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Eugene's Lair posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Yes, less than 24 hours before I go to my local polling station, they rock up at my gaff!


Leaving it a bit late me thinks.

At least she came round.


I've received two leaflets over the entire campaign, and have seen neither hide nor hair of a single living, breathing candidate...

Same as me. Then again, would I want them to come round? 

Sprout posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Yes, less than 24 hours before I go to my local polling station, they rock up at my gaff!


Leaving it a bit late me thinks.

At least she came round.


I've received two leaflets over the entire campaign, and have seen neither hide nor hair of a single living, breathing candidate...

Same as me. Then again, would I want them to come round? 

I had the Green's come to the door, I said "great timing, the meat is in the oven", he took a while to get my play on words. However we had a good old chat and I was quite surprised how many expletives he used whilst explaining certain issues.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Moonie posted:

I see Mr Corbin has said Labour will not lose any local council seats tomorrow...

Shot and foot come to mind


if Labour lose it won't be solely down to Corbyn as the membership is now at 1/2 million it's more than doubled since he took over...voters will blame labour councillors for cuts the government have imposed Moonie  and we only have the police commissioner vote here, which I won't be voting in as I think it's a complete waste of money that could be going elsewhere 


Only got the police thing to vote for so won't bother with that.  Hopefully Corbyn will give the vested media interests and Blairite malcontent red-Tories a bloody nose.


Why is it we can have a PM who hawks arms to the vile Saudi regime, which Labour want stopped, yet the Tory media are spinning Labour as terrorist sympathisers and that spin is generally playing well with 'the public'.  The abysmal standard of political discourse in this country is Orwellian.

Last edited by Carnelian
Eugene's Lair posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Yes, less than 24 hours before I go to my local polling station, they rock up at my gaff!


Leaving it a bit late me thinks.

At least she came round.


I've received two leaflets over the entire campaign, and have seen neither hide nor hair of a single living, breathing candidate...

tories are not living & breathing, they run on 2 AA batteries


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