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so pleased to hear you went into a shop. I bet it felt odd after so long away. Was it a big shop or a small local one?

hope you sleep ok tonight. I will go off to the PM to read there now, thanks for telling me.


sorry to hear MrsH is feeling unwell. Probably a good idea to at least try and get a phone appointment with the doc. If she is on meds for diabetes, they may be able to adjust it to make her feel better. A good job she is not working tomorrow as at least she can keep an eye on her health.

I thought your lad might end up in New Zealand as those seem to be only 2 countries around there agreeing flights from one to another. HOpe he enjoys it, I have heard it is beautiful. And how nice your other son is in Cornwall now. That will be a nice place for you to visit but not easy to get there! Did he sell and buy a new house?

My eyes are so tired now, just going to watch Brits in the Sun, and some period drama on bbc1.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

No need to post we understand the strain you are under, and lack of sleep doesn't help, sorry to hear about your daughter not being able to lie down anywhere, A&E is always a challenge, been there a few times, really unpleasant when you have to wait to be seen, i think the wait is prioritized, but still a wait, also if emergencies come in then the staff are taken to deal with that.

Glad she is home again, didn't she get a bed then, or did they see to her without, just in the A&E treatment room.


Evening Mollie again.

Just seen your second post.

My lad in Oz is hoping he will be able to go from New Zealand to the Cook Islands, mind you, you have to stay in New Zealand 2 weeks anyway.

But to be out of the country for 6 months he has to go somewhere, and his only option is New Zealand at the moment, he has been there before so it's not new to him.

No he just rents places as he wants to keep moving and buying/selling is too much of a problem, he did get a house built many years ago but when he moved jobs he had to sell it, so now he just rents, he is buying quite a few properties which are in his portfolio for the future, the ones in them are paying the mortgage on them.

Yes, Cornwall is lovely, but it's a place to have a holiday if you have children, we had a couple of holidays there when they were young, a long drive and such a problem with millions of caravans on the road in the summer.

Try and get some sleep.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you got some sleep last night, and your daughter had a restful night also, is your daughter able to start eating some food?

Not too bad a day here with 14c, it was sunny, but forecast said rain etc, but it didn't.

The 3 grafted baby tomato plants came, 2 of them was only 2" high and was thrown out of its little pot in the package, i phoned the supplier to let them know, they said they send thousands of plants out, i said well if there's nothing to stop the compost coming out of the pot, and you send it via Royal Mail it's not going to arrive the way you sent it.

I think the plants should survive, have just refilled the small pots and watered them, they seem too small to plant into the big tubs, i will leave them to recover for now.

Had a bacon toasted sandwich for brekkie the at 2pm had a cup of soup, for tea had a ham salad sandwich then some Scampi.

Not much to do in the garden, i just check things are going to plan, the new baby apple tree is amazing, it came as a bare stick, then after a while i saw what looked like some flower on the stem, now a load of flowers have appeared higher on the stem, the tree hasn't got any branches, it looks like a Cordon tree but don't think it is.

Will find something to watch on TV tonight, recorded the 4pm Brits in the sun or whatever it was.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . I didn’t sleep too badly â€Ķ.but keep waking up when the sun comes up at 5 o’clock â€Ķdespite having blackout curtains .It’s raining now , but it was sunny , and quite warm, this morning so I went for a walk â€Ķ..and I managed just over 4Kmsâ€Ķ go me . I actually had a baby Cyril the squirrel running alongside me for part of the way â€Ķ cute .Mind you , the 4K nearly killed me .So aside from that I’ve not done a lot â€Ķ.just some washing , fed the birds, and a bit in the garden . The bin men have just been , so I dashed out,  dodging the raindrops,  and rescued the bin . I had bacon chops for lunch and now my rear is firmly fixed to the sofa . I hope you are all having an enjoyable Tuesday , whatever you are up to.

Mollie , I hope your daughter has had a better couple of days â€Ķ.and that the meds have settled . Are you managing to get any sleep ? Yes, it felt very strange going into the shop ( it was a local one)  , but I feel better for having done it .My next challenge is to get on a bus , but I’m going to wait a couple of weeks before doing that , just to see what happens with this Indian strain and the easing of lockdown .Hicky , how is Mrs H now ? Glad your son chose NZ â€Ķ.I think it’s one of the best countries ref Covid . I had some plant plugs sent by post , but they came in an individual , sealed container â€Ķ.so there was no leakage at all .

Well it’s the next part of the GBM final  , then Jewellery for my viewing tonight .I hope you both have a relaxing evening . Take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Mollie, hope you and daughter are getting some rest and food, how is your daughter now after getting the meds.

Glad you managed some sleep, the light doesn't bother me, i just have blinds, so the light comes right through, maybe different when we get the shutters fitted.

