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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Cake, did some mention cake? 

Yes, you did


So where is it then?


Squiggle, I did see the CBB latest.


I am hoping that Katie Hopkins swallows it - can you imagine her face when she realises she's been had?!


That would be funny but she is a sharp one, hard to pull the wool over her eyes (but it would be great )

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Cake, did some mention cake? 

Fess up moonie, where's our doggy bags?

*waits with Squiggle*

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Cake, did some mention cake? 

Yes, you did


So where is it then?


Squiggle, I did see the CBB latest.


I am hoping that Katie Hopkins swallows it - can you imagine her face when she realises she's been had?!


That would be funny but she is a sharp one, hard to pull the wool over her eyes (but it would be great )

I know, she will probably suss it, but it would be brilliant if she didn't.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
evening all, I'm heading out for tea shortly but wanted to pop in here first

Well done moonie, very productive burning it is much easier than using the shredder isn't it! I had to empty ours last night and find it easier to put a bin bag inside it

Enjoy your tea, Summer. Will you be having dessert?

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, dry and cloudy here.


All sorts of very boring errands today Yogi you need a nice trip to the garden centre to brighten things up


I am glad you managed to have some delicious pancakes Summer, not long to Pancake Day now.


Enjoy your day everyone

 That's a very tempting idea!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone.


Sorry I missed you last night, Moonie.

Summer, I'm glad you had a nice tea and enjoyed your pancake dessert.


Weather is damp and rather chilly this morning.


Got to nip to the chemist, post office and tip later this morning - exciting!


Have a good day everyone.

No probs Yogi. I was a little late  

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone.


Sorry I missed you last night, Moonie.

Summer, I'm glad you had a nice tea and enjoyed your pancake dessert.


Weather is damp and rather chilly this morning.


Got to nip to the chemist, post office and tip later this morning - exciting!


Have a good day everyone.

No probs Yogi. I was a little late  

Originally Posted by moonie:

And good afternoon peeps   

Shopping done and food bought 

Dull and cool here today 

I hope it's better where you are  

Well done. I've done my shopping too and been to the tip. Off to prep tonight's dinner.

Originally Posted by moonie:

 A bit of a fracas at the first ordination of a woman bishop 

The radio said someone was ejected 

A man did step forward during the service saying that it wasn't in the Bible (ordination of women as bishops). It was expected that something like that would happen. Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu asked the congregation if it was their will that Mrs Lane should be ordained.

The man asked to speak to Dr Sentamu about the "absolute impediment" before walking off.

And the service continued.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The snow storm forecast for New York is not coming this way - could be 70cm there. Snow is forecast in the UK later this week, possibly 10cm on the hills in Scotland but could snow anywhere.

Hubby asked me yesterday if I thought we'd seen the last of the snow (no idea why he thought I would know) but it looks like the answer is no.


Chicken curry is simmering away.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The snow storm forecast for New York is not coming this way - could be 70cm there. Snow is forecast in the UK later this week, possibly 10cm on the hills in Scotland but could snow anywhere.

Hubby asked me yesterday if I thought we'd seen the last of the snow (no idea why he thought I would know) but it looks like the answer is no.


Chicken curry is simmering away.

If you make the curry ultra hot, that could melt away any snow by just breathing on it


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The snow storm forecast for New York is not coming this way - could be 70cm there. Snow is forecast in the UK later this week, possibly 10cm on the hills in Scotland but could snow anywhere.

Hubby asked me yesterday if I thought we'd seen the last of the snow (no idea why he thought I would know) but it looks like the answer is no.


Chicken curry is simmering away.

If you make the curry ultra hot, that could melt away any snow by just breathing on it


 That might work.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon troops 


Quite a good weekend. Saturday night blasted the 60's/70's lounge music to trivial pursuit.


Thought the objector to the Bishop sounded like Starkey. Surely not?


Hope we're all fine and dandy   

 Hi Velvet. 

That sounds like a good Saturday night.

I haven't seen the news yet today - surely not Starkey!

I'm fine and hope you are too.


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