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Good morning everyone

Bright frosty start to the day here.

Yes, I hope my phone and internet connection doesn't go off again, certainly not in the next week with the need to file clients's tax returns. (HMRC would probably cancel late filing fees as agents's technical connection problems would be an acceptable reason but that would involve having to appeal against the default fines).

Bitcoins are a form of digital currency but, unlike ordinary currencies, there's no country's wealth behind them. So it's rather like a spectulative bubble which could burst at any time.

I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Bright frosty start to the day here.

Yes, I hope my phone and internet connection doesn't go off again, certainly not in the next week with the need to file clients's tax returns. (HMRC would probably cancel late filing fees as agents's technical connection problems would be an acceptable reason but that would involve having to appeal against the default fines).

Bitcoins are a form of digital currency but, unlike ordinary currencies, there's no country's wealth behind them. So it's rather like a spectulative bubble which could burst at any time.

I hope everyone has a good day

Thanks fo that El

I hope your internet and landline stay up and running today


Had a client ring me as neither she or her husband had received their tax statements from HMRC for the tax due at the end of the month. I have been monitoring my clients tax accounts since the beginning of the year and I knew that HMRC had issued them tax statements weeks ago. So I've emailed them copies of their tax statements from the HMRC site.

Question is does this apply to other clients? I had mine some weeks ago. So I've been through all my clients and contacted those with tax bills not yet paid and asked them to contact me if they haven't had their tax statement.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Had a client ring me as neither she or her husband had received their tax statements from HMRC for the tax due at the end of the month. I have been monitoring my clients tax accounts since the beginning of the year and I knew that HMRC had issued them tax statements weeks ago. So I've emailed them copies of their tax statements from the HMRC site.

Question is does this apply to other clients? I had mine some weeks ago. So I've been through all my clients and contacted those with tax bills not yet paid and asked them to contact me if they haven't had their tax statement.

That’s an excellent idea El


Good evening all

Another very chilly day - snow is forecast overnight and tomorrow.

Thanks for the info about Bitcoins, El. I’m risk averse so I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole

Good idea to check if your other clients have received their tax statements

Moonie, I’m sure Baby Cyril and the birds are appreciating the food you are putting out for them.

My blackbird and his wife has been frequent visitors to my kitchen window ledge, looking for raisins.

I hope our birthday girl has had a fabulous day

@Yogi19 posted:

Good evening all

Another very chilly day - snow is forecast overnight and tomorrow.

Thanks for the info about Bitcoins, El. I’m risk averse so I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole

Good idea to check if your other clients have received their tax statements

Moonie, I’m sure Baby Cyril and the birds are appreciating the food you are putting out for them.

My blackbird and his wife has been frequent visitors to my kitchen window ledge, looking for raisins.

I hope our birthday girl has had a fabulous day

Hi Yogi

Its snowing here now

I think they must. They are here often enough feeding

I remember you saying about the blackbirds

Do they still come now? 🙂


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