. My friend has the mushroom pie but took it home with her as she was too full to eat it.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Glad you slept better BAZ, Poached Salmon is always nice, i have some in the garage, but I am going to order a fish shopping list Monday from the fishmongers that deliver to me.

Cool windy and wet here so i stayed in, relative brought all the shopping, well all she could find, but nothing missing that mattered, she even got some small open party pies, super, Mrs H had one as well, she had ordered a fresh salad batch from the bread shop, she enjoyed having some of that, she can't eat a lot at a time, she also had some of a cream sponge cake, i had the rest save throwing it away.

My next procedure kit came as well , it's for a camera in the colon check on the 17th, but on reading the info it seems i only have to have the diet of low residue food for 1 day, the laxative came, powder this time, enough to make 2 x 1L jugs full, wow.

I've got the hospital car park Covid test 3 days before on the 14th.

We did a check on how many have died in the road within 6 houses each side of us, including on the other side of the road, 13 houses in all, and it is 12 people that have died, wow, within those 13 houses there are only 3 where no-one has died.

I watched the Masked Singer, i enjoy that show, started to watch Ant and Dec's new show but too boring for me.



that's good your relative got your shopping in for you, its lucky they managed to get the pies MrsH can eat and good she managed to eat some other food too.

That is the same test my daughter had.  She found the worse part was getting all that fluid down her. She didn't manage the whole 2 litres, but when she got there, they told her not to worry, they still did the test problem free.  At least the diet is only for 1 day this time.  You have had your fair share of covid tests now for pre-hospital, haven't you?  Hope it is not too diffult for you to get there and back.

Did all the neighbours who passed away die of something similiar? Maybe they were all very elderly?

Yes the Masked Singer is a great show and I agree the Ant/Dec quiz show was extremely boring. I won't be tuning into that again!

Enjoyed the pottery show tonight. Think you might like it HIcky.

It was actually dry with a bit of sun today. So had a nice walk down the lane past the farm and MrM fed the shire horses some apples. The ducks who live there are so cute.

Then went to the Designer Outlet and had a Gregs hot cheese and onion pasty , son had a slice of pepperoni pizza and MrM had a hot sausage roll. So nice sitting eating them on a bench outside.

Watching Vera now.

Hope Baz had a good Sunday.

Goodnight both xxxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . I hope everyone’s Monday is going well . Not a particularly good night for me , so I’ve had a lazy day ….just some washing , feeding the wildlife , ordering more squirrel food , and getting bin ready for collection tomorrow .

Mollie , I used to like the Toby carvery …good value Pottery was good last night , eh By the way, if you fancy watching Dancing on Ice there will be a thread .🤣🤣I recorded Vera …will probably watch it at the weekend .Hicky , oh my , that’s a lot of deaths in one street .Was it Covid related ? I’m glad your relative managed to get most of the shopping for you . How is Mrs H doing at the moment ? My daughter has had to have that prep stuff  too in the past  ….it’s horrible.!

Well , it’s a sparse nights tv today , so looks like it might be Grand Designs for me .Have a good evening both of you , and look after yourselves .


both x


sorry you didn't have too good a monday, hope our visit to Juniour Bake Off helped.

It drizzled all day Monday here, so I didn't do a lot at all.

Yes I love DOI, so will join you when it starts on the thread.

No rain today so enjoyed a walk down the lane and went to town to pay in some cheques Aunts gave us for Christmas. Had a Gregs pasty. (naughty  but nice).

Hope Hicky is ok today and he managed to get MrsH to eat ok.

Goodnigh both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Well it’s a day of two halves ! On the downside , firstly the Cyrils food delivery came this morning ….at 7.10 ….then at lunch time I found that the bliddy seal has gone on the main oven ! Luckily , I have a *little man * who will replace the seal for me in the next few days ….and I have a small second oven that I can use until then . On the plus side , it’s been lovely here today , sunny , but cold , so I went for a short walk this morning , which blew away the cobwebs a bit .Aside from that , I’ve fed the wildlife , and done the duvet shuffle .Second load of washing on now , and then that’s me done for the day . I hope everyone else is having a good day …whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I hope you are having a good day , and are enjoying some sunshine . Are you enjoying Junior Bake Off ? ….Great  that you will be joining us for DOI too By the way, don’t forget it’s Posh Houses ….Dames CC is primed and ready . Hicky , I hope everything is ok with you and Mrs H .

Well my evenings viewing is sorted …so take care both .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

Pretty hectic here, didn't realise i hadn't posted, Mrs H isn't eating much now, she didnt have her porridge, she just had some Yogurt today so far, she just wants to rest, i can make anything she wants, her sister cant come to see her as she can't drive again yet and is getting her operation wound dressed all the time.

