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i have said before   her hat * when she chucked it *   looked  brand spank new to me ......... didnt looklike grampa ever wore it then
I've been thinking the same. Surely if it were her grandfathers it'd have a bit more wear and tear about it. She quite simply likes to make a frama out of a crisis IMO. PATHETIC! It's not as if she was never gonna get it back.
Soozy Woo

"It's my LUCKY hat! I can't believe Caoimhe said that, I can't believe the way she behaved. I thought she UNDERSTOOD.."  

Is it me, or did that whole tantrum just stink of fake?

And the crap she spouted afterwards, about not wanting to behave like that, but having no choice. You did have a choice, love, it's called exercising a bit of self-control.

And the crap she spouted afterwards, about not wanting to behave like that, but having no choice. You did have a choice, love, it's called exercising a bit of self-control.
Absolutely Deman....please don't tell me she's going to try and make out she has 'anger issues' now

As for the 'Lucky Hat' hasn't done much for her so far has it?
The Devil In Diamante
"It's my LUCKY hat! I can't believe Caoimhe said that, I can't believe the way she behaved. I thought she UNDERSTOOD.."
Caoimhe had the flaming nerve to say that Shabby's mother would not KILL her for giving up the hat. I imagine that her mother doesn't fancy spending years in prison for the sake of an old hat. She should be sent to jail for not teaching her daughter that temper tantrums should stop in childhood.

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