That's quite a walk 4km but if you can manage it then that's good.

Its been ok here 15c sunny intervals and a gentle breeze, did a wash load and put it outside, brought it in dry and stored it all.

Had cheese on toast for brekkie, just had a hot n sour soup and cooking a burger for tea with onions.

I don't seem yo be able to get bacon chops for some reason.

I planted the 3 tomato plants into the big tubs, waiting for peppers and chillies next.

Mrs H went to the doctor, she needs a chest x-ray, blood test, blood oxygen low, not sure what's up yet.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.

There was no leakage from the plant container, it was the container that had a compartment for the small 3 x4 cm square pots, but above the pot was a 3 cm hole through which the plant was standing, but nothing to stop the compost from the pot falling through the hole and taking the plant with it if the package is turned upside down, anyway i rang them and asked what was holding the compost in the pots.

Baz, my lad didn't choose NZ, it's the only country open from Oz at the moment, he didn't want to go there, he just had to.

Last edited by Hicky

both xxx


you are doing well with all that walking now.   Aaw how nice you had a baby Cyril accompanying you on your walk. Don't overdo it too soon though, you don't want that ankle giving you jip again. Hope you feel comfy to do your next step of going on a bus soon.

That's good your plants arrived in good form.

I am watching the itv drama "Innocent" tonight and recording the one on BBC1 that looks good. I met the handsome actor in it at one of my drama boys evenings. Very nice he was too. Hope you enjoy your tv tonight.


sorry to hear MrsH is still unwell. Good job they are doing all those tests so they can to find out what the problem is. HOpe they can sort her soon.

yes Cornwall is a holiday place and a long difficult drive to get there, especially mid summer when lots go away there.

Hope your tomato plants do well now.

Yes daughter was eventaully seen in A and E by the surgeon who said the wound looked ok and that she was having a reaction to the antibiotics. He said she should see her own consultant in a week, and to try reducing to 2 a day instead of 3. But she only took 1 more of them in the end because they made her feel so ill and the swelling on her face got worse. So rang the hospital today and they told us to contact GP and get some other meds, which she is trying for a week now. Still really tired as need to help daughter early mornings and late at night.

Tv time for awhile now

Goodnight both  xxxx


Evening Mollie.

Thanks for popping in, Mrs H also has the dentist tomorrow as well, she's not working this week, so that is good, she needs to know what's up soon as possible, not sure if she has had the blood test yet though, she said the other day her blood sugar was way high.

Is it the antibiotics that's swelling your daughters face? Maybe a different antibiotic will help, she really must need the antibiotics though by the sound of it.

Hope you or daughter can contact the doctor to get advice or change of meds, if you go to see doc, take any meds with you.

Do you remember when i had 2 problems, one was swelling ankles, changing meds stopped that, the other was my cough, the doc looked at my meds online and said, i know what that is, and changed my meds.

Hope the 2 of you can get some sleep tonight anyway.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you all slept ok last night.

Mollie, hope your daughter has had a change in antibiotics to halt the rash and side effects.

Mrs H went for her blood test and the dentist, has a chest X-ray tomorrow.

It was ok today here, 14c and sunny with a moderate breeze.

Had sausages for brekkie with a salad sandwich at 2pm and sweetcorn at 5pm followed by a haddock fillet/

Didn't do a lot in the garden, a bit of tidying and am amazed at the growth on the Walnut tree, it has grown beautiful breanches since winter when it was still a stick as the last 2 years it just grew leaves, how fantastic, will have to count the amount of branches that have grown.

My shopping list has been entered fo the Sainsbury delivery, not sure when.

Trying to keep on top of the side growth on the greenhouse vine, so many branches growing it is almost impossible to win.

Will see what is on tv tonight, its still sunny out so may nip into the garden again.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.



thank goodness MrsH is not at work this week with her feeling unwell. Not much of a fun week off for her though with these tests and the dentist and not feeling well too. Hope they can find out what it is and treat her quickly for it.

That's nice your walnut tree is doing so well, bet you weren't expecting that.

Yes I remember now you too had trouble with the meds so got them changed. Sounds like this happens quite a lot then.

Daughter seems to be getting on a lot better with these meds, so I expect they will keep her on them and the rash has nearly gone on her face now, thankfully. She has eaten quite well which she needed as she has only been nibbling on cheese crackers for too long now. She is still resting in bed though, which she needed to do. She even slept through the night last night so I actually got a nights sleep too.

Tv time now, I am watching the drama on itv.

Goodnight Hicky x

hope Baz had a good day.


Evening Mollie.

Lovely to see you post again, yes Mrs H is off sick next week now as she wants to sort out what is going on.

I was very surprised that the walnut tree even survived the winter outside as it was only a stick till spring.

