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I'll have to start thinking about getting my tea soon, just over 2 hours since lunch!

Squiggle, not following BB means I have to take a wild guess as to which HM has been stabbed in the back, but I have a suspicion that you're referring to Ben having been nominated for eviction by 8 HMs hence your unhappy face, but if I'm right in that Dave has also been nominated I would have thought the public would be more likely to want him out.

And what's the 4CC23 about?
El Loro
Thanks squiggle. I see you've changed name again in the last few minutes - what's a cribette? I thought it was something to do with babies in cribs. But what do I know - I assumed as I've only seen glimpses of BB that Corin was male (like in the late Corin Redgrave) but she's obviously female if she's a Jordan look-a-like (and who would want to be a Jordan look-a-like )
El Loro
Yes El Loro Corin is a girl, very very deeply tanned, addicted to sunbeds, with hair tightly pulled back into a ponytail, which is referred to, I believe, as a Croydon facelift.  Her fanclub is named Corin's Cribettes, hence the bit in my name, not easy to try to fit 3 HM's in such a tiny line

Edit, I should add that she is very sweet natured, willing to have a laugh at herself, broad northern accent and chivvies people along if they are lying in bed instead of enjoying the BB experience
Last edited by squiggle
Good morning everyone.   Glad to say computer seems okay this morning.  Long may it last.

Such a sad day for us with the closing of this thread.  I'm sure we will all meet up in the other threads but until BB is over I cannot see that we will be able to have our normal RL chats.

Will be back in good time for our noon meet up.  Are we all going to post something for Figtree at noon to start our little gathering off? 
Reference: squiggle
I hope we will all continue to meet up in another thread
And I hope so too, because we all want your happy greeting pictures to continue. But where to meet? I'm not trying to twist anybody's arms but you're all welcome in my Bird Sanctuary over in the Lounge (and of course you can chat about BB as well as anything else you want) and there's the little plus in that it's unlikely to need bumping).
El Loro
Reference: A copy of my post the other day
We still can, it's just not automatic. Move your pointer over the Livecloud logo at the top, select Your Control Panel, scroll down the resulting page to the bottom where your signature is stored. Highlight the signature and press Ctrl-C to copy. Then when you come back to your Post Reply box, at the end of your reply, on a new line press Ctrl-V to paste and there you are.
Yogi, this is how to copy your sigs
El Loro
I don't have a Freddie signature to copy (boo hoo).  I think El Loro's idea of perhaps posting occasionally in the Bird Sanctuary thread about what we are getting up to in RL, as we have been doing here, might be a good idea.  That way we can continue our chit chat without annoying others, whilst carrying on with the HM chat in the individual threads.  As El Loro says that thread probably won't need bumping and we will all be able to find it. 

See you all at 12, if not before.
On your profile there is a place for your sig and that's where I found my Freddie one recently. Obviously some of us may not have one on here but I just thought it might be nice to have our 'I am supporting Freddie' for the last time.
I didn't have one on this site but I have added one now. I'll copy and paste it later.
Figtree, I am truly sorry you aren't here with us on your birthday but I hope you are having a wonderful day, surrounded by people who love and care for you.
I want to thank you for being such a warm, friendly FM and whenever I hear the phrase "Ticketty boo", I shall think of you.
I hope one day, you will be able to come back and post with us. Until then, sending you lots of love and a big.

To the other Fredsters, a big thank you for always making me feel welcome in here.
I'm sure Freddy would have approved of this thread and its friendly atmosphere.
I hope we will all take up El Loro's kind offer and visit the Bird Sanctuary, and I look forward to posting with everyone in there.
Big and to all of you.

Freddie Fisher, Simply The Best.
Should we leave it now with an encouragement for Mary when she is about to come in and leave one final post, started and finished by her?  I kid you not I have tears in my eyes, Freddie was a worthy hero, and we, I hope have been worthy fans.  I am just editing now for the final time on my final post in this thread, this I think could easily be Freddie's motto in life, it will do for me too, and for you too I suspect

What lovely messages.  I sincerely hope Figtree gets to see them some day.

It will be sad to see the end of this thread but I'm sure Freddie will be proud that we kept it going for so long.

I look forward to meeting up with all my lovely friends in the HM threads, and the Bird Santuary for RL chit chat.  Once BB is over perhaps we can meet up in Ben's Buddies and keep that thread going.

If Mary manages to join us it would seem appropriate that she makes the last post and officially close us down.  Love you all. 
Awh guys, this is so lovely.

Um okay welll I made this originally as just a little fanclub for people to take numbers from and maybe say hi and bye in but I didn't really expect it to become such a lovely little thread and bring together such a wonderful, kind group of people but I'm so glad it has.

I'm really rubbish at stuff like this, I just can't express what I'd like to say so basically, a happy birthday to Figtree, I hope you're safe and well and as happy as you deserve to be and that you'll find your way back here really soon because you're sorely missed.

And to everyone else, thanks a lot a lot a lot you're all brilliant and I'm so pleased to have made more friends that I can speak to and bump into around the forum. And I loved our continual defense and love of Freddie, even well after he'd left the house. A brilliant guy who only deserved to be supported by the best supporters (ie. us).

And one last time for old time's sake, my favourite picture (bar the one where his eyes are insanely blue but I can't find that right now )

Much love to you all

Spotted this post from Freddie on TIBB, if it is really him.

I'm fascinated by Ben's manner with people, and am enjoying Mario and Ben's dynamic more than any other relationship in the house. While Ben is very tactile, he also gives people a lot of psychological space in conversations. That is a very personable and warming combination, and quite rare for somebody with such a sharp and discerning mind. He reminds me of Siavash in this respect.

People who interact like Ben tend to make certain kinds of friendships. As you're giving people space to be themselves, you can develop a very wide variety of friendships with different people. And feeling like somebody is interested in you for your own sake and vibe is very warming, so friends will tend to feel particularly 'close' to you. You may end up with a lot of friends, even without being a 'group person'. Your friendships will be a collection of 1-1 connections, which is a great way to be sociable and individual at the same time.

And you can still 'hold court' and be individually entertaining too sometimes; Siavash certainly does. Being able to make friends this way is just another arrow in your quiver. It can even be easier to be creative and entertaining when you're bouncing off somebody else.

While in the house, I'd use my analyses of my fellow housemates so inspire me as to how to behave and develop as a person. This is a game that can evidently be played at home too. I'd like to be more like Ben in this respect, and he's inspired me to experiment with a similar approach. I'm 'dominating the conversation' a bit less these days, and have been getting some very positive responses so far.

Are there any of this year's housemates that *you* would like to become more (or less) similar to? If so, do comment.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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