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There's snow on the hils around here but the roads are clear and not icy (though that's not including side roads up Cleeve Hill - highest roads in the county).


Yogi, I hope you have a nice time visiting family


Squiggle, it's a lovely sunny clear morning here as well

El Loro

Good morning Buddies  

Hope you are well and surviving this cold blast 

Frost again overnight. I have just walked down to the local shops. Breezy and cold but blue sky and sunshine 

The park pool is three quarters frozen but I did manage to get food to our family, three times, yesterday 

I shall be up the park in a while to see that all is well with them  

Have a great weekend and stay warm and safe everyone 

Last edited by Moonie
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning all 

Dry bright and chilly. No new snow but there is still some lying.

Visiting family today. Have a good day, everyone.

Yogi, be careful out there and have a lovely visit to your see your family 

El Loro posted:

Well done Moonie on braving the elements to feed your cygnine family As long as there's some water they will be fine as they adapt well to cold weather.

Thanks El 👍

It looks like the council have finally been and cleared a swath of ice so our family are able to get from one side of the pool to other 

El Loro posted:

Moonie, that's good of your council


You know who will love those ice pancakes as well

I had emailed our council’s parks dept head and expressed my unhappiness and anger that the park have a Lottery grant of some four point million pounds to upgrade our park but couldn’t be bothered enough about our wildlife to send  someone to break a passage through the ice for our family and all the other wildlife would be able to get on to the water and feed 

I don’t know it that had any affect on the outcome 😉


🤔 I think you are talking....Sweet 


Good morning we had 2-3 inches of snow on Friday night but no more yesterday. Work was non stop busy, and I’ve got my friends daughter here on a sleepover- much to Bramble’s delight


El your shredder sounds very cool! and very satisfying. I hadn’t thought of using charity bags to dispose of shredding, I too get lots through the door so I’m going to adopt your technique in future  

i love the ice pancakes! Richmond is a beautiful place to visit, I’ve walked along that river a few times  


moonie i I hope your swan family are doing well, you’re a wonderful guardian  


i hope you all have a lovely day, i’m off out walking after I drop this young lady home to her parents. I’ll be sure to wrap up warm! 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Sunny and cold here, the last cold day of this batch of cold weather, milder (and unsetlled) from tomorrow morning.


Great photos Moonie


@~Sparkling Summer~ I'm not sure that your council accepts shredded paper, but says you can compost it in your home compost bin, Councils aren't consistent with their policy on shredded paper. I hope you enjoy your walk today


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning all 

Very cold and we’ve had a light flurry of snow.

Summer, wrap up warm before heading out on your walk 

We have family coming for tea but, otherwise, I intend having a relaxing Sunday.

Have a good day, all.


Endeavour is back for a 4 part series next Sunday. He's now wearing a moustache and is back on the beat initially. The other regulars are back (obviously not the two who departed last series).


By the way Dakota Blue Richards is in a new ITV series called Beecham House which is a look at the lives of residents living in a Delhi mansion during the cusp of 19th century. The series alos includes Tom Bateman (in the recent Vanity Fair and Jekyll & Hyde). Some of the 6 episodes are written or directed by Gurinda Chadha (Bhaji on the Beach, Bend it like Beckham and Bride and Prejudice). Not know yet when it will get shown.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, another bright clear morning, still very cold even though they forecast it to be slightly warmer by now.  Enjoy your walk Summer and your family tea Yogi.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here, rained overnight, temperature now mild for the time of year.


Ros, I assume that the dragon near your Tesco is red in colour. What became of the red dragon at Dinas Emrys after it beat the white one?


Summer, I hope your walk yesterday was a good one


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

Apologies, as I forgot to say goodnight yesterday 

It has rained overnight and the snow has finally gone.

I like the dragon sculpture but I can understand why it might cause problems.

Have a good day everyone.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone, lots of heavy grey cloud this morning.  My ISP seems to be mucking me about so I think I will be searching for a new provider.  The speed was virtually nil yesterday and when I phoned for technical support there was none, I would have to wait until Monday.  Funnily enough when you phone in suddenly the speed shoots up but they tell you there's a fault.  I think I smell a rat.


Enjoy your day everyone


Yogi, no apologies needed for not saying goodnight  - when was the last time I did


I like that dragon sculpture as well though as its been publicised there's a greater risk that people will drive there just to see it so I think it will get moved sooner or later.


Summer, you must be disappointed that your snow is vanishing fast


Squiggle, you've had problems in the past with your ISP with connection problems and I hope you can find one which is more reliable.

El Loro

Lol not really El, I’ve enjoyed watching it fall and the lovely scenery it brings, but the icy paths have been awful this time around 


I’m running myself a lovely bath 🛀🏼 Just thought I’d pop in while it fills up 

~Sparkling Summer~

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