I keep finding them growing in the raised bed's and tubs, no idea where squirrels could get them from, not sure why they even took them as i doubt if they could get through the shell.

Glad your daughter is picking up after the meds got changed, and getting plenty of sleep sure will make her stronger as well, also starting to eat more will give her strength.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky. Nice weather for ducksâ€Ķ.and the wind is getting up to now  ! So no walk for me today ! That being said I had a bad night , so I’ve had a very lazy day all round .Apart from cleaning the kitchen , emptying the bin, and doing a load of washing , I’ve done naff all.I spent most of the day curled up on the sofa with a hot water bottle and my bookâ€Ķ.only moving to make myself some lamb chops and jersey royals(slavered in lurpak) for my lunch .I hope things are better where you are .

Mollie , I’m so glad that your daughter is feeling a bit better â€Ķthat the info is helping â€Ķ.and that you both got a decent nights sleep .Sewing was good last night , wasn’t it â€Ķ..glad you could join us .Hicky , how is Mrs H today ? Is she feeling any better ? Have they hinted at what it might be ? I hope you’re not getting blown away over there .

Well it’s GBM for me tonight â€Ķand after that I’m not sure .But I noticed that Bake Off the Professional starts next week â€Ķand I really like that .Anyway , have a good evening , whatever you are up to . Take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Mollie, I hope your daughter is further improving in her health and finding it easier to get out of bed as she gets stronger.

Baz, Sorry you didn't sleep well, the weather is wet here as well, strong winds just add to the annoyance.

It was 13c with heavy rain, i only went out to put the bin away and to put some soups into the garage.

Mrs H went for a chest X-ray today, she isn't being treated for anything yet, so she isn't any better.

Had bacon and beans for brekkie, for tea had a few chips, some fillet steak and 3 fried eggs done in the wok for a change.

Not sure what is on TV tonight, will just check every hour, i start at 1 and go through, if i find a station to watch i click on that, i then carry on searching to see if there is a better station, if so i click on that, i do that till i get to about 100.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


both x


Yes I did enjoy joining you for the Sewing show... a good show (and nice company, as ever), even though I thought the theme was not as interesting as others have been.

I agree the weather is awful and not good for a walk. We didnt' go for our usual walk either yesterday. Sorry you didn't sleep well, hope you slept better last night. I too love Jersey Royals covered with butter, shame they have such a short season, which is a good excuse to eat a lot at once.

Thanks for all the info about daughters illness, it is very useful.


hope it is not too long now until MrsH gets the results to her tests so they can help treat her problem. Good job she doesn't have to think about going to work all next week either whilst she has this problem and the tests to sort out. How is she feeling today?

I bet you don't like these strong winds, as it makes it not so pleasant to be in your garden. Very strong winds here last night and today and heavy rain on and off. What happened to the arrival of summer?

Daughter ate quite well again yesterday, so it was the meds delaying her recovery after the op. The wound is sitll healing, so she still stays in bed with the tiredness, but at least the nausea has gone now.

Not doing much today with the weather so bad.

Went to asda to get a few things yesterday and there was a clothes sale, I think the shops are stuck with spring/summer stuff they havne't sold because of the bad weather. So I bought some nice2 lightweight tops for ÂĢ5 each and bought daughter a PJ top for ÂĢ3.

Looking forward to Gogglebox tonight.

Have a good day both xxx


Good Afternoon Mollie.

Mrs H is just the same, at least she doesn't seem any worse.

Shopping came at 1pm, i had lots to divide and freeze as usual, much better to freeze while fresh, so it stays fresh, it was sliced Hovis seeded bread, seeded burger buns, salmon and chicken thighs.

Its 13c with light rain showers and a fresh breeze, not the weather i want or need at all, Summer due on the 21st June.

Glad to hear daughter is improving, amazing how a change of meds can make life better, as long as she gets plenty of sleep which helps her to heal.

Yes, i think lots of shops must be desperate for buyers, they must have so much stock, they are in big trouble i imagine.

Had 2 fried egg toasted sandwiches for brekkie, had a 2pm bowl of Mulligatawny soup, had the crusts off the new loaf toasted with it, having a piece of fresh salmon for tea.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . Another wet day â€Ķ.but I slept better last night â€Ķso I managed to fit a 3k walk in between the showers ! Aside from that , I changed the sheets , washed , ironed , cleaned kitchen , hoovered and fed birds â€Ķ quite a productive day chez Baz. My M&S delivery arrived ok â€Ķ.and I had some lamb chops for lunch . I hope you are all having a good Saturday .

