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@Amythist posted:

Hi mollie I know what itโ€™s like ,mine is sleeping at last,after much getting up

aaww yes Amy, it is hard work when they are elderly as they are just so helpless and vulnerable. She sleeps a lot now, but needs lots of small meals and toilet trips in evenings before she settles for the night. Luckily MrM does most of it, but it does take both of us at times.

Glad yours is settled now, think we have a bit of time to go yet.

@*mollie* posted:

aaww yes Amy, it is hard work when they are elderly as they are just so helpless and vulnerable. She sleeps a lot now, but needs lots of small meals and toilet trips in evenings before she settles for the night. Luckily MrM does most of it, but it does take both of us at times.

Glad yours is settled now, think we have a bit of time to go yet.

Spoke too soon ,sheโ€™s got up ,and Iโ€™m going to have to take her out in a bit


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