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@El Loro posted:

One of the more unusual atlases

Fun way to spend a pandemic

I bought one of those odd maps for my Grandaughter, it shows all the towns of myths and legends on it
and one for my son with rude named places

Last edited by slimfern
@Moonie posted:

Well done Cheltenham on your 2-0 win 👏

We could only manage a 0-0 draw away at Blackpool despite 22 shots on goal

Thanks Moonie A pity that your team couldn't provide you with a birthday win

El Loro

BBC clip above of the launch of the spacecraft sent off this morning to bump into the moon of a small asteroid.
Not known what will happen when it hits. might have no effect, might change its orbit, might cause it to break up if it turns out not to be solid.

I hope it's not where the Clangers live

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

BBC clip above of the launch of the spacecraft sent off this morning to bump into the moon of a small asteroid.
Not known what will happen when it hits. might have no effect, might change its orbit, might cause it to break up if it turns out not to be solid.

I hope it's not where the Clangers live

I used to love the clangers.... My Grandma knitted me one

I watched the news clip on the Beeb this morning

@Moonie posted:

At least we didn’t suffer our 6th away defeat in a row. Every cloud has a silver lining

Apparently "every cloud has a silver lining" is derived from a poem by John Milton called "Comus: A Masque Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634", Haven't searched for the poem as it is lengthy. Masques were a form of entertainment for royalty consisting of acting and music, the actors wearing masks.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Apparently "every cloud has a silver lining" is derived from a poem by John Milton called "Comus: A Masque Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634", Haven't searched for the poem as it is lengthy. Masques were a form of entertainment for royalty consisting of acting and music, the actors wearing masks.

As always and I never get tired of saying this, you are a mind interesting information El

Last edited by Moonie
@Moonie posted:

Good afternoon Buddies

Its a cold but sunny start to the day here. Quite breezy too

We had a frost too

Only a high of 5 degrees expected today here

Have a super day everyone

Frost has gone from here since I posted. a high of 6° forecast for here.

El Loro

This was mentioned on Radio 4 today.

Which of these is "bouba" and which is "kiki" ? These are words which were invented for an experiment.

Wiki page about the experiment to read once you've decided which is which:

El Loro
@Moonie posted:

In the whole of China there are only 200 surnames. One of those surnames is used by 85% of the population

It's normal for people from around the world to come to this country to train to become a chartered accountant. So I knew a couple of student accountants from that part of the world, one had the surname Wong and the other Li, both very common surnames there.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

It's normal for people from around the world to come to this country to train to become a chartered accountant. So I knew a couple of student accountants from that part of the world, one had the surname Wong and the other Li, both very common surnames there.

@El Loro posted:

This was mentioned on Radio 4 today.

Which of these is "bouba" and which is "kiki" ? These are words which were invented for an experiment.

Wiki page about the experiment to read once you've decided which is which:

that was really interesting / fascinating EL

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone

Very cloudy here and rain likely. Forecast to be rather windy throughout tomorrow morning and very cold, with wind chill -4 °. At this level some sleety rain.

I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

@Moonie I think you will be interested in this. The Copa Libertadores final between Brazil's Palmeiras and Flamengo will be shown live on BBC iPlayer and online on Saturday from 19:45 GMT. I hope your team does well this evening

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

@Moonie I think you will be interested in this. The Copa Libertadores final between Brazil's Palmeiras and Flamengo will be shown live on BBC iPlayer and online on Saturday from 19:45 GMT. I hope your team does well this evening

Thanks for the The Copa Libertadores info El

We need a win badly


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