Mollie, glad your daughter is improving a bit , hopefully once she gets her strength back she will feel much better .I thought Gogglebox was hilarious last night â€Ķshame it was the last one of this series . I agree that the swung project wasn’t as good this weekâ€Ķ.but next week it’s Winter week .Do you watch Bake Off the Professionals ? If so, there is a thread .Hicky , I’m sorry Mrs H still isn’t a 100%.Did you watch GBM this week ? If so, what did you think of the winners? How are your eyes ?

Well, I’m not sure what I’m watching tonight â€Ķ.I just know it won’t be Eurovision Have a good evening , whatever you are up to .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you slept better Baz, you have been busy, and managed a walk as well.

Mollie, hope you and daughter slept ok, and she is getting stronger and eating Ok.

It was a nice day here, cool at 12c with cloud and sun, it even forecast rain, but it didn't happen.

Had kipper, bacon, black pud and eggs for brekkie, for tea had a burger, had a soup at 2pm, will have a soup at 8pm for supper.

Spent some time outside and in the greenhouse etc, not much i can do, just got to keep on top of any weeds in the raised beds.

I haven't watched all the recordings of GBM, got loads to watch.

My eyes seem about the same, cant see them getting any better really, but if they stay like this i can manage, but if they go worse i could be in trouble.

Haven't looked what's on tonight, got loads of recording to watch anyway.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


both xxx


thats good you slep ok and managed another long walk. I bet you are so glad you can get M and S delivery now.

Yes such a shame that it is the last in the series of Gogglebox. It was so funny again, good to see the 2 elderly ladies back again.

I do try and watch Bake Off the Professionals, thanks for telling me about the thread, if I can watch it live, I will try and join you. (don't have chance to watch much live though in our busy house and daughter needing so much help though).

hope you sleep well tonight.


glad to hear the weather wasn't too bad so you could get out in the garden, it was much improved here too today, so we enjoyed our usual walk to see the horses and lambs. I even managed a quick read on the swing chair, but it was quite windy.

Hope MrsH is resting whilst she is feeling unwell. Is she managing to sleep ok at night?

What sort of soup did you have? My fave is tomato. We had pizza and sweet potato chips tonight for tea.

Daughter eating much better now and the wound is not so painfull, which is good. She just needs to get strength back now as she ate virtually nothing for 3 weeks.

I am watching Eurovision tonight, some weird songs on (as there normally is).

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I've been catching up on the F1, i forgot it was on this weekend, silly me, so recorded the Eurovision tonight.

Mrs H doesn't sleep too well anyway, she watches football a lot.

I have loads of soups, bought a 10 pack mix and a 12 pack Ainsley 4 variety and a 24 pack of Heinz 400g Mulligatawny, i could make soup, but there's a lot involved really, i also have loads of tomato soup as well.

Glad your daughter is eating better, it will all help to give her energy, glad the pain is easing.

With recording the Eurovision i can skippety skip through.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you slept ok last night, not a very good day here weather wise with 13c, and it forecast rain all day, but it held off for a while, a fresh breeze just made things worse.

I walked the garden and the greenhouse, didn't need much doing. Some raspberry canes are growing slowly, not sure if they will produce this year or not.

Had a ham salad sandwich for brekkie for a change, later had a cup of soup, tonight i had a hot dog with the bun and sausage from the freezer, will have to buy more now as that was the last, covered in yellow mustard and ketchup, wow, that was nice.

Watched the F1 from Monaco, what a useless place that is to hold an F2 race, you can't go fast, or you will hit a wall, you can't really overtake, they only go there because its Monaco, a prestige circuit.

I notice the night temperature is rising, at the end of next week it rises to 10c which lets the plants take off, and you can then plant any plants outside, you might need to protect from rain or wind mind.

Mrs H is hoping for some report on here bloods & X-ray, so she can get treated for the problem whatever it is.

Not sure about the tv tonight, will have to check, just watching American Pickers, saw Bargain Loving Brits in the sun before and recorded Salvage Hunters.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.



oh dear, fancy forgetting your F1. Good job you remembered today.

You are certainly well stocked up with soups.

Bad day weather wise here too, rain, rain and more rain. So stayed home all day today and watched a few recordings.

HOpe MrsH doesn't have to wait too long for those test results. Poor thing, its horrible waiting for results when you don't feel well. Daughter is still waiting for some of her results they had to send off to London to see if she has Crohns. But she is enjoying her food again now thank goodness, so should get strength back soon.

Its bout time the night time temperatures rose a little as we are nearly into June.

I had a cheese veggie burger for tea on 2 sesame seeded brioches with salad.

Watching the period drama on bbc1 now, watched Bargain Brits in the Sun earlier, I like that show.

Goodnight Hicky, sleep well.

HOpe Baz is well and having a good Sunday.


Evening Mollie.

