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I rang my brother yesterday evening just to check that he hadn't been affected by yesterday's storm. He hadn't but on the way to work had noticed one or two fallen trees. He was fortunate in that yesterday he had to go to a meeting which was only 15 minutes away from where he lives so was able to leave home an hour later than usual and avoid having to walk further at a time when the storm was at its worst.


El Loro

I went to the Co-op this morning to buy a few things. As the total came over ÂĢ10 I was able to use a ÂĢ2 voucher. After the voucher my bill came to exactly ÂĢ10 and I had a ÂĢ10 note in my hand to hand over. It's not often my shopping bill comes to such a round amount and I hadn't been totting up the figures in my head, just a coincidence.


Summer, I'm glad your mother wasn't affected by the storm


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I went to the Co-op this morning to buy a few things. As the total came over ÂĢ10 I was able to use a ÂĢ2 voucher. After the voucher my bill came to exactly ÂĢ10 and I had a ÂĢ10 note in my hand to hand over. It's not often my shopping bill comes to such a round amount and I hadn't been totting up the figures in my head, just a coincidence.


Summer, I'm glad your mother wasn't affected by the storm


 Not often it works out like that. 
I am just waiting on my Tesco clubcard points. They can be doubled for vouchers for kids clothing, so thats GD,s winter coat sorted. I.e ÂĢ5 voucher can be doubled to ÂĢ10 etc. So i will be able to get her coat for free, as i have enough to cover . The coat is ÂĢ30. So thats good. 

Glad everyones family has survived the storm

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

The adds at the side>>>>> Kids coats at F&F at Tesco  

Lovely autumnal pic there Summer x Yes squiggle, i know what you mean! 

They're looking at you

Yes indeed, but i am worth looking at, i tell myself   
Sister coming for tea, she not happy with new house  Well not settling i should say. I am sure it will sort out. No particular reason, but not helping with neighbours who have been there for years saying about the lady who lived there and died. The garden was this persons, and we did that and this, blah blah. The kids next door planted flowers and now she doesnt want to change the garden. Very difficult situation, but she has to say its her house now. I have tried my best. Plus i said to her, remember reading "Rebecca" and saying "I am Mrs De Winter now". Had her laughing, not sure if its working ...anyway she down shortly and we can have a chat. 
Goodnight, and take care all xx


I made a few phone calls this afternoon and I noticed that with the last couple, every minute there were a couple of beeps. I've realised that the rechargeable batteries are not recharging so I've ordered some replacements through Amazon. The batteries are over 3 years old so I suppose they do wear out after a time. Amazon is quite useful in being able to order all sorts of things at short notice.


El Loro

 @ your Mrs de Winter comment, Skylark.

The house belongs to your sister now and she should feel free to do whatever she likes with the house and garden. If she decides to pull out the flowers the children planted, she can always stick them in a pot and offer them back to them and they can plant them in their own garden. I hope she feels more settled soon.


Love the autumnal pic, Summer - autumn is such a pretty season.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I made a few phone calls this afternoon and I noticed that with the last couple, every minute there were a couple of beeps. I've realised that the rechargeable batteries are not recharging so I've ordered some replacements through Amazon. The batteries are over 3 years old so I suppose they do wear out after a time. Amazon is quite useful in being able to order all sorts of things at short notice.


I find Amazon really good for a lot of things, El.

This morning the blue light in my fish tank blew and Amazon had the best price on a replacement.

Didn't need to order it in the end, as Fish Police son has a spare he can give me.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 @ your Mrs de Winter comment, Skylark.

The house belongs to your sister now and she should feel free to do whatever she likes with the house and garden. If she decides to pull out the flowers the children planted, she can always stick them in a pot and offer them back to them and they can plant them in their own garden. I hope she feels more settled soon.


Love the autumnal pic, Summer - autumn is such a pretty season.

I agree, it sounds as if the neighbour might be trying to interfere in a way which is totally unwarranted.  Your suggestion is very good and no-one could object to that, very diplomatic.  I am sure she will soon feel settled.


I agree EL, Amazon is so useful.

