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Good morning my apologies to being awol for so long, every day intend to come in here and somehow get distracted! Are you all ok? 

Iā€™ve been gardening, walking, doing more yoga, learning to cook, Iā€™ve re-learned how to ride a bike, had a lot of phone calls, done a lot of admin, and Iā€™ve had to re-schedule our west highland way walk for next summer. Phewwwww! But the weather has been glorious, so at least sitting outside is possible. 

Moonie, Iā€™ve seen our local swans sitting on the nest, cignet watch has begun  

~Sparkling Summer~

Iā€™ll slow down when it rains I might even read a book. 

how are you doing, El? 

Not too bad, been busy trying to support clients and arranging with some of them as to how I do the work, Two sets of papers in for me to do the accounts and tax. One of them is "the client who lives in the middle of nowhere" so that will keep me occupied.


No further developments yet known regarding the self-assessment income support scheme other than HMRC will notify those people who may want to claim mid-May. I think that will be through the post as there's a risk of scammers emailing/texting people about this with fraudulent phishing links. We know that claims will be made online but have no information of the process. HMRC intend to pay grants early June.

El Loro

Good morning Buddies  

It's overcast and cold here but only a10% chance of rain 

A predicted high of 10Ā° 

Squiggle, just a few towels out drying this morning 
El, itā€™s set to rain all day tomorrow here too 
Yogi, I hope your keep your good start to the day 

Sweet, great news about your swans. Happy cygnet watch 


Have a great day everyone but as always stay safe 


Afternoon troops    


Hope all are okay   


Still quite bright today. Just watched two up getting rubbish getting taken away. Of course he was involved, he's like that - a study. Zero distancing. I know where I'd like to put that pot he batters at 8pm on a Thursday saying I'm the best performing seal in this road. Spanner. NHS appreciation is between the ears - you don't need to hijack it by showing off. That appreciation is for decent NHS staff. There are plenty bad uncaring ones though - I know.


Have a good afternoon and evening all and take care  

Last edited by velvet donkey
@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all 

Moonie, I got some washing dried on the line too. Might be the last day for a while 

Velvet, all is well here 

Summer, you have been a busy šŸ   
El, Iā€™m glad your client got the furlough money through today. Son is still waiting on his but he knows they have lots to process. 

I managed to dry my washing and do all the gardening I intended to do before the rain set in tomorrow. So Iā€™m a happy šŸ°  


Virgin Media broadband went down around 5pm.

Affected many users. Although VM said they sorted it out quite quickly, mine was inoperable after 7pm. Seems OK now though.

Down Detector site reports 3 peaks of people reporting problems around 5, 6.30 and 8. Reports all over the country.


So if you use Virgin Media broadband or trying to contact someone who uses it but can't, that's because of this.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Virgin Media broadband went down around 5pm.

Affected many users. Although VM said they sorted it out quite quickly, mine was inoperable after 7pm. Seems OK now though.

Down Detector site reports 3 peaks of people reporting problems around 5, 6.30 and 8. Reports all over the country.


So if you use Virgin Media broadband or trying to contact someone who uses it but can't, that's because of this.

Ours went down but only for 15 minutes or so, and that was just after 7pm. 


Good morning everyone


Raining here, heavist this morning but forecast to continue for most of the day. Ground needs it due the lack of rain for some weeks.


Appparently the Virgin Media problems were intermittent lasting for a short time then coming back. Down Detctor has 6 spikes of people reporting problems thoughout yestraday evening. VM's service issue pages still shows a fault for this with the usual "engineer is working on this" message, At present the broadband seems normal for me.


Velvet, in the world of scientists and mathematicians there's:
theorem - something which has been proven
theory - something which has some testing which fits the theory but has not been proven beyond any doubt
hypothesis - something which is a conjecture which is capable of some testing but not to the extent that it's a theory
conjecture - somthing which is a set of ideas but little done in terms of testing.

The famous Fermat's Last Theorem used to be called a conjecture until Andrew Wiles proved it in 1995. He was on television last Monday presenting the trophy to the winning team in University Challenge.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
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