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Good evening I hope you’re all having a lovely day. We’re just having a cuppa & a mince pie at home before we head up to my friends house for tea & games 


it’s been a lovely frosty, dry day here and there’s a great atmosphere around  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here and the road outside looks a bit damp.


I hope everyone had a good Christmas Day Yogi, I hope you have a good time with the family visitors


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday, we stayed at my friends house much later than planned! We had some lovely food and played some games  


Today we might pop to the shops, then walk Bramble. I’ve just had a lovely lay in


how are you all doing? 


Yogi go I hope you have a good day today, enjoy your feast  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, we are having our special meal today as the children were over at their Mum's yesterday.  Apart from the stuffing which I did yesterday and the bread sauce which I have started it's all over to my grandson today.  Yogi I hope your cooking goes well and you have a lovely day with the family.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone.

Yesterday went very well, thank you

Squiggle, I hope you had a fabulous day with your grandson and the little ones.

El, I recorded the “real Poirot” and the ABC Murders and I’m watching it now

I hope you all had a good Boxing Day


Good morning everyone


Rather cloudy here and dry.


Yogi, I'm glad your Boxing Day went really well and hope you enjoy Poirot


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Good morning cloudy here too, but I love knowing that each day is getting a little bit lighter 😊 


I hope you’re enjoying catching up on your shows yogi, you’ve earned the rest  


squiggle, how was yesterday? 


We’re taking a little road trip today, to meet up with my sister and some of the family. I can’t wait to see them  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a really bright morning with lots of blue sky.  Yes thank you we had a lovely day with two grandsons and two excited little ones who loved all their presents and the meal was totally yummy.  Have a great road trip Summer.


Enjoy your day everyone


The concept of improving the productivity of people working from home by having a stranger watch over them via webcam:


Very definitely not something I would ever do considering that I wouldn't want a stranger being able to monitor my work as I work on a client's tax return for obvious reasons.

El Loro

A collection of photos on the BBC site which have been taken over the past year:
The first has an attractive butterfly and later on there's a rather unusual photo of a swan. Each year mute swans on the Thames are caught and marked - that's what is being shown - it's called swan upping.

El Loro

*night owls* 🌙🦉🌙🦉🌙🦉


I’m back home and had a smooth road trip. It’s been lovely to see my sister & nephew and co. They fill my heart with joy & warmth  


i hope you’ve each had a lovely day sweet dreams x 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


There's some sunshine here at present but it's another generally cloudy day.


Summer, I'm glad your day was good


New York has not been invaded by extraterrrestrials:


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Squiggle, as you say, it does feel a bit colder. I've been out delivering church magazines for my round and also collecting the subs for next year. Also walked to a client to return some papers which they need urgently. So about a 4 mile walk in all. It was feeling colder towards the end as it had clouded over.

El Loro

Afternoon all 

Squiggle, it’s sunshine and showers, up here. The sun is low in the sky which is annoying when you are driving.

Summer, I’m glad you enjoyed your visit to your sister and family

El, that was a good walk

I’ve been grocery shopping - we didn’t need very much.

Have a good day, everyone 


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