*early night owls* check me out- I'm in bed before 9.30! I'm having a relaxing evening for once

Skylark, I think your sisters neighbours were a bit thoughtless. I understand that they were very fond of the old lady but they could have tried to make your sister feel more welcome! When we sold my nan's house, the neighbour (who is like family to us) made sure the new occupier felt welcome and supported his decision to change things.
I hope the neighbours grow fond of your sister and will be as good to her as they were to the previous lady.
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather is dry and overcast.

My hair looks and feels better, thanks Summer.

I have had a Christmas Cactus plant for over 20 years. With each passing year, it has flowered earlier and earlier and is in full bloom atm. Eldest son bought me an Easter Cactus this year, so it will be interesting to see when it flowers next year.

I am minding PB and Harvey today, so probably won't be around until evening. Have a good day everyone.


What a gorgeous house EL, how lucky your client is.  A cactus race!  It will be interesting to see which one flowers first.  I am glad your hair feels good Yogi, it makes a difference to how you feel.


Not a bad morning but rain this afternoon I think.  We are off to pick up a van and then back to Dorset again to pick up the bike.  Will hopefully catch up later


I've just had a call from an elderly woman from church. Years ago I did a bit of tax work for her. She's had a letter from her bank asking her what she wants to do with various bonds and thinks and they need a reply within a couple of weeks. Trouble is that as I'm an accountant I would have to be officially regulated to do what is effectively investment advice and I'm not. I explained to her my predicament adn suggested she have a word with someone like our church treasurer who wouldn't be in my predicament.


El Loro

Thanks all, and some good points there, re my sister. I think, as she doesnt keep good health and the move exhausted her, she will be fine when she gets her strength back. She still a bit 'homesick', although she a bit brighter today.

Have a lovely day Yogi.
Hope you get through the list Summer.
Yes thats the best advice El, i am sure she understands you would help her if you could. 
Black clouds looming over here just now, could be heavy rain coming 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I hope you don't have to go out if the heavy rain does start. It's still quite sunny here but is forecast to cloud over and some rain late evening.

The woman who rang me has known me long enough to know that if I could help her I would.


Hi El, no thats me in now. Granddaughter getting picked up and having tea with her nana. Just the dog to be out later. Son will be out at friends watching Hibs V Hearts match. Its on BBC1 Scotland. He never got tickets for the game, as its going around there may be trouble. I hope not  

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, I hope there's no trouble at that match. Violence is one of those things we can all do without at football matches.


Yes indeed, it only takes a few to spoil it. Plus i am sure the Police have better things to do. I expect there will be a huge Police presence , as the nutters have posted all over Facebook what they intend to do 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from the dentist after the filling. Apart from a spray, no anaesthetic. I don't notice much pain when I have a filling on lower teeth and find the aftereffects of an anaesthetic more uncomfortable that the odd twinge from the drilling.


Dont wish to sound patronising, but well done! I loathe the dentist... 


Well done indeed EL on your successful visit to the dentist.  I am the same I prefer not to have an injection if possible as I don't like that horrible numb feeling.


None of us like change Skylark and I hope that your sister will soon 'feel at home' if you know what I mean.


I am zonked, my daughter drove the Transit but it's still very tiring and I think we are all shattered now.  Speak to you all tomorrow.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Well done indeed EL on your successful visit to the dentist.  I am the same I prefer not to have an injection if possible as I don't like that horrible numb feeling.


None of us like change Skylark and I hope that your sister will soon 'feel at home' if you know what I mean.


I am zonked, my daughter drove the Transit but it's still very tiring and I think we are all shattered now.  Speak to you all tomorrow.

Posted around the same time squiggle, take care and have a nice relaxing evening xx


Did someone mention pancakes?


I had a lovely day with PB. Youngest son heard she was at my house, so popped in after he finished work and stayed for dinner.


Skylark, I hope there's no trouble at the football match tonight.

Squiggle, is your grandson happy with the bike and has he been out for a drive yet?

El, I hate having injections in my lower gum, I always find it painful, so the spray is a better alternative whenever possible. Well done on being brave at the dentist, did you get a sticker like Mr Yogi did when he got his flu jab?


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