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Oh you GUYS!    I feel all squishy now.  I know that a few people dislike me, and occasionally it makes me feel like leaving, because I do feel like a few people just refuse to let things go, and do nitpick and bait me because they haven't liked me from the start.  But like I said, there are more people who are nice, and so this makes me stay.  


After seeing the comments on here where some of you are saying 'don't go:' I definately won't disappear for a few months now.    I was only going to go for about 2 months, but will keep posting now, as because someone said, the forum will die, if people do this...  and it seems a shame because at the end of the day, this is a nice forum with a lot of nice people.  (I honestly wasn't looking for people to ask me to stay I swear LOL; it was just how I was feeling at the time.)  


I really do appreciate people saying they'd like me to stay, because it makes me feel that I can just ignore anything negative on here, because the positives do outweigh the negatives.  I know I speak out of turn occasionally and rant a bit (ok a lot some days, ) but I don't mean any harm and I'm just venting, and I don't think I attack people on here.  


So a big  to you all here.



Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Excellent post Cagney

It's the hormones...makes the brain kick in 

I think mine have deserted me since I started going to the gym! Btw do you ever see Lacey around? I think of her every time I see or hear Hull City mentioned footywise

Lacey is living happily now with her kids and husband oop north. I haven't heard from her in ages but I bet if we spoke now we'd pick up exactly where we left off. She's a diamond. Love her. I'm not gonna get soppy 


My hormones have kicked in because I'm pregnant btw. Due in Sept. My sister posted me something on FB the other day which makes total sense. "I'm not short tempered...I just have a quick reaction to bullshit" 

Congratulations Cags

As for the other stuff, I'm comfortable here, I've been about for a few years now, have some people I consider friends, and, have become a bit more 'friendly' with some others in the last year or so because I post in certain 'live' threads.

I do think that it must be difficult for people to break in as a 'newbie' but surely that is the same on any forum/rl?  I know that's how I felt when I started posting on 'here' / C4 as it was, in the latter days. Here was me thinking that there was just a load of random people saying what they thought of BB hms and I'd put my twopenneth worth in, Ha Ha, welcome to a baptism of fire into the world of internet forums!

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Congratulations Cags

As for the other stuff, I'm comfortable here, I've been about for a few years now, have some people I consider friends, and, have become a bit more 'friendly' with some others in the last year or so because I post in certain 'live' threads.

I do think that it must be difficult for people to break in as a 'newbie' but surely that is the same on any forum/rl?  I know that's how I felt when I started posting on 'here' / C4 as it was, in the latter days. Here was me thinking that there was just a load of random people saying what they thought of BB hms and I'd put my twopenneth worth in, Ha Ha, welcome to a baptism of fire into the world of internet forums!

I agree with all of that, supes.   Took me a while to jump in back in the C4 days and can't remember how long it took me to stop feeling like an intruder.   I occasionally look at places like digital spy and can't imagine starting all over again.   The main problem here i think isn't really to do with people or the content, it's more to do with it really being a place you'd be luck to stumble upon (and gaga joy joy isn't a phrase that would immediately make you think of Big Brother) People leave forums all the time and new people join.. we're just a bit lacking in the latter.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
  The main problem here i think isn't really to do with people or the content, it's more to do with it really being a place you'd be luck to stumble upon (and gaga joy joy isn't a phrase that would immediately make you think of Big Brother) People leave forums all the time and new people join.. we're just a bit lacking in the latter.

Thats an excellent point, you've hit the nail on the head I think Kaffy.


Oh b.t.w. I don't want to appear to Lori like I'm complaining about the forum,  what a great job you and the others do to keep it running  and for little reward. Its a lovey place to be.







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