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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, there is a short series of the Great Sport Relief Bake Off this week on BBC2 with Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry.

The 4 contestants tonight are Michael Vaughan, Johnny Vaughan, Samantha Bond and Bonnie Wright and it's hosted by Sue Perkins.

Tomorrow the 4 are Kirsty Young, Jane Horrocks, Greg Rutherford and Jason Gardner and it's hosted by Jo Brand.

Wednesday the 4 are are Michael Ball, Jamelia, Victoria Pendelton and Emma Freud and it's hosted by Omid Djalili,

Then on Thursday the 4 are Alistair McGowan, Rochelle Humes, Doon Mackichan and Helen Skelton and it's hosted by Ed Byrne.


So amongst the serious material there's the potential for some baking disasters with plenty of soggy bottoms.


 Thanks for the heads up, El. I'll make sure I record the show.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, oh naughty Bramble, I bet your heart was in your mouth Summer, as you say I suppose it is her natural instinct but the farmer would not have been best pleased if she had killed one of his hens.


A really nice morning again


What a smart coat EL as Summer says I hope you have a night scarf to go with it.


Oh dear it looks like I'm going to have to watch CBB with my finger on the FF button again   I suppose we should have expected this with C5.

FF button is a good idea, Squiggle.

Re Bramble & the chickens, had I known we were approaching a farmyard, I'd have put her on the lead in advance. I was experimenting with a new route and the farm literally appeared out of nowhere (so to speak) and the chicken was lurking outside of their gateway, so bramble was off like a rocket before I realised what was going on. I will try to be more cautious in future
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Re Bramble & the chickens, had I known we were approaching a farmyard, I'd have put her on the lead in advance. I was experimenting with a new route and the farm literally appeared out of nowhere (so to speak) and the chicken was lurking outside of their gateway, so bramble was off like a rocket before I realised what was going on. I will try to be more cautious in future

Same sort of thing happened to my eldest son and I when we were out walking the dogs when Harv was still quite young and wasn't brilliant at recall. We were out in the middle of a rural walk when suddenly two sheep appeared out of nowhere. (They must have wandered off from somewhere as there were no other sheep around). Luckily, I spotted the sheep before the dogs and called Keira, who is great at recall, and Harv followed her back to us and we put them on lead. Although I was sure our dogs wouldn't have tried to hurt the sheep, they might have tried to 'play' with them and panicked them.


I remember being with my parents years ago on a walk. We had gone on a farmer's wheatfield and were not doing anything wrong (we were avoiding walking on the wheat) when an extremely angry farmer with a shotgun threatened us and told us to get out. We did so nothing came of it. I can't remember if our dog was with us but if she had she would have been on a lead and under control.


El Loro

Good morning everyone


A sunny morning here, rain forecast for this evening and tomorrow looks as if it will be damp all day.


My verdict on the recent series of Sherlock:

The first one "The Empty Hearse" was OK but I felt it was evasive on the key issue.

The second one "The Sign of Three" was a bit of a nonsense though there were good bits of it.

The third one "His Last Vow" was the best Sherlock of any of the three series and as close to perfect television as it's possible to be.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. A bit of a frost overnight. I had to break the ice on the bird bath so they could get a drink and I heard hubby scraping the car windscreen, before he set off for work.

I've yet to see the third episode of Sherlock, El, but I am looking forward to it.

Having watched last night's, The Bletchley Circle, I have a question to ask. I will wait until you have all seen the episode though.

A family birthday today, so I need to pop out later.

Have a good day, everyone.



Good morning everyone, bright and dry here but rain forecast later and for tomorrow.


I am saving Bletchley Circle up until CBB finishes, but don't that let you stop you asking your question Yogi.  Have a good day with your family Yogi.


Have a good day everyone, my daughter is coming over to wash some sheets as her washing machine caught fire

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Actually I don't think it spoils anything but. At some point they were describing the contents of someone's bag. X,Y,Z, and a book of second class stamps. I'm sure we didn't have them in the early sixties.

I think you are right, Joe. According to this link, second class stamps were introduced in 1968 (if I am reading it correctly).

Last edited by Yogi19

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