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2010s the worst decade for music by a long way.  Yes, I know I'm getting old but still!  10 years of stinking rotten Tory government.  Brexit national self harm.  


The decade when the BBC became increasingly redundant.  Films were a bit shit too with a saturation of super hero blockbusters.  Now, with social media, many of us have Alexas and Hey Googles, a potential fascist state has an infrastructure in place that is state-of-the-art to be utilised for oppression.


AI going to make huge inroads into jobs and I'm the majority of the aged who imposed Brexit on us will be detached from all that.


With climate change, Tory Brexit, AI and further concentration of wealth and power, I'm really not celebrating the turning of this decade.  I think this decade could be the decade this country slides into corporate fascism.


Most are going to be much worse off in 2030 than they are now.

Last edited by Carnelian
Carnelian posted:

2010s the worst decade for music by a long way.  Yes, I know I'm getting old but still!  10 years of stinking rotten Tory government.  Brexit national self harm.  


The decade when the BBC became increasingly redundant.  Films were a bit shit too with a saturation of super hero blockbusters.  Now, with social media, many of us have Alexas and Hey Googles, a potential fascist state has an infrastructure in place that is state-of-the-art to be utilised for oppression.


AI going to make huge inroads into jobs and I'm the majority of the aged who imposed Brexit on us will be detached from all that.


With climate change, Tory Brexit, AI and further concentration of wealth and power, I'm really not celebrating the turning of this decade.  I think this decade could be the decade this country slides into corporate fascism.


Most are going to be much worse off in 2030 than they are now.

And a Happy New Year to you  

Saint posted:
Carnelian posted:

2010s the worst decade for music by a long way.  Yes, I know I'm getting old but still!  10 years of stinking rotten Tory government.  Brexit national self harm.  


The decade when the BBC became increasingly redundant.  Films were a bit shit too with a saturation of super hero blockbusters.  Now, with social media, many of us have Alexas and Hey Googles, a potential fascist state has an infrastructure in place that is state-of-the-art to be utilised for oppression.


AI going to make huge inroads into jobs and I'm the majority of the aged who imposed Brexit on us will be detached from all that.


With climate change, Tory Brexit, AI and further concentration of wealth and power, I'm really not celebrating the turning of this decade.  I think this decade could be the decade this country slides into corporate fascism.


Most are going to be much worse off in 2030 than they are now.

And a Happy New Year to you  

Everyone loves a bit of dystopianism! Glad to oblige!


Let's hope I'm a miserable b**** who's going to be hopelessly wrong!

Sprout posted:

Meh! Same shit different year, and until something nice happens it'll always be that way. Happy New Year though.

Carnelian posted:

2010s the worst decade for music by a long way.  Yes, I know I'm getting old but still!  10 years of stinking rotten Tory government.  Brexit national self harm.  


The decade when the BBC became increasingly redundant.  Films were a bit shit too with a saturation of super hero blockbusters.  Now, with social media, many of us have Alexas and Hey Googles, a potential fascist state has an infrastructure in place that is state-of-the-art to be utilised for oppression.


AI going to make huge inroads into jobs and I'm the majority of the aged who imposed Brexit on us will be detached from all that.


With climate change, Tory Brexit, AI and further concentration of wealth and power, I'm really not celebrating the turning of this decade.  I think this decade could be the decade this country slides into corporate fascism.


Most are going to be much worse off in 2030 than they are now.

Bah humbug !

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

God knows, Carnelian. In general you hear much the same doom and gloom from both sides of the Brexit argument. So, apparently life is going to be awful whether we stay or leave the EU.


Except, of course, if you are a Fat Cat!

I suppose I shouldn't be such a misery.  Just because I have few positive views on the next 10 years social and politically doesn't mean it can't be a time of happiness and opportunities for anyone regardless.  So in that thinking, Happy 2020!  Let's hope it's a good one for us all!


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

God knows, Carnelian. In general you hear much the same doom and gloom from both sides of the Brexit argument. So, apparently life is going to be awful whether we stay or leave the EU.


Except, of course, if you are a Fat Cat!

Brexit under the Tories.  My concern.  AI?  The Tories aren't going to have the back of the millions of workers who are made redundant due to AI systems doing their jobs better than them.  Irony is it's going to be upper working class  in "good" jobs who'll also find themselves out of work.  The Tory traditional "I'm all right Jack" support base.


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