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I once started watching the film version of Fiddler on the Roof but gave up after a time. It's just over 3 hours long which was offputting. (West Side Story is 2 hours 33 minutes and  The Sound of Music 2 hours 52 minutes so it's longer than either - I've seen thise throughout). Camelot was another very long musical which I have up on (that's a couple of minutes shorter than Fiddler.

El Loro

Evening all 

Heavy rain all day.

Had a lovely time with the tiddlers. We were so glad to see them and they were very happy to be back. 

I hope you’ve all had a good day 

I’m heading for a long soak in the bath, then an early night. 
Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie and Ros 

Night owl hugs for Velvet and Summer if they pop in 


Hi Yogi 

I am so pleased you enjoyed your day with the little ones 

Who cares about the rain when you had such a lovely time all back together again 

Enjoy your soak 


Nighty night, sleep well, sweet dreams Rosss, Yogi and anyone who may pop in  

@El Loro posted:

May be of interest to Ros. "Messe des pêcheurs de Villerville" (1881) was a collaboration between Gabriel Fauré and his former pupil André Messager. Composed before the Requiem and  a lesser work. The mass is in 5 sections:

  1. Kyrie (Messager)
  2. Gloria (Fauré)
  3. Sanctus (Fauré)
  4. O Salutaris (Messager)
  5. Agnus Dei (Fauré)

The Agnus Dei (14.45) is possibly the most interesting as having touches of the Requiem.

absolutely loved this ELhave performed Faure's Requiem a  few times -love it-absolutely brilliant

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone it's a bright morning with a dry day forecast. 


I'm sure there was plenty of sunshine in your hearts if not the skies Yogi, I hope you slept well after such a happy day. 


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here, possibility of some rain later.


Yogi, I'm glad you had a happy day with the tiddlers


Ros, I knew you love Fauré's Requiem as do I


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Evening all 

It was cloudy in the morning then rained from noon. We aren’t due to get above 20-21 degrees at the weekend and tbh, that will be hot enough for me.

You are so right Squiggle, the tiddlers bring their own sunshine 

Hope you’ve all had a good day and stayed safe 

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie and Ros 

Hug for any night owls


Good morning everyone it's supposed to be a cloudy day today before we start to get the higher temperatures over the weekend. I don't mind it too much in the daytime but I prefer it to cool off at night. 


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here and looks as if there was a small amount of rain overnight.
Forecast is for it to be rather hot here for a few days but may not be an official heatwave - it's the south-east where it's hottest.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone  

A sunny but cool start to the day. A high of 24° forecast for today 

Squiggle, we are set to get higher temperatures as of tomorrow too 

Have a good day everyone 


Evening all 

It was a better day, weather wise. We had some sun in the afternoon.

Squiggle, I hate when it’s really warm at night and I can’t sleep.

El, New Guinea must be a very interesting place, with such diversity of plants.

Moonie, I hope the engineer finally turned up 

I hope you’ve all had a good day 

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all 

It was a better day, weather wise. We had some sun in the afternoon.

Squiggle, I hate when it’s really warm at night and I can’t sleep.

El, New Guinea must be a very interesting place, with such diversity of plants.

Moonie, I hope the engineer finally turned up 

I hope you’ve all had a good day 

 Hi Yogi 

Yeeeey for your sunshine  

The engineer did finally turn up at 4-10. The first question he asked, from a distance was, should I wear a mask?  😡

I said, yes you should. I had mine on  

Where has this man been living for the last 6 months, cloud cuckoo land? 😡
Anyway we had a clean bill of health, gas appliances wise 

@Moonie posted:

 Hi Yogi 

Yeeeey for your sunshine  

The engineer did finally turn up at 4-10. The first question he asked, from a distance was, should I wear a mask?  😡

I said, yes you should. I had mine on  

Where has this man been living for the last 6 months, cloud cuckoo land? 😡
Anyway we had a clean bill of health, gas appliances wise 

Hi Moonie 

I’m glad he turned up but what a numpty - of course he should wear a mask! 

I had two of my middle son’s engineers in my house today, they were replacing the bathroom radiator for us. They wore their masks, had gloves and sanitising gel, stayed right away from us and even ate the rolls I made them upstairs so we had absolutely no contact with them - son has them well trained and they are lovely lads into the bargain.

@Yogi19 posted:

Hi Moonie 

I’m glad he turned up but what a numpty - of course he should wear a mask! 

I had two of my middle son’s engineers in my house today, they were replacing the bathroom radiator for us. They wore their masks, had gloves and sanitising gel, stayed right away from us and even ate the rolls I made them upstairs so we had absolutely no contact with them - son has them well trained and they are lovely lads into the bargain.

Me too and I could think of another word to describe him but not in front of a lady 😉

Oh, well done to engineers and for your middle son for his training  

They sound like nice considerate lads too 

@Moonie posted:

Me too and I could think of another word to describe him but not in front of a lady 😉

Oh, well done to engineers and for your middle son for his training  

They sound like nice considerate lads too 

Yes, well trained and very considerate 


Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie and Ros 

Hug for the night owls 


Good morning everyone it's a pleasant morning which is a relief as it was beginning to get very humid last night 97 percent. I hope it's sunny for everyone today but doesn't get uncomfortably hot.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Sunny and hotting up here. Average highest temperature forecast for here from today to Tuesday 29°, Wednesday 27°. from Thursday 23/24° Heatwave threshold is 30° so several hot days but just under being a heatwave.
Heatwave area seems to be to the east of here.


Moonie, I'm glad your gas engineer eventually turned up and that your gas appliances passed
Yogi, I'm glad your radiator people were well trained


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone  

Very hot here already. Set to reach 29° today. Our highest of the week but still some other hot ones to come 

El, thanks re the gas engineer 

Washing on the line, shopping and meds fetched before it got to hot. Sensible me for a change 

So just trying to stay as cool as possible for the rest of the day 


Have a great day everyone but try to stay cool 


Evening all 

A mixture of sunshine and showers today. Pretty muggy too.

lol El, an Irish bar in Nepal - that’s different 

We’ll done on getting your shopping and meds before it got too hot, Moonie 
I got my hair cut today - first time since the beginning of March!!! *twirls* 

I hope you have all had a good day 

@El Loro posted:

Hollywood really likes making sequels

Of the various films mentioned, the only one I've seen was the first of the Jurassic films and that was on televison.

They really do love a sequel


Can’t have Dirty Dancing without Patrick Swayze 

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all 

A mixture of sunshine and showers today. Pretty muggy too.

lol El, an Irish bar in Nepal - that’s different 

We’ll done on getting your shopping and meds before it got too hot, Moonie 
I got my hair cut today - first time since the beginning of March!!! *twirls* 

I hope you have all had a good day 

Hi Yogi 

Used me brain for a change 😉

Also the med I needed most hadn’t been put up 

Lovely hair cut and twirl  

@Moonie posted:

Hi Yogi 

Used me brain for a change 😉

Also the med I needed most hadn’t been put up 

Lovely hair cut and twirl 


  Very sensible.

Annoying that the meds you needed weren’t there 

lol I feel human again after my haircut 😄


Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie and Ros 

Hug for any night owls🤗


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