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So far the only person coming out of the whole shenanigans with any air of doing what he feels is right for anyone other than himself is Jeremy Corbyn.  Can't be easy sticking to his guns when everybody (except the people who elected him) seems to hate him.

I think there is a danger that  one persons * sticking to his guns * can also be seen as another persons *just plain awkward* . Whatever the rights and wrongs of it ....once the dust settles ....he  does have to take his MPs with him if he ever wants to lead the country .  But he was never going to get my vote , so ...... 

So you're saying those MPs trying to oust him will deliberately vote against him out of spite despite the right and wrongs of the issue?  If that's the case they're better out of positions of power surely?

Roger the Alien posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Madame Arcati posted:

Doesn't Gove's wife work for the Mail?


yep, she sent the email to the wrong person 

I can't stop smiling at that Dame 

 Update: Andrew Neil on This Week wondered was it a deliberate "mistake" then suggested another shady scenario, involving another player but I was too tired to recall who... David-Cunning-somebody-or-other? 

Oh they're slippy  

Kaffs posted:

So far the only person coming out of the whole shenanigans with any air of doing what he feels is right for anyone other than himself is Jeremy Corbyn.  Can't be easy sticking to his guns when everybody (except the people who elected him) seems to hate him.

I think there is a danger that  one persons * sticking to his guns * can also be seen as another persons *just plain awkward* . Whatever the rights and wrongs of it ....once the dust settles ....he  does have to take his MPs with him if he ever wants to lead the country .  But he was never going to get my vote , so ...... 

So you're saying those MPs trying to oust him will deliberately vote against him out of spite despite the right and wrongs of the issue?  If that's the case they're better out of positions of power surely?

What I am really saying is that with 3/4 of his MPs supporting a vote for a no confidence in him  , can he really garner enough support in parliament  for what are essentially his far left policies ? Cos whether we like it or not it's easy to stick by your principles in opposition , it's quite another to uphold those principles once in power .....just ask the Lib Dems  


How true is this?

I have just heard this on the radio...

Who actually was it who voted for us to join the EU or Common Market, as it was then?

Was it us the people or was it parliament ie MP's?

Damned if I can remember tbh 

According to the radio it was parliament, MP's, if I have heard it correct. No promises there

So theoretically it would have to be parliament ie MP's voting to take us out whatever the Brexit vote was?


What if there is a general election before Article 50 is evoked and the resulting government decided it wanted to stay in?

Last edited by Moonie

At the risk of sounding like a cracked record. 

Our parliament is sovereign, they could have decided to leave the EC two years ago if they wanted to. But the vast majority of MPs don't want to leave. If they had they would have left now. 

The people are not sovereign, simply speaking they elect a government to take decisions on their behalf.

So there is all manner of messing about trying to retain the previous economic advantages whilst giving Brexit people the impression that we are leaving. Eventually our colleagues may lose patience, call a halt, and then we may really leave!!

Garage Joe

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