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Walking past our local florist I couldn't help but notice that they had a Valentine's window display.

Secondly, remember that article I wrote in the early nineties about a spoof TV prog called "celebrity car parking!" Tonight, a day after splash, we arrive at celebrity ski-jumping. Get down to Ladbrokes whilst you can still get 15/8.
Garage Joe


Just seen an advert for the TV show The Last Leg which features clips from the show highlighting the range of guests you are likely to see.


At the end is one final clip where Russell Brand turns to another guest/regular and shouts "I'm going to kiss you so hard".


This is not funny, it's dated and feels so old now. Running out of ideas Mr Brand, I think so. Dreadful. Put me right off the show in that one clip.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I just heard this on a footie commentary on telly...

Usually the phrase is 6 of one and half a dozen of the other...

Now been modified too...6 of one and two threes of another

My mam has always said "6 and two 3s"

We also say "six and two threes".

Seems I am the odd-one-out then

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Children who stare


No leg room on aeroplanes


Clothes sizing variations


Nothing being built to last anymore

Yes, that one gets me too. I normally stare back 

That will put the at ease...not .

It's not meant to, It's meant to get them to go away, or if it's on a bus,turn round and sit down 


News reports from Syria (and the like) where another crisis is reported.

Cue lots of people standing in front of TV cameras crying for assistance and saying they are being 'slaughtered'.

Truth be told these are the dissedents/protestors/terrorists that started the whole thing in the hope of seizing power ... and lost to Gov forces. 


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