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I may be being a bit thick here but what has who anyone sleeps with got to do with the price of fish unless it is kiddy fiddling stuff again.. how does that affect how you do your job?


unless it is someone preaching fidelity and being pious and the affair is between marrieds/long term partners I can't see why it needs a crisis meeting.. in fact I really don't want to know who anyone is sleeping with at all... can't compute how it affects their work.

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I think it is two married people olly, which IMO casts a shadow on how trustworthy they are. 

Nope still not getting why it is such a fuss to make. .it's not like any of us are in or are going to have a relationship with them are we? to me that's the only time I think knowing people have or are prone to have  affairs is of any importance... ie will they do the dirty on me too..


it may make me see their character a bit different, not so much if it is same sex affair and they have different sex partners cos that is a half in half out of the closet situation which is still not as open and as accepted as we like to think it is especially in public servants, hence the muddling of sexual partners..  but still not owt to do with how they perform their job.. it's not unknown for those in power to be into all sorts of sex games as well as putting it about a lot with same sex or opposite sex or just sex of any kind. . still got nothing to do with their job unless they are spending more time in the sack than they are on their paid for jobs.. or preaching one thing and practising another 

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I'm intrigued as to why this story isn't on the News if it's a "crisis" - don't know about the Press as I don't buy papers. I know that a D Notice can be issued to the media to prevent them talking about certain information but the Notice is issued by the DoD if it concerns national security. But allegedly this is just about an affair so why is the media not discussing it, it's hardly the first time that's come to the public's attention.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by casiopea49:

Why are people making references  to Hague? the newspaper alleges that it involves nobody who is servig in the cabinet ?

Very good point, but an easily-forgotten one, it would appear.

It also raises questions as to how genuinely significant this "scandal" is, and why it could "blow Cameron's political agenda out of the water"...

Eugene's Lair

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