I'm annoyed about missing some F1 practices, i only realized on Saturday as i was looking what was on the tv and pressed 425 and saw something about highlights for the F1 pole positions in Monaco and realized what i'd missed but the F1 channel always repeats everything for a week or so.

One of Mrs H's female friends has Crohn's, she has had it all her life i suppose from when she was a girl/young lady probably from the 70s, she has managed it ever since, hope your daughter hasn't got it.

Glad she is enjoying her food, have they given her a list of what to avoid in case.

I got a pack of the seeded burger buns in the shopping, I wrap each one in cling film then freeze and take them out as needed.

Just watching 24hrs in A&E.

Still playing chess with my Lad, i'm winning 35 to 29 and the game we are on now is looking like another win, since he moved to Cornwall he has been building wardrobes and a chest of drawers.

Had a load of pictures from Oz this morning, they are doing fine.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Meanies  Well after two decent nights sleep , I was back to normal last night â€Ķ.lousy! Because of that , and my foot , I haven’t been for a walk today . So I have been catching up on the housework instead  â€Ķ.dusting , cleaning bathroom and kitchen , washing, fed the birds , and swept the patio.  The weather was ok this morning, but it’s looking like rain again at the moment . I was half expecting the gardener to come today , but he’s not been â€Ķ. so just  the bins to put out now, and that’s me done for today . I had a couple of nice m&s bacon chops for lunch , and now I’m watching Father Brown .I hope you are all having a good Monday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I hope you get the blood results very soon, and they can then start treating your daughter properly . I hope she is continuing to improve and that you are managing to get some rest now .Hicky , how is Mrs H ?Glad your son â€Ķ.both in Cornwall and Oz are doing well . Looks like the better weather will finally  be arriving this weekend .

Not sure what I’m watching tonight , aside from Worlds Scenic Railway Journeys â€Ķ.but I’m sure I will find something .Have a good evening both â€Ķand take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Baz, Sorry your sleep has taken a down turn, if your ankle is playing up you better rest from walking, as usually pain means it isn't happy.

You sure seem to do a lot of jobs in a day, when do you have a day off!!

Maybe the gardener thought it was going to rain as well so didn't turn up.

Mollie, hope your daughter had a good night, and sleep, she will soon get her strength back if she can eat well.

Today it was 13c here again, the forecast said rain but i haven't seen any yet, a moderate breeze as well, not ideal.

Didn't do much, had 5 sausages for brekkie, later had a soup then made a pan of curry and put 3 chicken thighs in to cook, had some of it with rice, very tasty.

Hope some more plants come this week as most are going in the greenhouse anyway, except for the sweetcorn, the weather picks up next month anyway.

Mrs H hasn't had any reports back, expecting a call from the doc tomorrow.

Not sure what to watch on tv, i just flick through the listings every hour.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.

Just remembered, the Darts Premier League carries on tonight on Sky Sports tonight at 7pm till 10pm tonight, Tue & Wed.

Last edited by Hicky



sorry your good nights sleep did not continue. hope you sleep ok tonight. Has your foot been playing up too? Sounds like you have done a lot of jobs today. Hope you can get back to your walks again soon. Hopefully your gardener will turn up when the weather dries up.


hope the doc has the test results and gets back to MrsH tomorrow. Has she managed to have both injections yet, as they might not want her to have it whilst she is unwell.

I see you have plenty of darts coming up to keep you occupied.

Weather not so good here either, not so wet as yesterday but cool and when we left for your walk we had a shower, so had to shelter in the garage till it moved on. At least we made it for a walk though.

Son and MrM went to Costco and got me a jacekt potato with cheese for tea, and I ate it with salad. Daughter asked for fresh cooked chicken, so that will do her good and a hot dog.

Going to watch Corrie, then the drama, and Motherland.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Pretty sure Mrs H has had the 2nd Jab, on the darts, i can see the fans are back as well.

Your daughter would enjoy one of Costco cooked chickens, and a hot dog and you getting your Jacket potato and cheese.

Just been looking at another BBQ, the gas one i got last time is disappointing really, 2 rather strange burners that run along the middle of the unit, not ideal at all, Argos have a quite nice 4 burners with side burner for ÂĢ150.[3451663]:bottomSlider1HAT:alternatives:4509411:kkHKSzjONYg3DzbyqQgB

At least you got a walk in, such unsettled weather, driving me mad, I'm still in winter clothes and watering system turned off, i have all sections of the watering turned off apart from the greenhouse as the tubs inside don't get wet when it rains, but they don't need much water as the few plants are very small and still waiting for 3 peppers and 3 chili plants.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you all slept ok, hope Mollies daughter is resting and eating ok.

14c here with sunny intervals and a strong wind, i have been trying to dig out the old Kiwi Berry vine, may need to get the gardener as it has filled the 70L tub with millions of roots as i expected, but it was too much of a job to repot or trim the roots.

