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@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

We didn’t get any snow but it has been Baltic all day. Brrrr!
I haven’t done very much apart from housework and cooking - had a bit of a lazy afternoon.

I hope you’ve all had a good day.

Shame about the footie score, Moonie

Love the squirrel clip, El

Hi Yogi

Judging by how cold it is here already, we are in for a sharp frost

That’s not much?

In my opinion you deserved that lazy afternoon

It was but they didn’t disgrace themselves, that’s the main thing

Squirrels are gorgeous


Good morning happy Sunday. I hope you’re all warm & the weather is being kind to you

yesterday I went for a gentle walk and there was a huge frost! I saw some really pretty sights, the sunlight was superb. I FaceTimed with my goddaughter when I got back, she’s 9 now, and it was snowing down where she is in east anglia. That’s rare, so she & her younger brother we’re really excited

have a lovely day, I’m getting to do yoga, and then heading out for a walk

~Sparkling Summer~

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