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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, Hastings was in the book.

Yes, i dont have my copy now.. When i moved i did a huge clear out. Wish i had kept it now .

Originally Posted by El Loro:

As far as the weather forecast is concerned, the Met Office has not changed their predictions though they may narrow the area which is seen at greatest risk closer to the time.

Well just hope it isnt bad, and people take the warnings. Hard i know when one has work etc . The last one here was bad, slates coming off roofs and trees being uprooted.


Good morning everyone. Rain has started but no wind atm. Squiggle and El, I hope the wind in your area is not as severe as predicted.

Did everyone remember to put back their clocks? I remembered but my body clock didn't, so I woke at 6am! Keira is not happy at having to wait an extra hour for her breakfast.

Summer, PB was a good girl yesterday. She is still doing her owl impressions and had added a new party piece. When you say, "where's your bad cough?", she pretends she has a cough and makes little coughing noises. 

She is really alert and lively and will run rings round us when she starts walking!

Is Bramble back to normal yet, or is she still a bit under the weather?

Have a good day everyone.


Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Lol yogi that's hilarious! enjoy sitting down with her while it lasts, I think you're going to be very busy the next few years

Bramble seems better than she was but still not 100% thank you, she's eating again now and playing a little. She's still moping about looking sorry for herself

Aww, poor Bramble, I hope she's back to her normal chirpy self very soon.


Good morning everyone. We are off to Dorset today to look at a second-hand motorbike for my eldest grandson.  I hope we will get back just ahead of the worst weather.  I've booked us in for a carvery lunch at a lovely pub in Cricket St Thomas, I thought we might as well make a day of it.


I love the pumpkin and chipmunk picture, it made me smile.


PB is definitely going to be a heartbreaker Yogi she sounds cute as a button. Sorry to hear that Bramble is feeling no better this morning, and that she will start to feel better really soon.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening all. Had a wonderful day with PB, and middle son and Dil came for dinner. A good day all round.

Looking forward to the final Poirot stories. I'm glad David Suchet was able to film all of the stories - I love him as Poirot.

Enjoy your family day tomorrow, Skylark, and I hope the weather stays dry for you.

Good morning everyone

The weather is blowy here but we have sunshine and no rain yet


So pleased your day turned out well with PB and family Yogi I hope you PB cuddles cup is running over Fankoo for the too


Fankoo Sweet to for your have one back I like your 'good morning' piccie Sweet


Awwww a little cougher too, is PB Yogi


I hope Bramble is feeling much better very soon Sweet


Good morning El and Squiggle


Quite a mish mash of chat from me up there ^^


I was watching telly, chatting to my sis and still trying to get my head around my new mobile, hence not being around.


Have a great day everyone






Back from church this morning. On the way there it was raining even though through the card windows I could see only blue sky


Our church is twinned with a church in Sweden and their younger (teens) female choir was there. They sang an anthem which was written by Thomas Tallis so very English. They also sang a couple of songs. The first was Swedish, probably a traditional folk song or a hymn. The second was O Happy Day (gospel song - was in Sister Act 2)


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Hi moonie

What mobile did you go for in the end moonie? And are you getting the hang of it?

I've been very productive today; I've weeded the garden, walked bramble (who is about the same today), done a lot of laundry and tidied up the due stairs

Hi Sweet

I went for the Samsung Galaxy S4. I am getting the hang of it but very slowwwwly


Oh, you have been a busy bee Awww, sorry Bramble isn't back to her usual mischievous self yet. I'm sure she will be soon 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Back from church this morning. On the way there it was raining even though through the card windows I could see only blue sky


Our church is twinned with a church in Sweden and their younger (teens) female choir was there. They sang an anthem which was written by Thomas Tallis so very English. They also sang a couple of songs. The first was Swedish, probably a traditional folk song or a hymn. The second was O Happy Day (gospel song - was in Sister Act 2)


I like O Happy Day.

I like gospel choirs, I find their singing uplifting.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

You have been busy, Summer. I have done some housework, washing and prepped the vegetables for dinner and now I'm chilling out.


Do you like your new phone, Moonie?

Another busy bee. It makes this idle one feel guilty.....Not

I do like my new phone now I am getting used to it fankoo Yogi

 It always takes me a while to get used to a new phone, as I'm not gifted in the technology field.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

You have been busy, Summer. I have done some housework, washing and prepped the vegetables for dinner and now I'm chilling out.


Do you like your new phone, Moonie?

Another busy bee. It makes this idle one feel guilty.....Not

I do like my new phone now I am getting used to it fankoo Yogi

 It always takes me a while to get used to a new phone, as I'm not gifted in the technology field.

I am the same Yogi

Enjoy the documentary. I am off to watch live snooker and footie


Just signing in to say we are back safely, we had a good day out and the weather was much better than we were expecting, just a few drops of rain on the windscreen from time to time, and a beautiful pub in a breathtaking setting.  Lovely carvery and I finished up with a strawberry pavlova.


A bit tired now so I will catch up again tomorrow.


Squiggle, I'm glad you had a nice day out and that the weather has been kind to you. Here it's been quite a blustery day with showers quite often.


It's quite possible I've never had a strawberry pavlova, I can't remember having any. Many many years ago I was having to have lunch in a Littlewoods store and I had a slice of lemon meringue pie. If that had been baked on the Great British Bake Off, Paul and Mary would have taken one look at it and refused to eat it, not very pleasant taste, soggy bottom, and meringue which was clearly undercooked. I didn't finish it and have never eaten in Littlewoods since (I don't know if any of the stores still have a cafe).



El Loro

We ended up going out for tea

Moonie, I hope you soon get the hang of your new phone, I've never had a Samsung but my best friend is a devotee! It always takes me a while to get in the swing of a new phone. I haven't even dared get the new operating system for my iPhone yet lol

El, you must try pavlova! It's Baz's favourite! Lemon meringue pie is in my top 5

Squiggle I'm glad you enjoyed your day out, and the weather was reasonable for you
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:

We ended up going out for tea

Moonie, I hope you soon get the hang of your new phone, I've never had a Samsung but my best friend is a devotee! It always takes me a while to get in the swing of a new phone. I haven't even dared get the new operating system for my iPhone yet lol

El, you must try pavlova! It's Baz's favourite! Lemon meringue pie is in my top 5

Squiggle I'm glad you enjoyed your day out, and the weather was reasonable for you

Sweet, I am getting into it more and more now fanks However, still not got the internet bit off properly but have managed to do some searches and get results

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Ooh yogi, very nice I bet you're a happy bunny tonight

Yes tea was delicious thank you, we stuffed ourselves with sushi

Moonie, can you get on here with your phone?

I'm very happy - I even forgive her for being sick over me!

Tea sounds delicious. Mr Yogi loves sushi and I have grown to enjoy the chicken and vegetable ones - not keen on the fish ones though.

Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Ooh yogi, very nice I bet you're a happy bunny tonight

Yes tea was delicious thank you, we stuffed ourselves with sushi

Moonie, can you get on here with your phone?

Sounds like you had a good time Sweet

I hope I can get on here and Facebook Sweet. Just have to figure out how too

I found GaGa and FB during a search on it


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