Mrs H has had a report from Doc, Diabetes not god, white cells in Urine, X-ray not normal, sent her for a CT scan tonight.

Didn't do much today, had a bacon and egg toasted sandwich for brekkie, at 2pm had a soup, 5pm had 2 ham sald sandwiches with crisps, will have a soup at 8pm for supper.

Got darts tonight again, so tv sorted 7 - 10 then i'll check the listing.

About the Argos BBQ i wanted, i cant get it delivered and Mrs H pointed out one from B&Q, a gas and charcoal model come down by ÂĢ129 to ÂĢ299 so have ordered that.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.



how is MrsH? Hope she has heard from the GP today as to what the problem is.

That is good the fans are back at the darts again, I think they are at a lot of sports now, which is good. We need to open things up now.

That will be nice to treat yourself to a new BBQ, hopefully for all the good weather we are due to get soon. MrM got his from Costco and we are pleased with it.

I too am still in winter clothes, which is bad considering it is nearly June. Cool and a bit showery again today, but we did manage a walk. The lambs were right next to the fence, so we got a good look at them. They were sitting down in the grass just chewing, not scared of us at all. Then when the mum sheep walked off later, they all followed her.

Daughter fancied pizza for tea, which is good, so she ordered some for all of us, and I had it with a bag of salad I had from Costco.

My daughter needed to get her prescription for antibiotics today and she got a much better doc who actually looked at her notes and said he would enquire further before doing her prescription and get back to her. Last week, the other GP didn't even bother looking up her notes from the hospital. He did ring her back too and say he had contacted the consultant, who'd get back to her tomorrow, as the GP himself needed to check her meds as it was being prescirbed for so long. He also told her to chase up her appointment with the consultant.

Hope Baz is having a good day.

Its the new series of the professional bakers tonight, so I will try and watch that.

Have a good evening both xxxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . Not a bad nights sleep  for me , but the weather isn’t great â€Ķ.it’s overcast and quite coldâ€Ķ I had to wait in for my shopping delivery , and another parcel , so I’ve not been for a walk today . The weather looks much better for the next few days , and I’ll hopefully be able catch up on my walking . So I’ve tried to get ahead of myself with the housework â€Ķ.I have changed the sheets and pillowcases , hoovered, washed and ironed , cleaned kitchen , fed birds , sorted out my gas and electric readings (oh joy), and had some yummy lamb chops for lunch . I hope you are all having a good Wednesday , whatever you are up to.

Mollie , glad things are gradually getting sorted for your daughter and that she is feeling a bit better, both physically and emotionally . I’m still in winter clothes too â€Ķ.but it’s looking much better from the end of the week onwards â€Ķ.temps up in the 20s I think â€Ķso we might actually be able to get our T-shirt’s out at last .Hopefully we will see you for sewing tonight . Hicky , oh dearâ€Ķ.I hope Mrs H is ok â€Ķ.and that her scan went well . I’ve been on the Argos website today and ordered two new bins â€Ķone for the kitchen and one for the bathroom â€Ķ.they are delivering both tomorrow afternoon .

Well , it’s Springwatch and Sewing for me tonight . Have a good evening , and take care.


both xxx


yes that funny that we did post together, because although your post appears above mine here, I didn't see it until I came on her tonight.

Poor MrsH, no wonder she was feeling unwell if the diabetes if not right, and the x ray too. Was it a chest x ray? Any news from the ct scan? Hope they can give her something to help soon.

good job MrsH spotted the B and Q BBQ as it was more of a bargain than the other one you found. HOpe you are pleasedw with it when it comes.

Hope the weather was ok for you to get in the garden today.


yes hope the forecast is right and the weather is good enough for you to catch up on your walking. As usual I can see you have kept yourself busy with jobs round the house though.

Good job your remided me about he sewing as I had forgotten, (I did actually forget the baking until last minute last night).

Ordering 2 new bins is not very exciting, you wil have to buy a treat for yourself soon I reckon. I bought a new summer dress from argos about 6 weeks ago when we got the weather but the sun disappeard and it got cold as soon as it arrived.

Went for nice walk today as weather is still chilly but a lot nicer. saw the baby ducklings and chickens and the lambs, and the horses, lots of birds singing today.

Had salad and Jersey potoatoes for tea, love Jerseys.

Daughter tired today but is managing to eat which is good.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you slept a bit better, you have done so much work indoors, wow.

Mollie, hope you and daughter slept ok last night.

Yes, she had a chest X-ray then they sent her for  CT scan, dont think she has any results yet, a CT scan is X-Ray as well, 3D though i think.

Yes, this new BBQ is similar to one we were talking about last year, a gas and charcoal, so pleased, not due till Tuesday.

