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Good morning sorry I’ve been awol, I’ve explained in the PM and there’s a slightly longer version in the buddies... 


bazzy, you’ve been in my thoughts, I hope you’re getting through each day, one moment at a time  


oooh so Ducky and Scatt are away, that’s exciting!!!!!! I can’t wait to hear more  

~Sparkling Summer~

Here's a copy of Summer's/Sweet's longer post she made on the Buddies thread.


Good morning 🌈 white rabbits! 🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇


I’m finally back to normal, yessss!!!!!!! I’ve missed everybody! ðŸĪ— you won’t believe how much I’ve crammed in these past few days, even for me it’s OTT! 


I had a lovely weekend with my friend, her puppy is just gorgeous. 

As soon as she left, I went to visit a different friend in hospital. We thought he was going to die a few weeks ago, his survival has been miraculous. Now he’s out of his coma and ready for visitors, it was good to see him  

I also found out that my very best friend in the world has Hodgkins Lymphoma, which was shocking to say the least but after a jolly good cry, I’ve bounced back and am ready to cheer her on through chemo. We’re just waiting to find out what stage it is etc, so we know what we’re dealing with  


then, I managed to go on a date! Which was lovely, I’m seeing him again this weekend  


I've also been to work as normal, and my mum pops in daily. She’s settling in well, she’s keeping herself very active and finding her way about. 


Are you all keeping up? I feel like the Tasmanian devil Lol  

I've got a ton of messages to respond to, and some bookkeeping to catch up on, but I wanted to see all of you first  


yogi your day out at the museum sounds fabulous! I’m glad everyone’s had a great time, the tiddlers are like little explorers now  

El Loro

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