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Originally Posted by suzybean:
Originally Posted by Clynesy:

jamies feeling better i thought was sheffield. as in 'Chef Healed'!  really stuck on the cockney chancellor.

That's it! Sheffield. I think the cockney chancellor is Londonderry (see above).


And welcome 

Ahhh that fits better Sheffield. I put down Wells, (it was on the UK City List) 


I'm new bth. Thought i'd give the quiz ago!

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by machel:

this quiz is from richard osman (i follow him on twitter) and the prize is the pointless book (due out on the 11th) so not a prize of great wealth, however i have now been outed on twitter as not playing "in the spirit"  (gaga is now trending on twitter!!!!!)   i don't think i am being unfair as if i was at work etc i would be asking colleagues, although someone is now (or has done) putting on wrong answers, if that is you, please don't, (i would rather you refrain from answering) as that would not be "in the spirit"

How did that happen?

the person who said i wasn't playing in the "spirit"  is someone called ollie (ollie the smurf, a young man i think) he must also be connected to this forum as he posted a link on twitter to this thread. 

Originally Posted by machel:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by machel:

this quiz is from richard osman (i follow him on twitter) and the prize is the pointless book (due out on the 11th) so not a prize of great wealth, however i have now been outed on twitter as not playing "in the spirit"  (gaga is now trending on twitter!!!!!)   i don't think i am being unfair as if i was at work etc i would be asking colleagues, although someone is now (or has done) putting on wrong answers, if that is you, please don't, (i would rather you refrain from answering) as that would not be "in the spirit"

How did that happen?

the person who said i wasn't playing in the "spirit"  is someone called ollie (ollie the smurf, a young man i think) he must also be connected to this forum as he posted a link on twitter to this thread. 

anyone who is doing the quiz will be asking friends,work mates, family. I dont see why they have said that you are not playing "in the spirit".


it was newport and the cockney chancellor was Ely (Denis (H)ealy) although Londonderry was allowed.

today's list


run and hide

city in turkey or kenya

for all your trunk and crate emergencies


fire queen

buried s

confusing for lads


time to move on to e

funny person i follow on twitter (will have to see who richard osman follows for this one)


i have a couple already but off to study cities


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