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Good morning everyone


It's dry here at present but looking at the clouds I think it quite likely that there will be a shower soon. Forecast is for a generally dry day with some showers this afternoon. Still windy but it doesn't seem to be as strong as yesterday.


Summer, it's always terrifying when your dog or another pet goes missing but I'm relieved that Bramble was quickly found safe and well.

El Loro

I see that Dartmoor is now in Gloucestershire according to the BBC.

If you click on this link on their site, select the West and South West region, and look at the results, under Gloucestershire there is a news story about 50 Dartmoor trekkers being evacuated.

(though if you were to look at the story itself it is on the News Devon section)


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I'm done my book was lovely and my bookkeeping is all up to date

Bramble has been very cuddly this morning, and pestered me to play the whole time I was in my "office" I think she's ready for her afternoon walk

Why have they moved dartmoor?

Well done Sweet

Or she may have a guilty conscience

The BBC have their geography wrong Sweet


Isn't it amazing that a really great classic movie can sometimes get missed by you?  I have just watched To Kill A Mockingbird for the first time ever, what a film, what a wonderful performance by Gregory Peck.  Although it was in black and white I didn't really notice.  I really don't think they make films of this calibre any more.


Squiggle, if I see those hairy hands up here I'll send them straight back to you

Summer, I wonder if Bramble was being very cuddly as a reaction to going missing yesterday.


Squiggle, strangely enough I've never seen To Kill a Mockingbird either. I have recorded it recently and intend to watch it, probably when television has been taken over by Big Brother, the World Cup and Wimbledon. I'll probably see some of the tennis but I doubt if there will be much television for people who don't watch BB, WC & the tennis.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
I haven't seen to kill a mockingbird either, I hear the book is a classic. Many students at my school studied it, while my group got great expectations. It's a shame we didn't get to study both

I think I'm coming down with something, I have a sore throat and feel very cold. I think an early night is in order

nooooo Sweet
*calls out Doctor smiley face animated emoticon*


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