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velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Not seen that one Yogi - I'll keep an eye out for it. Making a curry, don't take long, jazzed up jarred sauce, so popping in and out    

 Are you having it tonight or prepping it for tomorrow?

For tomorrow. Peeling garlic puts years on me. Off to grate the ginger. Brb   

 Don't grate your fingers!!!

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Lol velvet, I don't know if I'm up down, left or right lately but I'll get there

how are you?


hi yogi sorry, I'm being bomberded with messages about arranging a surprise party for a friend 

No problem Summer, I'm trying to keep an eye an my laptop as I do a scan, to see if I've finally managed to get rid of a virus.

I want to shock youngest son by getting rid of it myself.

I'm also trying to email a friend at the same time.

velvet donkey posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Lol velvet, I don't know if I'm up down, left or right lately but I'll get there

how are you?


hi yogi sorry, I'm being bomberded with messages about arranging a surprise party for a friend 

I might have worded that wrongly - I meant fully over your cold           I'm fine thanks      

Oooooh! lol silly me. Yes, thank you, I'm fully over it I'm just tired off of the back to school rush. 

Glad you're doing well  

~Sparkling Summer~
velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Oh I hope it clears it yogi, I hate viruses! 

The scan was clear!!! I might have fixed it!

I'm going to scan it again to make sure.

Good stuff Yogi     


 I'm in shock - and son will be too, if I have actually sorted it by myself.

Hard feeling to beat - beating a computer/lappy/tablet   

 Not a feeling I'm used to. Night night, Velvet.


Good afternoon everyone  

It's dry here for now but heavy rain forecast in the coming hours 

Shopping done. One lot of washing dried. Another spinning in the washer now. Can't see me being able to put that out though  

I see the weather is not to good in certain parts of the country. Hope it gets better soon for you all  

El Loro posted:

By the way Oliver Hardy was a cabaret and vaudeville singer before going into movies and that is his voice in Trail of the Lonesome Pine. Although Stan Laurel does accompany him to start with, it's no surprise that the latter part isn't his voice

Indeed not, El 

I loved the 'mallet bit' 

I have actually seen the whole film several times and it never ceases to make me laugh 

I do love Laurel and Hardy. Brilliant timing 


Good morning everyone, it's been coming down in stair rods here too, I think we're in between showers at the moment.  Good luck when you go out Moonie I hope you can dodge the rainclouds 


Image result for rain cloud smiley gif

I went through my Photobucket account to find that image and came across this one - awww


Image result for it's going to hurt isn't it
Enjoy your day everyone
Last edited by squiggle

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