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Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Hi moonie  


Yeah, it's colder   


You should be able to get a full length ranch mink coat for about £20 off ebay which'll go a long way once reversed - if you're handy with a needle or sewing machine  

Hi Velvet 

I wouldn't trust meself with a sewing machine. I would probably sew me fingers together

Hope all is well in your world 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Hi moonie  


Yeah, it's colder   


You should be able to get a full length ranch mink coat for about £20 off ebay which'll go a long way once reversed - if you're handy with a needle or sewing machine  


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Hi moonie  


Yeah, it's colder   


You should be able to get a full length ranch mink coat for about £20 off ebay which'll go a long way once reversed - if you're handy with a needle or sewing machine  

The boss paid £500 for hers in the sixties which doesn't bear thinking about when adjusted   

 That's serious money.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Velvet, hope all is well with you.

Hi Yogi   


Fingers crossed   


You too!   

That's good. All is well, here.

Originally Posted by moonie:

Evening Buddies
Hope you have all had a good day 

Its cold here  *searches for fur lined long johns*  

Is it my connection or is GaGa slow atm?  

Hi Moonie. They've been tinkering for an hour or so, things are definitely on a go-slow.

Hi Yogi  

Fankoo muchly

I though me connection was on a go slow. Was just gonna get me  out

Hope all is well with you and PB  

 No mallet required.


PB day tomorrow.


Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


There's some blue sky here at present but forecast for heavy showers a bit later.


My brother showed me his photos from his recent holiday in Strasbourg while he was visiting. Most of them are architectural and of churches and cathedrals. The one I liked most was of the botanical gardens there and he has sent it to me to upload here. It was raining when he took the photo. It's best seen full screen.



EL - that photo is gorgeous - my two favourite things Gardens and churches - looks a fantastic holiday - fancy going there

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone.


Weather is dry with a little bit of blue sky.


Getting ready for PB's arrival. Mid-week minding is good, as I get her all to myself.


Have a good day everyone.


morning overcast here today

I hope you all slept well, yogi have a lovely PB day

I should have been seeing my goddaughter today but am just waiting on a text, she was quite poorly yesterday with getting a cold/sickness so it's looking unlikely
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Quite sunny here though there may be showers this morning.


Yogi, I hope you have a nice day with PB

Summer, I hope your goddaughter feels better soon and that you can see her

El Loro

I see on the Social Strata help forum that one of the sites was subject to what is called a Denial of Service attack. That's where a website is targeted by online attacks to make it inaccessible to its users. The effect of this was to slow down all websites which is why there were problems here early yesterday evening. The site targeted isn't named but it wouldn't have been this forum as we wouldn't have been able to post anything.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, a nice dry day, I am making the most of it as tomorrow it is going to be raining and windy.


I hope you have a lovely day with PB Yogi and that your goddaughter recovers quickly from the cold/sickness.


I am sure that photo will look lovely as your desktop background EL.  I wonder what the point is of a cyber attack like that?


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, those attacks may be done by protestors targetting a site they don't approve of, it may be done by those trying to disrupt something like a foreign country's security organisations, it could be inintentional such as a site suddenly becoming very popular with lots of new members and its servers just not able to cope with that.


El Loro

Morning you lot lovely Buddies   

Up early today for a council repairs visit, only to discover it isn't until next Wednesday   

Mind you I do have a double visit on Friday and yes it is definitely this Friday 


Yogi, have a wonderful day with PB but don't let her feed the birds to many raisins or they will need weightwatchers

Sweet, I hope you get to see your goddaughter  

Morning El and Squiggle



Originally Posted by El Loro:

Hello, Skylark I had guessed that you had been busy with family stuff or your computer was playing up. I hope you and your family are well

Hi El, thanks, and yes the old comp playing up too, as well as a member of the family  Onwards and upwards , as i keep saying !!!! 

Aw poor moonie I hope you didn't feel too tired after getting up early, glad you can laugh about it now

Skylark, welcome back we always miss you when you're not around. Hope things settle down again for you

I had lunch with my best friend, but not my goddaughter, she will get her birthday present later tonight though
~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, there was an article in my local paper a couple of days ago about a 5 generations of girls and the article was asking if a family had a higher number, hence today's 6 generation article. It's quite possible that somewhere there's a 7 generation family where all of them are still alive.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hello everyone 
Havent been around for a bit, with family stuff etc. 
Hope you all well. Nice to see you moonie, hope you keeping fine. 
Enjoy your day all 

Hi Skylark, fankoo, good to see you're back too

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Aw poor moonie I hope you didn't feel too tired after getting up early, glad you can laugh about it now

Skylark, welcome back we always miss you when you're not around. Hope things settle down again for you

I had lunch with my best friend, but not my goddaughter, she will get her birthday present later tonight though

Hi Sweet I hope you are having a good day
It's my own fault. I wrote it down but didn't look at the date last night  

Awwww, I bet you will be looking forward to seeing your goddaughter and give her, her pressie


Hi, didnt see the pic earlier, it was a box and square! Lovely for the family, now i see it x

I hope us with dogs have a peaceful evening. My Kia doesn't care now, about fireworks, as i have taught the 15 year old to be calm, but i do have thoughts about the others x
Summer ...

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hello everyone 
Havent been around for a bit, with family stuff etc. 
Hope you all well. Nice to see you moonie, hope you keeping fine. 
Enjoy your day all 

Hi Skylark, fankoo, good to see you're back too

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon all   


Hope everyone's had a pleasant day and survives the impending mortar attack. Hope Keira and Bramble don't get too worked up. Our's will no doubt be like a hen in hot girdle  

Hi Velvet.

Keira has become quite chilled out about the fireworks as she has aged. She even stands outside and watches the rockets shoot into the air.

I hope yours doesn't get too upset.


Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hello everyone 
Havent been around for a bit, with family stuff etc. 
Hope you all well. Nice to see you moonie, hope you keeping fine. 
Enjoy your day all 

Welcome back, we missed you.

Originally Posted by moonie:

Morning you lot lovely Buddies   

Up early today for a council repairs visit, only to discover it isn't until next Wednesday   

Mind you I do have a double visit on Friday and yes it is definitely this Friday 


Yogi, have a wonderful day with PB but don't let her feed the birds to many raisins or they will need weightwatchers

Sweet, I hope you get to see your goddaughter  

Morning El and Squiggle



Oh dear, Moonie! 


PB did feed the birds lots of raisins - and ate a fair few herself!

We have added a new male blackbird to our raisin eating crew. He isn't as tame as the others but I'm sure PB will win him round with the raisins.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Aw poor moonie I hope you didn't feel too tired after getting up early, glad you can laugh about it now

Skylark, welcome back we always miss you when you're not around. Hope things settle down again for you

I had lunch with my best friend, but not my goddaughter, she will get her birthday present later tonight though

I'm glad you will be able to see your goddaughter to give her her birthday present. I hope she gets well soon.


Apologies for spamming the thread, I had a lot of reading back to do.


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