It was quite nice here, i managed to get the base and roots out of the big tub from the old Kiwi plant, what a job, it took many attempts to cut through the tangled roots a bit at a time, i took out what compost i could, that filled a 40L builders tub, have put the roots in the brown wheelie and put it out for collection tomorrow, i have paid for another year, not that i use it much, probably only use it twice out of the year.

Didn't do much else really, going to ring tomorrow to see where the pepper plants are.

Had hash browns black pud and eggs for brekkie, during the day i had a banana and for tea had a chicken and mushrood noodle satay dish from a kit, added the chicken and mushroom mind.

My gas and electric reading are done by the smart meter and sent direct to them.

I am getting some racks of lamb to have on the new BBQ when it comes next week, also lots of meat etc to cook on it.

Haven't heard how the CT scan is, don't know who tells her the result, they did say they wanted more tests so not sure.

Mrs H just gave me 2 massive Easter eggs, they were for her sister and hubby, but we haven't been able to see them, so i have got them, one had a pack of after mints, oh dear, so hard to stop, but i did.

Just put the green and brown bins out for tomorrow.

I've forgotten what it is like wearing short sleeve shirts and trousers, the weather seems to be miles behind last year.

Have a good evening, darts again for me, till 10pm anyway, stay safe and sleep well.

Last edited by Hicky

Its 6pm, time for me to post.

Good Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you all slept ok and your daughter Mollie is recovering from her ordeal.

A nice warm day here at 19c Sunny with a mild breeze, i usually tell how strong the wind is by the swing seat, if it isnt moving then thats good, it means a gentle breeze at max, a slight swing is a moderate breeze, a good swing is a strong wind.

Had cheese and tom on toast, for tea chopped a chicken breast into a pan of hot and sour soup, also added a beaten egg, 600ml of liquid, it was rather super.

Spent some time in the garden as it was rather nice, my small pots with peas in is coming on.

Rang the nursery, should have the sweetcorn plants by Saturday and the peppers etc next week as the base plant of the graft was slow in growing.

Had a swing on the swing seat, put the wheelie bins away, the shopping delivery is tomorrow after lunch.

Darts again at 7pm, started a new game of chess with my lad, i messed the last game up,

Mrs H hasn't heard from the doctor, she also thinks her kidney is playing up, she went out to get some new trousers, but she is feeling very weak lately so while in M&S she didn't have the energy to do any shopping.

She had a few hard-boiled eggs, and yesterday had a Pizza, she is trying to get her blood sugar down, don't think she is sleeping either, a bit of a mess just now, she needs to know what the CT scan report is though.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.



Sorry to hear poor MrsH is feeling so exhausted, she couldn't cope with a shop today. Hope she hears back from the docs soon and they can help her feel better.

That is good you got good weather today, looks like we are heading for summer at last.

Sounds like you will be due for nice potatoes and peas this year then. Hope your plants turn up on time.

We too had a nice warm day for a change. Son noticed a lot of bees in garden then MrM realised the birds had not taken to his bird box but the bees had, oh dear. So he put a black bin bag in it and took it into the country and opened the lid. Even after it had been removed we still had quite a few bees coming back. He wont' be putting up a bird box again.

So you end up with the Easter eggs, hope you enjoy.

Daughter actually came out in car for a short while today, we met some friends in the car park of Kfc as it was the little boys birthday, and daughter gave him his presents. Then we had Kfc take away, very nice too. Daughter exhausted but am relieved she went out.

She is stil waiting to hear back from consultant who was due to see her today. Had to chase up GP as she is supposed to be on long term antitiotics, he wanted to wait to hear from consultant 1st, but as he hasn't, he has given her soemthing he thinks is suitable. He said the ones the other doc gave her , he should not have prescribed them, but the last doc didn't look up her hospital notes. Good job she had a more helpful doc this time.

Watched Supervet. Did you see it Hicky?

Gosh what an episode, won't tell you what happened, but you must watch on catch up if you haven't.

Hope Baz is well.

Goodnight Hicky xxx


Evening Mollie.

Strange not hearing from the doc yet, think Mrs H need antibiotics to help clear up the problem if its an infection.

Not growing potatoes this year, but tons are growing where i had them last year, such a nuisance as they grow so fast and big so i keep stopping them, or they will cover my other plants.

Strange bees invading a bird box, didn't know they did that.

Glad your daughter went out with you, it will do her good to get some fresh air and food out.

Fancy giving your daughter meds he shouldn't have, that's not good.