I am expecting a fish / seafood delivery tomorrow, had a Sainsbury's delivery yesterday, nurses here morning and lunchtime checking all is ok,

I have a Covid test Friday morning at a hospital car park miles away, same place i went for the last CT procedure, got the Endoscopy procedure Monday, heard nothing from the Urology people since the CT scan on the 17th Dec.

Hope all is ok with you both.




Gosh that was an early delivery for Cyril!  How annoying the seal went on your oven, hope your little man can fix it easily for you.

Glad you got the good weather, so was able to enjoy a walk. We too got a day of sunshine, so enjoyed a walk today and I got 5 washloads done and out on the line. Forgot to bring it in before dark though, but never mind, dry weather is due again tomorrow.

I am enjoying Junior Bake Off. The young ones are just so cute.


Sorry to hear MrsH is not eating so well again. I know how hard it is for you trying to find some foods she will eat. Very tiring too for you, with all the early arrivals of the carers. So don't worry if you can't make it to the forum. You have a lot to think about.

What a nuisance you have to travel so far for the covid test. Are you having to get a taxi? Hopefully no news is good news as you have not heard yet from the urology?

Dancing on Ice starts this weekend. Do you watch it?

Lovely day today, so nice to see the sun.

We fed one of the shire horses.We gave him all 3 of them because the other horses were in the stable eating their hay. Hei is such a big horse, he doesn't take long to eat them.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky Very cold  , but sunny here today . I didn’t go for a walk , cos it was too icy this morning , but I’ve hoovered, cleaned , fed the wildlife , and done a load of washing . Now I’m waiting for the guy to come and replace the seal on my oven . I hope everyone else is having a good Friday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I hope you are having a good day . It was great that you could join us for the Apprentice last night ….what a bunch of numpties they are .Don’t forget it’s our …my….date with George at 8 tonight .I hope Lola can make it through to the Junior Bake Off finals .Hicky , I hope the covid test went well this morning . …and that Mrs H is eating a bit better today .

Well it’s George , and New York for me tonight .Have a good evening both…and take care  .


Evening Mollie & BAZ.

A very sunny day, no wind, just chilly.

Covid test went ok, had to get a taxi for the trip, £23 round trip, Mrs H had some crab meat on a Petit Pain but only had half as she said she felt dizzy, sliced her some pink lady apple which she enjoyed, she seems very weak at the moment so can't do much.

I am recording The Apprentice, i do watch Scating on Ice, it's so dangerous though, always scared they will be seriously hurt.

I decided to use the credit card for most purches now and will pay it off each time it is due to stop the interest charges.

I had 2 duck legs for tea with Cayjun spice then had some tripe, don't know why i bought the tripe, no taste in it, but nice with vinegar on.




we too had the frost and then beautfiul sunshine. Good idea not to risk walking in case you fall. It was icy first thing.

I can see you have still kept yourself busy though.

Did you hear from the oven seal guy?

Yes the Apprentices seem more hopeless than ever this year.

And so glad that those littlies got through Bake Off.


Sorry to hear MrsH is so weak. You are doing so well trying to find food to tempt her. The applie will have been good for her.

What a nuisance the covid test cost you £23 to attend. Pity there was not one closer.

Yes I too use the credit card but pay it off when due. One month recently I forgot but contacted them like you did, and they let me off the interest payment, which is good.

Yes lets hope there are no accidents on DOI this year.

Went out for brekkie with son, MrM and my friend. £5.50 incluing coffee for a nice cooked brekkie. Really good value. Then had a walk this afternoon.

Hope this dry sunny weather continues.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  It was a miserable morning weatherwise here today , so no walk ! The sun has come out now , but it’s still very damp underfoot . I had a disturbed night , so I’ve not really done much today …just cleaned the kitchen , done some general tidying, fed the wildlife , and just put a small load of washing on …..boy do I know how to live it up .I hope everyone else is having a more exciting day than me !

Mollie , I hope you’re having a good Sunday …… no, my electric appliance guy never came , which isn’t like him . If I don’t hear from him tomorrow I’ll text him ….and tell him  that , when he does come , he needs to come before 5 o’clock l Hicky , I pay for everything on line with my credit card too ….and pay off the full balance every month . Having said that , I’m not looking forward to the next one because I had to pay for my tv licence , and another big bill last month , so it’s going to be a painful one this time!Im glad your pcr went ok …but boy that was expensive

Well it’s a full evenings viewing for me tonight ….DOI , Pottery , and the new Sue Perkins series .I hope you both have a good evening ….take care .


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