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Squiggle, the book of Daniel was written around the time of the fall of Babylon ruled by Belshazzar when it was conquered by the Medes and Persians and absorbed into the Persian empire.

Chapter 7 is talking about the fall of empires and verse 27 is in keeping with the hymn verse you quoted:

"And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him."

The chapter does have similarities with parts of Revelations.


El Loro
Good morning all
It's breezy but actually sunny here today I've got some paperwork to do and then I can go out to play!

Yogi I hope PB is feeling even better today and is making you smile a lot

El, I'm pleased my history report gets your approval my curiosity is satisfied and I feel smart lol

So, really, I wonder why there are so many wars over land & territories. In the end, surely it all belongs to god and we're destroying it. Will there ever be a peaceful solution to end the violence and protect the earth?
~Sparkling Summer~

I'm back from church. So far the rain has held off here though the black clouds are still threatening rain. It is quite windy.


Summer, your comments on wars etc and will there ever be a peaceful solutions are truly deep and profound. Matthew 5:9 "blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be children of God". When everyone has equal quality of life, when greed, fear, and suspicion are no more, when we all treat others as equal, then there will be true peace as the causes of war will be no more.


El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Moonie, I'm so sorry, I didn't see your goodnight post last night what a silly me!
I hope you slept well

El I liked your post about the peacemakers- do you think Matthew was predicting that it'll happen, or even suggesting that it is possible? If so, that gives me hope. I would love that.
I don't like how the human race is at present, people seem to be getting more selfish, angry, cruel...
Or maybe, we just hear about it more easily these days. But I had thought we'd eventually be the undoing of ourselves and end up extinct. Being wrong about that would please me! I hope Matthew is right
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Moonie, I'm so sorry, I didn't see your goodnight post last night what a silly me!
I hope you slept well

El I liked your post about the peacemakers- do you think Matthew was predicting that it'll happen, or even suggesting that it is possible? If so, that gives me hope. I would love that.
I don't like how the human race is at present, people seem to be getting more selfish, angry, cruel...
Or maybe, we just hear about it more easily these days. But I had thought we'd eventually be the undoing of ourselves and end up extinct. Being wrong about that would please me! I hope Matthew is right


You are NOT silly If you didn't see it, you didn't see it

I did sleep well fankoo I hope you did and that you have had a great weekend too


Flying visit! DiL has got PB's bug from last week and was sent home from work. I am minding PB overnight and (I think) am dropping her off at her gran's tomorrow. I'm minding her again on Tuesday!

The good news is she is asleep, hopefully for the night, and my cuddleometer is maxed out.

This non drinker might me in need of Pirate's Winebulance, by the end of the week.


Squiggle, my mum is nana, DiL's mum is gran and I ended up as granny.

Goodnight all, I'll pop in at some point tomorrow. 



Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast, with very low cloud.

PB had a good night and slept until 7.30am. She had breakfast and is now at her gran's. She will be back with me tomorrow. DiL is feeling better today, it seems to have been a 24hour bug.

Squiggle, I agree with El, you ought to go ahead and eat some breakfast.

Have a good day, everyone.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I would still go ahead and have breakfast as it could be half an hour before your carpet fitter arrives. Otherwise you might not have breakfast until mid-morning.


He's just gone, he phoned just as I was getting things ready for breakfast and said he would be about 15-20 minutes as he had a gap in his schedule, so I knew I daren't start eating.  Then he bumped into my car with his huge great van as he was leaving and I had to go out and just make doubly sure he hadn't done any damage, he insisted, my car is very robust so I was sure there wouldn't have been any damage and there wasn't, he only nudged it.  I've had my breakfast, I am a happy bunny, so much for a quiet Monday morning, I've got to rush out and pick up my grandson soon as his bike is in the garage.  Make the most of PB while she's young Yogi


PS  I ought to explain, he's only measuring up, not fitting, that's why I knew I had to wait otherwise, as you said, I could have been eating breakfast at midnight, not good

Last edited by squiggle
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I hope he is better at carpet fitting than he is at driving, Squiggle.

I'm glad there was no damage to your car.

Is your grandson's bike in for repair? I hope it isn't anything costly.

I am enjoying my time with PB. Every time she comes, she is doing something new. She is such a happy wee soul and brightens up my day.


Don't say that!   He's done something awful to his back wheel, motorbikes are always going wrong, it's an expensive hobby.  Thank goodness PB is never likely to be into motorbikes that's all I'll say

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I'm glad you've now been able to have breakfast and that your car hasn't been damaged.


Yogi, your posts about PB brightens up our days as well

Well said EL, we love to hear all about what our wee girlie is up to.  There was a baby in church yesterday, about 3-4 months old he is now and it was quite fascinating to him cooing, when you listened carefully he was practicing making different sounds, imitating what he hears when he hears people speaking.

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