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Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by casiopea49:

Why are people making references  to Hague? the newspaper alleges that it involves nobody who is servig in the cabinet ?

Very good point, but an easily-forgotten one, it would appear.

It also raises questions as to how genuinely significant this "scandal" is, and why it could "blow Cameron's political agenda out of the water"...


Originally Posted by casiopea49:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:Too true ! and lets face it these day sex scandals ruin careers they don't bring down governments, not British or U S ones anyhow! It is obvious that if the M o S knows who what and when so do all the others..this way they hit the button first without turning the lights on! tiresome press ploy and sadly once again people get hooked and the facts are distorted and ommited throughpersonal prejudices and the momentum is created !........ Hyperbole! 
Originally Posted by casiopea49:

Why are people making references  to Hague? the newspaper alleges that it involves nobody who is servig in the cabinet ?

Very good point, but an easily-forgotten one, it would appear.

It also raises questions as to how genuinely significant this "scandal" is, and why it could "blow Cameron's political agenda out of the water"...



Originally Posted by Amythist:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Why? And be replaced with what?

No one has a credible alternative.

I couldn't care less who's in office (within reason) so long as they do good for the country.

A govt that doesnt expect the poor and vulnerable,sick and disabled to pay for the mistakes of the rich

Amen to that Amythist 

Originally Posted by Amythist:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Why? And be replaced with what?

No one has a credible alternative.

I couldn't care less who's in office (within reason) so long as they do good for the country.

A govt that doesnt expect the poor and vulnerable,sick and disabled to pay for the mistakes of the rich

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I can't work the link. Please give me a synopsis!

At least 30 Conservative MPs have signed letters calling for a vote of no confidence in David Cameron's leadership, a leading backbench rebel has said.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the MP - who is believed to have signed one of those letters - told the Huffington Post UK that the number of signers is "into the 30s now".

Some 46 letters would need to be signed for a no confidence vote to be held.

As the HuffPost UK's Ned Simons reported in May: "Under Conservative Party rules a leadership election is triggered if 15% of Conservative MPs call for a no confidence vote in the leader. They do this by sending letters to the chairman of the party's backbench 1922 committee - currently Graham Brady.

"There are currently 304 Tory MPs in the Commons, so 46 of them would need to want to get rid of Cameron for a no confidence vote to be triggered."

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Thanks! I appreciate your post!

No probs ! It also says in the article :

In recent weeks, various Conservative cabinet ministers - including home secretary Theresa Maydefence secretary Philip Hammond and education secretary Michael Gove - have been accused of being 'on manoeuvres' and positioning themselves ahead of a leadership contest. Last week, Cameron's former director of communications, Andy Coulson, used an article in GQ magazine to accuse Boris Johnson of wanting the prime minister to "fail miserably" at the next election and then take his job - a charge that the mayor of London has strenuously denied.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I can't work the link. Please give me a synopsis!

At least 30 Conservative MPs have signed letters calling for a vote of no confidence in David Cameron's leadership, a leading backbench rebel has said.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the MP - who is believed to have signed one of those letters - told the Huffington Post UK that the number of signers is "into the 30s now".

Some 46 letters would need to be signed for a no confidence vote to be held.

As the HuffPost UK's Ned Simons reported in May: "Under Conservative Party rules a leadership election is triggered if 15% of Conservative MPs call for a no confidence vote in the leader. They do this by sending letters to the chairman of the party's backbench 1922 committee - currently Graham Brady.

"There are currently 304 Tory MPs in the Commons, so 46 of them would need to want to get rid of Cameron for a no confidence vote to be triggered."

Liked the bit at the end of the article 'Boris backing Cameron all the way'

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I can't work the link. Please give me a synopsis!

At least 30 Conservative MPs have signed letters calling for a vote of no confidence in David Cameron's leadership, a leading backbench rebel has said.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the MP - who is believed to have signed one of those letters - told the Huffington Post UK that the number of signers is "into the 30s now".

Some 46 letters would need to be signed for a no confidence vote to be held.

As the HuffPost UK's Ned Simons reported in May: "Under Conservative Party rules a leadership election is triggered if 15% of Conservative MPs call for a no confidence vote in the leader. They do this by sending letters to the chairman of the party's backbench 1922 committee - currently Graham Brady.

"There are currently 304 Tory MPs in the Commons, so 46 of them would need to want to get rid of Cameron for a no confidence vote to be triggered."

Liked the bit at the end of the article 'Boris backing Cameron all the way'

aye, backing him all the way .. into a corner ! 


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