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Joyron, I am so glad you are feeling a bit better but it sounds like you still need to take it easy for a while. Good luck with your eye appointment tomorrow.
El Loro, if you and Joyron still want to pop in here, I am happy to keep coming in too. I am sure we can find something outwith BB to chat about.
OOh, I nearly forgot, I have got three teeny, tiny tomatoes growing on one of my tomato plants already - that almost makes up for the demise of my cucumber plant.
Afternoon everyone.  I'm still feeling awful, although a little less awful than yesterday if you understand what I mean!!

In all honesty I think we should just let this thread go now.    As El Loro said we can always catch up in the Bird Sanctuary for non BB stuff.

Yogi and Squiggle I will catch up with you in the other threads over the coming days.  I know I will be able to find you in the Ben's Buddies thread anyway. 
Morning everyone.  Pleased to say I'm feeling a little better today.  My first thought when I found this thread near the bottom of page 2 was that we had reached page 299 and we ought to make it to 300.  Then I opened the thread and found you were all thinking the same way!!  Spooky.

I wonder which one of us will make the post which starts page 300.

Hope to catch up later. 
Morning Yogi and Squiggle.  We have no sun here today   It's grey and looks like it's going to rain.  I agree we should let the thread drop once we reach page 300.

I caught up a little with BB yesterday and (sadly) I'm still not that sure of Ben.  My mind keeps changing on him.  I don't have LF so you maybe seeing more of Nathan and Steve than I am but they just don't seem to figure in the programme at all.  I don't like Govan or Shabby and must now add JJ to that list after his rants last night.  He certainly doesn't like Rachel does he?  Quite like Corin, although I don't like the voice.  Ife is another one I've not seen much of.  All in all I think I still like Mario the most at the moment.

Speak later when we get to page 300. 
Hello Squiggle.  I'm glad that we, and Yogi, still seem to have the same thoughts on HMs.  I am trying very hard to like Ben but I think perhaps I'm comparing him too much to our dear Freddie, and I don't think he will match up to him.  I left Josie out of my list and I quite like her at the moment.

Off to the hospital after lunch.  Will try and come back this evening if I can. 
Joyron, I like Mario and Corin too. I liked Josie at the start, then I went off her (she can be a bit graphic with her toilet humour) and now I neither like nor dislike her.
I do dislike Govan and Shabby, and would include the hangers-on, Caoimhe and Ife.
I hope all goes well for you at the hospital this afternoon.

Squiggle, see you in the Ben thread.
Evening all.  Hospital appointment went okay.  Won't get results until next Friday.  Apparently the test was to take pictures of the back of my eyes!!

See we have still not reached page 300.  It's almost as if Freddie doesn't want us to get there and let the thread go.

Probably won't be back tonight but will catch up with you tomorrow. 
Morning everyone.  See we are still on page 299.  Found the thread on page 3 this morning.  Wonder if this post will turn the page for us.  I said Freddie didn't want this thread to die didn't I?

I didn't have any drops in my eyes for this test, although I have had them previously.  The optician originally sent me to the hospital because of raised pressure in my eyes; and my brother has glaucoma.  Hopefully if these tests prove okay I won't have to go back again.

Went to bed very early last night so I have not seen the show from last night yet, or had time to read any of the threads, so I don't know what the general consenus is with the result.  Personally I didn't want Rachel to go.

Hope to catch up again later. 

Good morning everyone, what a lovely idea El Loro, onwards and upwards even if we have to search high and low to bump this thread we will go on valiantly and maybe gather on the 23rd in here, shall we go for a set time?  Hope you all have a lovely day, its a bit dull here at the mo, but with promise

PS: I feel its like a one-armed bandit now, go on you know you want just one more post!

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