Didn't see Supervet, didn't know it was even on, i'll see if i can find it.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . Warm , but overcast today â€Ķ.and same forecast for tomorrow , but it’s looking very sunny from Sunday and all next week . I didn’t sleep too badly last night , but I only did just over 3k on my walk this morning (I did 4K yesterday )cos my *good * foot started playing up again ! But I’ve done quite a lot of pottering in the garden â€Ķ..torn down some ivy from the fence , and ordered some potting compost , and a few more plants (geranium and fuchsias )for my patio pots . Aside from that , I’ve dusted , cleaned kitchen and done a small load of washing . Tomorrow will be a lazy day cos I’ve got my M&S delivery and another parcel , so I won’t be going out for a walk . I had a couple of nice bacon chops for lunch , and that’s me done for the day .I hope your Friday is going well , whether you’re busy, or relaxing .

Mollie , I’m glad your daughter felt like going out for a short while , and that she has finally got some antibiotics â€Ķalbeit temporary â€Ķ.but how annoying that you didn’t hear from the consultant yet !We had bees in our bird box last year â€Ķand a couple of years ago â€Ķ.it’s annoying , but I just leave them , and they just  clear out again,  and migrate in the late summer . So far they’ve not recolonised this year . Hicky , I’m really sorry that Mrs H is feeling so poorly .Can she not phone the doctor again â€Ķ.cos she certainly doesn’t want to end up with kidney stones or something  . But hopefully not hearing the scan results yet means it’s god news .

Well it’s Gardeners World for me tonight , and I managed to find an old Gogglebox on E4 .Have a good evening , whatever you are up to .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you slept ok, a lot of cloud and drizzle here today, 16c and not much wind.

Mollie, hope you and daughter are ok and getting plenty of food and rest.

Glad you got a walk in, you need to be careful with your good leg as you will be putting more strain on it to protect the bad ankle.

My shopping came, lots of food for the BBQ when it arrives.

My sweetcorn plants have been posted today, no idea when they will arrive.

Had a couple of sausages for brekkie, for tea had a nice piece of cod, i made some batter to fry it in the wok.

Have thawed a rabbit out for the weekend, will have to cut it up as it won't go in the fridge in one piece.

I still haven't had those bacon chops, one day i will get them, Sainsbury's don't seem to have them.

Mrs H heard from the doc, she is on antibiotics for a kidney infection, she also had a call about the CT scan, they will call her early next week to discuss that, she said its nothing to worry about.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


both xxx


glad you slept ok and managed a walk.Be careful about your other foot playing up if you overdo it though, it may be taking over some of the work from your poorly foot. Nice you got a potter in the garden too.

No gogglebox tonight, such a shame, I'll miss it on Fridays.


So frustrating for MrsH hearing nothing back yet about the tests, but as Baz says, hopefully not hearing back quickly means its nothing serious. But poor MrsH if she is still feeling poorly and waitng to hear for advice. HOpe she is ok over the weekend.

Hope you have got rid of all those stray potaotes now.

Sounds like we have plenty of good weather to come, so should be nice for you to get in the garden. I am hopeful of spending time on the swingchair reading soon.

MrM went 1st thing to collect daughter's new prescription, so she started them today. But then GP finally managed to get through to the consultant this afternoon and rang daughter and told her to stop taking these ones too, as the consultant didn't want her on these new antibiotics either, so MrM had to go back to the chemist to collect yet another type! Let's hope they are the right ones now, and that they suit her.

Went for our usual walk, it was warm so the lambs were all lying down.

Lots of traffic jams into Wales today.Because of good weather forecast and not much hols abroad, holidaymakers are flooding into the coast areas .All good for tourism though. We won't be going to the beach for awhile though unitl it is queter.

Tv time now.

Goodnight both  xxx


Evening Mollie.

Think you missed my post again, i was a bit late, it mentions Mrs H and the doc.

Strange about your daughters meds, but you do need to be on the right ones.

Glad you got your walk, all the people coming into the area could be a problem this bank hol weekend.

I thought i had got all the spuds out last year, but it seems loads of smallish ones escaped, such a pain, as they won't really produce many good spuds anyway, but they would shadow some plants.

Will be cutting the rabbit up in a mo, it is for the weekend instead of beef etc.

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.

Forgot to say, my lad in Oz got the passports for the children and has booked his flights to NZ.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you all slept well, hope daughter is recovering Mollie.

Not a bad day with 18c some sun and cloud and no wind.

My Sweetcorn arrived today, will plant it tomorrow, 24 plants.

Had a bacon and egg on toast for brekkie, for tea i roasted some Cajun rabbit, just having some stir-fry to use it up.

Mrs H having problems with the antibiotics, they are powerful and make her feel sick, she needs to take with food.

My Number 6 Sons' birthday today, he's the youngest as well, i was his age when he was born.

Just watching the Masked dancer, on the darts last night the winner was  Welsh lad, Jonny Clayton, he won ÂĢ250k

Have a good evening, stay safe and sleep well.


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